import type { TabType } from './types'; export const TAB_ICONS: Record = { profile: 'i-ph:user-circle-fill', settings: 'i-ph:gear-six-fill', notifications: 'i-ph:bell-fill', features: 'i-ph:star-fill', data: 'i-ph:database-fill', 'cloud-providers': 'i-ph:cloud-fill', 'local-providers': 'i-ph:desktop-fill', 'service-status': 'i-ph:activity-bold', connection: 'i-ph:wifi-high-fill', debug: 'i-ph:bug-fill', 'event-logs': 'i-ph:list-bullets-fill', update: 'i-ph:arrow-clockwise-fill', 'task-manager': 'i-ph:chart-line-fill', 'tab-management': 'i-ph:squares-four-fill', }; export const TAB_LABELS: Record = { profile: 'Profile', settings: 'Settings', notifications: 'Notifications', features: 'Features', data: 'Data Management', 'cloud-providers': 'Cloud Providers', 'local-providers': 'Local Providers', 'service-status': 'Service Status', connection: 'Connection', debug: 'Debug', 'event-logs': 'Event Logs', update: 'Updates', 'task-manager': 'Task Manager', 'tab-management': 'Tab Management', }; export const TAB_DESCRIPTIONS: Record = { profile: 'Manage your profile and account settings', settings: 'Configure application preferences', notifications: 'View and manage your notifications', features: 'Explore new and upcoming features', data: 'Manage your data and storage', 'cloud-providers': 'Configure cloud AI providers and models', 'local-providers': 'Configure local AI providers and models', 'service-status': 'Monitor cloud LLM service status', connection: 'Check connection status and settings', debug: 'Debug tools and system information', 'event-logs': 'View system events and logs', update: 'Check for updates and release notes', 'task-manager': 'Monitor system resources and processes', 'tab-management': 'Configure visible tabs and their order', }; export const DEFAULT_TAB_CONFIG = [ // User Window Tabs (Always visible by default) { id: 'features', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 0 }, { id: 'data', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 1 }, { id: 'cloud-providers', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 2 }, { id: 'local-providers', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 3 }, { id: 'connection', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 4 }, { id: 'notifications', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 5 }, { id: 'event-logs', visible: true, window: 'user' as const, order: 6 }, // User Window Tabs (In dropdown, initially hidden) { id: 'profile', visible: false, window: 'user' as const, order: 7 }, { id: 'settings', visible: false, window: 'user' as const, order: 8 }, { id: 'task-manager', visible: false, window: 'user' as const, order: 9 }, { id: 'service-status', visible: false, window: 'user' as const, order: 10 }, // User Window Tabs (Hidden, controlled by TaskManagerTab) { id: 'debug', visible: false, window: 'user' as const, order: 11 }, { id: 'update', visible: false, window: 'user' as const, order: 12 }, // Developer Window Tabs (All visible by default) { id: 'features', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 0 }, { id: 'data', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 1 }, { id: 'cloud-providers', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 2 }, { id: 'local-providers', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 3 }, { id: 'connection', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 4 }, { id: 'notifications', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 5 }, { id: 'event-logs', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 6 }, { id: 'profile', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 7 }, { id: 'settings', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 8 }, { id: 'task-manager', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 9 }, { id: 'service-status', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 10 }, { id: 'debug', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 11 }, { id: 'update', visible: true, window: 'developer' as const, order: 12 }, ];