2020-01-22 16:59:24 +01:00

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"""Wexpect is a Windows variant of pexpect https://pexpect.readthedocs.io.
Wexpect is a Python module for spawning child applications and controlling
them automatically. Wexpect can be used for automating interactive applications
such as ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc. It can be used to a automate setup
scripts for duplicating software package installations on different servers. It
can be used for automated software testing. Wexpect is in the spirit of Don
Libes' Expect, but Wexpect is pure Python. Other Expect-like modules for Python
require TCL and Expect or require C extensions to be compiled. Wexpect does not
use C, Expect, or TCL extensions.
There are two main interfaces to Wexpect -- the function, run() and the class,
spawn. You can call the run() function to execute a command and return the
output. This is a handy replacement for os.system().
For example::
wexpect.run('ls -la')
The more powerful interface is the spawn class. You can use this to spawn an
external child command and then interact with the child by sending lines and
expecting responses.
For example::
child = wexpect.spawn('scp foo myname@host.example.com:.')
This works even for commands that ask for passwords or other input outside of
the normal stdio streams.
Spawn file is the main (aka. host) class of the wexpect. The user call Spawn, which
start the console_reader as a subprocess, which starts the read child.
Credits: Noah Spurrier, Richard Holden, Marco Molteni, Kimberley Burchett,
Robert Stone, Hartmut Goebel, Chad Schroeder, Erick Tryzelaar, Dave Kirby, Ids
vander Molen, George Todd, Noel Taylor, Nicolas D. Cesar, Alexander Gattin,
Geoffrey Marshall, Francisco Lourenco, Glen Mabey, Karthik Gurusamy, Fernando
Perez, Corey Minyard, Jon Cohen, Guillaume Chazarain, Andrew Ryan, Nick
Craig-Wood, Andrew Stone, Jorgen Grahn, Benedek Racz
Free, open source, and all that good stuff.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Wexpect Copyright (c) 2019 Benedek Racz
import time
import sys
import os
import shutil
import re
import traceback
import types
import psutil
import signal
import socket
import logging
import pywintypes
import win32process
import win32con
import win32file
import winerror
import win32pipe
from .wexpect_util import ExceptionPexpect
from .wexpect_util import EOF
from .wexpect_util import TIMEOUT
from .wexpect_util import split_command_line
from .wexpect_util import init_logger
logger = logging.getLogger('wexpect')
def run (command, timeout=-1, withexitstatus=False, events=None, extra_args=None, logfile=None,
cwd=None, env=None, **kwargs):
This function runs the given command; waits for it to finish; then
returns all output as a string. STDERR is included in output. If the full
path to the command is not given then the path is searched.
Note that lines are terminated by CR/LF (\\r\\n) combination even on
UNIX-like systems because this is the standard for pseudo ttys. If you set
'withexitstatus' to true, then run will return a tuple of (command_output,
exitstatus). If 'withexitstatus' is false then this returns just
The run() function can often be used instead of creating a spawn instance.
For example, the following code uses spawn::
child = spawn('scp foo myname@host.example.com:.')
child.expect ('(?i)password')
child.sendline (mypassword)
The previous code can be replace with the following::
Start the apache daemon on the local machine::
run ("/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start")
Check in a file using SVN::
run ("svn ci -m 'automatic commit' my_file.py")
Run a command and capture exit status::
(command_output, exitstatus) = run ('ls -l /bin', withexitstatus=1)
Tricky Examples
The following will run SSH and execute 'ls -l' on the remote machine. The
password 'secret' will be sent if the '(?i)password' pattern is ever seen::
run ("ssh username@machine.example.com 'ls -l'", events={'(?i)password':'secret\\n'})
This will start mencoder to rip a video from DVD. This will also display
progress ticks every 5 seconds as it runs. For example::
The 'events' argument should be a dictionary of patterns and responses.
Whenever one of the patterns is seen in the command out run() will send the
associated response string. Note that you should put newlines in your
string if Enter is necessary. The responses may also contain callback
functions. Any callback is function that takes a dictionary as an argument.
The dictionary contains all the locals from the run() function, so you can
access the child spawn object or any other variable defined in run()
(event_count, child, and extra_args are the most useful). A callback may
return True to stop the current run process otherwise run() continues until
the next event. A callback may also return a string which will be sent to
the child. 'extra_args' is not used by directly run(). It provides a way to
pass data to a callback function through run() through the locals
dictionary passed to a callback. """
if timeout == -1:
child = SpawnSocket(command, maxread=2000, logfile=logfile, cwd=cwd, env=env, **kwargs)
child = SpawnSocket(command, timeout=timeout, maxread=2000, logfile=logfile, cwd=cwd, env=env, **kwargs)
if events is not None:
patterns = list(events.keys())
responses = list(events.values())
patterns=None # We assume that EOF or TIMEOUT will save us.
child_result_list = []
event_count = 0
while 1:
index = child.expect (patterns)
if type(child.after) in (str,):
child_result_list.append(child.before + child.after)
else: # child.after may have been a TIMEOUT or EOF, so don't cat those.
if type(responses[index]) in (str,):
elif type(responses[index]) is types.FunctionType:
callback_result = responses[index](locals())
if type(callback_result) in (str,):
elif callback_result:
logger.warning("TypeError ('The callback must be a string or function type.')")
raise TypeError ('The callback must be a string or function type.')
event_count = event_count + 1
except TIMEOUT:
except EOF:
child_result = ''.join(child_result_list)
if withexitstatus:
return (child_result, child.exitstatus)
return child_result
class SpawnBase:
def __init__(self, command, args=[], timeout=30, maxread=60000, searchwindowsize=None,
logfile=None, cwd=None, env=None, codepage=None, echo=True, safe_exit=True, interact=False, **kwargs):
"""This starts the given command in a child process. This does all the
fork/exec type of stuff for a pty. This is called by __init__. If args
is empty then command will be parsed (split on spaces) and args will be
set to parsed arguments.
The pid and child_fd of this object get set by this method.
Note that it is difficult for this method to fail.
You cannot detect if the child process cannot start.
So the only way you can tell if the child process started
or not is to try to read from the file descriptor. If you get
EOF immediately then it means that the child is already dead.
That may not necessarily be bad because you may haved spawned a child
that performs some task; creates no stdout output; and then dies.
self.console_process = None
self.console_pid = None
self.child_process = None
self.child_pid = None
self.safe_exit = safe_exit
self.searcher = None
self.ignorecase = False
self.before = None
self.after = None
self.match = None
self.match_index = None
self.terminated = True
self.exitstatus = None
self.status = None # status returned by os.waitpid
self.flag_eof = False
self.flag_child_finished = False
self.pid = None
self.child_fd = -1 # initially closed
self.timeout = timeout
self.delimiter = EOF
self.cwd = cwd
self.env = env
self.echo = echo
self.maxread = maxread # max bytes to read at one time into buffer
self.delaybeforesend = 0.1 # Sets sleep time used just before sending data to child. Time in seconds.
self.delayafterterminate = 0.1 # Sets delay in terminate() method to allow kernel time to update process status. Time in seconds.
self.flag_child_finished = False
self.buffer = '' # This is the read buffer. See maxread.
self.searchwindowsize = searchwindowsize # Anything before searchwindowsize point is preserved, but not searched.
self.interact = interact
# If command is an int type then it may represent a file descriptor.
if type(command) == type(0):
logger.warning("ExceptionPexpect('Command is an int type. If this is a file descriptor then maybe you want to use fdpexpect.fdspawn which takes an existing file descriptor instead of a command string.')")
raise ExceptionPexpect('Command is an int type. If this is a file descriptor then maybe you want to use fdpexpect.fdspawn which takes an existing file descriptor instead of a command string.')
if type (args) != type([]):
logger.warning("TypeError ('The argument, args, must be a list.')")
raise TypeError ('The argument, args, must be a list.')
if args == []:
self.args = split_command_line(command)
self.command = self.args[0]
self.args = args[:] # work with a copy
self.args.insert (0, command)
self.command = command
command_with_path = shutil.which(self.command)
if command_with_path is None:
logger.warning('The command was not found or was not executable: %s.' % self.command)
raise ExceptionPexpect ('The command was not found or was not executable: %s.' % self.command)
self.command = command_with_path
self.args[0] = self.command
self.name = '<' + ' '.join (self.args) + '>'
self.terminated = False
self.closed = False
self.child_fd = self.startChild(self.args, self.env)
logger.info(f'Child pid: {self.child_pid} Console pid: {self.console_pid}')
def __del__(self):
"""This makes sure that no system resources are left open. Python only
garbage collects Python objects, not the child console."""
if self.safe_exit:
def __str__(self):
"""This returns a human-readable string that represents the state of
the object. """
s = []
s.append('command: ' + str(self.command))
s.append('args: ' + str(self.args))
s.append('searcher: ' + str(self.searcher))
s.append('buffer (last 100 chars): ' + str(self.buffer)[-100:])
s.append('before (last 100 chars): ' + str(self.before)[-100:])
s.append('after: ' + str(self.after))
s.append('match: ' + str(self.match))
s.append('match_index: ' + str(self.match_index))
s.append('exitstatus: ' + str(self.exitstatus))
s.append('flag_eof: ' + str(self.flag_eof))
s.append('pid: ' + str(self.pid))
s.append('child_fd: ' + str(self.child_fd))
s.append('closed: ' + str(self.closed))
s.append('timeout: ' + str(self.timeout))
s.append('delimiter: ' + str(self.delimiter))
s.append('maxread: ' + str(self.maxread))
s.append('ignorecase: ' + str(self.ignorecase))
s.append('searchwindowsize: ' + str(self.searchwindowsize))
s.append('delaybeforesend: ' + str(self.delaybeforesend))
s.append('delayafterterminate: ' + str(self.delayafterterminate))
return '\n'.join(s)
def get_console_process(self, force=False):
if force or self.console_process is None:
self.console_process = psutil.Process(self.console_pid)
return self.console_process
def get_child_process(self, force=False):
'''Fetches and returns the child process (and pid)
The console starts the *real* child. This function fetches this *real* child's process ID
and process handle. If the console process is slower,(the OS does not grant enough CPU for
that), the child, cannot be started, when we reach this function, therefore the
`self.get_console_process().children()` line will return an empty list. So we ask console's child
in a loop, while, we found a (the) child.
This loop cannot be an infinite loop. If the console's process has error before/during
starting the child. `self.get_console_process().children()` will throw error.
if force or self.console_process is None:
while True:
children = self.get_console_process().children()
self.child_process = children[0]
except IndexError:
self.child_pid = self.child_process.pid
return self.child_process
def terminate(self, force=False):
"""Terminate the child. Force not used. """
if not self.isalive():
return True
if not self.isalive():
return True
return False
def isalive(self, console=True):
"""True if the child is still alive, false otherwise"""
self.exitstatus = self.child_process.wait(timeout=0)
except psutil.TimeoutExpired:
return True
def kill(self, sig=signal.SIGTERM):
"""Sig == sigint for ctrl-c otherwise the child is terminated."""
except psutil._exceptions.NoSuchProcess as e:
logger.info('Child has already died. %s', e)
def wait(self, child=True, console=True):
if child:
if console:
def read (self, size = -1): # File-like object.
"""This reads at most "size" bytes from the file (less if the read hits
EOF before obtaining size bytes). If the size argument is negative or
omitted, read all data until EOF is reached. The bytes are returned as
a string object. An empty string is returned when EOF is encountered
immediately. """
if size == 0:
return ''
if size < 0:
self.expect (self.delimiter) # delimiter default is EOF
return self.before
# I could have done this more directly by not using expect(), but
# I deliberately decided to couple read() to expect() so that
# I would catch any bugs early and ensure consistant behavior.
# It's a little less efficient, but there is less for me to
# worry about if I have to later modify read() or expect().
# Note, it's OK if size==-1 in the regex. That just means it
# will never match anything in which case we stop only on EOF.
cre = re.compile('.{%d}' % size, re.DOTALL)
index = self.expect ([cre, self.delimiter]) # delimiter default is EOF
if index == 0:
return self.after ### self.before should be ''. Should I assert this?
return self.before
def readline (self, size = -1): # File-like object.
"""This reads and returns one entire line. A trailing newline is kept
in the string, but may be absent when a file ends with an incomplete
line. Note: This readline() looks for a \\r\\n pair even on UNIX
because this is what the pseudo tty device returns. So contrary to what
you may expect you will receive the newline as \\r\\n. An empty string
is returned when EOF is hit immediately. Currently, the size argument is
mostly ignored, so this behavior is not standard for a file-like
object. If size is 0 then an empty string is returned. """
if size == 0:
return ''
index = self.expect (['\r\n', self.delimiter]) # delimiter default is EOF
if index == 0:
return self.before + '\r\n'
return self.before
def __iter__ (self): # File-like object.
"""This is to support iterators over a file-like object.
return self
def read_nonblocking (self, size = 1):
"""Virtual definition
raise NotImplementedError
def __next__ (self): # File-like object.
