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2024-07-12 06:28:21 +00:00
#### 💻 变更类型 | Change Type
<!-- For change type, change [ ] to [x]. -->
- [ ] feat <!-- 引入新功能 | Introduce new features -->
- [ ] fix <!-- 修复 Bug | Fix a bug -->
- [ ] refactor <!-- 重构代码(既不修复 Bug 也不添加新功能) | Refactor code that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature -->
- [ ] perf <!-- 提升性能的代码变更 | A code change that improves performance -->
- [ ] style <!-- 添加或更新不影响代码含义的样式文件 | Add or update style files that do not affect the meaning of the code -->
- [ ] test <!-- 添加缺失的测试或纠正现有的测试 | Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests -->
- [ ] docs <!-- 仅文档更新 | Documentation only changes -->
- [ ] ci <!-- 修改持续集成配置文件和脚本 | Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts -->
- [ ] chore <!-- 其他不修改 src 或 test 文件的变更 | Other changes that dont modify src or test files -->
- [ ] build <!-- 进行架构变更 | Make architectural changes -->
#### 🔀 变更说明 | Description of Change
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Thank you for your Pull Request. Please provide a description above.
#### 📝 补充信息 | Additional Information
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