import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { AccountModel } from '@server/models/account/account' import { ActorModel } from '@server/models/actor/actor' import { ActorImageModel } from '@server/models/actor/actor-image' import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '@server/models/redundancy/video-redundancy' import { ServerModel } from '@server/models/server/server' import { TrackerModel } from '@server/models/server/tracker' import { UserVideoHistoryModel } from '@server/models/user/user-video-history' import { ScheduleVideoUpdateModel } from '../../schedule-video-update' import { TagModel } from '../../tag' import { ThumbnailModel } from '../../thumbnail' import { VideoModel } from '../../video' import { VideoBlacklistModel } from '../../video-blacklist' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../video-channel' import { VideoFileModel } from '../../video-file' import { VideoLiveModel } from '../../video-live' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../../video-streaming-playlist' import { VideoTables } from './video-tables' type SQLRow = { [id: string]: string | number } /** * * Build video models from SQL rows * */ export class VideoModelBuilder { private videosMemo: { [ id: number ]: VideoModel } private videoStreamingPlaylistMemo: { [ id: number ]: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } private videoFileMemo: { [ id: number ]: VideoFileModel } private thumbnailsDone: Set private historyDone: Set private blacklistDone: Set private liveDone: Set private redundancyDone: Set private scheduleVideoUpdateDone: Set private trackersDone: Set private tagsDone: Set private videos: VideoModel[] private readonly buildOpts = { raw: true, isNewRecord: false } constructor ( readonly mode: 'get' | 'list', readonly tables: VideoTables ) { } buildVideosFromRows (rows: SQLRow[], rowsWebTorrentFiles?: SQLRow[], rowsStreamingPlaylist?: SQLRow[]) { this.reinit() for (const row of rows) { this.buildVideo(row) const videoModel = this.videosMemo[] this.setUserHistory(row, videoModel) this.addThumbnail(row, videoModel) if (!rowsWebTorrentFiles) { this.addWebTorrentFile(row, videoModel) } if (!rowsStreamingPlaylist) { this.addStreamingPlaylist(row, videoModel) this.addStreamingPlaylistFile(row) } if (this.mode === 'get') { this.addTag(row, videoModel) this.addTracker(row, videoModel) this.setBlacklisted(row, videoModel) this.setScheduleVideoUpdate(row, videoModel) this.setLive(row, videoModel) } } this.grabSeparateWebTorrentFiles(rowsWebTorrentFiles) this.grabSeparateStreamingPlaylistFiles(rowsStreamingPlaylist) return this.videos } private reinit () { this.videosMemo = {} this.videoStreamingPlaylistMemo = {} this.videoFileMemo = {} this.thumbnailsDone = new Set() this.historyDone = new Set() this.blacklistDone = new Set() this.liveDone = new Set() this.redundancyDone = new Set() this.scheduleVideoUpdateDone = new Set() this.trackersDone = new Set() this.tagsDone = new Set() this.videos = [] } private grabSeparateWebTorrentFiles (rowsWebTorrentFiles?: SQLRow[]) { if (!rowsWebTorrentFiles) return for (const row of rowsWebTorrentFiles) { const videoModel = this.videosMemo[] this.addWebTorrentFile(row, videoModel) this.addRedundancy(row, 'VideoFiles.RedundancyVideos', this.videoFileMemo[row['']]) } } private grabSeparateStreamingPlaylistFiles (rowsStreamingPlaylist?: SQLRow[]) { if (!rowsStreamingPlaylist) return for (const row of rowsStreamingPlaylist || []) { const videoModel = this.videosMemo[] this.addStreamingPlaylist(row, videoModel) this.addStreamingPlaylistFile(row) this.addRedundancy( row, 'VideoStreamingPlaylists.RedundancyVideos', this.videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[row['']] ) } } private buildVideo (row: SQLRow) { if (this.videosMemo[]) return // Build Channel const channelModel = new VideoChannelModel(this.grab(row, this.tables.getChannelAttributes(), 'VideoChannel'), this.buildOpts) channelModel.Actor = this.buildActor(row, 'VideoChannel') const accountModel = new AccountModel(this.grab(row, this.tables.getAccountAttributes(), 'VideoChannel.Account'), this.buildOpts) accountModel.Actor = this.buildActor(row, 'VideoChannel.Account') channelModel.Account = accountModel const videoModel = new VideoModel(this.grab(row, this.tables.getVideoAttributes(), ''), this.buildOpts) videoModel.VideoChannel = channelModel this.videosMemo[] = videoModel videoModel.UserVideoHistories = [] videoModel.Thumbnails = [] videoModel.VideoFiles = [] videoModel.VideoStreamingPlaylists = [] videoModel.Tags = [] videoModel.Trackers = [] // Keep rows order this.videos.push(videoModel) } private buildActor (row: SQLRow, prefix: string) { const actorPrefix = `${prefix}.Actor` const avatarPrefix = `${actorPrefix}.Avatar` const serverPrefix = `${actorPrefix}.Server` const avatarModel = row[`${avatarPrefix}.id`] !== null ? new ActorImageModel(this.grab(row, this.tables.getAvatarAttributes(), avatarPrefix), this.buildOpts) : null const serverModel = row[`${serverPrefix}.id`] !