"""This is to support iterators over a file-like object.
result = self.readline()
if self.after == self.delimiter:
raise StopIteration
return result
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def readlines (self, sizehint = -1): # File-like object.
"""This reads until EOF using readline() and returns a list containing
the lines thus read. The optional "sizehint" argument is ignored. """
lines = []
while True:
line = self.readline()
if not line:
return lines
def isatty(self): # File-like object.
"""The child is always created with a console."""
return True
def write(self, s): # File-like object.
"""This is similar to send() except that there is no return value.
def writelines (self, sequence): # File-like object.
"""This calls write() for each element in the sequence. The sequence
can be any iterable object producing strings, typically a list of
strings. This does not add line separators There is no return value.
for s in sequence:
def sendline(self, s=''):
"""This is like send(), but it adds a line feed (os.linesep). This
returns the number of bytes written. """
n = self.send(s)
n = n + self.send(b'\r\n')
return n
def sendeof(self):
"""This sends an EOF to the child. This sends a character which causes
the pending parent output buffer to be sent to the waiting child
program without waiting for end-of-line. If it is the first character
of the line, the read() in the user program returns 0, which signifies
end-of-file. This means to work as expected a sendeof() has to be
called at the beginning of a line. This method does not send a newline.
It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure the eof is sent at the
beginning of a line. """
# platform does not define VEOF so assume CTRL-D
char = chr(4)
def send(self):
"""Virtual definition
raise NotImplementedError
def connect_to_child(self):
"""Virtual definition
raise NotImplementedError
def disconnect_from_child(self):
"""Virtual definition
raise NotImplementedError
def compile_pattern_list(self, patterns):
"""This compiles a pattern-string or a list of pattern-strings.
Patterns must be a StringType, EOF, TIMEOUT, SRE_Pattern, or a list of
those. Patterns may also be None which results in an empty list (you
might do this if waiting for an EOF or TIMEOUT condition without
expecting any pattern).
This is used by expect() when calling expect_list(). Thus expect() is
nothing more than::
cpl = self.compile_pattern_list(pl)
return self.expect_list(cpl, timeout)
If you are using expect() within a loop it may be more
efficient to compile the patterns first and then call expect_list().
This avoid calls in a loop to compile_pattern_list()::
cpl = self.compile_pattern_list(my_pattern)
while some_condition:
i = self.expect_list(clp, timeout)
if patterns is None:
return []
if type(patterns) is not list:
patterns = [patterns]
compile_flags = re.DOTALL # Allow dot to match \n
if self.ignorecase:
compile_flags = compile_flags | re.IGNORECASE
compiled_pattern_list = []
for p in patterns:
if type(p) in (str,):
compiled_pattern_list.append(re.compile(p, compile_flags))
elif p is EOF:
elif p is TIMEOUT:
elif type(p) is type(re.compile('')):
logger.warning("TypeError ('Argument must be one of StringTypes, EOF, TIMEOUT, SRE_Pattern, or a list of those type. %s' % str(type(p)))")
raise TypeError ('Argument must be one of StringTypes, EOF, TIMEOUT, SRE_Pattern, or a list of those type. %s' % str(type(p)))
return compiled_pattern_list
def expect(self, pattern, timeout = -1, searchwindowsize=None):
"""This seeks through the stream until a pattern is matched. The
pattern is overloaded and may take several types. The pattern can be a
StringType, EOF, a compiled re, or a list of any of those types.
Strings will be compiled to re types. This returns the index into the
pattern list. If the pattern was not a list this returns index 0 on a
successful match. This may raise exceptions for EOF or TIMEOUT. To
avoid the EOF or TIMEOUT exceptions add EOF or TIMEOUT to the pattern
list. That will cause expect to match an EOF or TIMEOUT condition
instead of raising an exception.
If you pass a list of patterns and more than one matches, the first match
in the stream is chosen. If more than one pattern matches at that point,
the leftmost in the pattern list is chosen. For example::
# the input is 'foobar'
index = p.expect (['bar', 'foo', 'foobar'])
# returns 1 ('foo') even though 'foobar' is a "better" match
Please note, however, that buffering can affect this behavior, since
input arrives in unpredictable chunks. For example::
# the input is 'foobar'
index = p.expect (['foobar', 'foo'])
# returns 0 ('foobar') if all input is available at once,
# but returs 1 ('foo') if parts of the final 'bar' arrive late
After a match is found the instance attributes 'before', 'after' and
'match' will be set. You can see all the data read before the match in
'before'. You can see the data that was matched in 'after'. The
re.MatchObject used in the re match will be in 'match'. If an error
occurred then 'before' will be set to all the data read so far and
'after' and 'match' will be None.
