'Settings', 'tabs' => [ 'group' => [ 'general_settings' => 'General Settings', 'social_logins' => 'Social Logins', 'shipping_methods' => 'Shipping Methods', 'payment_methods' => 'Payment Methods', ], 'general' => 'General', 'maintenance' => 'Maintenance', 'store' => 'Store', 'currency' => 'Currency', 'sms' => 'SMS', 'mail' => 'Mail', 'newsletter' => 'Newsletter', 'custom_css_js' => 'Custom CSS/JS', 'facebook' => 'Facebook', 'google' => 'Google', 'free_shipping' => 'Free Shipping', 'local_pickup' => 'Local Pickup', 'flat_rate' => 'Flat Rate', 'paypal' => 'PayPal', 'stripe' => 'Stripe', 'paytm' => 'Paytm', 'razorpay' => 'Razorpay', 'instamojo' => 'Instamojo', 'paystack' => 'Paystack', 'authorizenet' => 'Authorize.net', 'mercadopago' => 'Mercado Pago', 'flutterwave' => 'Flutterwave', 'cod' => 'Cash On Delivery', 'bank_transfer' => 'Bank Transfer', 'check_payment' => 'Check / Money Order', ], 'form' => [ 'allow_reviews' => 'Allow customers to give reviews & ratings', 'approve_reviews_automatically' => 'Customer reviews will be approved automatically', 'show_cookie_bar' => 'Show cookie bar in your website', 'privacy_settings' => 'Privacy Settings', 'hide_store_phone' => 'Hide store phone from the storefront', 'hide_store_email' => 'Hide store email from the storefront', 'put_the_application_into_maintenance_mode' => 'Put the application into maintenance mode', 'ip_addreses_seperated_in_new_line' => 'IP addreses seperated in new line', 'select_service' => 'Select Service', 'enable_auto_refreshing_currency_rates' => 'Enable auto-refreshing currency rates', 'auto_refresh_currency_rate_frequencies' => [ 'daily' => 'Daily', 'weekly' => 'Weekly', 'monthly' => 'Monthly', ], 'customer_notification_settings' => 'Customer Notification Settings', 'send_welcome_sms_after_registration' => 'Send welcome SMS after registration', 'order_notification_settings' => 'Order Notification Settings', 'send_new_order_notification_to_customer' => 'Send new order notification to the customer', 'send_new_order_notification_to_admin' => 'Send new order notification to the admin', 'mail_encryption_protocols' => [ 'ssl' => 'SSL', 'tls' => 'Tls', ], 'send_welcome_email_after_registration' => 'Send welcome email after registration', 'send_invoice_email' => 'Send invoice email to the customer after checkout', 'allow_customers_to_subscribe' => 'Allow customers to subscribe to your newsletter', 'enable_facebook_login' => 'Enable Facebook Login', 'enable_google_login' => 'Enable Google Login', 'enable_free_shipping' => 'Enable Free Shipping', 'enable_local_pickup' => 'Enable Local Pickup', 'enable_flat_rate' => 'Enable Flat Rate', 'enable_paypal' => 'Enable PayPal', 'use_sandbox_for_test_payments' => 'Use sandbox for test payments', 'enable_stripe' => 'Enable Stripe', 'enable_paytm' => 'Enable Paytm', 'enable_razorpay' => 'Enable Razorpay', 'enable_instamojo' => 'Enable Instamojo', 'enable_paystack' => 'Enable Paystack', 'enable_authorizenet' => 'Enable Authorize.net', 'enable_mercadopago' => 'Enable Mercado Pago', 'enable_flutterwave' => 'Enable Flutterwave', 'enable_cod' => 'Enable Cash On Delivery', 'enable_bank_transfer' => 'Enable Bank Transfer', 'enable_check_payment' => 'Enable Check / Money Order', ], 'validation' => [ 'sqlite_is_not_installed' => 'SQLite is not installed', ], ];