import unittest import sys import re import os import time import wexpect from tests import PexpectTestCase # the program cat(1) may display ^D\x08\x08 when \x04 (EOF, Ctrl-D) is sent _CAT_EOF = '^D\x08\x08' def _u(s): return s PYBIN = '"{}"'.format(sys.executable) class TestCaseMisc(PexpectTestCase.PexpectTestCase): def test_isatty(self): " Test isatty() is True after spawning process on most platforms. " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') if not child.isatty() and sys.platform.lower().startswith('sunos'): if hasattr(unittest, 'SkipTest'): raise unittest.SkipTest("Not supported on this platform.") return 'skip' assert child.isatty() def test_read(self): " Test by calls of various size. " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendline("abc") child.sendeof() child.readline() self.assertEqual(, '') self.assertEqual(, 'a') self.assertEqual(, 'b') self.assertEqual(, 'c') self.assertEqual(, '\r\n') def test_readline_bin_echo(self): " Test spawn('echo'). " # given, child = wexpect.spawn('echo', ['alpha', 'beta']) # exercise, self.assertEqual(child.readline(), 'alpha beta\r\n') def test_readline(self): " Test spawn.readline(). " # when argument 0 is sent, nothing is returned. # Otherwise the argument value is meaningless. child = wexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendline("alpha") child.sendline("beta") child.sendline("gamma") child.sendline("delta") child.sendeof() self.assertEqual(child.readline(0), '') child.readline().rstrip() self.assertEqual(child.readline().rstrip(), 'alpha') child.readline().rstrip() self.assertEqual(child.readline(1).rstrip(), 'beta') child.readline().rstrip() self.assertEqual(child.readline(2).rstrip(), 'gamma') child.readline().rstrip() self.assertEqual(child.readline().rstrip(), 'delta') child.expect(wexpect.EOF) if type(child).__name__ in ['SpawnPipe', 'SpawnSocket']: time.sleep(child.delayafterterminate) assert not child.isalive(trust_console=False) else: assert not child.isalive() self.assertEqual(child.exitstatus, 0) def test_iter(self): " iterating over lines of spawn.__iter__(). " child = wexpect.spawn('echo "abc\r\n123"') # Don't use ''.join() because we want to test __iter__(). page = '' for line in child: page += line page = page.replace(_CAT_EOF, '') self.assertEqual(page, 'abc\r\n123\r\n') def test_readlines(self): " reading all lines of spawn.readlines(). " child = wexpect.spawn('cat', echo=False) child.sendline("abc") child.sendline("123") child.sendeof() page = ''.join(child.readlines()).replace(_CAT_EOF, '') self.assertEqual(page, '\r\nabc\r\n\r\n123\r\n') child.expect(wexpect.EOF) if type(child).__name__ in ['SpawnPipe', 'SpawnSocket']: time.sleep(child.delayafterterminate) assert not child.isalive(trust_console=False) else: assert not child.isalive() self.assertEqual(child.exitstatus, 0) def test_write(self): " write a character and return it in return. " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') child.write('a') child.write('\r') child.readline() self.assertEqual(child.readline(), 'a\r\n') def test_writelines(self): " spawn.writelines() " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') # notice that much like file.writelines, we do not delimit by newline # -- it is equivalent to calling write(''.join([args,])) child.writelines(['abc', '123', 'xyz', '\r']) child.sendeof() child.readline() line = child.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'abc123xyz\r\n') def test_eof(self): " call to expect() after EOF is received raises wexpect.EOF " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') child.sendeof() with self.assertRaises(wexpect.EOF): child.expect('the unexpected') def test_with(self): "spawn can be used as a context manager" with wexpect.spawn(PYBIN + '') as p: p.expect('') p.sendline('alpha') p.expect('alpha') assert p.isalive() assert not p.isalive() def test_terminate(self): " test force terminate always succeeds (SIGKILL). " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') child.terminate(force=1) assert child.terminated def test_bad_arguments_suggest_fdpsawn(self): " assert custom exception for spawn(int). " expect_errmsg = "maybe you want to use fdpexpect.fdspawn" with self.assertRaisesRegex(wexpect.ExceptionPexpect, ".