import { atom, map } from 'nanostores'; import { workbenchStore } from './workbench'; import { PROVIDER_LIST } from '~/utils/constants'; import type { IProviderConfig } from '~/types/model'; import type { TabVisibilityConfig, TabWindowConfig, UserTabConfig, DevTabConfig, } from '~/components/@settings/core/types'; import { DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG } from '~/components/@settings/core/constants'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { toggleTheme } from './theme'; import { chatStore } from './chat'; export interface Shortcut { key: string; ctrlKey?: boolean; shiftKey?: boolean; altKey?: boolean; metaKey?: boolean; ctrlOrMetaKey?: boolean; action: () => void; description?: string; // Description of what the shortcut does isPreventDefault?: boolean; // Whether to prevent default browser behavior } export interface Shortcuts { toggleTerminal: Shortcut; toggleTheme: Shortcut; toggleChat: Shortcut; toggleSettings: Shortcut; } export const URL_CONFIGURABLE_PROVIDERS = ['Ollama', 'LMStudio', 'OpenAILike']; export const LOCAL_PROVIDERS = ['OpenAILike', 'LMStudio', 'Ollama']; export type ProviderSetting = Record; // Define safer shortcuts that don't conflict with browser defaults export const shortcutsStore = map({ toggleTerminal: { key: '`', ctrlOrMetaKey: true, action: () => workbenchStore.toggleTerminal(), description: 'Toggle terminal', isPreventDefault: true, }, toggleTheme: { key: 'd', metaKey: true, altKey: true, shiftKey: true, action: () => toggleTheme(), description: 'Toggle theme', isPreventDefault: true, }, toggleChat: { key: 'j', // Changed from 'k' to 'j' to avoid conflicts ctrlOrMetaKey: true, altKey: true, // Added alt key to make it more unique action: () => chatStore.setKey('showChat', !chatStore.get().showChat), description: 'Toggle chat', isPreventDefault: true, }, toggleSettings: { key: 's', ctrlOrMetaKey: true, altKey: true, action: () => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toggle-settings')); }, description: 'Toggle settings', isPreventDefault: true, }, }); // Create a single key for provider settings const PROVIDER_SETTINGS_KEY = 'provider_settings'; // Add this helper function at the top of the file const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'; // Initialize provider settings from both localStorage and defaults const getInitialProviderSettings = (): ProviderSetting => { const initialSettings: ProviderSetting = {}; // Start with default settings PROVIDER_LIST.forEach((provider) => { initialSettings[] = { ...provider, settings: { enabled: true, }, }; }); // Only try to load from localStorage in the browser if (isBrowser) { const savedSettings = localStorage.getItem(PROVIDER_SETTINGS_KEY); if (savedSettings) { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(savedSettings); Object.entries(parsed).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (initialSettings[key]) { initialSettings[key].settings = (value as IProviderConfig).settings; } }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error parsing saved provider settings:', error); } } } return initialSettings; }; export const providersStore = map(getInitialProviderSettings()); // Create a function to update provider settings that handles both store and persistence export const updateProviderSettings = (provider: string, settings: ProviderSetting) => { const currentSettings = providersStore.get(); // Create new provider config with updated settings const updatedProvider = { ...currentSettings[provider], settings: { ...currentSettings[provider].settings, ...settings, }, }; // Update the store with new settings providersStore.setKey(provider, updatedProvider); // Save to localStorage const allSettings = providersStore.get(); localStorage.setItem(PROVIDER_SETTINGS_KEY, JSON.stringify(allSettings)); }; export const isDebugMode = atom(false); // Define keys for localStorage const SETTINGS_KEYS = { LATEST_BRANCH: 'isLatestBranch', AUTO_SELECT_TEMPLATE: 'autoSelectTemplate', CONTEXT_OPTIMIZATION: 'contextOptimizationEnabled', EVENT_LOGS: 'isEventLogsEnabled', LOCAL_MODELS: 'isLocalModelsEnabled', PROMPT_ID: 'promptId', DEVELOPER_MODE: 'isDeveloperMode', } as const; // Initialize settings from localStorage or defaults const getInitialSettings = () => { const getStoredBoolean = (key: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean => { if (!isBrowser) { return defaultValue; } const stored = localStorage.getItem(key); if (stored === null) { return defaultValue; } try { return JSON.parse(stored); } catch { return defaultValue; } }; return { latestBranch: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.LATEST_BRANCH, false), autoSelectTemplate: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.AUTO_SELECT_TEMPLATE, false), contextOptimization: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.CONTEXT_OPTIMIZATION, false), eventLogs: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.EVENT_LOGS, true), localModels: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.LOCAL_MODELS, true), promptId: