'use strict' const each = require('async/each') const eachLimit = require('async/eachLimit') const eachSeries = require('async/eachSeries') const request = require('request') const waterfall = require('async/waterfall') const constants = require('../initializers/constants') const db = require('../initializers/database') const logger = require('../helpers/logger') const peertubeCrypto = require('../helpers/peertube-crypto') const requests = require('../helpers/requests') const RequestScheduler = require('./request-scheduler') const RequestVideoQaduScheduler = require('./request-video-qadu-scheduler') const ENDPOINT_ACTIONS = constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINT_ACTIONS[constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS.VIDEOS] const requestScheduler = new RequestScheduler() const requestSchedulerVideoQadu = new RequestVideoQaduScheduler() const friends = { activate, addVideoToFriends, updateVideoToFriends, reportAbuseVideoToFriend, quickAndDirtyUpdateVideoToFriends, hasFriends, makeFriends, quitFriends, removeVideoToFriends, sendOwnedVideosToPod } function activate () { requestScheduler.activate() requestSchedulerVideoQadu.activate() } function addVideoToFriends (videoData, transaction, callback) { const options = { type: ENDPOINT_ACTIONS.ADD, endpoint: constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS.VIDEOS, data: videoData, transaction } createRequest(options, callback) } function updateVideoToFriends (videoData, transaction, callback) { const options = { type: ENDPOINT_ACTIONS.UPDATE, endpoint: constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS.VIDEOS, data: videoData, transaction } createRequest(options, callback) } function removeVideoToFriends (videoParams) { const options = { type: ENDPOINT_ACTIONS.REMOVE, endpoint: constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS.VIDEOS, data: videoParams } createRequest(options) } function reportAbuseVideoToFriend (reportData, video) { const options = { type: ENDPOINT_ACTIONS.REPORT_ABUSE, endpoint: constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS.VIDEOS, data: reportData, toIds: [ video.Author.podId ] } createRequest(options) } function quickAndDirtyUpdateVideoToFriends (videoId, type, transaction, callback) { const options = { videoId, type, transaction } return createVideoQaduRequest(options, callback) } function hasFriends (callback) { db.Pod.countAll(function (err, count) { if (err) return callback(err) const hasFriends = (count !== 0) callback(null, hasFriends) }) } function makeFriends (hosts, callback) { const podsScore = {} logger.info('Make friends!') peertubeCrypto.getMyPublicCert(function (err, cert) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot read public cert.') return callback(err) } eachSeries(hosts, function (host, callbackEach) { computeForeignPodsList(host, podsScore, callbackEach) }, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) logger.debug('Pods scores computed.', { podsScore: podsScore }) const podsList = computeWinningPods(hosts, podsScore) logger.debug('Pods that we keep.', { podsToKeep: podsList }) makeRequestsToWinningPods(cert, podsList, callback) }) }) } function quitFriends (callback) { // Stop pool requests requestScheduler.deactivate() waterfall([ function flushRequests (callbackAsync) { requestScheduler.flush(err => callbackAsync(err)) }, function flushVideoQaduRequests (callbackAsync) { requestSchedulerVideoQadu.flush(err => callbackAsync(err)) }, function getPodsList (callbackAsync) { return db.Pod.list(callbackAsync) }, function announceIQuitMyFriends (pods, callbackAsync) { const requestParams = { method: 'POST', path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/remove', sign: true } // Announce we quit them // We don't care if the request fails // The other pod will exclude us automatically after a while eachLimit(pods, constants.REQUESTS_IN_PARALLEL, function (pod, callbackEach) { requestParams.toPod = pod requests.makeSecureRequest(requestParams, callbackEach) }, function (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Some errors while quitting friends.', { err: err }) // Don't stop the process } return callbackAsync(null, pods) }) }, function removePodsFromDB (pods, callbackAsync) { each(pods, function (pod, callbackEach) { pod.destroy().asCallback(callbackEach) }, callbackAsync) } ], function (err) { // Don't forget to re activate the scheduler, even if there was an error requestScheduler.activate() if (err) return callback(err) logger.info('Removed all remote videos.') return callback(null) }) } function sendOwnedVideosToPod (podId) { db.Video.listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags(function (err, videosList) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot get the list of videos we own.') return } videosList.forEach(function (video) { video.toAddRemoteJSON(function (err, remoteVideo) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot convert video to remote.', { error: err }) // Don't break the process return } const options = { type: 'add', endpoint: constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS.VIDEOS, data: remoteVideo, toIds: [ podId ] } createRequest(options) }) }) }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = friends // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function computeForeignPodsList (host, podsScore, callback) { getForeignPodsList(host, function (err, res) { if (err) return callback(err) const foreignPodsList = res.data // Let's give 1 point to the pod we ask the friends list foreignPodsList.push({ host }) foreignPodsList.forEach(function (foreignPod) { const foreignPodHost = foreignPod.host if (podsScore[foreignPodHost]) podsScore[foreignPodHost]++ else podsScore[foreignPodHost] = 1 }) return callback() }) } function computeWinningPods (hosts, podsScore) { // Build the list of pods to add // Only add a pod if it exists in more than a half base pods const podsList = [] const baseScore = hosts.length / 2 Object.keys(podsScore).forEach(function (podHost) { // If the pod is not me and with a good score we add it if (isMe(podHost) === false && podsScore[podHost] > baseScore) { podsList.push({ host: podHost }) } }) return podsList } function getForeignPodsList (host, callback) { const path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods' request.get(constants.REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + host + path, function (err, response, body) { if (err) return callback(err) try { const json = JSON.parse(body) return callback(null, json) } catch (err) { return callback(err) } }) } function makeRequestsToWinningPods (cert, podsList, callback) { // Stop pool requests requestScheduler.deactivate() // Flush pool requests requestScheduler.forceSend() eachLimit(podsList, constants.REQUESTS_IN_PARALLEL, function (pod, callbackEach) { const params = { url: constants.REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + pod.host + '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/', method: 'POST', json: { host: constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST, email: constants.CONFIG.ADMIN.EMAIL, publicKey: cert } } requests.makeRetryRequest(params, function (err, res, body) { if (err) { logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.host, { error: err }) // Don't break the process return callbackEach() } if (res.statusCode === 200) { const podObj = db.Pod.build({ host: pod.host, publicKey: body.cert, email: body.email }) podObj.save().asCallback(function (err, podCreated) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot add friend %s pod.', pod.host, { error: err }) return callbackEach() } // Add our videos to the request scheduler sendOwnedVideosToPod(podCreated.id) return callbackEach() }) } else { logger.error('Status not 200 for %s pod.', pod.host) return callbackEach() } }) }, function endRequests () { // Final callback, we've ended all the requests // Now we made new friends, we can re activate the pool of requests requestScheduler.activate() logger.debug('makeRequestsToWinningPods finished.') return callback() }) } // Wrapper that populate "toIds" argument with all our friends if it is not specified // { type, endpoint, data, toIds, transaction } function createRequest (options, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} if (options.toIds) return requestScheduler.createRequest(options, callback) // If the "toIds" pods is not specified, we send the request to all our friends db.Pod.listAllIds(options.transaction, function (err, podIds) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot get pod ids', { error: err }) return } const newOptions = Object.assign(options, { toIds: podIds }) return requestScheduler.createRequest(newOptions, callback) }) } function createVideoQaduRequest (options, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} requestSchedulerVideoQadu.createRequest(options, callback) } function isMe (host) { return host === constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST }