const assetsSuffix = 'svg|png|css|scss'; export default { singleQuote: true, tabWidth: 2, semi: true, printWidth: 120, importOrder: [ `^(?!(@\/)|(\\.)|(\\..)[a-z@]).(?!.*\\.(${assetsSuffix})$)`, // All imports from node_modules `^@\/(?!.*\\.(${assetsSuffix})$)`, // All imports starts with "@/" `^~\/(?!.*\\.(${assetsSuffix})$)`, // All imports starts with "~/" `^\\\..(?!.*\\.(${assetsSuffix})$)|^\\\.$`, // All imports starts with "." `^(?!(@\/)|(\\.)|(\\..)[a-z@]).*\\.(${assetsSuffix})$`, // All asserts imports from node_modules `^@\/.*\\\.(${assetsSuffix})$`, // All assets imports starts with "@/" `^~\/.*\\\.(${assetsSuffix})$`, // All assets imports starts with "~/" `\\\.(${assetsSuffix})$`, // All assets imports starts with "." ], importOrderSeparation: true, importOrderSortSpecifiers: true, plugins: ['@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports'], };