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import logging
from clearml import Task
from clearml.automation import (
DiscreteParameterRange, HyperParameterOptimizer, RandomSearch,
# trying to load Bayesian optimizer package
from clearml.automation.optuna import OptimizerOptuna # noqa
aSearchStrategy = OptimizerOptuna
except ImportError as ex:
from clearml.automation.hpbandster import OptimizerBOHB # noqa
aSearchStrategy = OptimizerBOHB
except ImportError as ex:
'Apologies, it seems you do not have \'optuna\' or \'hpbandster\' installed, '
'we will be using RandomSearch strategy instead')
aSearchStrategy = RandomSearch
def job_complete_callback(
job_id, # type: str
objective_value, # type: float
objective_iteration, # type: int
job_parameters, # type: dict
top_performance_job_id # type: str
print('Job completed!', job_id, objective_value, objective_iteration, job_parameters)
if job_id == top_performance_job_id:
print('WOOT WOOT we broke the record! Objective reached {}'.format(objective_value))
# Connecting ClearML with the current process,
# from here on everything is logged automatically
task = Task.init(project_name='Hyper-Parameter Optimization',
task_name='Automatic Hyper-Parameter Optimization',
# experiment template to optimize in the hyper-parameter optimization
args = {
'template_task_id': None,
'run_as_service': False,
args = task.connect(args)
# Get the template task experiment that we want to optimize
if not args['template_task_id']:
args['template_task_id'] = Task.get_task(
project_name='examples', task_name='Keras HP optimization base').id
# Set default queue name for the Training tasks themselves.
# later can be overridden in the UI
execution_queue = '1xGPU'
# Example use case:
an_optimizer = HyperParameterOptimizer(
# This is the experiment we want to optimize
# here we define the hyper-parameters to optimize
# Notice: The parameter name should exactly match what you see in the UI: <section_name>/<parameter>
# For Example, here we see in the base experiment a section Named: "General"
# under it a parameter named "batch_size", this becomes "General/batch_size"
# If you have `argparse` for example, then arguments will appear under the "Args" section,
# and you should instead pass "Args/batch_size"
UniformIntegerParameterRange('General/layer_1', min_value=128, max_value=512, step_size=128),
UniformIntegerParameterRange('General/layer_2', min_value=128, max_value=512, step_size=128),
DiscreteParameterRange('General/batch_size', values=[96, 128, 160]),
DiscreteParameterRange('General/epochs', values=[30]),
# this is the objective metric we want to maximize/minimize
# now we decide if we want to maximize it or minimize it (accuracy we maximize)
# let us limit the number of concurrent experiments,
# this in turn will make sure we do dont bombard the scheduler with experiments.
# if we have an auto-scaler connected, this, by proxy, will limit the number of machine
# this is the optimizer class (actually doing the optimization)
# Currently, we can choose from GridSearch, RandomSearch or OptimizerBOHB (Bayesian optimization Hyper-Band)
# more are coming soon...
# Select an execution queue to schedule the experiments for execution
# If specified all Tasks created by the HPO process will be created under the `spawned_project` project
spawn_project=None, # 'HPO spawn project',
# If specified only the top K performing Tasks will be kept, the others will be automatically archived
save_top_k_tasks_only=None, # 5,
# Optional: Limit the execution time of a single experiment, in minutes.
# (this is optional, and if using OptimizerBOHB, it is ignored)
# Check the experiments every 12 seconds is way too often, we should probably set it to 5 min,
# assuming a single experiment is usually hours...
# set the maximum number of jobs to launch for the optimization, default (None) unlimited
# If OptimizerBOHB is used, it defined the maximum budget in terms of full jobs
# basically the cumulative number of iterations will not exceed total_max_jobs * max_iteration_per_job
# set the minimum number of iterations for an experiment, before early stopping.
# Does not apply for simple strategies such as RandomSearch or GridSearch
# Set the maximum number of iterations for an experiment to execute
# (This is optional, unless using OptimizerBOHB where this is a must)
# if we are running as a service, just enqueue ourselves into the services queue and let it run the optimization
if args['run_as_service']:
# if this code is executed by `clearml-agent` the function call does nothing.
# if executed locally, the local process will be terminated, and a remote copy will be executed instead
task.execute_remotely(queue_name='services', exit_process=True)
# report every 12 seconds, this is way too often, but we are testing here
# start the optimization process, callback function to be called every time an experiment is completed
# this function returns immediately
# You can also use the line below instead to run all the optimizer tasks locally, without using queues or agent
# an_optimizer.start_locally(job_complete_callback=job_complete_callback)
# set the time limit for the optimization process (2 hours)
# wait until process is done (notice we are controlling the optimization process in the background)
# optimization is completed, print the top performing experiments id
top_exp = an_optimizer.get_top_experiments(top_k=3)
print([t.id for t in top_exp])
# make sure background optimization stopped
print('We are done, good bye')