import NProgress from 'nprogress'; export default class { constructor() { this.selectize(); this.dateTimePicker(); this.changeAccordionTabState(); this.preventChangingCurrentTab(); this.buttonLoading(); this.confirmationModal(); this.tooltip(); this.shortcuts(); this.nprogress(); } selectize() { let selects = $('select.selectize').removeClass('form-control custom-select-black'); let options = _.merge({ valueField: 'id', labelField: 'name', searchField: 'name', delimiter: ',', persist: true, selectOnTab: true, hideSelected: false, allowEmptyOption: true, onItemAdd(value) { this.getItem(value)[0].innerHTML = this.getItem(value)[0].innerHTML.replace(/¦––\s/g, ''); }, onInitialize() { for (let index in this.options) { let label = this.options[index].name; let value = this.options[index].id; this.$control.find(`.item[data-value="${value}"]`).html( label.replace(/¦––\s/g, '') + '×' ); } }, }, ...FleetCart.selectize); for (let select of selects) { select = $(select); let create = true; let plugins = ['remove_button', 'restore_on_backspace']; if (select.hasClass('prevent-creation')) { create = false; plugins.remove('restore_on_backspace'); } select.selectize(_.merge(options, { create, plugins })); } } dateTimePicker(elements) { elements = elements || $('.datetime-picker'); elements = elements instanceof jQuery ? elements : $(elements); for (let el of elements) { $(el).flatpickr({ mode: el.hasAttribute('data-range') ? 'range' : 'single', enableTime: el.hasAttribute('data-time'), noCalender: el.hasAttribute('data-no-calender'), altInput: true, }); } } changeAccordionTabState() { $('.accordion-box [data-toggle="tab"]').on('click', (e) => { if (! $(e.currentTarget).parent().hasClass('active')) { $('.accordion-tab').removeClass('active'); } }); } preventChangingCurrentTab() { $('[data-toggle="tab"]').on('click', (e) => { let targetElement = $(e.currentTarget); if (targetElement.parent().hasClass('active')) { return false; } }); } removeSubmitButtonOffsetOn(tabs, tabsSelector = null) { tabs = Array.isArray(tabs) ? tabs : [tabs]; $(tabsSelector || '.accordion-tab li > a').on('click', (e) => { if (tabs.includes(e.currentTarget.getAttribute('href'))) { setTimeout(() => { $('button[type=submit]').parent().removeClass('col-md-offset-2'); }, 150); } else { setTimeout(() => { $('button[type=submit]').parent().addClass('col-md-offset-2'); }, 150); } }); } buttonLoading() { $(document).on('click', '[data-loading]', (e) => { let button = $(e.currentTarget);'loading-text', button.html()) .addClass('btn-loading') .button('loading'); }); } stopButtonLoading(button) { button = button instanceof jQuery ? button : $(button);'loading-text', button.html()) .removeClass('btn-loading') .button('reset'); } confirmationModal() { let confirmationModal = $('#confirmation-modal'); $('[data-confirm]').on('click', () => { confirmationModal.modal('show'); }); confirmationModal.find('form').on('submit', () => { confirmationModal.find('button.delete').prop('disabled', true); }); confirmationModal.on('', () => { confirmationModal.find('button.delete').prop('disabled', false); }); confirmationModal.on('', () => { confirmationModal.find('button.delete').focus(); }); } tooltip() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ trigger : 'hover' }) .on('click', (e) => { $(e.currentTarget).tooltip('hide'); }); } shortcuts() { Mousetrap.bind('f1', () => {`${FleetCart.version}`, '_blank'); }); Mousetrap.bind('?', () => { $('#keyboard-shortcuts-modal').modal(); }); } nprogress() { let inMobile = /iphone|ipod|android|ie|blackberry|fennec/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent); if (inMobile) { return; } NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }); $(document).ajaxStart(() => NProgress.start()); $(document).ajaxComplete(() => NProgress.done()); } }