2020-02-22 20:56:56 +01:00

50 lines
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# tox.ini
# Run tests of wexpect in multiple configuration.
# The following configuration will run automatically.
envlist = py{37}-{default,legacy_wexpect,spawn_pipe}
description = Unit tests
passenv =
# Set environment variables to select the proper configuration for each envirnment.
setenv =
spawn_pipe: WEXPECT_SPAWN_CLASS=SpawnPipe
legacy_wexpect: WEXPECT_SPAWN_CLASS=legacy_wexpect
commands =
# install the dependencies:
pip install .[test]
# Run the test itself
coverage run -m unittest
# Dump coverage summary to console
coverage report --omit=tests/*,site-packages/*
# Convert coverage report to standard xml formula the filename includes the tox environment name
# https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#environment-variable-substitutions
coverage xml --omit=tests/*,site-packages -o {env:TOX_ENV_NAME}_coverage.xml
# normal tests test the cloned files. This testenv tests the installation itself.
description = Unit tests installed
changedir = test_installed_01
# Appveyor will set the WEXPECT_SPAWN_CLASS to run the proper configuration for each run.
passenv =
commands =
# copy all testcase into working dir
cp -r ../tests tests
# Run the test itself
python -m unittest