

DeepSpace is a tool for debugging the DeepSeek API, developed by the community and inspired by MoonPalace.



  • Cross-platform Support:
    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
  • User-friendly: Simply replace base_url with http://localhost:9988 after starting the service to begin debugging.
  • Complete Request Capture, including error details in case of network failures.
  • Fast Retrieval: Quickly search and view request information using request_id or chatcmpl_id.
  • One-click Export of Structured BadCase Reports, aiding DeepSeek in enhancing model capabilities.

It is recommended to use DeepSpace as your API “provider” during code development and debugging stages. This allows you to quickly identify and resolve issues related to API calls and code implementation. For any unexpected outputs from the DeepSeek large model, you can also export request details via DeepSpace and submit them to DeepSeek to help improve the model.


Install using the go command

If you have the go toolchain installed, you can install DeepSpace by executing the following command:

$ go install

This command will install the compiled binary in your $GOPATH/bin/ directory. To verify the installation, run the following command:

$ deepspace
DeepSpace is a command-line tool for debugging the DeepSeek AI HTTP API

  deepspace [command]

Available Commands:
  cleanup     Cleanup DeepSeek AI requests
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  export      Export a DeepSeek AI request
  help        Help about any command
  inspect     Inspect the specific content of a DeepSeek AI request
  list        Query DeepSeek AI requests based on conditions
  start       Start the DeepSpace proxy server

  -h, --help      help for deepspace
  -v, --version   version for deepspace

Use "deepspace [command] --help" for more information about a command.

If the deepspace binary is not found, try adding the $GOPATH/bin/ directory to your $PATH environment variable.

Download Executable from the Releases Page

Alternatively, you can download the precompiled binary from the Releases page:

  • deepspace-linux
  • deepspace-macos-amd64 => for Intel-based Macs
  • deepspace-macos-arm64 => for Apple Silicon-based Macs
  • deepspace-windows.exe


Starting the Service

Use the following command to start the DeepSpace proxy server:

$ deepspace start --port <PORT>

DeepSpace will start a local HTTP server. The --port parameter specifies the local port that DeepSpace listens to, with a default value of 9988. Upon successful startup, the following message will be displayed:

[DeepSpace] 2024/08/26 12:12:26 DeepSpace Starts => change base_url to ""

You can submit the exported files to the following email: