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synced 2025-03-03 10:42:00 +00:00
330 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
330 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
import json
import re
import sys
from . import ConfigFactory
from .config_tree import ConfigQuotedString
from .config_tree import ConfigSubstitution
from .config_tree import ConfigTree
from .config_tree import ConfigValues
from .config_tree import NoneValue
except NameError:
basestring = str
unicode = str
class HOCONConverter(object):
_number_re = r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))'
_number_re_matcher = re.compile(_number_re)
def to_json(cls, config, compact=False, indent=2, level=0):
"""Convert HOCON input into a JSON output
:return: JSON string representation
:type return: basestring
lines = ""
if isinstance(config, ConfigTree):
if len(config) == 0:
lines += '{}'
lines += '{\n'
bet_lines = []
for key, item in config.items():
bet_lines.append('{indent}"{key}": {value}'.format(
indent=''.rjust((level + 1) * indent, ' '),
key=key.strip('"'), # for dotted keys enclosed with "" to not be interpreted as nested key
value=cls.to_json(item, compact, indent, level + 1))
lines += ',\n'.join(bet_lines)
lines += '\n{indent}}}'.format(indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '))
elif isinstance(config, list):
if len(config) == 0:
lines += '[]'
lines += '[\n'
bet_lines = []
for item in config:
indent=''.rjust((level + 1) * indent, ' '),
value=cls.to_json(item, compact, indent, level + 1))
lines += ',\n'.join(bet_lines)
lines += '\n{indent}]'.format(indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '))
elif isinstance(config, basestring):
lines = json.dumps(config)
elif config is None or isinstance(config, NoneValue):
lines = 'null'
elif config is True:
lines = 'true'
elif config is False:
lines = 'false'
lines = str(config)
return lines
def _auto_indent(lines, section):
# noinspection PyBroadException
indent = len(lines) - lines.rindex('\n')
except Exception:
indent = len(lines)
# noinspection PyBroadException
section_indent = section.index('\n')
except Exception:
section_indent = len(section)
if section_indent < 3:
return lines + section
indent = '\n' + ''.rjust(indent, ' ')
return lines + indent.join([sec.strip() for sec in section.split('\n')])
# indent = ''.rjust(indent, ' ')
# return lines + section.replace('\n', '\n'+indent)
def to_hocon(cls, config, compact=False, indent=2, level=0):
"""Convert HOCON input into a HOCON output
:return: JSON string representation
:type return: basestring
lines = ""
if isinstance(config, ConfigTree):
if len(config) == 0:
lines += '{}'
if level > 0: # don't display { at root level
lines += '{\n'
bet_lines = []
for key, item in config.items():
if compact:
full_key = key
while isinstance(item, ConfigTree) and len(item) == 1:
key, item = next(iter(item.items()))
full_key += '.' + key
full_key = key
if isinstance(full_key, float) or \
(isinstance(full_key, (basestring, unicode)) and cls._number_re_matcher.match(full_key)):
# if key can be casted to float, and it is a string, make sure we quote it
full_key = '\"{}\"'.format(full_key)
bet_line = ('{indent}{key}{assign_sign} '.format(
indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '),
assign_sign='' if isinstance(item, dict) else ' =',)
value_line = cls.to_hocon(item, compact, indent, level + 1)
if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
bet_lines.append(cls._auto_indent(bet_line, value_line))
bet_lines.append(bet_line + value_line)
lines += '\n'.join(bet_lines)
if level > 0: # don't display { at root level
lines += '\n{indent}}}'.format(indent=''.rjust((level - 1) * indent, ' '))
elif isinstance(config, (list, tuple)):
if len(config) == 0:
lines += '[]'
# lines += '[\n'
lines += '['
bet_lines = []
base_len = len(lines)
skip_comma = False
for i, item in enumerate(config):
if 0 < i and not skip_comma:
# if not isinstance(item, (str, int, float)):
# lines += ',\n{indent}'.format(indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '))
# else:
# lines += ', '
lines += ', '
skip_comma = False
new_line = cls.to_hocon(item, compact, indent, level + 1)
lines += new_line
if '\n' in new_line or len(lines) - base_len > 80:
if i < len(config) - 1:
lines += ',\n{indent}'.format(indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '))
base_len = len(lines)
skip_comma = True
# bet_lines.append('{value}'.format(value=cls.to_hocon(item, compact, indent, level + 1)))
# lines += '\n'.join(bet_lines)
# lines += ', '.join(bet_lines)
# lines += '\n{indent}]'.format(indent=''.rjust((level - 1) * indent, ' '))
lines += ']'
elif isinstance(config, basestring):
if '\n' in config and len(config) > 1:
lines = '"""{value}"""'.format(value=config) # multilines
lines = '"{value}"'.format(value=cls.__escape_string(config))
elif isinstance(config, ConfigValues):
lines = ''.join(cls.to_hocon(o, compact, indent, level) for o in config.tokens)
elif isinstance(config, ConfigSubstitution):
lines = '${'
if config.optional:
lines += '?'
