/* Request Video events (likes, dislikes, views...) */ import { values } from 'lodash' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database' import { REQUEST_VIDEO_EVENT_TYPES } from '../../initializers' import { isVideoEventCountValid } from '../../helpers' import { addMethodsToModel } from '../utils' import { RequestVideoEventInstance, RequestVideoEventAttributes, RequestVideoEventMethods, RequestsVideoEventGrouped } from './request-video-event-interface' let RequestVideoEvent: Sequelize.Model let countTotalRequests: RequestVideoEventMethods.CountTotalRequests let listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestVideoEventMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom let removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestVideoEventMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod let removeAll: RequestVideoEventMethods.RemoveAll export default function (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes: Sequelize.DataTypes) { RequestVideoEvent = sequelize.define('RequestVideoEvent', { type: { type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(REQUEST_VIDEO_EVENT_TYPES)), allowNull: false }, count: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: false, validate: { countValid: function (value) { const res = isVideoEventCountValid(value) if (res === false) throw new Error('Video event count is not valid.') } } } }, { updatedAt: false, indexes: [ { fields: [ 'videoId' ] } ] } ) const classMethods = [ associate, listWithLimitAndRandom, countTotalRequests, removeAll, removeByRequestIdsAndPod ] addMethodsToModel(RequestVideoEvent, classMethods) return RequestVideoEvent } // ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------ function associate (models) { RequestVideoEvent.belongsTo(models.Video, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) } countTotalRequests = function () { const query = {} return RequestVideoEvent.count(query) } listWithLimitAndRandom = function (limitPods: number, limitRequestsPerPod: number) { const Pod = db.Pod // We make a join between videos and authors to find the podId of our video event requests const podJoins = 'INNER JOIN "VideoChannels" ON "VideoChannels"."authorId" = "Authors"."id" ' + 'INNER JOIN "Videos" ON "Videos"."channelId" = "VideoChannels"."id" ' + 'INNER JOIN "RequestVideoEvents" ON "RequestVideoEvents"."videoId" = "Videos"."id"' return Pod.listRandomPodIdsWithRequest(limitPods, 'Authors', podJoins).then(podIds => { // We don't have friends that have requests if (podIds.length === 0) return [] const query = { order: [ [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ], include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Video, include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.VideoChannel, include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Author, include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Pod, where: { id: { [Sequelize.Op.in]: podIds } } } ] } ] } ] } ] } return RequestVideoEvent.findAll(query).then(requests => { const requestsGrouped = groupAndTruncateRequests(requests, limitRequestsPerPod) return requestsGrouped }) }) } removeByRequestIdsAndPod = function (ids: number[], podId: number) { const query = { where: { id: { [Sequelize.Op.in]: ids } }, include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Video, include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.VideoChannel, include: [ { model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Author, where: { podId } } ] } ] } ] } return RequestVideoEvent.destroy(query) } removeAll = function () { // Delete all requests return RequestVideoEvent.truncate({ cascade: true }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function groupAndTruncateRequests (events: RequestVideoEventInstance[], limitRequestsPerPod: number) { const eventsGrouped: RequestsVideoEventGrouped = {} events.forEach(event => { const pod = event.Video.VideoChannel.Author.Pod if (!eventsGrouped[pod.id]) eventsGrouped[pod.id] = [] if (eventsGrouped[pod.id].length < limitRequestsPerPod) { eventsGrouped[pod.id].push({ id: event.id, type: event.type, count: event.count, video: event.Video, pod }) } }) return eventsGrouped }