# [avante.nvim](https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim) **avante.nvim** 是一个旨在模拟 [Cursor](https://www.cursor.com) AI IDE 的行为的 Neovim 插件。它为用户提供 AI 驱动的代码建议,并能够以最小的努力将这些建议直接应用于他们的源文件。 ## 功能 - **AI 驱动的代码辅助**:与 AI 聊天以询问有关您当前代码文件的问题,并接收改进或修改的智能建议。 - **一键应用**:使用单个命令快速将 AI 建议的更改应用于您的源代码,简化编辑过程并节省时间。 > [!IMPORTANT] > > 该项目处于快速迭代状态,本指南更新于2024.10.19,在此日期之后的安装配置方法可能会发生变更,请以原项目README.md为准。 ## 安装 ### 通过 `lazy.nvim` 安装 转到nvim的配置文件夹下(linux 默认是`~/.config/nvim`)的 `lua/plugins` 文件夹,创建一个名为 `avante.lua` 的文件,并在其中添加以下内容: ```lua return { { "yetone/avante.nvim", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = false, version = false, -- set this if you want to always pull the latest change opts = { provider = "openai", auto_suggestions_provider = "openai", -- Since auto-suggestions are a high-frequency operation and therefore expensive, it is recommended to specify an inexpensive provider or even a free provider: copilot openai = { endpoint = "https://api.deepseek.com/v1", model = "deepseek-chat", timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds temperature = 0, max_tokens = 4096, ["local"] = false, }, }, -- if you want to build from source then do `make BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true` build = "make", -- build = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Build.ps1 -BuildFromSource false" -- for windows dependencies = { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", "stevearc/dressing.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", --- The below dependencies are optional, "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- or echasnovski/mini.icons "zbirenbaum/copilot.lua", -- for providers='copilot' { -- support for image pasting "HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim", event = "VeryLazy", opts = { -- recommended settings default = { embed_image_as_base64 = false, prompt_for_file_name = false, drag_and_drop = { insert_mode = true, }, -- required for Windows users use_absolute_path = true, }, }, }, { -- Make sure to set this up properly if you have lazy=true 'MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim', opts = { file_types = { "markdown", "Avante" }, }, ft = { "markdown", "Avante" }, }, }, }, } ``` 重启 nvim,此时`lazy.nvim`应该会根据上述文件帮你下载安装好 avante.nvim 插件及其依赖项。 ### 其他安装方式 https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim?tab=readme-ov-file#installation ## 使用 https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim?tab=readme-ov-file#usage