lines += config.variable + '}' + config.ws
elif isinstance(config, ConfigQuotedString):
if '\n' in config.value and len(config.value) > 1:
lines = '"""{value}"""'.format(value=config.value) # multilines
lines = '"{value}"'.format(value=cls.__escape_string(config.value))
elif config is None or isinstance(config, NoneValue):
lines = 'null'
elif config is True:
lines = 'true'
elif config is False:
lines = 'false'
lines = str(config)
return lines
def to_yaml(cls, config, compact=False, indent=2, level=0):
"""Convert HOCON input into a YAML output
:return: YAML string representation
:type return: basestring
lines = ""
if isinstance(config, ConfigTree):
if len(config) > 0:
if level > 0:
lines += '\n'
bet_lines = []
for key, item in config.items():
bet_lines.append('{indent}{key}: {value}'.format(
indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '),
key=key.strip('"'), # for dotted keys enclosed with "" to not be interpreted as nested key,
value=cls.to_yaml(item, compact, indent, level + 1))
lines += '\n'.join(bet_lines)
elif isinstance(config, list):
config_list = [line for line in config if line is not None]
if len(config_list) == 0:
lines += '[]'
lines += '\n'
bet_lines = []
for item in config_list:
bet_lines.append('{indent}- {value}'.format(indent=''.rjust(level * indent, ' '),
value=cls.to_yaml(item, compact, indent, level + 1)))
lines += '\n'.join(bet_lines)
elif isinstance(config, basestring):
# if it contains a \n then it's multiline
lines = config.split('\n')
if len(lines) == 1:
lines = config
lines = '|\n' + '\n'.join([line.rjust(level * indent, ' ') for line in lines])
elif config is None or isinstance(config, NoneValue):
lines = 'null'
elif config is True:
lines = 'true'
elif config is False:
lines = 'false'
lines = str(config)
return lines
def to_properties(cls, config, compact=False, indent=2, key_stack=[]):
"""Convert HOCON input into a .properties output
:return: .properties string representation
:type return: basestring
def escape_value(value):
return value.replace('=', '\\=').replace('!', '\\!').replace('#', '\\#').replace('\n', '\\\n')
stripped_key_stack = [key.strip('"') for key in key_stack]
lines = []
if isinstance(config, ConfigTree):
for key, item in config.items():
if item is not None:
lines.append(cls.to_properties(item, compact, indent, stripped_key_stack + [key]))
elif isinstance(config, list):
for index, item in enumerate(config):
if item is not None:
lines.append(cls.to_properties(item, compact, indent, stripped_key_stack + [str(index)]))
elif isinstance(config, basestring):
lines.append('.'.join(stripped_key_stack) + ' = ' + escape_value(config))
elif config is True:
lines.append('.'.join(stripped_key_stack) + ' = true')
elif config is False:
lines.append('.'.join(stripped_key_stack) + ' = false')
elif config is None or isinstance(config, NoneValue):
lines.append('.'.join(stripped_key_stack) + ' = ' + str(config))
return '\n'.join([line for line in lines if len(line) > 0])
def convert(cls, config, output_format='json', indent=2, compact=False):
converters = {
'json': cls.to_json,
'properties': cls.to_properties,
'yaml': cls.to_yaml,
'hocon': cls.to_hocon,
if output_format in converters:
return converters[output_format](config, compact, indent)
raise Exception("Invalid format '{format}'. Format must be 'json', 'properties', 'yaml' or 'hocon'".format(
def convert_from_file(cls, input_file=None, output_file=None, output_format='json', indent=2, compact=False):
"""Convert to json, properties or yaml
:param input_file: input file, if not specified stdin
:param output_file: output file, if not specified stdout
:param output_format: json, properties or yaml
:return: json, properties or yaml string representation
if input_file is None:
content = sys.stdin.read()
config = ConfigFactory.parse_string(content)
config = ConfigFactory.parse_file(input_file)
res = cls.convert(config, output_format, indent, compact)
if output_file is None:
with open(output_file, "w") as fd:
def __escape_match(cls, match):
char = match.group(0)
return {
'\b': r'\b',
'\t': r'\t',
'\n': r'\n',
'\f': r'\f',
'\r': r'\r',
'"': r'\"',
'\\': r'\\',
}.get(char) or (r'\u%04x' % ord(char))
def __escape_string(cls, string):
return re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1F"\\]', cls.__escape_match, string)