330 lines
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330 lines
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namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Enums\User\RoleEnum;
use App\Form;
use App\Mail\TestEmail;
use App\PackageSubscription;
use App\UserForm;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Yajra\DataTables\Facades\DataTables;
class HomeController extends Controller
* Create a new controller instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Show the application dashboard.
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function index()
$user = request()->user();
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value, 'web')) {
$forms = Form::query()
->where('is_template', 0)
} else {
$forms = Form::query()
->where('is_template', 0)
->where('created_by', $user->id)
if (request()->ajax()) {
$subscription = PackageSubscription::activeSubscription($user->id);
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value, 'web')) {
$forms = Form::query()
->where('is_template', 0)
} else {
$forms = Form::query()
->where('is_template', 0)
->where('created_by', $user->id)
return DataTables::of($forms)
function (Form $form) use ($subscription, $user) {
$action = '';
if (!empty($form->schema)) {
$action = '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'show'], ['form' => $form->slug ?: $form->id]) . '"' . '
class="btn btn-sm btn-info m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.view') . '">
<i class="fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i>
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'edit'], ['form' => $form->id]) . '"' . '
class="btn btn-sm btn-warning m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.edit') . '">
<i class="fa fa-edit" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value) || auth()->user()->id === $form->created_by) {
$action .= '<button type="button" data-href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'destroy'], ['form' => $form->id]) . '"' . ' class="btn btn-sm btn-danger delete_form m-1" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="' . __('messages.delete') . '">
<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value) || auth()->user()->id === $form->created_by) {
$action .= '<button type="button" data-href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'copyForm'], ['id' => $form->id]) . '"' . ' class="btn btn-sm btn-primary copy_form m-1" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="' . __('messages.copy_this_form') . '">
<i class="fas fa-copy"></i>
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value) || auth()->user()->id === $form->created_by) {
$action .= '<button type="button" data-href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'generateWidget'], ['id' => $form->id]) . '"' . ' class="btn btn-sm btn-info generate_widget m-1" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="' . __('messages.widget') . '">
<i class="fa fa-random" aria-hidden="true"></i>
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormDataController::class, 'show'], ['id' => $form->id]) . '"' . '"
class="btn btn-sm btn-success m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.view_form_data') . '">
<i class="fa fa-list" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value) || auth()->user()->id === $form->created_by) {
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'downloadCode'], ['id' => $form->id]) . '"' . '" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark m-1" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="' . __('messages.download_code') . '">
<i class="fas fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value) || auth()->user()->id === $form->created_by) {
$action .= '<a data-href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'getCollab'], ['id' => $form->id]) . '"' . 'class="btn btn-sm btn-primary m-1 collab_btn" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.collaborate') . '">
<i class="fas fa-handshake text-white" aria-hidden="true"></i>
return $action;
->editColumn('created_at', function ($row) {
$date_format = config('constants.APP_DATE_FORMAT');
if (config('constants.APP_TIME_FORMAT') == '12') {
$date_format .= ' h:i A';
} elseif (config('constants.APP_TIME_FORMAT') == '24') {
$date_format .= ' H:i';
} else {
$date_format = 'm/d/Y h:i A';
return !empty($row->created_at) ? Carbon::createFromTimestamp(strtotime($row->created_at))->format($date_format) : null;
->editColumn('data_count', function ($row) {
return $row->data_count;
->editColumn('name', function ($row) {
$html = $row->name;
if (empty($row->schema)) {
$html .= '<br><small class="text-danger">(' . (__('messages.form_is_incomplete')) . ')</small>';
return $html;
->rawColumns(['action', 'created_at', 'data_count', 'name'])
//Count forms
$form_count = $forms->count();
//Count templates.
$template_count = Form::where('created_by', $user->id)
->where('is_template', 1)
//Count submissions.
$submission_count = Form::join('form_data as fd', 'forms.id', '=', 'fd.form_id')
->where('is_template', 0)
->when(auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::USER->value), function (Builder $builder) use ($user) {
$builder->where('created_by', $user->id);
return view('home')
->with(compact('form_count', 'template_count', 'submission_count'));
* Show Form Template
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function getTemplate()
if (request()->ajax()) {
$user_id = request()->user()->id;
$forms = Form::select('name', 'name_est', 'name_ru', 'description', 'description_ru', 'description_est', 'id', 'slug', 'is_global_template')
->where(function ($query) use ($user_id) {
$query->where('is_template', 1)
->where('created_by', $user_id)
->orWhere('is_global_template', 1);
return DataTables::of($forms)
->addColumn('action', function ($row) {
$action = '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'show'], ['form' => $row->slug ?: $row->id]) . '"' . '
class="btn btn-sm btn-info m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.view') . '">
<i class="fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if (!$row->is_global_template || auth()->user()->can('superadmin')) {
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'edit'], ['form' => $row->id]) . '"' . '
class="btn btn-sm btn-warning m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.edit') . '">
<i class="fa fa-edit" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<button type="button" data-href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'destroy'], ['form' => $row->id]) . '"' . ' class="btn btn-sm btn-danger delete_template m-1" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="' . __('messages.delete') . '">
<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>
return $action;
->editColumn('is_global_template', function ($row) {
if (auth()->user()->can('superadmin')) {
$checked = $row->is_global_template ? 'checked' : '';
$html = '<div class="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input toggle_global_template" type="checkbox" value="1" ' . $checked . ' data-form_id="' . $row->id . '">
return $html;
->editColumn('name', function ($row) {
$name = $row->name;
if ($row->is_global_template) {
$name .= '<br><span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">' . __('messages.pre_made') . '</span>';
return $name;
->rawColumns(['action', 'is_global_template', 'name'])
return view('home');
* Tests if SMTP connection details is correct or not.
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function testSMTP()
try {
//Set the default config.
'mail.mailers.smtp.host' => request()->host,
'mail.mailers.smtp.port' => request()->port,
'mail.from.address' => request()->from_address,
'mail.from.name' => request()->from_name,
'mail.mailers.smtp.encryption' => request()->encryption,
'mail.mailers.smtp.username' => request()->username,
'mail.mailers.smtp.password' => request()->password
->send(new TestEmail());
return $this->respondSuccess();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->respondWithError($e->getMessage());
* Show assigned forms
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function getAssignedForms(Request $request)
if ($request->ajax()) {
$forms = UserForm::join('forms', 'user_forms.form_id', '=', 'forms.id')
->leftJoin('users', 'forms.created_by', '=', 'users.id')
->where('user_forms.assigned_to', \Auth::id())
->select('user_forms.permissions as permissions', 'forms.name as name', 'forms.description as description', 'forms.id as form_id', 'forms.created_at as created_at', 'forms.slug as slug', 'users.name as created_by');
return DataTables::of($forms)
function ($row) {
$action = '';
if ((!empty($row->permissions) && in_array('can_view_form', $row->permissions)) || auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value)) {
$action = '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'show'], ['form' => $row->slug ?: $row->form_id]) . '"' . '
class="btn btn-sm btn-info m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.view') . '">
<i class="fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if ((!empty($row->permissions) && in_array('can_design_form', $row->permissions)) || auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value)) {
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::class, 'edit'], ['form' => $row->form_id]) . '"' . '
class="btn btn-sm btn-warning m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.edit') . '">
<i class="fa fa-edit" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if ((!empty($row->permissions) && in_array('can_view_data', $row->permissions)) || auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value)) {
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormDataController::class, 'show'], ['id' => $row->form_id]) . '"' . '"
class="btn btn-sm btn-success m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.view_form_data') . '">
<i class="fa fa-list" aria-hidden="true"></i>
if (auth()->user()->hasRole(RoleEnum::SUPERVISOR->value)) {
$action .= '<a href="' . action([\App\Http\Controllers\FormDataController::class, 'getReport'], ['id' => $row->form_id]) . '"' . '"
class="btn btn-sm btn-success m-1" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . __('messages.report') . '">
<i class="fas fa-chart-pie" aria-hidden="true"></i>
return $action;
->editColumn('created_by', function ($row) {
return ucfirst($row->created_by);
->removeColumn(['id', 'permissions'])
->rawColumns(['action', 'created_by'])