import { readFileSync } from 'fs-extra' import { merge } from 'lodash' import { createTransport, Transporter } from 'nodemailer' import { join } from 'path' import { toArray } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { root } from '@shared/core-utils' import { EmailPayload } from '@shared/models' import { SendEmailDefaultOptions } from '../../shared/models/server/emailer.model' import { isTestOrDevInstance } from '../helpers/core-utils' import { bunyanLogger, logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { CONFIG, isEmailEnabled } from '../initializers/config' import { WEBSERVER } from '../initializers/constants' import { MUser } from '../types/models' import { JobQueue } from './job-queue' const Email = require('email-templates') class Emailer { private static instance: Emailer private initialized = false private transporter: Transporter private constructor () { } init () { // Already initialized if (this.initialized === true) return this.initialized = true if (!isEmailEnabled()) { if (!isTestOrDevInstance()) { logger.error('Cannot use SMTP server because of lack of configuration. PeerTube will not be able to send mails!') } return } if (CONFIG.SMTP.TRANSPORT === 'smtp') this.initSMTPTransport() else if (CONFIG.SMTP.TRANSPORT === 'sendmail') this.initSendmailTransport() } async checkConnection () { if (!this.transporter || CONFIG.SMTP.TRANSPORT !== 'smtp') return'Testing SMTP server...') try { const success = await this.transporter.verify() if (success !== true) this.warnOnConnectionFailure()'Successfully connected to SMTP server.') } catch (err) { this.warnOnConnectionFailure(err) } } addPasswordResetEmailJob (username: string, to: string, resetPasswordUrl: string) { const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { template: 'password-reset', to: [ to ], subject: 'Reset your account password', locals: { username, resetPasswordUrl } } return JobQueue.Instance.createJobAsync({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } addPasswordCreateEmailJob (username: string, to: string, createPasswordUrl: string) { const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { template: 'password-create', to: [ to ], subject: 'Create your account password', locals: { username, createPasswordUrl } } return JobQueue.Instance.createJobAsync({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } addVerifyEmailJob (username: string, to: string, verifyEmailUrl: string) { const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { template: 'verify-email', to: [ to ], subject: `Verify your email on ${CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME}`, locals: { username, verifyEmailUrl } } return JobQueue.Instance.createJobAsync({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } addUserBlockJob (user: MUser, blocked: boolean, reason?: string) { const reasonString = reason ? ` for the following reason: ${reason}` : '' const blockedWord = blocked ? 'blocked' : 'unblocked' const to = const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { to: [ to ], subject: 'Account ' + blockedWord, text: `Your account ${user.username} on ${CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME} has been ${blockedWord}${reasonString}.` } return JobQueue.Instance.createJobAsync({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } addContactFormJob (fromEmail: string, fromName: string, subject: string, body: string) { const emailPayload: EmailPayload = { template: 'contact-form', to: [ CONFIG.ADMIN.EMAIL ], replyTo: `"${fromName}" <${fromEmail}>`, subject: `(contact form) ${subject}`, locals: { fromName, fromEmail, body, // There are not notification preferences for the contact form hideNotificationPreferences: true } } return JobQueue.Instance.createJobAsync({ type: 'email', payload: emailPayload }) } async sendMail (options: EmailPayload) { if (!isEmailEnabled()) {'Cannot send mail because SMTP is not configured.') return } const fromDisplayName = options.from ? options.from : CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME const email = new Email({ send: true, htmlToText: { selectors: [ { selector: 'img', format: 'skip' }, { selector: 'a', options: { hideLinkHrefIfSameAsText: true } } ] }, message: { from: `"${fromDisplayName}" <${CONFIG.SMTP.FROM_ADDRESS}>` }, transport: this.transporter, views: { root: join(root(), 'dist', 'server', 'lib', 'emails') }, subjectPrefix: CONFIG.EMAIL.SUBJECT.PREFIX }) const toEmails = toArray( for (const to of toEmails) { const baseOptions: SendEmailDefaultOptions = { template: 'common', message: { to, from: options.from, subject: options.subject, replyTo: options.replyTo }, locals: { // default variables available in all templates WEBSERVER, EMAIL: CONFIG.EMAIL, instanceName: CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME, text: options.text, subject: options.subject } } // overridden/new variables given for a specific template in the payload const sendOptions = merge(baseOptions, options) await email.send(sendOptions) .then(res => logger.debug('Sent email.', { res })) .catch(err => logger.error('Error in email sender.', { err })) } } private warnOnConnectionFailure (err?: Error) { logger.error('Failed to connect to SMTP %s:%d.', CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME, CONFIG.SMTP.PORT, { err }) } private initSMTPTransport () {'Using %s:%s as SMTP server.', CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME, CONFIG.SMTP.PORT) let tls if (CONFIG.SMTP.CA_FILE) { tls = { ca: [ readFileSync(CONFIG.SMTP.CA_FILE) ] } } let auth if (CONFIG.SMTP.USERNAME && CONFIG.SMTP.PASSWORD) { auth = { user: CONFIG.SMTP.USERNAME, pass: CONFIG.SMTP.PASSWORD } } this.transporter = createTransport({ host: CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME, port: CONFIG.SMTP.PORT, secure: CONFIG.SMTP.TLS, debug: CONFIG.LOG.LEVEL === 'debug', logger: bunyanLogger as any, ignoreTLS: CONFIG.SMTP.DISABLE_STARTTLS, tls, auth }) } private initSendmailTransport () {'Using sendmail to send emails') this.transporter = createTransport({ sendmail: true, newline: 'unix', path: CONFIG.SMTP.SENDMAIL, logger: bunyanLogger }) } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { Emailer }