isBrowser ? localStorage.getItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.PROMPT_ID) || 'default' : 'default', developerMode: getStoredBoolean(SETTINGS_KEYS.DEVELOPER_MODE, false), }; }; // Initialize stores with persisted values const initialSettings = getInitialSettings(); export const latestBranchStore = atom(initialSettings.latestBranch); export const autoSelectStarterTemplate = atom(initialSettings.autoSelectTemplate); export const enableContextOptimizationStore = atom(initialSettings.contextOptimization); export const isEventLogsEnabled = atom(initialSettings.eventLogs); export const isLocalModelsEnabled = atom(initialSettings.localModels); export const promptStore = atom(initialSettings.promptId); // Helper functions to update settings with persistence export const updateLatestBranch = (enabled: boolean) => { latestBranchStore.set(enabled); localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.LATEST_BRANCH, JSON.stringify(enabled)); }; export const updateAutoSelectTemplate = (enabled: boolean) => { autoSelectStarterTemplate.set(enabled); localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.AUTO_SELECT_TEMPLATE, JSON.stringify(enabled)); }; export const updateContextOptimization = (enabled: boolean) => { enableContextOptimizationStore.set(enabled); localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.CONTEXT_OPTIMIZATION, JSON.stringify(enabled)); }; export const updateEventLogs = (enabled: boolean) => { isEventLogsEnabled.set(enabled); localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.EVENT_LOGS, JSON.stringify(enabled)); }; export const updateLocalModels = (enabled: boolean) => { isLocalModelsEnabled.set(enabled); localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.LOCAL_MODELS, JSON.stringify(enabled)); }; export const updatePromptId = (id: string) => { promptStore.set(id); localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.PROMPT_ID, id); }; // Initialize tab configuration from localStorage or defaults const getInitialTabConfiguration = (): TabWindowConfig => { const defaultConfig: TabWindowConfig = { userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab): tab is UserTabConfig => tab.window === 'user'), developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab): tab is DevTabConfig => tab.window === 'developer'), }; if (!isBrowser) { return defaultConfig; } try { const saved = localStorage.getItem('bolt_tab_configuration'); if (!saved) { return defaultConfig; } const parsed = JSON.parse(saved); if (!parsed?.userTabs || !parsed?.developerTabs) { return defaultConfig; } // Ensure proper typing of loaded configuration return { userTabs: parsed.userTabs.filter((tab: TabVisibilityConfig): tab is UserTabConfig => tab.window === 'user'), developerTabs: parsed.developerTabs.filter( (tab: TabVisibilityConfig): tab is DevTabConfig => tab.window === 'developer', ), }; } catch (error) { console.warn('Failed to parse tab configuration:', error); return defaultConfig; } }; console.log('Initial tab configuration:', getInitialTabConfiguration()); export const tabConfigurationStore = map(getInitialTabConfiguration()); // Helper function to update tab configuration export const updateTabConfiguration = (config: TabVisibilityConfig) => { const currentConfig = tabConfigurationStore.get(); console.log('Current tab configuration before update:', currentConfig); const isUserTab = config.window === 'user'; const targetArray = isUserTab ? 'userTabs' : 'developerTabs'; // Only update the tab in its respective window const updatedTabs = currentConfig[targetArray].map((tab) => ( === ? { ...config } : tab)); // If tab doesn't exist in this window yet, add it if (!updatedTabs.find((tab) => === { updatedTabs.push(config); } // Create new config, only updating the target window's tabs const newConfig: TabWindowConfig = { ...currentConfig, [targetArray]: updatedTabs, }; console.log('New tab configuration after update:', newConfig); tabConfigurationStore.set(newConfig); Cookies.set('tabConfiguration', JSON.stringify(newConfig), { expires: 365, // Set cookie to expire in 1 year path: '/', sameSite: 'strict', }); }; // Helper function to reset tab configuration export const resetTabConfiguration = () => { const defaultConfig: TabWindowConfig = { userTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab): tab is UserTabConfig => tab.window === 'user'), developerTabs: DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG.filter((tab): tab is DevTabConfig => tab.window === 'developer'), }; tabConfigurationStore.set(defaultConfig); localStorage.setItem('bolt_tab_configuration', JSON.stringify(defaultConfig)); }; // Developer mode store with persistence export const developerModeStore = atom(initialSettings.developerMode); export const setDeveloperMode = (value: boolean) => { developerModeStore.set(value); if (isBrowser) { localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_KEYS.DEVELOPER_MODE, JSON.stringify(value)); } };