import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database' import { updateVideoToFriends } from '../../friends' import { logger } from '../../../helpers' import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models' import { VideoResolution } from '../../../../shared' async function process (data: { videoUUID: string, resolution: VideoResolution }, jobId: number) { const video = await db.Video.loadByUUIDAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags(data.videoUUID) // No video, maybe deleted? if (!video) {'Do not process job %d, video does not exist.', jobId, { videoUUID: video.uuid }) return undefined } await video.transcodeOriginalVideofile(data.resolution) return video } function onError (err: Error, jobId: number) { logger.error('Error when transcoding video file in job %d.', jobId, err) return Promise.resolve() } async function onSuccess (jobId: number, video: VideoInstance) { if (video === undefined) return undefined'Job %d is a success.', jobId) // Maybe the video changed in database, refresh it const videoDatabase = await db.Video.loadByUUIDAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags(video.uuid) // Video does not exist anymore if (!videoDatabase) return undefined const remoteVideo = videoDatabase.toUpdateRemoteJSON() // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends await updateVideoToFriends(remoteVideo, null) return undefined } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { process, onError, onSuccess }