2024-01-18 10:31:43 +00:00
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2024-01-18 09:49:37 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< img width = "1280" alt = "Awesome DeepSeek Integrations" src = "docs/Awesome DeepSeek Integrations.png" >
2024-01-18 09:49:37 +00:00
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
2024-07-11 08:52:47 +00:00
# DeepSeek 实用集成 
2024-01-18 09:49:37 +00:00
2024-01-18 12:00:04 +00:00
将 DeepSeek 大模型能力轻松接入各类软件。访问 [DeepSeek 开放平台 ](https://platform.deepseek.com/ )来获取您的 API key。
2024-01-18 10:31:43 +00:00
2025-03-07 09:40:30 +00:00
[English ](https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/README.md )/简体中文/[繁体中文](https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/README_zh_tw.md)/[日本語](https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/README_ja.md)/[Español](https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/README_es.md)
2024-01-18 10:31:43 +00:00
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2024-01-18 09:49:37 +00:00
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
### 应用程序
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2025-03-07 09:40:30 +00:00
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2025-03-07 01:53:15 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/mrzhang1013/CodingSee/blob/main/codingseeicon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.codingsee.com" > CodingSee-AI伴学< / a > < / td >
< td > CodingSee是一款专为中国少儿编程设计的软件, 内容包含社区, 项目协作, 站内实时消息, AI问答, Scratch/Python/C++编译环境, 代码精准纠错的集成平台, UI设计友好, 目前支持Windows和mac系统。< / td >
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2025-03-06 01:26:44 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://chatdoc.com/chatdoc/chatdoc.webp" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://chatdoc.com" > ChatDOC< / a > < / td >
< td > ChatDOC是一款AI文档阅读工具, 具备强大的溯源功能, 确保每一条信息的来源清晰可查, 助您高效、精准地掌握文档核心。< / td >
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2025-03-05 08:00:02 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/SwiftChat/assets/favicon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/SwiftChat/README-cn.md" > SwiftChat< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/aws-samples/swift-chat" > SwiftChat< / a > 是一款使用 React Native 构建的闪电般快速的跨平台 AI 聊天应用。它在 Android、iOS、iPad、Android 平板电脑和 macOS 上提供原生性能。功能包括实时流式聊天、丰富的 Markdown 支持( 表格、代码块、LaTeX) 、AI 图像生成、可自定义系统提示词和多模态能力。支持包括 DeepSeek、Amazon Bedrock、Ollama 和 OpenAI 在内的多个 AI 提供商。并具有简洁的用户界面和高性能表现。< / td >
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2025-02-28 01:38:46 +00:00
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2025-03-03 09:09:33 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://4everlogo.4everland.store/logo/logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/4EVERChat/README_cn.md" > 4EVERChat< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://chat.4everland.org/" > 4EVERChat< / a > 是集成数百款LLM的智能模型选型平台, 支持直接对比不同模型的实时响应差异, 基于< a href = "https://www.4everland.org/" > 4EVERLAND< / a > AI RPC 统一API端点实现零成本模型切换, 自动选择响应快、成本低的模型组合。< / td >
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2025-03-03 09:17:00 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/xhai_browser/assets/logo_512.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "./docs/xhai_browser/README_cn.md" > 小海浏览器< / a > < / td >
< td > 小海浏览器是安卓桌面管理& AI浏览器,DeepSeek是默认AI对话引擎.他有极致的性能(0.2秒启动),苗条的体型(apk 3M大),无广告,超高速广告拦截,多屏分类,屏幕导航,多搜索框,一框多搜< / td >
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2025-03-07 09:40:30 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/gptbots/gptbots.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.gptbots.ai/zh_CN/docs" > GPTBots< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.gptbots.ai/zh_CN" > GPTBots< / a > 是一个无代码的 AI Agent 构建平台,集成了包括 Deepseek 在内的国际主流 LLM, 并提供了基于 RAG 的知识存储/检索,工具自定义/调用,工作流编排等模块,并可将 Agent 集成至多个主流平台( WhatsApp、Telegram 等),为企业提供端到端的 AI 解决方案,助力企业在 AI 时代脱颖而出。< / td >
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2025-02-24 08:22:35 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/ThinkInAIXYZ/deepchat/blob/main/build/icon.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" style = "border-radius: 10px" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/ThinkInAIXYZ/deepchat/blob/main/README.md" > DeepChat< / a > < / td >
< td > DeepChat 是一款完全免费的桌面端智能助手,内置强大的 DeepSeek 大模型,支持多轮对话、联网搜索、文件上传、知识库等多种功能。< / td >
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2025-02-18 09:19:32 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td style = "font-size: 64px" align = "center" > 🤖< / td >
2025-02-18 09:19:32 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/wangrongding/wechat-bot/blob/main/README.md" > Wechat-Bot < / a > < / td >
< td > 基于 wechaty 实现的微信机器人,结合了 DeepSeek 和其他 Ai 服务。 < / td >
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2025-02-17 07:24:30 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/171659527?s=400&u=39906ab3b6e2066f83046096a66a77fb3f8bb836&v=4" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/quantalogic/quantalogic" > Quantalogic< / a > < / td >
< td > QuantaLogic 是一个 ReAct( 推理和行动) 框架, 用于构建高级 AI 代理。 < / td >
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/13600976/224d547a-6fbc-47c8-859f-aa14813e2b0f" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-18 13:31:05 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/chatbox/README_cn.md" > Chatbox< / a > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > 一个支持多种流行LLM模型的桌面客户端, 可在 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 上使用 < / td >
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2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/59196087/bb65404c-f867-42d8-ae2b-281fe953ab54" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/chatgpt_next_web/README_cn.md" > ChatGPT-Next-Web < / a > < / td >
< td > 一键获取跨平台ChatGPT网页用户界面, 支持流行的LLM < / td >