If timeout is -1 then timeout will be set to the self.timeout value.
A list entry may be EOF or TIMEOUT instead of a string. This will
catch these exceptions and return the index of the list entry instead
of raising the exception. The attribute 'after' will be set to the
exception type. The attribute 'match' will be None. This allows you to
write code like this::
index = p.expect (['good', 'bad', wexpect.EOF, wexpect.TIMEOUT])
if index == 0:
elif index == 1:
elif index == 2:
elif index == 3:
instead of code like this::
index = p.expect (['good', 'bad'])
if index == 0:
elif index == 1:
except EOF:
except TIMEOUT:
These two forms are equivalent. It all depends on what you want. You
can also just expect the EOF if you are waiting for all output of a
child to finish. For example::
p = wexpect.spawn('/bin/ls')
p.expect (wexpect.EOF)
print p.before
If you are trying to optimize for speed then see expect_list().
compiled_pattern_list = self.compile_pattern_list(pattern)
return self.expect_list(compiled_pattern_list, timeout, searchwindowsize)
def expect_list(self, pattern_list, timeout = -1, searchwindowsize = -1):
"""This takes a list of compiled regular expressions and returns the
index into the pattern_list that matched the child output. The list may
also contain EOF or TIMEOUT (which are not compiled regular
expressions). This method is similar to the expect() method except that
expect_list() does not recompile the pattern list on every call. This
may help if you are trying to optimize for speed, otherwise just use
the expect() method. This is called by expect(). If timeout==-1 then
the self.timeout value is used. If searchwindowsize==-1 then the
self.searchwindowsize value is used. """
return self.expect_loop(searcher_re(pattern_list), timeout, searchwindowsize)
def expect_exact(self, pattern_list, timeout = -1, searchwindowsize = -1):
"""This is similar to expect(), but uses plain string matching instead
of compiled regular expressions in 'pattern_list'. The 'pattern_list'
may be a string; a list or other sequence of strings; or TIMEOUT and
This call might be faster than expect() for two reasons: string
searching is faster than RE matching and it is possible to limit the
search to just the end of the input buffer.
This method is also useful when you don't want to have to worry about
escaping regular expression characters that you want to match."""
if not isinstance(pattern_list, list):
pattern_list = [pattern_list]
for p in pattern_list:
if type(p) not in (str,) and p not in (TIMEOUT, EOF):
logger.warning('Argument must be one of StringTypes, EOF, TIMEOUT, or a list of those type. %s' % str(type(p)))
raise TypeError ('Argument must be one of StringTypes, EOF, TIMEOUT, or a list of those type. %s' % str(type(p)))
return self.expect_loop(searcher_string(pattern_list), timeout, searchwindowsize)
def expect_loop(self, searcher, timeout = -1, searchwindowsize = -1):
"""This is the common loop used inside expect. The 'searcher' should be
an instance of searcher_re or searcher_string, which describes how and what
to search for in the input.
See expect() for other arguments, return value and exceptions. """
self.searcher = searcher
if timeout == -1:
timeout = self.timeout
if timeout is not None:
end_time = time.time() + timeout
if searchwindowsize == -1:
searchwindowsize = self.searchwindowsize
incoming = self.buffer
freshlen = len(incoming)
while True: # Keep reading until exception or return.
index = searcher.search(incoming, freshlen, searchwindowsize)
if index >= 0:
self.buffer = incoming[searcher.end : ]
self.before = incoming[ : searcher.start]
self.after = incoming[searcher.start : searcher.end]
self.match = searcher.match
self.match_index = index
return self.match_index
# No match at this point
if timeout is not None and end_time < time.time():
logger.info('Timeout exceeded in expect_any().')
raise TIMEOUT ('Timeout exceeded in expect_any().')
