// @ts-nocheck // Preventing TS checks with files presented in the video for a better presentation. import { type ActionFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/cloudflare'; import { MAX_RESPONSE_SEGMENTS, MAX_TOKENS } from '~/lib/.server/llm/constants'; import { CONTINUE_PROMPT } from '~/lib/.server/llm/prompts'; import { streamText, type Messages, type StreamingOptions } from '~/lib/.server/llm/stream-text'; import SwitchableStream from '~/lib/.server/llm/switchable-stream'; export async function action(args: ActionFunctionArgs) { return chatAction(args); } async function chatAction({ context, request }: ActionFunctionArgs) { const { messages } = await request.json<{ messages: Messages }>(); const stream = new SwitchableStream(); try { const options: StreamingOptions = { toolChoice: 'none', onFinish: async ({ text: content, finishReason }) => { if (finishReason !== 'length') { return stream.close(); } if (stream.switches >= MAX_RESPONSE_SEGMENTS) { throw Error('Cannot continue message: Maximum segments reached'); } const switchesLeft = MAX_RESPONSE_SEGMENTS - stream.switches; console.log(`Reached max token limit (${MAX_TOKENS}): Continuing message (${switchesLeft} switches left)`); messages.push({ role: 'assistant', content }); messages.push({ role: 'user', content: CONTINUE_PROMPT }); const result = await streamText(messages, context.cloudflare.env, options); return stream.switchSource(result.toAIStream()); }, }; const result = await streamText(messages, context.cloudflare.env, options); stream.switchSource(result.toAIStream()); return new Response(stream.readable, { status: 200, headers: { contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', }, }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Response(null, { status: 500, statusText: 'Internal Server Error', }); } }