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2025-02-18 09:16:42 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < img src = "docs/Coco AI/assets/favicon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-18 09:16:42 +00:00
< td > < a href = "docs/Coco AI/README_cn.md" > Coco AI< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://coco.rs" > Coco AI< / a > 是一个完全开源、跨平台的统一搜索与效率工具, 能够连接并搜索多种数据源, 包括应用程序、文件、谷歌网盘、Notion、语雀、Hugo 等本地与云端数据。通过接入 DeepSeek 等大模型, Coco AI 实现了智能化的个人知识库管理,注重隐私,支持私有部署,帮助用户快速、智能地访问信息。 < / td >
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2025-01-05 04:41:51 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < img src = "docs/liubai/assets/liubai-logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-05 04:41:51 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/liubai/README_cn.md" > 留白记事< / a > < / td >
< td > 留白让你直接在微信上使用 DeepSeek 管理你的笔记、任务、日程和待办清单! < / td >
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/59196087/1ac9791b-87f7-41d9-9282-a70698344e1d" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/pal/README_cn.md" > Pal - AI Chat Client< br / > (iOS, ipadOS) < / a > < / td >
< td > 一款可以在 iPhone 或 iPad 上使用的 AI 助手 < / td >
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2025-01-21 22:12:27 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://www.librechat.ai/librechat.svg" alt = "LibreChat" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.librechat.ai/docs/configuration/librechat_yaml/ai_endpoints/deepseek" > LibreChat< / a > < / td >
< td > LibreChat 是一个可定制的开源应用程序,无缝集成了 DeepSeek, 以增强人工智能交互体验 < / td >
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2025-01-31 05:57:03 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://www.papersgpt.com/images/logo/favicon.ico" alt = "PapersGPT" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/papersgpt/papersgpt-for-zotero" > PapersGPT< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > PapersGPT是一款集成了DeepSeek及其他多种AI模型的辅助论文阅读的Zotero插件。 < / td >
2025-01-31 05:57:03 +00:00
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2024-05-08 01:20:45 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rss-translator/RSS-Translator/main/core/static/favicon.ico" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-08 04:01:14 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/rss_translator/README_cn.md" > RSS翻译器 < / a > < / td >
2024-05-08 01:20:45 +00:00
< td > 开源、简洁、可自部署的RSS翻译器 < / td >
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2025-03-07 01:52:39 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://relingo.net/assets/images/relingo-logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://relingo.net" > Relingo < / a > < / td >
< td > 在浏览网站和观看 YouTube 视频时,轻松构建和掌握词汇! < / td >
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2024-07-16 05:14:36 +00:00
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2024-05-08 05:57:53 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ysnows/enconvo_media/main/logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/enconvo/README_cn.md" > Enconvo < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > Enconvo是AI时代的启动器,是所有AI功能的入口,也是一位体贴的智能助理。 < / td >
2024-05-08 03:53:58 +00:00
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2024-07-16 05:14:36 +00:00
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2024-09-09 08:39:43 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/kangfenmao/cherry-studio/blob/main/src/renderer/src/assets/images/logo.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" style = "border-radius: 10px" / > < / td >
2024-07-16 05:14:36 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/cherrystudio/README_cn.md" > Cherry Studio< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一款为创造者而生的桌面版 AI 助手 < / td >
2024-07-11 08:52:47 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2024-07-11 08:52:47 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://tomemo.top/images/logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/tomemo/README_cn.md" > ToMemo (iOS, ipadOS) < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一款短语合集 + 剪切板历史 + 键盘输出的iOS应用, 集成了AI大模型, 可以在键盘中快速输出使用。 < / td >
2024-09-23 05:41:30 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2024-09-23 05:41:30 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/buxuku/video-subtitle-master/refs/heads/main/resources/icon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/buxuku/video-subtitle-master" > Video Subtitle Master< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 批量为视频生成字幕,并可将字幕翻译成其它语言。这是一个客户端工具, 跨平台支持 mac 和 windows 系统, 支持百度, 火山, deeplx, openai, deepseek, ollama 等多个翻译服务 < / td >
2025-01-06 02:51:45 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2025-01-06 02:51:45 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tisfeng/ImageBed/main/uPic/icon_512x512@2x.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-06 03:18:29 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/tisfeng/Easydict" > Easydict< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > Easydict 是一个简洁易用的词典翻译 macOS App, 能够轻松优雅地查找单词或翻译文本, 支持调用大语言模型 API 翻译。 < / td >
2025-01-10 22:03:19 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2025-01-10 22:03:19 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://www.raycast.com/favicon-production.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-13 09:59:53 +00:00
< td > < a href = "docs/raycast/README_cn.md" > Raycast< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://raycast.com/?via=ViGeng" > Raycast< / a > 是一款 macOS 生产力工具,它允许你用几个按键来控制你的工具。它支持各种扩展,包括 DeepSeek AI。 < / td >
2025-01-10 22:03:19 +00:00
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2025-03-10 08:41:10 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/chatpdflocal/assets/chatpdflocal-icon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.chatpdflocal.com" > ChatPDFLocal< / a > < / td >
< td > ChatPDFLocal 是一款基于AI的Mac OS App, 可以帮助您与PDF互动, 可以帮助您快速地理解PDF, 它集成了DeepSeek及其他多种AI模型旨在提高您的阅读效率。< / td >
