/* * Dropbear - a SSH2 server * * Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Matt Johnston * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _SESSION_H_ #define _SESSION_H_ #include "includes.h" #include "options.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "signkey.h" #include "kex.h" #include "auth.h" #include "channel.h" #include "queue.h" #include "listener.h" #include "packet.h" #include "tcpfwd.h" #include "chansession.h" #include "dbutil.h" extern int sessinitdone; /* Is set to 0 somewhere */ extern int exitflag; void common_session_init(int sock_in, int sock_out); void session_loop(void(*loophandler)()); void common_session_cleanup(); void session_identification(); void send_msg_ignore(); const char* get_user_shell(); void fill_passwd(const char* username); /* Server */ void svr_session(int sock, int childpipe); void svr_dropbear_exit(int exitcode, const char* format, va_list param) ATTRIB_NORETURN; void svr_dropbear_log(int priority, const char* format, va_list param); /* Client */ void cli_session(int sock_in, int sock_out); void cli_session_cleanup(); void cleantext(unsigned char* dirtytext); /* crypto parameters that are stored individually for transmit and receive */ struct key_context_directional { const struct dropbear_cipher *algo_crypt; /* NULL for none */ const struct dropbear_cipher_mode *crypt_mode; const struct dropbear_hash *algo_mac; /* NULL for none */ int hash_index; /* lookup for libtomcrypt */ char algo_comp; /* compression */ #ifndef DISABLE_ZLIB z_streamp zstream; #endif /* actual keys */ union { symmetric_CBC cbc; #ifdef DROPBEAR_ENABLE_CTR_MODE symmetric_CTR ctr; #endif } cipher_state; unsigned char mackey[MAX_MAC_KEY]; }; struct key_context { struct key_context_directional recv; struct key_context_directional trans; char algo_kex; char algo_hostkey; int allow_compress; /* whether compression has started (useful in zlib@openssh.com delayed compression case) */ }; struct packetlist; struct packetlist { struct packetlist *next; buffer * payload; }; struct sshsession { /* Is it a client or server? */ unsigned char isserver; time_t connect_time; /* time the connection was established (cleared after auth once we're not respecting AUTH_TIMEOUT any more) */ int sock_in; int sock_out; unsigned char *remoteident; int maxfd; /* the maximum file descriptor to check with select() */ /* Packet buffers/values etc */ buffer *writepayload; /* Unencrypted payload to write - this is used throughout the code, as handlers fill out this buffer with the packet to send. */ struct Queue writequeue; /* A queue of encrypted packets to send */ buffer *readbuf; /* From the wire, decrypted in-place */ buffer *payload; /* Post-decompression, the actual SSH packet */ unsigned int transseq, recvseq; /* Sequence IDs */ /* Packet-handling flags */ const packettype * packettypes; /* Packet handler mappings for this session, see process-packet.c */ unsigned dataallowed : 1; /* whether we can send data packets or we are in the middle of a KEX or something */ unsigned char requirenext; /* byte indicating what packet we require next, or 0x00 for any */ unsigned char ignorenext; /* whether to ignore the next packet, used for kex_follows stuff */ unsigned char lastpacket; /* What the last received packet type was */ int signal_pipe[2]; /* stores endpoints of a self-pipe used for race-free signal handling */ time_t last_trx_packet_time; /* time of the last packet transmission, for keepalive purposes */ time_t last_packet_time; /* time of the last packet transmission or receive, for idle timeout purposes */ /* KEX/encryption related */ struct KEXState kexstate; struct key_context *keys; struct key_context *newkeys; unsigned char *session_id; /* this is the hash from the first kex */ /* The below are used temorarily during kex, are freed after use */ mp_int * dh_K; /* SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY and sending SSH_MSH_NEWKEYS */ unsigned char hash[SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; /* the hash*/ buffer* kexhashbuf; /* session hash buffer calculated from various packets*/ buffer* transkexinit; /* the kexinit packet we send should be kept so we can add it to the hash when generating keys */ /* Enables/disables compression */ algo_type *compress_algos; /* a list of queued replies that should be sent after a KEX has concluded (ie, while dataallowed was unset)*/ struct packetlist *reply_queue_head, *reply_queue_tail; algo_type*(*buf_match_algo)(buffer*buf, algo_type localalgos[], int *goodguess); /* The function to use to choose which algorithm to use from the ones presented by the remote side. Is specific to the client/server mode, hence the function-pointer callback.*/ void(*remoteclosed)(); /* A callback to handle closure of the remote connection */ struct AuthState authstate; /* Common amongst client and server, since most struct elements are common */ /* Channel related */ struct Channel ** channels; /* these pointers may be null */ unsigned int chansize; /* the number of Channel*s allocated for channels */ unsigned int chancount; /* the number of Channel*s in use */ const struct ChanType **chantypes; /* The valid channel types */ /* TCP forwarding - where manage listeners */ struct Listener ** listeners; unsigned int listensize; /* Whether to allow binding to privileged ports (<1024). This doesn't * really belong here, but nowhere else fits nicely */ int allowprivport; }; struct serversession { /* Server specific options */ int childpipe; /* kept open until we successfully authenticate */ /* userauth */ struct ChildPid * childpids; /* array of mappings childpid<->channel */ unsigned int childpidsize; /* Used to avoid a race in the exit returncode handling - see * svr-chansession.c for details */ struct exitinfo lastexit; /* The numeric address they connected from, used for logging */ char * addrstring; /* The resolved remote address, used for lastlog etc */ char *remotehost; #ifdef USE_VFORK pid_t server_pid; #endif }; typedef enum { KEX_NOTHING, KEXINIT_RCVD, KEXDH_INIT_SENT, KEXDONE } cli_kex_state; typedef enum { STATE_NOTHING, SERVICE_AUTH_REQ_SENT, SERVICE_AUTH_ACCEPT_RCVD, SERVICE_CONN_REQ_SENT, SERVICE_CONN_ACCEPT_RCVD, USERAUTH_REQ_SENT, USERAUTH_FAIL_RCVD, USERAUTH_SUCCESS_RCVD, SESSION_RUNNING } cli_state; struct clientsession { mp_int *dh_e, *dh_x; /* Used during KEX */ cli_kex_state kex_state; /* Used for progressing KEX */ cli_state state; /* Used to progress auth/channelsession etc */ unsigned donefirstkex : 1; /* Set when we set sentnewkeys, never reset */ int tty_raw_mode; /* Whether we're in raw mode (and have to clean up) */ struct termios saved_tio; int stdincopy; int stdinflags; int stdoutcopy; int stdoutflags; int stderrcopy; int stderrflags; int winchange; /* Set to 1 when a windowchange signal happens */ int lastauthtype; /* either AUTH_TYPE_PUBKEY or AUTH_TYPE_PASSWORD, for the last type of auth we tried */ #ifdef ENABLE_CLI_INTERACT_AUTH int auth_interact_failed; /* flag whether interactive auth can still be used */ int interact_request_received; /* flag whether we've received an info request from the server for interactive auth.*/ int cipher_none_after_auth; /* Set to 1 if the user requested "none" auth */ #endif sign_key *lastprivkey; int retval; /* What the command exit status was - we emulate it */ #if 0 TODO struct AgentkeyList *agentkeys; /* Keys to use for public-key auth */ #endif }; /* Global structs storing the state */ extern struct sshsession ses; #ifdef DROPBEAR_SERVER extern struct serversession svr_ses; #endif /* DROPBEAR_SERVER */ #ifdef DROPBEAR_CLIENT extern struct clientsession cli_ses; #endif /* DROPBEAR_CLIENT */ #endif /* _SESSION_H_ */