== null ? new ServerModel(this.grab(row, this.tables.getServerAttributes(), serverPrefix), this.buildOpts) : null const actorModel = new ActorModel(this.grab(row, this.tables.getActorAttributes(), actorPrefix), this.buildOpts) actorModel.Avatar = avatarModel actorModel.Server = serverModel return actorModel } private setUserHistory (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.historyDone.has(id)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getUserHistoryAttributes(), 'userVideoHistory') const historyModel = new UserVideoHistoryModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) videoModel.UserVideoHistories.push(historyModel) this.historyDone.add(id) } private addThumbnail (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.thumbnailsDone.has(id)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getThumbnailAttributes(), 'Thumbnails') const thumbnailModel = new ThumbnailModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) videoModel.Thumbnails.push(thumbnailModel) this.thumbnailsDone.add(id) } private addWebTorrentFile (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.videoFileMemo[id]) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getFileAttributes(), 'VideoFiles') const videoFileModel = new VideoFileModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) videoModel.VideoFiles.push(videoFileModel) this.videoFileMemo[id] = videoFileModel } private addStreamingPlaylist (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[id]) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getStreamingPlaylistAttributes(), 'VideoStreamingPlaylists') const streamingPlaylist = new VideoStreamingPlaylistModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) streamingPlaylist.VideoFiles = [] videoModel.VideoStreamingPlaylists.push(streamingPlaylist) this.videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[id] = streamingPlaylist } private addStreamingPlaylistFile (row: SQLRow) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.videoFileMemo[id]) return const streamingPlaylist = this.videoStreamingPlaylistMemo[row['']] const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getFileAttributes(), 'VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles') const videoFileModel = new VideoFileModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) streamingPlaylist.VideoFiles.push(videoFileModel) this.videoFileMemo[id] = videoFileModel } private addRedundancy (row: SQLRow, prefix: string, to: VideoFileModel | VideoStreamingPlaylistModel) { if (!to.RedundancyVideos) to.RedundancyVideos = [] const redundancyPrefix = `${prefix}.RedundancyVideos` const id = row[`${redundancyPrefix}.id`] if (!id || this.redundancyDone.has(id)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getRedundancyAttributes(), redundancyPrefix) const redundancyModel = new VideoRedundancyModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) to.RedundancyVideos.push(redundancyModel) this.redundancyDone.add(id) } private addTag (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { if (!row['']) return const key = `${row['Tags.VideoTagModel.videoId']}-${row['Tags.VideoTagModel.tagId']}` if (this.tagsDone.has(key)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getTagAttributes(), 'Tags') const tagModel = new TagModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) videoModel.Tags.push(tagModel) this.tagsDone.add(key) } private addTracker (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { if (!row['']) return const key = `${row['Trackers.VideoTrackerModel.videoId']}-${row['Trackers.VideoTrackerModel.trackerId']}` if (this.trackersDone.has(key)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getTrackerAttributes(), 'Trackers') const trackerModel = new TrackerModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) videoModel.Trackers.push(trackerModel) this.trackersDone.add(key) } private setBlacklisted (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.blacklistDone.has(id)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getBlacklistedAttributes(), 'VideoBlacklist') videoModel.VideoBlacklist = new VideoBlacklistModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) this.blacklistDone.add(id) } private setScheduleVideoUpdate (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.scheduleVideoUpdateDone.has(id)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getScheduleUpdateAttributes(), 'ScheduleVideoUpdate') videoModel.ScheduleVideoUpdate = new ScheduleVideoUpdateModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) this.scheduleVideoUpdateDone.add(id) } private setLive (row: SQLRow, videoModel: VideoModel) { const id = row[''] if (!id || this.liveDone.has(id)) return const attributes = this.grab(row, this.tables.getLiveAttributes(), 'VideoLive') videoModel.VideoLive = new VideoLiveModel(attributes, this.buildOpts) this.liveDone.add(id) } private grab (row: SQLRow, attributes: string[], prefix: string) { const result: { [ id: string ]: string | number } = {} for (const a of attributes) { const key = prefix ? prefix + '.' + a : a result[a] = row[key] } return result } }