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2025-01-20 02:33:14 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < img src = "docs/zotero/assets/zotero-icon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-20 02:33:14 +00:00
< td > < a href = "docs/zotero/README_cn.md" > Zotero< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://www.zotero.org" > Zotero< / a > 是一款免费且易于使用的文献管理工具,旨在帮助您收集、整理、注释、引用和分享研究成果。 < / td >
2025-01-20 02:33:14 +00:00
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2025-01-22 08:48:06 +00:00
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2025-02-17 07:21:48 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://b3log.org/images/brand/siyuan-128.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/SiYuan/README_cn.md" > 思源笔记< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 思源笔记是一款隐私优先的个人知识管理系统,支持完全离线使用,并提供端到端加密的数据同步功能。 < / td >
2025-01-22 08:48:06 +00:00
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2025-01-24 13:30:47 +00:00
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2025-01-24 02:42:33 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/ArvinLovegood/go-stock/raw/master/build/appicon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/ArvinLovegood/go-stock/blob/master/README.md" > go-stock< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > go-stock 是一个由 Wails 使用 NativeUI 构建并由 LLM 提供支持的股票数据查看分析器。 < / td >
2025-01-24 02:42:33 +00:00
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2025-01-23 01:29:35 +00:00
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2025-01-21 19:28:21 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/102771702?s=200&v=4" alt = "Wordware" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-php/deepseek-wordware/blob/master/README.md" > Wordware < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://www.wordware.ai/" > Wordware< / a > 这是一个工具包, 使任何人都可以仅通过自然语言构建、迭代和部署他们的AI堆栈 < / td >
2025-01-21 19:28:21 +00:00
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2025-01-25 08:17:04 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://framerusercontent.com/images/xRJ6vNo9mUYeVNxt0KITXCXEuSk.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/langgenius/dify/" > Dify< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://dify.ai/" > Dify< / a > 是一个支持 DeepSeek 模型的 LLM 应用开发平台,可用于创建 AI 助手、工作流、文本生成器等应用。 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-01-26 06:46:27 +00:00
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2025-01-24 08:58:12 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/LiberSonora/LiberSonora/blob/main/assets/avatar.jpeg?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/LiberSonora/LiberSonora" > LiberSonora< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > LiberSonora, 寓意"自由的声音",是一个 AI 赋能的、强大的、开源有声书工具集, 包含智能字幕提取、AI标题生成、多语言翻译等功能, 支持 GPU 加速、批量离线处理 < / td >
2025-01-24 08:58:12 +00:00
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2025-01-24 08:41:34 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ripperhe/Bob/master/docs/_media/icon_128.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://bobtranslate.com/" > Bob< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://bobtranslate.com/" > Bob< / a > 是一款 macOS 平台的翻译和 OCR 软件,您可以在任何应用程序中使用 Bob 进行翻译和 OCR, 即用即走! < / td >
2025-01-24 08:41:34 +00:00
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2025-01-27 06:02:14 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/ZGGSONG/STranslate/raw/main/img/favicon.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-06 02:57:50 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://stranslate.zggsong.com/" > STranslate< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://stranslate.zggsong.com/" > STranslate< / a > ( Windows) 是 WPF 开发的一款即用即走的翻译、OCR工具 < / td >
2025-01-27 06:02:14 +00:00
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2025-01-26 19:13:18 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://www.gptaiflow.tech/logo.png" alt = "gpt-ai-flow-logo" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-27 20:13:08 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://www.gptaiflow.tech/zh/docs/product/api-keys-setup#setup-deepseek-api-keys" > GPT AI Flow< / a > < / td >
2025-01-26 19:20:36 +00:00
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工程师为效率狂人(他们自己)打造的终极生产力武器: < a href = "https://www.gptaiflow.tech/zh/" > GPT AI Flow< / a >
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< li > `Shift+Alt+空格` 唤醒桌面智能中枢< / li >
< li > 本地加密存储< / li >
< li > 自定义指令引擎< / li >
< li > 按需调用拒绝订阅捆绑< / li >
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2025-01-26 19:13:18 +00:00
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2025-02-03 14:40:18 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b09f17a8-936d-4dac-8b24-1682d52c9a3c" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/alecm20/story-flicks" > Story-Flicks< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 通过一句话即可快速生成高清故事短视频,支持 DeepSeek 等模型。 < / td >
2025-02-03 14:40:18 +00:00
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2025-02-19 06:33:37 +00:00
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2025-02-19 10:09:23 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/Alpha派/assets/favicon1.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-19 06:33:37 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/Alpha派/README_cn.md" > Alpha派 < / a > < / td >
< td > AI投研助理/AI驱动的新一代金融信息入口。代理投资者听会/记纪要,金融投资信息的搜索问答/定量分析等投资研究工作。 < / td >
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2025-02-18 15:05:52 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://docs.xark-argo.com/img/logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.xark-argo.com" > argo< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 本地下载并运行Huggingface及Ollama模型, 支持RAG、LLM API、工具接入等, 支持Mac/Windows/Linux。 < / td >