# Still have time left, so read more data
c = self.read_nonblocking(self.maxread)
freshlen = len(c)
time.sleep (0.01)
incoming += c
except EOF as e:
self.buffer = ''
self.before = incoming
self.after = EOF
index = searcher.eof_index
if index >= 0:
self.match = EOF
self.match_index = index
return self.match_index
self.match = None
self.match_index = None
logger.info(f'EOF: {e}\n{self}')
raise EOF(f'{e}\n{self}')
except TIMEOUT as e:
self.buffer = incoming
self.before = incoming
self.after = TIMEOUT
index = searcher.timeout_index
if index >= 0:
self.match = TIMEOUT
self.match_index = index
return self.match_index
self.match = None
self.match_index = None
logger.info(f'TIMEOUT: {e}\n{self}')
raise TIMEOUT(f'{e}\n{self}')
self.before = incoming
self.after = None
self.match = None
self.match_index = None
class SpawnPipe(SpawnBase):
def connect_to_child(self):
pipe_name = 'wexpect_{}'.format(self.console_pid)
pipe_full_path = r'\\.\pipe\{}'.format(pipe_name)
logger.debug(f'Trying to connect to pipe: {pipe_full_path}')
while True:
self.pipe = win32file.CreateFile(
win32file.GENERIC_READ | win32file.GENERIC_WRITE,
logger.debug('Pipe found')
res = win32pipe.SetNamedPipeHandleState(self.pipe, win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None)
if res == 0:
logger.debug(f"SetNamedPipeHandleState return code: {res}")
except pywintypes.error as e:
if e.args[0] == winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: #2
logger.debug("no pipe, trying again in a bit later")
def disconnect_from_child(self):
if self.pipe:
def read_nonblocking (self, size = 1):
"""This reads at most size characters from the child application. If
the end of file is read then an EOF exception will be raised.
This is not effected by the 'size' parameter, so if you call
read_nonblocking(size=100, timeout=30) and only one character is
available right away then one character will be returned immediately.
It will not wait for 30 seconds for another 99 characters to come in.
This is a wrapper around Wtty.read(). """
if self.closed:
logger.warning('I/O operation on closed file in read_nonblocking().')
raise ValueError ('I/O operation on closed file in read_nonblocking().')
# The real child and it's console are two different process. The console dies 0.1 sec
# later to be able to read the child's last output (before EOF). So here we check
# isalive() (which checks the real child.) and try a last read on the console. To catch
# the last output.
# The flag_child_finished flag shows that this is the second trial, where we raise the EOF.
if self.flag_child_finished:
logger.info('EOF: self.flag_child_finished')
raise EOF('self.flag_child_finished')
if not self.isalive():
self.flag_child_finished = True
logger.info('self.isalive() == False: Child has been died, lets do a last read!')
s = win32file.ReadFile(self.pipe, size)[1]
if s:
logger.debug(f'Readed: {s}')
logger.spam(f'Readed: {s}')
return s.decode()
except pywintypes.error as e:
if e.args[0] == winerror.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: #109
self.flag_eof = True
logger.info("EOF('broken pipe, bye bye')")
raise EOF('broken pipe, bye bye')
elif e.args[0] == winerror.ERROR_NO_DATA:
'''232 (0xE8)
The pipe is being closed.
self.flag_eof = True
logger.info("EOF('The pipe is being closed.')")
raise EOF('The pipe is being closed.')
return ''
def send(self, s):
"""This sends a string to the child process. This returns the number of
bytes written. If a log file was set then the data is also written to
the log. """
if isinstance(s, str):
s = str.encode(s)
if self.delaybeforesend:
if s:
logger.debug(f"Writing: {s}")
win32file.WriteFile(self.pipe, s)
logger.spam(f"WriteFile finished.")
except pywintypes.error as e:
if e.args[0] == winerror.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: #109
logger.info("EOF: broken pipe, bye bye")
raise EOF("broken pipe, bye bye")
elif e.args[0] == winerror.ERROR_NO_DATA:
'''232 (0xE8)
The pipe is being closed.
logger.info("The pipe is being closed.")
raise EOF("The pipe is being closed.")
