diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5e349db..1016558 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ # DeepSeek-Coder-V2: Breaking the Barrier of Closed-Source Models in Code Intelligence ## 1. Introduction -We present DeepSeek-Coder-V2, an open-source Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) code language model that achieves performance comparable to GPT4-Turbo in code-specific tasks. Specifically, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 is further pre-trained from DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Base with 6 trillion tokens sourced from a high-quality and multi-source corpus. Through this continued pre-training, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 substantially enhances the coding and mathematical reasoning capabilities of DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Base, while maintaining comparable performance in general language tasks. Compared to DeepSeek-Coder, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 demonstrates significant advancements in various aspects of code-related tasks, as well as reasoning and general capabilities. Additionally, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 expands its support for programming languages from 86 to 338, while extending the context length from 16K to 128K. +We present DeepSeek-Coder-V2, an open-source Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) code language model that achieves performance comparable to GPT4-Turbo in code-specific tasks. Specifically, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 is further pre-trained from an intermediate checkpoint of DeepSeek-V2 with additional 6 trillion tokens. Through this continued pre-training, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 substantially enhances the coding and mathematical reasoning capabilities of DeepSeek-V2, while maintaining comparable performance in general language tasks. Compared to DeepSeek-Coder-33B, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 demonstrates significant advancements in various aspects of code-related tasks, as well as reasoning and general capabilities. Additionally, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 expands its support for programming languages from 86 to 338, while extending the context length from 16K to 128K.
-In standard benchmark evaluations, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 achieves superior performance compared to closed-source models such as GPT4-Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.5 Pro in coding and math benchmarks. The list of supported programming languages can be found in the paper. +In standard benchmark evaluations, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 achieves superior performance compared to closed-source models such as GPT4-Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.5 Pro in coding and math benchmarks. The list of supported programming languages can be found [here](supported_langs.txt). ## 2. Model Downloads diff --git a/paper.pdf b/paper.pdf index a169b7a..9c6c3e3 100644 Binary files a/paper.pdf and b/paper.pdf differ diff --git a/supported_langs.txt b/supported_langs.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73d1144 --- /dev/null +++ b/supported_langs.txt @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +ABAP +AGS Script +AMD GPU +AMPL +ANSYS Parametric Design Language +ANTLR +APL +ASP +AWK +ActionScript +Ada +Agda +Alloy +AmbientTalk +Apache Configuration +AppleScript +Arc +Arduino +AspectJ +Assembly +Asymptote +Augeas +AutoHotkey +AutoIt +BC +BNF +BST +Berry +BitBake +BlitzBasic +BlitzMax +Bluespec +Boo +Boogie +Brainfuck +BrightScript +Bro +C +C# +C++ +C2HS Haskell +CADL +CMake +COBOL +COBOLFree +CSS +CUDA +CapDL +Ceylon +Chapel +ChucK +Cirru +Click +Clojure +CoffeeScript +ColdFusion CFC +Common Lisp +Crystal +Csound +Csound Score +Cypher +Cython +DASM16 +DM +Darcs Patch +Dart +Debian Control File +DeviceTree +Diff +Docker +Dockerfile +Dylan +EBNF +ELPi +Eiffel +Elixir +Elm +Emacs Lisp +EmberScript +Erlang +Execline +F# +F* +Factor +Fancy +Fantom +Felix +Fennel +Fish +Flux +Fortran +Fortran Fixed Form +FoxPro +FreeFem +FreeMarker +Futhark +G-Code +GAP +GAS +GDScript +GLSL +GSQL +Genshi +Gentoo Ebuild +Gentoo Eclass +Gettext Catalog +Glyph +Gnuplot +Go +Gosu +Grace +Gradle +Grammatical Framework +GraphQL +Graphviz DOT +Groff +Groovy +Groovy Server Pages +HCL +HLSL +HTML +HTML Django +HTML ERB +HTML PHP +HTTP +Handlebars +Haskell +Haxe +Hy +IGOR Pro +Idris +Inform 6 Template +Inno Setup +Io +Isabelle +J +JAGS +JCL +JFlex +JSON +JSONiq +JSX +Jade +Jasmin +Java +Java Server Pages +JavaScript +JavaScript MozPreproc +Julia +Jupyter Notebook +K +KRL +Kconfig +Koka +Kotlin +LFE +LLVM +LSL +Lean +Less +Lex +Lighttpd Configuration File +LilyPond +Limbo +Linker Script +Liquid +Literate Agda +Literate CoffeeScript +Logtalk +Lua +M4 +MATLAB +MQL +MUF +Makefile +Mako +Mason +Maxima +Meson +Metal +MiniScript +Mirah +Mizar +Modelica +Modula-2 +Monkey +MooCode +MoonScript +Mosel +MuPAD +NASM +NCL +NSIS +NetLinx +Nginx Configuration File +Nimrod +Ninja +Nit +Nix +Nu +NuSMV +OCaml +OMG Interface Definition Language +Objdump +Objective-C +Objective-C++ +Octave +Odin +Opa +OpenCL +OpenEdge ABL +OpenSCAD +Ox +Oz +PAWN +PEG +PHP +POD +POV-Ray +Papyrus +Parrot Internal Representation +Pascal +Perl +Perl 6 +Pike +PkgConfig +Pony +PowerShell +Praat +Processing +Propeller Spin +Protocol Buffer +Pug +Puppet +PureBasic +PureScript +Python +Q +QML +QVTO +R +RAML +RConsole +REALbasic +REXX +RHTML +Racket +Ragel in Ruby Host +Rd +ReasonML +Red +Ren'Py +RenderScript +Ride +Robot Framework +Rouge +Ruby +Rust +S +SARL +SAS +SCSS +SMT +SPARQL +SQF +SQL +SWIG +Sage +Sass +Scala +Scheme +Scilab +Self +ShExC +Shell +Sieve +Silver +Singularity +Slim +Smali +Smarty +Smithy +Solidity +SourcePawn +Squirrel +Stan +Standard ML +Stata +Stylus +SuperCollider +Swift +SystemVerilog +Tcl +Tcsh +TeX +Tea +Terminfo +Thrift +Transact-SQL +Treetop +Turing +Twig +TypeScript +TypoScript +USD +Unity3D Asset +Uno +UnrealScript +UrWeb +VBScript +VCL +VHDL +Vala +Velocity +Verilog +VimL +Visual Basic +Vue +Web IDL +WebAssembly +Whiley +X10 +XBase +XC +XML +XML Lasso +XQuery +XS +XSLT +Xtend +Xtlang +YANG +Zeek +Zephir +Zig +Zimpl +eC +ooc