> tl;dr: We've got a project board with epics and features. We use PRs as change log and as materialized features. Find it [here](https://github.com/orgs/stackblitz-labs/projects/4).
Here's how we structure long-term vision, mid-term capabilities of the software and short term improvements.
But: **here is no owner of this product**. Therefore, we grant _maximum flexibility to the developer contributing a feature_– so that he can bring in his ideas and have most fun implementing it.
Once a developer starts working on a feature, a draft-PR _can_ be opened asap to share, describe and discuss, how the feature shall be implemented. But: this is not a must. It just helps to get early feedback and get other developers involved. Sometimes, the developer just wants to get started and then open a PR later.
In a loosely organized project, it may as well happen that multiple PRs are opened for the same feature. This is no real issue: Usually, peoply being passionate about a solution are willing to join forces and get it done together. And if a second developer was just faster getting the same feature realized: Be happy that it's been done, close the PR and look out for the next feature to implement 🤓