/* * Dropbear SSH * * Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Matt Johnston * Copyright (c) 2004 by Mihnea Stoenescu * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "includes.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "dbutil.h" #include "session.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "runopts.h" #include "auth.h" #ifdef ENABLE_CLI_PUBKEY_AUTH static void send_msg_userauth_pubkey(sign_key *key, int type, int realsign); /* Called when we receive a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE for a pubkey request. * We use it to remove the key we tried from the list */ void cli_pubkeyfail() { struct SignKeyList *keyitem; struct SignKeyList **previtem; TRACE(("enter cli_pubkeyfail")) previtem = &cli_opts.privkeys; /* Find the key we failed with, and remove it */ for (keyitem = cli_opts.privkeys; keyitem != NULL; keyitem = keyitem->next) { if (keyitem == cli_ses.lastprivkey) { *previtem = keyitem->next; } previtem = &keyitem; } sign_key_free(cli_ses.lastprivkey->key); /* It won't be used again */ m_free(cli_ses.lastprivkey); TRACE(("leave cli_pubkeyfail")) } void recv_msg_userauth_pk_ok() { struct SignKeyList *keyitem = NULL; buffer* keybuf = NULL; char* algotype = NULL; unsigned int algolen; int keytype; unsigned int remotelen; TRACE(("enter recv_msg_userauth_pk_ok")) algotype = buf_getstring(ses.payload, &algolen); keytype = signkey_type_from_name(algotype, algolen); TRACE(("recv_msg_userauth_pk_ok: type %d", keytype)) m_free(algotype); keybuf = buf_new(MAX_PUBKEY_SIZE); remotelen = buf_getint(ses.payload); /* Iterate through our keys, find which one it was that matched, and * send a real request with that key */ for (keyitem = cli_opts.privkeys; keyitem != NULL; keyitem = keyitem->next) { if (keyitem->type != keytype) { /* Types differed */ TRACE(("types differed")) continue; } /* Now we compare the contents of the key */ keybuf->pos = keybuf->len = 0; buf_put_pub_key(keybuf, keyitem->key, keytype); buf_setpos(keybuf, 0); buf_incrpos(keybuf, 4); /* first int is the length of the remainder (ie remotelen) which has already been taken from the remote buffer */ if (keybuf->len-4 != remotelen) { TRACE(("lengths differed: localh %d remote %d", keybuf->len, remotelen)) /* Lengths differed */ continue; } if (memcmp(buf_getptr(keybuf, remotelen), buf_getptr(ses.payload, remotelen), remotelen) != 0) { /* Data didn't match this key */ TRACE(("data differed")) continue; } /* Success */ break; } buf_free(keybuf); if (keyitem != NULL) { TRACE(("matching key")) /* XXX TODO: if it's an encrypted key, here we ask for their * password */ send_msg_userauth_pubkey(keyitem->key, keytype, 1); } else { TRACE(("That was whacky. We got told that a key was valid, but it didn't match our list. Sounds like dodgy code on Dropbear's part")) } TRACE(("leave recv_msg_userauth_pk_ok")) } /* TODO: make it take an agent reference to use as well */ static void send_msg_userauth_pubkey(sign_key *key, int type, int realsign) { const char *algoname = NULL; int algolen; buffer* sigbuf = NULL; TRACE(("enter send_msg_userauth_pubkey")) CHECKCLEARTOWRITE(); buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, cli_opts.username, strlen(cli_opts.username)); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, SSH_SERVICE_CONNECTION, SSH_SERVICE_CONNECTION_LEN); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, AUTH_METHOD_PUBKEY, AUTH_METHOD_PUBKEY_LEN); buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, realsign); algoname = signkey_name_from_type(type, &algolen); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, algoname, algolen); buf_put_pub_key(ses.writepayload, key, type); if (realsign) { TRACE(("realsign")) /* We put the signature as well - this contains string(session id), then * the contents of the write payload to this point */ sigbuf = buf_new(4 + SHA1_HASH_SIZE + ses.writepayload->len); buf_putstring(sigbuf, ses.session_id, SHA1_HASH_SIZE); buf_putbytes(sigbuf, ses.writepayload->data, ses.writepayload->len); buf_put_sign(ses.writepayload, key, type, sigbuf->data, sigbuf->len); buf_free(sigbuf); /* Nothing confidential in the buffer */ } encrypt_packet(); TRACE(("leave send_msg_userauth_pubkey")) } int cli_auth_pubkey() { TRACE(("enter cli_auth_pubkey")) if (cli_opts.pubkeys == NULL && cli_opts.agent_fwd && !cli_opts.agent_keys_loaded) { /* get the list of available keys from the agent */ load_agent_keys(&cli_opts.pubkeys); } if (cli_opts.privkeys != NULL) { /* Send a trial request */ send_msg_userauth_pubkey(cli_opts.privkeys->key, cli_opts.privkeys->type, 0); cli_ses.lastprivkey = cli_opts.privkeys; TRACE(("leave cli_auth_pubkey-success")) return 1; } else { TRACE(("leave cli_auth_pubkey-failure")) return 0; } } #endif /* Pubkey auth */