2025-02-18 15:05:52 +00:00
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2025-02-17 07:08:47 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://www.petercat.ai/images/favicon.ico" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.petercat.ai" > PeterCat< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 我们提供对话式答疑 Agent 配置系统、自托管部署方案和便捷的一体化应用 SDK, 让您能够为自己的 GitHub 仓库一键创建智能答疑机器人,并快速集成到各类官网或项目中, 为社区提供更高效的技术支持生态。 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:08:47 +00:00
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2025-02-19 06:33:37 +00:00
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2025-02-20 13:30:32 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/labring/FastGPT/refs/heads/main/.github/imgs/logo.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://fastgpt.cn/zh" > FastGPT< / a > < / td >
< td >
FastGPT 基于 LLM 大模型的开源 AI 知识库构建平台,支持 DeepSeek、OpenAI 等多种模型。我们提供了开箱即用的数据处理、模型调用、RAG 检索、可视化 AI 工作流编排等能力,帮助您轻松构建复杂的 AI 应用。
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2025-02-20 13:30:32 +00:00
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2025-02-18 15:03:02 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://cdn.link-ai.tech/doc/CoW%20logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat" > Chatgpt-on-Wechat< / a > < / td >
< td > Chatgpt-on-Wechat( CoW) 项目是一个灵活的聊天机器人框架, 支持将DeepSeek、OpenAI、Claude、Qwen等多种LLM 一键接入到微信公众号、企业微信、飞书、钉钉、网站等常用平台或办公软件,并支持丰富的自定义插件。 < / td >
2025-02-20 13:30:32 +00:00
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< tr >
< td > < img src = "./docs/ruzhiai_note/assets/play_store_512.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/ruzhiai_note/README_cn.md" > 如知AI笔记< / a > < / td >
< td > 如知AI笔记是一款智能化的AI知识管理工具, 致力于为用户提供一站式的知识管理和应用服务, 包括AI搜索探索、AI结果转笔记、笔记管理与整理、知识演示与分享等。集成了DeepSeek深度思考模型, 提供更稳定、更高质量的输出。< / td >
2025-02-18 15:03:02 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:10:34 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://athenalab.ai/assets/favicon/favicon.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://athenalab.ai/" > Athena< / a > < / td >
< td > 世界上首个具有先进认知架构和类人推理能力的自主通用人工智能,旨在解决复杂的现实世界挑战。< / td >
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2025-02-21 05:11:33 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/TigerGPT/assets/logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.laohu8.com/gpt" > TigerGPT< / a > < / td >
< td > TigerGPT 是老虎集团开发的,业内首个基于 OpenAI 的金融 AI 投资助理。TigerGPT 旨在为投资者提供智能化的投资决策支持。2025年2月18日, TigerGPT 正式接入 DeepSeek-R1 模型,为用户提供支持深度推理的在线问答服务。 < / td >
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2025-02-24 06:42:41 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/HIX.AI/assets/logo.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-24 23:34:03 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://hix.ai" > HIX.AI< / a > < / td >
2025-02-24 06:42:41 +00:00
< td > 免费试用 DeepSeek, 在 HIX.AI 上享受无限量的 AI 聊天。使用 DeepSeek R1 进行 AI 聊天、写作、编码等。立即体验下一代 AI 聊天!< / td >
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2025-02-26 03:37:29 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/sharmt1411/askanywhere/blob/main/icon/Depth_8,_Frame_0explore-%E8%A7%92%E6%A0%87.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/sharmt1411/askanywhere" > 划词AI助手< / a > < / td >
< td > 一个划词ai助手, 在任何地方划词, 快速打开与Deepseek的对话! < / td >
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2025-02-26 07:47:02 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/OJZen/1chat/raw/refs/heads/main/doc/assets/icon.ico?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/OJZen/1chat" > 1查< / a > < / td >
< td > 一款能让你在本地运行 DeepSeek 的 iOS 应用< / td >
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2025-02-28 01:38:31 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://chatlabsai.com/assets/logo/logo.png" alt = "iOS AI 聊天机器人" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://chatlabsai.com" > 在一个应用中访问250多个文本、图像大模型< / a > < / td >
< td > 1AI iOS聊天机器人集成了250多个文本、图像、语音模型, 让用户可以与OpenRouter、Replicate上的任何模型对话, 包括Deepseek推理和Deepseek V3模型。< / td >
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2025-03-03 09:12:09 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "./docs/PopAi/assets/logo.svg" alt = "PopAi" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://popai.pro" > PopAi< / a > < / td >
< td > PopAi推出DeepSeek R1! 享受无延迟、闪电般快速的性能, 尽在PopAi。轻松切换在线搜索开/关。< / td >
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2025-03-10 08:28:51 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://pot-app.com/logo/icon.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://pot-app.com/" > Pot< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://pot-app.com/" > Pot< / a > 🌈一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR软件 < / td >
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/Byaidu/PDFMathTranslate/raw/main/docs/images/banner.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/Byaidu/PDFMathTranslate" > PDFMathTranslate< / a > < / td >
< td > PDFMathTranslate是一款基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译工具。< / td >
< / tr >
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/Richasy/Bili.Copilot/raw/master/assets/StoreLogo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/Richasy/Bili.Copilot" > 哔哩助理< / a > < / td >
< td > B站第三方 Windows 桌面客户端,使用 Windows App SDK 构建的原生应用。< / td >
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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2025-02-18 09:16:42 +00:00
2025-01-25 09:25:41 +00:00
### AI Agent 框架
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< td > < img src = "https://panda.fans/_assets/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/anda/README_cn.md" > Anda< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一个专为 AI 智能体开发设计的 Rust 语言框架,致力于构建高度可组合、自主运行且具备永久记忆能力的 AI 智能体网络。 < / td >
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< td > < img src = "https://yomo.run/yomo-logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/yomo/README.md" > YoMo< / a > < / td >
< td > Stateful Serverless LLM Function Calling Framework with Strongly-typed Language Support < / td >
2025-01-25 09:25:41 +00:00
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2025-01-27 18:28:21 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://alice.fun/alice-logo.png" alt = "图标" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/bob-robert-ai/bob/blob/main/alice/readme.md" > Alice< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一个基于 ICP 的自主 AI 代理,利用 DeepSeek 等大型语言模型进行链上决策。Alice 结合实时数据分析和独特的个性,管理代币、挖掘 BOB 并参与生态系统治理。 < / td >
2025-01-27 18:28:21 +00:00
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2025-02-17 07:33:55 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/173022229" alt = "图标" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/APRO-com" > ATTPs< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一个用于Agent之间可信通信的基础协议框架, 基于DeepSeek的Agent, 可以接入< a href = "https://docs.apro.com/attps" > ATTPs< / a > 的SDK, 获得注册Agent, 发送可验证数据, 获取可验证数据等功能, 从而与其他平台的Agent进行可信通信。 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:33:55 +00:00
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2025-02-24 06:40:52 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "docs/translate.js/assets/icon.png" alt = "图标" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/translate.js/README_cn.md" > translate.js< / a > < / td >
< td > 面向前端开发者的 AI i18n, 两行js实现html全自动翻译, 几十语种一键切换, 无需改动页面、无语言配置文件、支持几十个微调扩展指令、对SEO友好。并且开放标准文本翻译API接口< / td >
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2025-02-24 23:35:08 +00:00
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< td width = 80 > < img src = "docs/agentUniverse/assets/agentUniverse_logo_s.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/antgroup/agentUniverse" > agentUniverse < / a > < / td >
< td > agentUniverse 是一个面向复杂业务场景设计的多智能体协作框架。其提供了快速易用的大模型智能体应用搭建能力, 并着重于提供智能体协同调度、自主决策与动态反馈等机制, 其源自蚂蚁集团在金融领域的真实业务实践沉淀。agentUniverse于2024年6月全面接入支持deepseek系列模型。 < / td >
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2025-03-05 08:00:13 +00:00
### AI数据应用框架
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2025-03-06 01:26:31 +00:00
< td width = "80" > < img src = "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a327d72f-755f-4256-8a37-32a518a55df3" alt = "Icon" width = "96" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td width = "120" > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/dbgpt/README_cn.md" > DB-GPT < / a > < / td >
2025-03-05 08:00:13 +00:00
< td > DB-GPT是一个开源的AI原生数据应用开发框架(AI Native Data App Development framework with AWEL(Agentic Workflow Expression Language) and Agents)。
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2024-05-20 12:43:33 +00:00
### RAG 框架
2024-07-11 08:52:47 +00:00
2024-05-20 12:43:33 +00:00
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2024-05-20 12:58:00 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/33142505/77093e84-9f7c-4716-9168-bac962fa1372" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/ragflow/README_cn.md" > RAGFlow < / a > < / td >
2024-05-20 12:43:33 +00:00
< td > 一款基于深度文档理解构建的开源 RAG( Retrieval-Augmented Generation) 引擎。RAGFlow 可以为各种规模的企业及个人提供一套精简的 RAG 工作流程, 结合大语言模型( LLM) 针对用户各类不同的复杂格式数据提供可靠的问答以及有理有据的引用。 < / td >
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2025-02-17 08:28:57 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pingcap/tidb.ai/main/frontend/app/public/nextra/icon-dark.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/autoflow/README_cn.md" > Autoflow < / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/pingcap/autoflow" > AutoFlow< / a > 是一个开源的基于 GraphRAG 的知识库工具,构建于 < a href = "https://www.pingcap.com/ai?utm_source=tidb.ai&utm_medium=community" > TiDB< / a > Vector、LlamaIndex 和 DSPy 之上。提供类 Perplexity 的搜索页面,并可以嵌入简单的 JavaScript 代码片段,轻松将 Autoflow 的对话式搜索窗口集成到您的网站。 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-02-17 07:23:18 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://assets.zilliz.com/Zilliz_Logo_Mark_White_20230223_041013_86057436cc.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/zilliztech/deep-searcher" > DeepSearcher < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > DeepSearcher 结合强大的 LLM( DeepSeek、OpenAI 等) 和向量数据库( Milvus 等),根据私有数据进行搜索、评估和推理,提供高度准确的答案和全面的报告。 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:23:18 +00:00
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2025-02-25 06:56:01 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenSPG/openspg/089188f3e7b0392221f5a8e8f1a3629b6352a6f9/LOGO.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/OpenSPG/KAG/blob/master/README_cn.md" > KAG < / a > < / td >
< td > KAG 是基于 < a href = "https://github.com/OpenSPG/openspg" > OpenSPG< / a > 引擎和大型语言模型的逻辑推理问答框架, 用于构建垂直领域知识库的逻辑推理问答解决方案。KAG 可以有效克服传统 RAG 向量相似度计算的歧义性和 OpenIE 引入的 GraphRAG 的噪声问题。KAG 支持逻辑推理、多跳事实问答等。 < / td >
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2024-05-20 12:43:33 +00:00
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2025-02-24 06:45:54 +00:00
### FHE (全同态加密) frameworks
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< td > < img src = "./docs/fhe.mind-network/mind-network-log.png" alt = "Icon" width = "200" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/mind-network/mind-sdk-deepseek-rust" > Mind FHE Rust SDK < / a > < / td >
< td > < p > 一个开源 SDK, 可使用**全同态加密( FHE) **对 AI 进行加密, 实现代理共识。FHE被誉为密码学的圣杯, 能够在无需解密的情况下直接对加密数据进行计算。借助FHE, 代理在使用Deepseek时可以保护隐私, 同时确保模型的完整性和计算结果的一致性, 无需暴露任何数据。该SDK的< a href = "https://github.com/mind-network/mind-sdk-deepseek-rust" > 源代码< / a > 采用纯Rust实现, 并可在< a href = "https://crates.io/crates/mind_sdk_deepseek" > crates.io< / a > 获取< / p > < / td >
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2025-02-06 16:39:23 +00:00
### Solana 框架
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td style = "background-color: black" > < img src = "docs/solana-agent-kit/assets/sendai-logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-03-03 09:10:19 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/sendaifun/solana-agent-kit" > Solana Agent Kit < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一个用于连接 AI 智能体到 Solana 协议的开源工具包。现在,任何使用 DeepSeek LLM 的智能体都可以自主执行 60+ 种 Solana 操作。 < / td >
2025-02-06 16:39:23 +00:00
< / tr >
< / table >
2025-02-26 07:47:18 +00:00
### 综合数据管理
< table >
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/192579850?s=200&v=4" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/DataEval/dingo" > Dingo < / a > < / td >
< td > 一个综合性的数据质量评估工具。 < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2024-02-02 11:21:27 +00:00
### 即时通讯插件
< table >
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/InternLM/HuixiangDou/releases/download/v0.1.0rc1/huixiangdou.jpg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-02-02 12:33:20 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/huixiangdou/README_cn.md" > 茴香豆< br / > (个人微信/飞书)< / a > < / td >
2024-02-02 11:21:27 +00:00
< td > 一个集成到个人微信群/飞书群的领域知识助手,专注解答问题不闲聊< / td >
< / tr >
2024-05-08 02:50:59 +00:00
< tr >
2025-01-28 07:59:54 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/RockChinQ/LangBot/blob/master/res/logo.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-29 16:20:41 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/RockChinQ/LangBot" > LangBot< br / > ( QQ, 企微, 飞书)< / a > < / td >
< td > 大模型原生即时通信机器人平台,适配 QQ / QQ频道 / 飞书 / OneBot / 企业微信( wecom) 等多种消息平台 < / td >
2024-05-08 02:50:59 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-06 03:04:40 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://nonebot.dev/logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/KomoriDev/nonebot-plugin-deepseek" > NoneBot< br / > ( QQ, 飞书, Discord, TG, etc.) < / a > < / td >
2025-02-06 03:04:40 +00:00
< td > 基于 NoneBot 框架,支持智能对话与深度思考功能。适配 QQ / 飞书 / Discord, TG 等多种消息平台 < / td >
< / tr >
2024-02-02 11:21:27 +00:00
< / table >
2025-03-10 08:30:03 +00:00
### Office插件
< table >
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://www.44886.com/view/img/bukeng.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.bukenghezi.com/" > 不坑盒子< / a > < / td >
< td > 一款支持Word、Excel、PPT三件套的Office插件( WPS三件套也支持) , 给Office增加300多功能< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
### 浏览器插件
< table >
< tr >
2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/59196087/9d3f42b8-fcd0-47ab-8b06-1dd0554dd80e" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-16 06:41:19 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/immersive_translate/README_cn.md" > 沉浸式翻译 < / a > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > 一款双语对照网页翻译插件,简洁,高效 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-01-25 04:39:18 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/K9i0qJb8phasC5wWf5tU68rhnfvX4swsE0hrhJP-WB3WV7MwE5KpMUIJvHKNHHRE6GKNIvIdTNSWoDMl_NggrmUsaw=s120" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/immersive_reading_guide/README_cn.md" > 沉浸式导读 < / a > < / td >
< td > NO Sidebar!!! 沉浸式的 AI 网页摘要,提问... < / td >
< / tr >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< tr >
2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/59196087/8a301619-a3de-489b-81fd-69aaa7c1c561" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/chatgpt_box/README_cn.md" > ChatGPT Box < / a > < / td >
< td > 将 LLM 作为私人助手,整合到你的浏览器中 < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/59196087/c3d9d100-247a-41cc-97c1-10b01ed25e70" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/hcfy/README_cn.md" > 划词翻译 < / a > < / td >
< td > 整合了多家翻译 API 以及 LLM API 的浏览器翻译插件 < / td >
< / tr >
2024-07-05 06:05:15 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://static.eudic.net/web/trans/en_trans.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-07-05 06:44:56 +00:00
< td > < a href = "docs/Lulu Translate/README_cn.md" > 欧路翻译 < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 提供鼠标划词搜索、逐段对照翻译、PDF文献翻译功能。可以使用支持 DeepSeek AI、Bing、GPT、Google 等多种翻译引擎。 < / td >
2024-07-05 06:05:15 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-01-26 01:56:54 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/Bistutu/FluentRead/raw/refs/heads/main/public/icon/192.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://fluent.thinkstu.com/" > 流畅阅读 < / a > < / td >
< td > 一款革新性的浏览器开源翻译插件,让所有人都能够拥有基于母语般的阅读体验 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-02-03 04:20:17 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://www.ncurator.com/_next/image?url=%2Ffavicon.ico&w=96&q=75" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-05 03:22:55 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://www.ncurator.com/" > 馆长 < / a > < / td >
2025-02-03 04:20:17 +00:00
< td > 知识库AI问答助手 - 让AI帮助你整理与分析知识< / td >
< / tr >
2025-02-06 06:34:41 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/oinzen/RSSFlow-doc/blob/main/docs/images/en/icon64.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://rssflow.oinchain.com" > RssFlow < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一款智能的RSS阅读器浏览器扩展, 具有AI驱动的RSS摘要和多维度订阅视图功能。支持配置DeepSeek模型以增强内容理解能力。 < / td >
2025-02-06 06:34:41 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-17 07:27:26 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://www.typral.com/_next/image?url=%2Ffavicon.ico&w=96&q=75" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.typral.com/" > Typral < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 超快的AI写作助手 - 让AI帮你快速优化日报, 文章, 文本等等... < / td >
2025-02-17 07:27:26 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-17 08:03:19 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://static.trancy.org/assets/trancy_logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-17 08:56:14 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://www.trancy.org/" > Trancy < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 沉浸双语对照翻译、视频双语字幕、划句/划词翻译插件 < / td >
2025-02-17 08:03:19 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-18 09:18:01 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://ziziyi.com/svg/anything_copilot.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/baotlake/anything-copilot" > Anything Copilot < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > Anything Copilot 是一款可以让你在侧边栏无缝使用任意主流AI工具的浏览器插件 < / td >
2025-02-18 09:18:01 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-19 12:49:07 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hedwi/deepchat/refs/heads/main/images/logo.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/deepchat-power-of-deepsee/femhcibnncinlabdboehojdhfcihpkpl?hl=en" > DeepChat < / a > < / td >
< td > 一款Chrome扩展程序, 允许用户在任何网站上通过打开侧边栏与DeepSeek聊天。此外, 它还在任何网站上选中的文本下方提供一个浮动菜单, 使用户能够生成文本摘要、检查语法问题和翻译内容。< / td >
< / tr >
2025-03-07 01:53:27 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "http://cdn.docky.ai/assets/logo.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/docky-ai/README_cn.md" > Docky AI < / a > < / td >
< td > Docky AI 是一款功能强大的浏览器插件,允许您通过侧边栏与多个 AI 模型进行实时对话。它支持多模型同时交流,并能协助您阅读网页、写作、翻译和创作图片< / td >
< / tr >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
### VS Code 插件
< table >
< tr >
2025-01-28 08:07:24 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/continuedev/continue/blob/main/docs/static/img/logo.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-16 06:41:19 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/continue/README_cn.md" > Continue < / a > < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< td > 开源 IDE 插件,使用 LLM 做你的编程助手 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-01-13 16:20:13 +00:00
< tr >
2025-01-13 16:24:18 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/cline/assets/favicon.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-01-13 16:20:13 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/cline/README.md" > Cline < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > Cline 是一款能够使用您的 CLI 和编辑器的 AI 助手 < / td >
2025-01-13 16:20:13 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-17 07:28:31 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sitoi/ai-commit/refs/heads/main/images/logo.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/Sitoi/ai-commit/blob/main/README.md" > AI Commit < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 使用 AI 生成 git commit message 的 VS Code 插件 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:28:31 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-24 06:41:26 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/titusTong/seekCodeCopilot/blob/main/assets/SeekCodeCopilotLogo.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/titusTong/seekCodeCopilot/blob/main/README.md" > SeekCode Copilot < / a > < / td >
< td > vscode智能编码助手, 支持配置本地部署的DeepSeek模型 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-03-10 08:28:51 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/intellism/vscode-comment-translate/blob/master/doc/image/icon.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/intellism/vscode-comment-translate/blob/master/doc/README_ZH.md" > Comment Translation < / a > < / td >
< td > 这款扩展程序能够帮助开发者翻译代码中的注释、字符串、代码提示、错误信息以及变量名。 < / td >
< / tr >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2024-10-19 12:19:03 +00:00
### neovim 插件
2024-10-19 11:25:31 +00:00
< table >
< tr >
2025-02-03 10:56:46 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c316f70a-0a3c-4a32-b148-4df15e609acc" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-10-19 12:19:03 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/blob/main/docs/avante.nvim/README_cn.md" > avante.nvim < / a > < / td >
2024-10-19 11:25:31 +00:00
< td > 开源 IDE 插件,使用 LLM 做你的编程助手 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-01-13 15:25:52 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d66dfc62-8e69-4b00-8549-d0158e48e2e0" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/llm.nvim/README.md" > llm.nvim < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 免费的大语言模型插件, 让你在Neovim中与大模型交互, 支持任意一款大模型, 比如DeepSeek, GPT, GLM, kimi或者本地运行的大模型(比如ollama) < / td >
2025-01-13 15:25:52 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-02-17 07:34:12 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d66dfc62-8e69-4b00-8549-d0158e48e2e0" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/minuet-ai.nvim/README_cn.md" > minuet-ai.nvim < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > Minuet 提供实时代码补全功能,支持多个主流大语言模型,包括 DeepSeek、OpenAI、Gemini、Claude、Ollama、Codestral 等。 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:34:12 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-01-20 03:47:43 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d66dfc62-8e69-4b00-8549-d0158e48e2e0" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/codecompanion.nvim/README.md" > codecompanion.nvim < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > AI 驱动的编码,在 Neovim 中无缝集成。 < / td >
2025-01-20 03:47:43 +00:00
< / tr >
2024-10-19 11:25:31 +00:00
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2025-01-03 02:19:17 +00:00
### JetBrains 插件
< table >
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/a18792721831/studyplugin/535b9cab69da0f97b42dcaebb00bb0d4ed15c8a6/translate/src/main/resources/META-INF/pluginIcon.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18336-chinese-english-translate" > Chinese-English Translate< / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 集成了多家国内翻译和AI厂商, 将中文翻译到英文的插件。 < / td >
2025-01-03 02:19:17 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-01-16 01:48:42 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://plugins.jetbrains.com/files/24851/659002/icon/pluginIcon.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/24851-ai-git-commit" > AI Git Commit< / a > < / td >
