/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { createFile, readdir } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import { buildUUID } from '@server/helpers/uuid' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils' import { cleanupTests, CLICommand, doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, killallServers, makeGetRequest, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel, wait, waitJobs } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '@shared/models' const expect = chai.expect async function countFiles (server: ServerInfo, directory: string) { const files = await readdir(server.serversCommand.buildDirectory(directory)) return files.length } async function assertNotExists (server: ServerInfo, directory: string, substring: string) { const files = await readdir(server.serversCommand.buildDirectory(directory)) for (const f of files) { expect(f).to.not.contain(substring) } } async function assertCountAreOkay (servers: ServerInfo[]) { for (const server of servers) { const videosCount = await countFiles(server, 'videos') expect(videosCount).to.equal(8) const torrentsCount = await countFiles(server, 'torrents') expect(torrentsCount).to.equal(16) const previewsCount = await countFiles(server, 'previews') expect(previewsCount).to.equal(2) const thumbnailsCount = await countFiles(server, 'thumbnails') expect(thumbnailsCount).to.equal(6) const avatarsCount = await countFiles(server, 'avatars') expect(avatarsCount).to.equal(2) } } describe('Test prune storage scripts', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] const badNames: { [directory: string]: string[] } = {} before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2, { transcoding: { enabled: true } }) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers) for (const server of servers) { await server.videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 1' } }) await server.videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 2' } }) await server.usersCommand.updateMyAvatar({ fixture: 'avatar.png' }) await server.playlistsCommand.create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: server.videoChannel.id, thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg' } }) } await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) // Lazy load the remote avatar { const account = await servers[0].accountsCommand.get({ accountName: 'root@localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path: account.avatar.path, statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) } { const account = await servers[1].accountsCommand.get({ accountName: 'root@localhost:' + servers[0].port }) await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[1].url, path: account.avatar.path, statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) } await wait(1000) await waitJobs(servers) await killallServers(servers) await wait(1000) }) it('Should have the files on the disk', async function () { await assertCountAreOkay(servers) }) it('Should create some dirty files', async function () { for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { { const base = servers[0].serversCommand.buildDirectory('videos') const n1 = buildUUID() + '.mp4' const n2 = buildUUID() + '.webm' await createFile(join(base, n1)) await createFile(join(base, n2)) badNames['videos'] = [ n1, n2 ] } { const base = servers[0].serversCommand.buildDirectory('torrents') const n1 = buildUUID() + '-240.torrent' const n2 = buildUUID() + '-480.torrent' await createFile(join(base, n1)) await createFile(join(base, n2)) badNames['torrents'] = [ n1, n2 ] } { const base = servers[0].serversCommand.buildDirectory('thumbnails') const n1 = buildUUID() + '.jpg' const n2 = buildUUID() + '.jpg' await createFile(join(base, n1)) await createFile(join(base, n2)) badNames['thumbnails'] = [ n1, n2 ] } { const base = servers[0].serversCommand.buildDirectory('previews') const n1 = buildUUID() + '.jpg' const n2 = buildUUID() + '.jpg' await createFile(join(base, n1)) await createFile(join(base, n2)) badNames['previews'] = [ n1, n2 ] } { const base = servers[0].serversCommand.buildDirectory('avatars') const n1 = buildUUID() + '.png' const n2 = buildUUID() + '.jpg' await createFile(join(base, n1)) await createFile(join(base, n2)) badNames['avatars'] = [ n1, n2 ] } } }) it('Should run prune storage', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const env = servers[0].cliCommand.getEnv() await CLICommand.exec(`echo y | ${env} npm run prune-storage`) }) it('Should have removed files', async function () { await assertCountAreOkay(servers) for (const directory of Object.keys(badNames)) { for (const name of badNames[directory]) { await assertNotExists(servers[0], directory, name) } } }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })