'use strict' const each = require('async/each') const eachLimit = require('async/eachLimit') const waterfall = require('async/waterfall') const values = require('lodash/values') const constants = require('../initializers/constants') const logger = require('../helpers/logger') const requests = require('../helpers/requests') let timer = null let lastRequestTimestamp = 0 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) { const Request = sequelize.define('Request', { request: { type: DataTypes.JSON, allowNull: false }, endpoint: { type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS)), allowNull: false } }, { classMethods: { associate, activate, countTotalRequests, deactivate, flush, forceSend, remainingMilliSeconds } } ) return Request } // ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------ function associate (models) { this.belongsToMany(models.Pod, { foreignKey: { name: 'requestId', allowNull: false }, through: models.RequestToPod, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) } function activate () { logger.info('Requests scheduler activated.') lastRequestTimestamp = Date.now() const self = this timer = setInterval(function () { lastRequestTimestamp = Date.now() makeRequests.call(self) }, constants.REQUESTS_INTERVAL) } function countTotalRequests (callback) { const query = { include: [ this.sequelize.models.Pod ] } return this.count(query).asCallback(callback) } function deactivate () { logger.info('Requests scheduler deactivated.') clearInterval(timer) timer = null } function flush (callback) { removeAll.call(this, function (err) { if (err) logger.error('Cannot flush the requests.', { error: err }) return callback(err) }) } function forceSend () { logger.info('Force requests scheduler sending.') makeRequests.call(this) } function remainingMilliSeconds () { if (timer === null) return -1 return constants.REQUESTS_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - lastRequestTimestamp) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make a requests to friends of a certain type function makeRequest (toPod, requestEndpoint, requestsToMake, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} const params = { toPod: toPod, sign: true, // Prove our identity method: 'POST', path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/remote/' + requestEndpoint, data: requestsToMake // Requests we need to make } // Make multiple retry requests to all of pods // The function fire some useful callbacks requests.makeSecureRequest(params, function (err, res) { if (err || (res.statusCode !== 200 && res.statusCode !== 201 && res.statusCode !== 204)) { logger.error( 'Error sending secure request to %s pod.', toPod.host, { error: err ? err.message : 'Status code not 20x : ' + res.statusCode } ) return callback(false) } return callback(true) }) } // Make all the requests of the scheduler function makeRequests () { const self = this const RequestToPod = this.sequelize.models.RequestToPod // We limit the size of the requests // We don't want to stuck with the same failing requests so we get a random list listWithLimitAndRandom.call(self, constants.REQUESTS_LIMIT_PODS, constants.REQUESTS_LIMIT_PER_POD, function (err, requests) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot get the list of requests.', { err: err }) return // Abort } // If there are no requests, abort if (requests.length === 0) { logger.info('No requests to make.') return } // We want to group requests by destinations pod and endpoint const requestsToMakeGrouped = {} Object.keys(requests).forEach(function (toPodId) { requests[toPodId].forEach(function (data) { const request = data.request const pod = data.pod const hashKey = toPodId + request.endpoint if (!requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey]) { requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey] = { toPod: pod, endpoint: request.endpoint, ids: [], // request ids, to delete them from the DB in the future datas: [] // requests data, } } requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].ids.push(request.id) requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].datas.push(request.request) }) }) logger.info('Making requests to friends.', { requests: requestsToMakeGrouped }) const goodPods = [] const badPods = [] eachLimit(Object.keys(requestsToMakeGrouped), constants.REQUESTS_IN_PARALLEL, function (hashKey, callbackEach) { const requestToMake = requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey] const toPod = requestToMake.toPod // Maybe the pod is not our friend anymore so simply remove it if (!toPod) { const requestIdsToDelete = requestToMake.ids logger.info('Removing %d requests of unexisting pod %s.', requestIdsToDelete.length, requestToMake.toPod.id) RequestToPod.removePodOf.call(self, requestIdsToDelete, requestToMake.toPod.id) return callbackEach() } makeRequest(toPod, requestToMake.endpoint, requestToMake.datas, function (success) { if (success === true) { logger.debug('Removing requests for pod %s.', requestToMake.toPod.id, { requestsIds: requestToMake.ids }) goodPods.push(requestToMake.toPod.id) // Remove the pod id of these request ids RequestToPod.removePodOf(requestToMake.ids, requestToMake.toPod.id, callbackEach) } else { badPods.push(requestToMake.toPod.id) callbackEach() } }) }, function () { // All the requests were made, we update the pods score updatePodsScore.call(self, goodPods, badPods) // Flush requests with no pod removeWithEmptyTo.call(self, function (err) { if (err) logger.error('Error when removing requests with no pods.', { error: err }) }) }) }) } // Remove pods with a score of 0 (too many requests where they were unreachable) function removeBadPods () { const self = this waterfall([ function findBadPods (callback) { self.sequelize.models.Pod.listBadPods(function (err, pods) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot find bad pods.', { error: err }) return callback(err) } return callback(null, pods) }) }, function removeTheseBadPods (pods, callback) { each(pods, function (pod, callbackEach) { pod.destroy().asCallback(callbackEach) }, function (err) { return callback(err, pods.length) }) } ], function (err, numberOfPodsRemoved) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove bad pods.', { error: err }) } else if (numberOfPodsRemoved) { logger.info('Removed %d pods.', numberOfPodsRemoved) } else { logger.info('No need to remove bad pods.') } }) } function updatePodsScore (goodPods, badPods) { const self = this const Pod = this.sequelize.models.Pod logger.info('Updating %d good pods and %d bad pods scores.', goodPods.length, badPods.length) if (goodPods.length !== 0) { Pod.incrementScores(goodPods, constants.PODS_SCORE.BONUS, function (err) { if (err) logger.error('Cannot increment scores of good pods.', { error: err }) }) } if (badPods.length !== 0) { Pod.incrementScores(badPods, constants.PODS_SCORE.MALUS, function (err) { if (err) logger.error('Cannot decrement scores of bad pods.', { error: err }) removeBadPods.call(self) }) } } function listWithLimitAndRandom (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) { const self = this const Pod = this.sequelize.models.Pod Pod.listRandomPodIdsWithRequest(limitPods, function (err, podIds) { if (err) return callback(err) // We don't have friends that have requests if (podIds.length === 0) return callback(null, []) // The the first x requests of these pods // It is very important to sort by id ASC to keep the requests order! const query = { order: [ [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ], include: [ { model: self.sequelize.models.Pod, where: { id: { $in: podIds } } } ] } self.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) { if (err) return callback(err) const requestsGrouped = groupAndTruncateRequests(requests, limitRequestsPerPod) return callback(err, requestsGrouped) }) }) } function groupAndTruncateRequests (requests, limitRequestsPerPod) { const requestsGrouped = {} requests.forEach(function (request) { request.Pods.forEach(function (pod) { if (!requestsGrouped[pod.id]) requestsGrouped[pod.id] = [] if (requestsGrouped[pod.id].length < limitRequestsPerPod) { requestsGrouped[pod.id].push({ request, pod }) } }) }) return requestsGrouped } function removeAll (callback) { // Delete all requests this.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback) } function removeWithEmptyTo (callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} const query = { where: { id: { $notIn: [ this.sequelize.literal('SELECT "requestId" FROM "RequestToPods"') ] } } } this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback) }