import type { WebContainer } from '@webcontainer/api'; import { atom } from 'nanostores'; // Extend Window interface to include our custom property declare global { interface Window { _tabId?: string; } } export interface PreviewInfo { port: number; ready: boolean; baseUrl: string; } // Create a broadcast channel for preview updates const PREVIEW_CHANNEL = 'preview-updates'; export class PreviewsStore { #availablePreviews = new Map(); #webcontainer: Promise; #broadcastChannel: BroadcastChannel; #lastUpdate = new Map(); #watchedFiles = new Set(); #refreshTimeouts = new Map(); #REFRESH_DELAY = 300; #storageChannel: BroadcastChannel; previews = atom([]); constructor(webcontainerPromise: Promise) { this.#webcontainer = webcontainerPromise; this.#broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel(PREVIEW_CHANNEL); this.#storageChannel = new BroadcastChannel('storage-sync-channel'); // Listen for preview updates from other tabs this.#broadcastChannel.onmessage = (event) => { const { type, previewId } =; if (type === 'file-change') { const timestamp =; const lastUpdate = this.#lastUpdate.get(previewId) || 0; if (timestamp > lastUpdate) { this.#lastUpdate.set(previewId, timestamp); this.refreshPreview(previewId); } } }; // Listen for storage sync messages this.#storageChannel.onmessage = (event) => { const { storage, source } =; if (storage && source !== this._getTabId()) { this._syncStorage(storage); } }; // Override localStorage setItem to catch all changes if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { const originalSetItem = localStorage.setItem; localStorage.setItem = (...args) => { originalSetItem.apply(localStorage, args); this._broadcastStorageSync(); }; } this.#init(); } // Generate a unique ID for this tab private _getTabId(): string { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { if (!window._tabId) { window._tabId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15); } return window._tabId; } return ''; } // Sync storage data between tabs private _syncStorage(storage: Record) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { Object.entries(storage).forEach(([key, value]) => { try { const originalSetItem = Object.getPrototypeOf(localStorage).setItem;, key, value); } catch (error) { console.error('[Preview] Error syncing storage:', error); } }); // Force a refresh after syncing storage const previews = this.previews.get(); previews.forEach((preview) => { const previewId = this.getPreviewId(preview.baseUrl); if (previewId) { this.refreshPreview(previewId); } }); // Reload the page content if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location) { const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe'); if (iframe) { iframe.src = iframe.src; } } } } // Broadcast storage state to other tabs private _broadcastStorageSync() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { const storage: Record = {}; for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { const key = localStorage.key(i); if (key) { storage[key] = localStorage.getItem(key) || ''; } } this.#storageChannel.postMessage({ type: 'storage-sync', storage, source: this._getTabId(), timestamp:, }); } } async #init() { const webcontainer = await this.#webcontainer; // Listen for server ready events webcontainer.on('server-ready', (port, url) => { console.log('[Preview] Server ready on port:', port, url); this.broadcastUpdate(url); // Initial storage sync when preview is ready this._broadcastStorageSync(); }); try { // Watch for file changes const watcher = await'**/*', { persistent: true }); // Use the native watch events (watcher as any).addEventListener('change', async () => { const previews = this.previews.get(); for (const preview of previews) { const previewId = this.getPreviewId(preview.baseUrl); if (previewId) { this.broadcastFileChange(previewId); } } }); // Watch for DOM changes that might affect storage if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { const observer = new MutationObserver((_mutations) => { // Broadcast storage changes when DOM changes this._broadcastStorageSync(); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true, attributes: true, }); } } catch (error) { console.error('[Preview] Error setting up watchers:', error); } // Listen for port events webcontainer.on('port', (port, type, url) => { let previewInfo = this.#availablePreviews.get(port); if (type === 'close' && previewInfo) { this.#availablePreviews.delete(port); this.previews.set(this.previews.get().filter((preview) => preview.port !== port)); return; } const previews = this.previews.get(); if (!previewInfo) { previewInfo = { port, ready: type === 'open', baseUrl: url }; this.#availablePreviews.set(port, previewInfo); previews.push(previewInfo); } previewInfo.ready = type === 'open'; previewInfo.baseUrl = url; this.previews.set([...previews]); if (type === 'open') { this.broadcastUpdate(url); } }); } // Helper to extract preview ID from URL getPreviewId(url: string): string | null { const match = url.match(/^https?:\/\/([^.]+)\.local-credentialless\.webcontainer-api\.io/); return match ? match[1] : null; } // Broadcast state change to all tabs broadcastStateChange(previewId: string) { const timestamp =; this.#lastUpdate.set(previewId, timestamp); this.#broadcastChannel.postMessage({ type: 'state-change', previewId, timestamp, }); } // Broadcast file change to all tabs broadcastFileChange(previewId: string) { const timestamp =; this.#lastUpdate.set(previewId, timestamp); this.#broadcastChannel.postMessage({ type: 'file-change', previewId, timestamp, }); } // Broadcast update to all tabs broadcastUpdate(url: string) { const previewId = this.getPreviewId(url); if (previewId) { const timestamp =; this.#lastUpdate.set(previewId, timestamp); this.#broadcastChannel.postMessage({ type: 'file-change', previewId, timestamp, }); } } // Method to refresh a specific preview refreshPreview(previewId: string) { // Clear any pending refresh for this preview const existingTimeout = this.#refreshTimeouts.get(previewId); if (existingTimeout) { clearTimeout(existingTimeout); } // Set a new timeout for this refresh const timeout = setTimeout(() => { const previews = this.previews.get(); const preview = previews.find((p) => this.getPreviewId(p.baseUrl) === previewId); if (preview) { preview.ready = false; this.previews.set([...previews]); requestAnimationFrame(() => { preview.ready = true; this.previews.set([...previews]); }); } this.#refreshTimeouts.delete(previewId); }, this.#REFRESH_DELAY); this.#refreshTimeouts.set(previewId, timeout); } } // Create a singleton instance let previewsStore: PreviewsStore | null = null; export function usePreviewStore() { if (!previewsStore) { /* * Initialize with a Promise that resolves to WebContainer * This should match how you're initializing WebContainer elsewhere */ previewsStore = new PreviewsStore(Promise.resolve({} as WebContainer)); } return previewsStore; }