amount = $amount; $this->currency = $currency; } public static function inDefaultCurrency($amount) { return new self($amount, setting('default_currency')); } public static function inCurrentCurrency($amount) { return new self($amount, currency()); } private function newInstance($amount) { return new self($amount, $this->currency); } public function amount() { return $this->amount; } public function subunit() { $fraction = 10 ** Currency::subunit($this->currency); return (int) round($this->amount * $fraction); } public function currency() { return $this->currency; } public function isZero() { return $this->amount == 0; } public function add($addend) { $addend = $this->convertToSameCurrency($addend); return $this->newInstance($this->amount + $addend->amount); } public function subtract($subtrahend) { $subtrahend = $this->convertToSameCurrency($subtrahend); return $this->newInstance($this->amount - $subtrahend->amount); } public function multiply($multiplier) { return $this->newInstance($this->amount * $multiplier); } public function divide($divisor) { return $this->newInstance($this->amount / $divisor); } public function lessThan($other) { return $this->amount < $other->amount; } public function lessThanOrEqual($other) { return $this->amount <= $other->amount; } public function greaterThan($other) { return $this->amount > $other->amount; } public function greaterThanOrEqual($other) { return $this->amount >= $other->amount; } private function convertToSameCurrency($other) { if ($this->isNotSameCurrency($other)) { $other = $other->convertToDefaultCurrency(); } $this->assertSameCurrency($other); return $other; } public function isSameCurrency($other) { return $this->currency === $other->currency; } public function isNotSameCurrency($other) { return ! $this->isSameCurrency($other); } private function assertSameCurrency($other) { if ($this->isNotSameCurrency($other)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Mismatch money currency.'); } } public function convertToDefaultCurrency() { $currencyRate = CurrencyRate::for($this->currency); if (is_null($currencyRate)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot convert the money to the default currency.'); } return new self($this->amount / $currencyRate, setting('default_currency')); } public function convertToCurrentCurrency($currencyRate = null) { return $this->convert(currency(), $currencyRate); } public function convert($currency, $currencyRate = null) { $currencyRate = $currencyRate ?: CurrencyRate::for($currency); if (is_null($currencyRate)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Cannot convert the money to currency [$currency]."); } return new self($this->amount * $currencyRate, $currency); } public function round($precision = null, $mode = null) { if (is_null($precision)) { $precision = Currency::subunit($this->currency); } $amount = round($this->amount, $precision, $mode); return $this->newInstance($amount); } public function ceil() { return $this->newInstance(ceil($this->amount)); } public function floor() { return $this->newInstance(floor($this->amount)); } public function format($currency = null, $locale = null) { $currency = $currency ?: currency(); $locale = $locale ?: locale(); $numberFormatter = new NumberFormatter($locale, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); $amount = $numberFormatter->formatCurrency($this->amount, $currency); /** * Fix: Hungarian Forint outputs wrong currency format. * * @see */ if (currency() === 'HUF') { $amount = str_replace(',00', '', $amount); } return $amount; } public function toArray() { return [ 'amount' => $this->amount, 'formatted' => $this->format(), 'currency' => $this->currency, ]; } public function jsonSerialize() { return array_merge($this->toArray(), [ 'inCurrentCurrency' => $this->convertToCurrentCurrency()->toArray(), ]); } public function __toString() { return (string) $this->amount; } }