/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { expect } from 'chai' import * as ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { pathExists, readdir } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import { buildAbsoluteFixturePath, wait } from '../miscs' import { PeerTubeServer } from '../server/server' function sendRTMPStream (options: { rtmpBaseUrl: string streamKey: string fixtureName?: string // default video_short.mp4 copyCodecs?: boolean // default false }) { const { rtmpBaseUrl, streamKey, fixtureName = 'video_short.mp4', copyCodecs = false } = options const fixture = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(fixtureName) const command = ffmpeg(fixture) command.inputOption('-stream_loop -1') command.inputOption('-re') if (copyCodecs) { command.outputOption('-c copy') } else { command.outputOption('-c:v libx264') command.outputOption('-g 50') command.outputOption('-keyint_min 2') command.outputOption('-r 60') } command.outputOption('-f flv') const rtmpUrl = rtmpBaseUrl + '/' + streamKey command.output(rtmpUrl) command.on('error', err => { if (err?.message?.includes('Exiting normally')) return if (process.env.DEBUG) console.error(err) }) if (process.env.DEBUG) { command.on('stderr', data => console.log(data)) } command.run() return command } function waitFfmpegUntilError (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand, successAfterMS = 10000) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { command.on('error', err => { return rej(err) }) setTimeout(() => { res() }, successAfterMS) }) } async function testFfmpegStreamError (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand, shouldHaveError: boolean) { let error: Error try { await waitFfmpegUntilError(command, 35000) } catch (err) { error = err } await stopFfmpeg(command) if (shouldHaveError && !error) throw new Error('Ffmpeg did not have an error') if (!shouldHaveError && error) throw error } async function stopFfmpeg (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand) { command.kill('SIGINT') await wait(500) } async function waitUntilLivePublishedOnAllServers (servers: PeerTubeServer[], videoId: string) { for (const server of servers) { await server.live.waitUntilPublished({ videoId }) } } async function waitUntilLiveSavedOnAllServers (servers: PeerTubeServer[], videoId: string) { for (const server of servers) { await server.live.waitUntilSaved({ videoId }) } } async function checkLiveCleanupAfterSave (server: PeerTubeServer, videoUUID: string, resolutions: number[] = []) { const basePath = server.servers.buildDirectory('streaming-playlists') const hlsPath = join(basePath, 'hls', videoUUID) if (resolutions.length === 0) { const result = await pathExists(hlsPath) expect(result).to.be.false return } const files = await readdir(hlsPath) // fragmented file and playlist per resolution + master playlist + segments sha256 json file expect(files).to.have.lengthOf(resolutions.length * 2 + 2) for (const resolution of resolutions) { const fragmentedFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith(`-${resolution}-fragmented.mp4`)) expect(fragmentedFile).to.exist const playlistFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith(`${resolution}.m3u8`)) expect(playlistFile).to.exist } const masterPlaylistFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith('-master.m3u8')) expect(masterPlaylistFile).to.exist const shaFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith('-segments-sha256.json')) expect(shaFile).to.exist } export { sendRTMPStream, waitFfmpegUntilError, testFfmpegStreamError, stopFfmpeg, waitUntilLivePublishedOnAllServers, waitUntilLiveSavedOnAllServers, checkLiveCleanupAfterSave }