import React, { useState } from 'react'; import type { Message } from 'ai'; import { toast } from 'react-toastify'; import { MAX_FILES, isBinaryFile, shouldIncludeFile } from '~/utils/fileUtils'; import { createChatFromFolder } from '~/utils/folderImport'; import { logStore } from '~/lib/stores/logs'; // Assuming logStore is imported from this location import { Button } from '~/components/ui/Button'; import { cn } from '~/lib/utils'; interface ImportFolderButtonProps { className?: string; importChat?: (description: string, messages: Message[]) => Promise; } export const ImportFolderButton: React.FC = ({ className, importChat }) => { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const handleFileChange = async (e: React.ChangeEvent) => { const allFiles = Array.from( || []); const filteredFiles = allFiles.filter((file) => { const path = file.webkitRelativePath.split('/').slice(1).join('/'); const include = shouldIncludeFile(path); return include; }); if (filteredFiles.length === 0) { const error = new Error('No valid files found'); logStore.logError('File import failed - no valid files', error, { folderName: 'Unknown Folder' }); toast.error('No files found in the selected folder'); return; } if (filteredFiles.length > MAX_FILES) { const error = new Error(`Too many files: ${filteredFiles.length}`); logStore.logError('File import failed - too many files', error, { fileCount: filteredFiles.length, maxFiles: MAX_FILES, }); toast.error( `This folder contains ${filteredFiles.length.toLocaleString()} files. This product is not yet optimized for very large projects. Please select a folder with fewer than ${MAX_FILES.toLocaleString()} files.`, ); return; } const folderName = filteredFiles[0]?.webkitRelativePath.split('/')[0] || 'Unknown Folder'; setIsLoading(true); const loadingToast = toast.loading(`Importing ${folderName}...`); try { const fileChecks = await Promise.all( (file) => ({ file, isBinary: await isBinaryFile(file), })), ); const textFiles = fileChecks.filter((f) => !f.isBinary).map((f) => f.file); const binaryFilePaths = fileChecks .filter((f) => f.isBinary) .map((f) => f.file.webkitRelativePath.split('/').slice(1).join('/')); if (textFiles.length === 0) { const error = new Error('No text files found'); logStore.logError('File import failed - no text files', error, { folderName }); toast.error('No text files found in the selected folder'); return; } if (binaryFilePaths.length > 0) { logStore.logWarning(`Skipping binary files during import`, { folderName, binaryCount: binaryFilePaths.length, });`Skipping ${binaryFilePaths.length} binary files`); } const messages = await createChatFromFolder(textFiles, binaryFilePaths, folderName); if (importChat) { await importChat(folderName, [...messages]); } logStore.logSystem('Folder imported successfully', { folderName, textFileCount: textFiles.length, binaryFileCount: binaryFilePaths.length, }); toast.success('Folder imported successfully'); } catch (error) { logStore.logError('Failed to import folder', error, { folderName }); console.error('Failed to import folder:', error); toast.error('Failed to import folder'); } finally { setIsLoading(false); toast.dismiss(loadingToast); = ''; // Reset file input } }; return ( <> ); };