return len(s)
def startChild(self, args, env):
si = win32process.GetStartupInfo()
si.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
si.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_HIDE
dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.executable
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) else
spath = [os.path.dirname(dirname)]
pyargs = ['-c']
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
# If we are running 'frozen', add library.zip and lib\library.zip
# to sys.path
# py2exe: Needs appropriate 'zipfile' option in setup script and
# 'bundle_files' 3
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip'))
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip',
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, 'lib')):
dirname = os.path.join(dirname, 'lib')
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip'))
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip',
pyargs.insert(0, '-S') # skip 'import site'
pid = win32process.GetCurrentProcessId()
commandLine = '"%s" %s "%s"' % (os.path.join(dirname, 'python.exe')
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) else
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python.exe'),
' '.join(pyargs),
"import sys;"
f"sys.path = {spath} + sys.path;"
"import wexpect;"
"import time;"
f"wexpect.ConsoleReaderPipe(wexpect.join_args({args}), {pid}, local_echo={self.echo}, interact={self.interact});"
"wexpect.console_reader.logger.info('Console finished2.');"
logger.info(f'Console starter command:{commandLine}')
_, _, self.console_pid, __otid = win32process.CreateProcess(None, commandLine, None, None, False,
win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, None, None, si)
class SpawnSocket(SpawnBase):
def __init__(self, command, args=[], timeout=30, maxread=60000, searchwindowsize=None,
logfile=None, cwd=None, env=None, codepage=None, echo=True, port=4321, host='localhost', interact=False):
self.port = port
self.host = host
super().__init__(command=command, args=args, timeout=timeout, maxread=maxread,
searchwindowsize=searchwindowsize, cwd=cwd, env=env, codepage=codepage, echo=echo, interact=interact)
def send(self, s):
"""This sends a string to the child process. This returns the number of
bytes written. If a log file was set then the data is also written to
the log. """
if isinstance(s, str):
s = str.encode(s)
if self.delaybeforesend:
return len(s)
def connect_to_child(self):
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port))
def disconnect_from_child(self):
if self.sock:
self.sock = None
def read_nonblocking (self, size = 1):
"""This reads at most size characters from the child application. If
the end of file is read then an EOF exception will be raised.
This is not effected by the 'size' parameter, so if you call
read_nonblocking(size=100, timeout=30) and only one character is
available right away then one character will be returned immediately.
It will not wait for 30 seconds for another 99 characters to come in.
This is a wrapper around Wtty.read(). """
if self.closed:
logger.info('I/O operation on closed file in read_nonblocking().')
raise ValueError ('I/O operation on closed file in read_nonblocking().')
# The real child and it's console are two different process. The console dies 0.1 sec
# later to be able to read the child's last output (before EOF). So here we check
# isalive() (which checks the real child.) and try a last read on the console. To catch
# the last output.
# The flag_child_finished flag shows that this is the second trial, where we raise the EOF.
if self.flag_child_finished:
raise EOF('self.flag_child_finished')
if not self.isalive():
self.flag_child_finished = True
logger.info('self.isalive() == False: Child has been died, lets do a last read!')
s = self.sock.recv(size)
if s:
logger.debug(f'Readed: {s}')
logger.spam(f'Readed: {s}')
except EOF:
self.flag_eof = True
except ConnectionResetError:
self.flag_eof = True
raise EOF('ConnectionResetError')
except socket.timeout:
return ''
return s.decode()
def startChild(self, args, env):
si = win32process.GetStartupInfo()
si.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
si.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_HIDE
dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.executable
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) else
spath = [os.path.dirname(dirname)]
pyargs = ['-c']
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
# If we are running 'frozen', add library.zip and lib\library.zip
# to sys.path
# py2exe: Needs appropriate 'zipfile' option in setup script and
# 'bundle_files' 3
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip'))
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip',
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, 'lib')):
dirname = os.path.join(dirname, 'lib')
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip'))
spath.append(os.path.join(dirname, 'library.zip',
pyargs.insert(0, '-S') # skip 'import site'
pid = win32process.GetCurrentProcessId()
commandLine = '"%s" %s "%s"' % (os.path.join(dirname, 'python.exe')
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) else
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python.exe'),
' '.join(pyargs),
"import sys;"
f"sys.path = {spath} + sys.path;"
"import wexpect;"
"import time;"
f"wexpect.ConsoleReaderSocket(wexpect.join_args({args}), {pid}, port={self.port}, local_echo={self.echo}, interact={self.interact});"
"wexpect.console_reader.logger.info('Console finished2.');"
logger.info(f'Console starter command:{commandLine}')
_, _, self.console_pid, __otid = win32process.CreateProcess(None, commandLine, None, None, False,
win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, None, None, si)
class searcher_re (object):
"""This is regular expression string search helper for the
spawn.expect_any() method.
eof_index - index of EOF, or -1
timeout_index - index of TIMEOUT, or -1
After a successful match by the search() method the following attributes
are available:
start - index into the buffer, first byte of match
end - index into the buffer, first byte after match
match - the re.match object returned by a succesful re.search
def __init__(self, patterns):
"""This creates an instance that searches for 'patterns' Where
'patterns' may be a list or other sequence of compiled regular
expressions, or the EOF or TIMEOUT types."""
