
257 lines
7.2 KiB

'use strict'
const async = require('async')
const config = require('config')
const fs = require('fs')
const request = require('request')
const constants = require('../initializers/constants')
const logger = require('../helpers/logger')
const peertubeCrypto = require('../helpers/peertubeCrypto')
const Pods = require('../models/pods')
const requestsScheduler = require('../lib/requestsScheduler')
const requests = require('../helpers/requests')
const videos = require('../lib/videos')
const Videos = require('../models/videos')
const http = config.get('webserver.https') ? 'https' : 'http'
const host = config.get('')
const port = config.get('webserver.port')
const pods = {
addVideoToFriends: addVideoToFriends,
hasFriends: hasFriends,
getMyCertificate: getMyCertificate,
makeFriends: makeFriends,
quitFriends: quitFriends,
removeVideoToFriends: removeVideoToFriends
function addVideoToFriends (video) {
// To avoid duplicates
const id = + video.magnetUri
// ensure namePath is null
video.namePath = null
requestsScheduler.addRequest(id, 'add', video)
function hasFriends (callback) {
Pods.count(function (err, count) {
if (err) return callback(err)
const hasFriends = (count !== 0)
callback(null, hasFriends)
function getMyCertificate (callback) {
fs.readFile(peertubeCrypto.getCertDir() + '', 'utf8', callback)
function makeFriends (callback) {
const podsScore = {}'Make friends!')
getMyCertificate(function (err, cert) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot read public cert.')
return callback(err)
const urls = config.get('network.friends')
async.each(urls, function (url, callbackEach) {
computeForeignPodsList(url, podsScore, callbackEach)
}, function (err) {
if (err) return callback(err)
logger.debug('Pods scores computed.', { podsScore: podsScore })
const podsList = computeWinningPods(urls, podsScore)
logger.debug('Pods that we keep.', { podsToKeep: podsList })
makeRequestsToWinningPods(cert, podsList, callback)
function quitFriends (callback) {
// Stop pool requests
// Flush pool requests
function getPodsList (callbackAsync) {
return Pods.list(callbackAsync)
function announceIQuitMyFriends (pods, callbackAsync) {
const request = {
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/remove',
sign: true,
encrypt: true,
data: {
url: 'me' // Fake data
// Announce we quit them
requests.makeMultipleRetryRequest(request, pods, function (err) {
return callbackAsync(err)
function removePodsFromDB (callbackAsync) {
Pods.removeAll(function (err) {
return callbackAsync(err)
function listRemoteVideos (callbackAsync) {'Broke friends, so sad :(')
function removeTheRemoteVideos (videosList, callbackAsync) {
videos.removeRemoteVideos(videosList, function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot remove remote videos.', { error: err })
return callbackAsync(err)
return callbackAsync(null)
], function (err) {
// Don't forget to re activate the scheduler, even if there was an error
if (err) return callback(err)'Removed all remote videos.')
return callback(null)
function removeVideoToFriends (video) {
// To avoid duplicates
const id = + video.magnetUri
requestsScheduler.addRequest(id, 'remove', video)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = pods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function computeForeignPodsList (url, podsScore, callback) {
// Let's give 1 point to the pod we ask the friends list
podsScore[url] = 1
getForeignPodsList(url, function (err, foreignPodsList) {
if (err) return callback(err)
if (foreignPodsList.length === 0) return callback()
foreignPodsList.forEach(function (foreignPod) {
const foreignUrl = foreignPod.url
if (podsScore[foreignUrl]) podsScore[foreignUrl]++
else podsScore[foreignUrl] = 1
function computeWinningPods (urls, podsScore) {
// Build the list of pods to add
// Only add a pod if it exists in more than a half base pods
const podsList = []
const baseScore = urls.length / 2
Object.keys(podsScore).forEach(function (pod) {
if (podsScore[pod] > baseScore) podsList.push({ url: pod })
return podsList
function getForeignPodsList (url, callback) {
const path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods'
request.get(url + path, function (err, response, body) {
if (err) return callback(err)
callback(null, JSON.parse(body))
function makeRequestsToWinningPods (cert, podsList, callback) {
// Stop pool requests
// Flush pool requests
// Get the list of our videos to send to our new friends
Videos.listOwned(function (err, videosList) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot get the list of videos we own.')
return callback(err)
const data = {
url: http + '://' + host + ':' + port,
publicKey: cert,
videos: videosList
{ method: 'POST', path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/', data: data },
// Callback called after each request
function eachRequest (err, response, body, url, pod, callbackEachRequest) {
// We add the pod if it responded correctly with its public certificate
if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
Pods.add({ url: pod.url, publicKey: body.cert, score: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE }, function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.url, { error: err })
return callbackEachRequest()
videos.createRemoteVideos(body.videos, function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Error with adding videos of pod.', pod.url, { error: err })
return callbackEachRequest()
logger.debug('Adding remote videos from %s.', pod.url, { videos: body.videos })
return callbackEachRequest()
} else {
logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.url, { error: err || new Error('Status not 200') })
return callbackEachRequest()
// Final callback, we've ended all the requests
function endRequests (err) {
// Now we made new friends, we can re activate the pool of requests
if (err) {
logger.error('There was some errors when we wanted to make friends.')
return callback(err)
logger.debug('makeRequestsToWinningPods finished.')
return callback(null)