env('QUERY_DETECTOR_ENABLED', false), /* * Here you can whitelist model relations. * * Right now, you need to define the model relation both as the class name and the attribute name on the model. * So if an "Author" model would have a "posts" relation that points to a "Post" class, you need to add both * the "posts" attribute and the "Post::class", since the relation can get resolved in multiple ways. */ 'except' => [ //Author::class => [ // Post::class, // 'posts', //] ], /* * Define the output format that you want to use. Multiple classes are supported. * Available options are: * * Alert: * Displays an alert on the website * \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Alert::class * * Console: * Writes the N+1 queries into your browsers console log * \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Console::class * * Clockwork: (make sure you have the itsgoingd/clockwork package installed) * Writes the N+1 queries warnings to Clockwork log * \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Clockwork::class * * Debugbar: (make sure you have the barryvdh/laravel-debugbar package installed) * Writes the N+1 queries into a custom messages collector of Debugbar * \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Debugbar::class * * JSON: * Writes the N+1 queries into the response body of your JSON responses * \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Json::class * * Log: * Writes the N+1 queries into the Laravel.log file * \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Log::class */ 'output' => [ \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Alert::class, \BeyondCode\QueryDetector\Outputs\Log::class, ], ];