self.eof_index = -1
self.timeout_index = -1
self._searches = []
for n, s in zip(list(range(len(patterns))), patterns):
if s is EOF:
self.eof_index = n
if s is TIMEOUT:
self.timeout_index = n
self._searches.append((n, s))
def __str__(self):
"""This returns a human-readable string that represents the state of
the object."""
ss = [ (n,' %d: re.compile("%s")' % (n,str(s.pattern))) for n,s in self._searches]
if self.eof_index >= 0:
ss.append ((self.eof_index,' %d: EOF' % self.eof_index))
if self.timeout_index >= 0:
ss.append ((self.timeout_index,' %d: TIMEOUT' % self.timeout_index))
ss = list(zip(*ss))[1]
return '\n'.join(ss)
def search(self, buffer, freshlen, searchwindowsize=None):
"""This searches 'buffer' for the first occurence of one of the regular
expressions. 'freshlen' must indicate the number of bytes at the end of
'buffer' which have not been searched before.
See class spawn for the 'searchwindowsize' argument.
If there is a match this returns the index of that string, and sets
'start', 'end' and 'match'. Otherwise, returns -1."""
absurd_match = len(buffer)
first_match = absurd_match
# 'freshlen' doesn't help here -- we cannot predict the
# length of a match, and the re module provides no help.
if searchwindowsize is None:
searchstart = 0
searchstart = max(0, len(buffer)-searchwindowsize)
for index, s in self._searches:
match = s.search(buffer, searchstart)
if match is None:
n = match.start()
if n < first_match:
first_match = n
the_match = match
best_index = index
if first_match == absurd_match:
return -1
self.start = first_match
self.match = the_match
self.end = self.match.end()
return best_index
class searcher_string (object):
"""This is a plain string search helper for the spawn.expect_any() method.
eof_index - index of EOF, or -1
timeout_index - index of TIMEOUT, or -1
After a successful match by the search() method the following attributes
are available:
start - index into the buffer, first byte of match
end - index into the buffer, first byte after match
match - the matching string itself
def __init__(self, strings):
"""This creates an instance of searcher_string. This argument 'strings'
may be a list; a sequence of strings; or the EOF or TIMEOUT types. """
self.eof_index = -1
self.timeout_index = -1
self._strings = []
for n, s in zip(list(range(len(strings))), strings):
if s is EOF:
self.eof_index = n
if s is TIMEOUT:
self.timeout_index = n
self._strings.append((n, s))
def __str__(self):
"""This returns a human-readable string that represents the state of
the object."""
ss = [ (ns[0],' %d: "%s"' % ns) for ns in self._strings ]
if self.eof_index >= 0:
ss.append ((self.eof_index,' %d: EOF' % self.eof_index))
if self.timeout_index >= 0:
ss.append ((self.timeout_index,' %d: TIMEOUT' % self.timeout_index))
ss = list(zip(*ss))[1]
return '\n'.join(ss)
def search(self, buffer, freshlen, searchwindowsize=None):
"""This searches 'buffer' for the first occurence of one of the search
strings. 'freshlen' must indicate the number of bytes at the end of
'buffer' which have not been searched before. It helps to avoid
searching the same, possibly big, buffer over and over again.
See class spawn for the 'searchwindowsize' argument.
If there is a match this returns the index of that string, and sets
'start', 'end' and 'match'. Otherwise, this returns -1. """
absurd_match = len(buffer)
first_match = absurd_match
# 'freshlen' helps a lot here. Further optimizations could
# possibly include:
# using something like the Boyer-Moore Fast String Searching
# Algorithm; pre-compiling the search through a list of
# strings into something that can scan the input once to
# search for all N strings; realize that if we search for
# ['bar', 'baz'] and the input is '...foo' we need not bother
# rescanning until we've read three more bytes.
# Sadly, I don't know enough about this interesting topic. /grahn
for index, s in self._strings:
if searchwindowsize is None:
# the match, if any, can only be in the fresh data,
# or at the very end of the old data
offset = -(freshlen+len(s))
# better obey searchwindowsize
offset = -searchwindowsize
n = buffer.find(s, offset)
if n >= 0 and n < first_match:
first_match = n
best_index, best_match = index, s
if first_match == absurd_match:
return -1
self.match = best_match
self.start = first_match
self.end = self.start + len(self.match)
return best_index