*" + expect_errmsg): wexpect.spawn(1) def test_bad_arguments_second_arg_is_list(self): " Second argument to spawn, if used, must be only a list." with self.assertRaises(TypeError): wexpect.spawn('ls', '-la') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # not even a tuple, wexpect.spawn('ls', ('-la',)) def test_read_after_close_raises_value_error(self): " Calling read_nonblocking after close raises ValueError. " # as read_nonblocking underlies all other calls to read, # ValueError should be thrown for all forms of read. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): p = wexpect.spawn('cat') p.close() p.read_nonblocking() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): p = wexpect.spawn('cat') p.close() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): p = wexpect.spawn('cat') p.close() p.readline() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): p = wexpect.spawn('cat') p.close() p.readlines() def test_isalive(self): " check isalive() before and after EOF. (True, False) " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') self.assertTrue(child.isalive()) child.sendeof() child.expect(wexpect.EOF) assert child.isalive() is False self.assertFalse(child.isalive()) def test_bad_type_in_expect(self): " expect() does not accept dictionary arguments. " child = wexpect.spawn('cat') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): child.expect({}) def test_cwd(self): " check keyword argument `cwd=' of " try: os.mkdir('cwd_tmp') except: pass tmp_dir = os.path.realpath('cwd_tmp') child = wexpect.spawn('cmd') child.expect('>') child.sendline('cd') child.expect('>') default = child.before.splitlines()[1] child.terminate() child = wexpect.spawn('cmd', cwd=tmp_dir) child.expect('>') child.sendline('cd') child.expect('>') pwd_tmp = child.before.splitlines()[1] child.terminate() self.assertNotEqual(default, pwd_tmp) self.assertEqual(tmp_dir, _u(pwd_tmp)) def _test_searcher_as(self, searcher, plus=None): # given, given_words = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', ] given_search = given_words if searcher == wexpect.searcher_re: given_search = [re.compile(word) for word in given_words] if plus is not None: given_search = given_search + [plus] search_string = searcher(given_search) basic_fmt = '\n {0}: {1}' fmt = basic_fmt if searcher is wexpect.searcher_re: fmt = '\n {0}: re.compile({1})' expected_output = '{0}:'.format(searcher.__name__) idx = 0 for word in given_words: expected_output += fmt.format(idx, '"{0}"'.format(word)) idx += 1 if plus is not None: if plus == wexpect.EOF: expected_output += basic_fmt.format(idx, 'EOF') elif plus == wexpect.TIMEOUT: expected_output += basic_fmt.format(idx, 'TIMEOUT') # exercise, self.assertEqual(search_string.__str__(), expected_output) def test_searcher_as_string(self): " check searcher_string(..).__str__() " self._test_searcher_as(wexpect.searcher_string) def test_searcher_as_string_with_EOF(self): " check searcher_string(..).__str__() that includes EOF " self._test_searcher_as(wexpect.searcher_string, plus=wexpect.EOF) def test_searcher_as_string_with_TIMEOUT(self): " check searcher_string(..).__str__() that includes TIMEOUT " self._test_searcher_as(wexpect.searcher_string, plus=wexpect.TIMEOUT) def test_searcher_re_as_string(self): " check searcher_re(..).__str__() " self._test_searcher_as(wexpect.searcher_re) def test_searcher_re_as_string_with_EOF(self): " check searcher_re(..).__str__() that includes EOF " self._test_searcher_as(wexpect.searcher_re, plus=wexpect.EOF) def test_searcher_re_as_string_with_TIMEOUT(self): " check searcher_re(..).__str__() that includes TIMEOUT " self._test_searcher_as(wexpect.searcher_re, plus=wexpect.TIMEOUT) def test_exception_tb(self): " test get_trace() filters away wexpect/ calls. " p = wexpect.spawn('sleep 1') try: p.expect('BLAH') except wexpect.ExceptionPexpect as e: # get_trace should filter out frames in wexpect's own code tb = e.get_trace() # exercise, assert 'raise ' not in tb assert 'wexpect/' not in tb else: assert False, "Should have raised an exception." if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestCaseMisc,'test')