< td > 使用AI生成git commit message的插件。 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-01-03 02:19:17 +00:00
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2025-02-17 07:35:11 +00:00
### AI Code编辑器
< table >
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://global.discourse-cdn.com/flex020/uploads/cursor1/original/2X/a/a4f78589d63edd61a2843306f8e11bad9590f0ca.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://www.cursor.com/" > Cursor < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 基于VS Code进行扩展的AI Code编辑器 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:35:11 +00:00
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://exafunction.github.io/public/images/windsurf/windsurf-app-icon.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://codeium.com/windsurf" > WindSurf < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 另一个基于VS Code的AI Code编辑器, 由Codeium出品 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:35:11 +00:00
< / tr >
< / table >
2025-02-26 13:36:43 +00:00
### 安全
< table >
< tr >
2025-03-03 09:18:07 +00:00
< td > < img src = "./docs/tencent/hunyuan.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2025-02-26 13:36:43 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/tencent/AI-Infra-Guard" > AI-Infra-Guard < / a > < / td >
2025-03-03 09:18:07 +00:00
< td > 腾讯混元安全-AI基础设施安全评估工具, 发现和检测AI系统中的潜在安全风险。< / td >
2025-02-26 13:36:43 +00:00
< / tr >
< / table >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
### 其它
< table >
2025-02-17 07:19:32 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < p style = "font-size: 84px" > 🐠 < / p > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/lunary-ai/abso/blob/main/README.md" > Abso < / a >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > TypeScript SDK 使用 OpenAI 格式与任何 LLM 提供商进行交互。 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:19:32 +00:00
< / tr >
2025-01-31 17:20:19 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < img src = "https://i.imgur.com/IsQYInJ.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/djcopley/ShellOracle/" > ShellOracle < / a > < / td >
< td > 一种用于智能 shell 命令生成的终端工具。 < / td >
< / tr >
2025-02-25 09:43:06 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://pics.fatwang2.com/56912e614b35093426c515860f9f2234.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/fatwang2/siri-ultra" > Siri Ultra < / a > < / td >
< td > GitHub 千星开源项目,支持联网、多轮对话,支持 DeepSeek 系列模型< / td >
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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2024-01-16 01:06:38 +00:00
< td > < img src = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/assets/59196087/c1e47b01-1766-4f7e-bfe6-ab3cb3991c30" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
2024-01-18 09:52:06 +00:00
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration/tree/main/docs/siri_deepseek_shortcut" > 深度求索(快捷指令) < / a > < / td >
< td > 使用 DeepSeek API 增强Siri能力的快捷指令 < / td >
2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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2024-08-14 08:08:54 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/assets/n8n-logo.png?raw=true" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/rubickecho/n8n-deepseek" > n8n-nodes-deepseek < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 一个 N8N 的社区节点,支持直接使用 DeepSeek API 集成到工作流中 < / td >
2024-08-14 08:08:54 +00:00
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2025-01-26 07:33:01 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://www.promptfoo.dev/img/logo-panda.svg" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "docs/promptfoo/README.md" > promptfoo < / a > < / td >
< td > 测试和评估LLM提示, 包括DeepSeek模型。比较不同的LLM提供商, 捕获回归, 并评估响应。 < / td >
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2025-01-29 13:09:09 +00:00
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2025-02-03 06:19:47 +00:00
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< td > < a href = "https://github.com/AndersonBY/deepseek-tokenizer" > deepseek-tokenizer < / a > < / td >
< td > 一个高效的轻量级tokenization库, 仅依赖`tokenizers`库,不依赖`transformers`等重量级依赖。 < / td >
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2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
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2025-01-29 13:09:09 +00:00
< td > CR < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/hustcer/deepseek-review" > deepseek-review < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 🚀 使用 DeepSeek 进行代码审核,支持 GitHub Action 和本地 🚀 < / td >
2025-01-29 13:09:09 +00:00
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2025-02-08 09:02:00 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/suqicloud/wp-ai-chat/raw/main/ic_logo.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/suqicloud/wp-ai-chat" > WordPress ai助手 < / a > < / td >
2025-02-19 05:04:49 +00:00
< td > 对接DeepSeek API用于WordPress站点的AI对话助手、AI文章生成、AI文章总结插件。 < / td >
2025-02-17 07:08:47 +00:00
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2025-02-24 08:24:33 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "docs/ComfyUI-Copilot/assets/logo 2.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/AIDC-AI/ComfyUI-Copilot" > ComfyUI-Copilot < / a > < / td >
< td > 基于Comfy-UI框架构建的智能助手, 通过自然语言交互简化和增强AI算法调试和部署过程。 < / td >
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2025-02-20 13:31:06 +00:00
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< td > < img src = "https://github.com/Optima-CityU/llm4ad/blob/main/assets/figs/logo_short.png" alt = "Icon" width = "64" height = "auto" / > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/Optima-CityU/llm4ad" > LLM4AD< / a > < / td >
< td > < a href = "https://github.com/Optima-CityU/llm4ad" > LLM4AD< / a > 是一个开源、简洁、模块化的基于大模型的自动算法设计平台, 使用DeepSeek API进行算法设计。< / td >
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2024-01-16 00:54:07 +00:00
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