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354 lines
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import numpy as np
from attr import attrs, attrib
def create_2d_histogram_plot(np_row_wise, labels, title=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, series=None, xlabels=None,
Create a 2D Plotly histogram chart from a 2D numpy array
:param np_row_wise: 2D numpy data array
:param labels: Histogram labels
:param title: Chart title
:param xtitle: X-Series title
:param ytitle: Y-Series title
:param comment: comment underneath the title
:return: Plotly chart dict
np_row_wise = np.atleast_2d(np_row_wise)
assert len(np_row_wise.shape) == 2, "Expected a 2D numpy array"
# using labels without xlabels leads to original behavior
if labels is not None and xlabels is None:
assert len(labels) == np_row_wise.shape[0], "Please provide a label for each data row"
elif xlabels is None:
fake_label = series or ''
labels = [fake_label] * np_row_wise.shape[0]
elif labels:
if len(labels) == 1:
labels = [labels] * np_row_wise.shape[0]
assert len(xlabels) == np_row_wise.shape[1]
data = [_np_row_to_plotly_data_item(np_row=np_row_wise[i, :], label=labels[i] if labels else None, xlabels=xlabels)
for i in range(np_row_wise.shape[0])]
return _plotly_hist_dict(title=title, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, data=data, comment=comment)
def _to_np_array(value):
if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
value = np.array(value)
return value
class SeriesInfo(object):
name = attrib(type=str)
data = attrib(type=np.ndarray, converter=_to_np_array)
labels = attrib(default=None)
def _validate_data(self, _, value):
if value.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected series data to be 2D numpy array")
if value.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected series data to have 2 columns")
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
if (self.labels is not None) and (len(self.labels) != self.data.shape[0]):
raise ValueError(
"If 'labels' is provided, it must be a list or tuple, "
"the same length as the data"
def create_line_plot(title, series, xtitle, ytitle, mode='lines', reverse_xaxis=False, comment=None):
plotly_obj = _plotly_scatter_layout_dict(
title=title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'),
if reverse_xaxis:
plotly_obj["layout"]["xaxis"]["autorange"] = "reversed"
"name": s.name,
"x": s.data[:, 0].tolist(),
"y": s.data[:, 1].tolist(),
"mode": mode,
"text": s.labels,
"type": "scatter",
} for s in series)
return plotly_obj
def create_2d_scatter_series(np_row_wise, title="Scatter", series_name="Series", xtitle="x", ytitle="y", mode="lines",
labels=None, comment=None):
Create a 2D scatter Plotly graph from a 2 column numpy array
:param np_row_wise: 2 column numpy data array [(x0,y0), (x1,y1) ...]
:param title: Chart title
:param series_name: Series name
:param xtitle: X-axis title
:param ytitle: Y-axis title
:param mode: scatter type mode ('lines' / 'markers' / 'lines+markers')
:param labels: label (text) per point on the scatter graph
:param comment: comment underneath the title
:return: Plotly chart dict
plotly_obj = _plotly_scatter_layout_dict(title=title, xaxis_title=xtitle, yaxis_title=ytitle, comment=comment)
assert np_row_wise.ndim == 2, "Expected a 2D numpy array"
assert np_row_wise.shape[1] == 2, "Expected two columns X/Y e.g. [(x0,y0), (x1,y1) ...]"
this_scatter_data = {
"name": series_name,
"x": np_row_wise[:, 0].tolist(),
"y": np_row_wise[:, 1].tolist(),
"mode": mode,
"text": labels,
"type": "scatter"
return plotly_obj
def create_3d_scatter_series(np_row_wise, title="Scatter", series_name="Series", xtitle="x", ytitle="y", ztitle="z",
mode="lines", color=((217, 217, 217, 0.14),), marker_size=5, line_width=0.8,
labels=None, fill_axis=-1, plotly_obj=None):
Create a 3D scatter Plotly graph from a 3 column numpy array
:param np_row_wise: 3 column numpy data array [(x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1) ...]
:param title: Chart title
:param series_name: Series name
:param xtitle: X-axis title
:param ytitle: Y-axis title
:param ztitle: Z-axis title
:param labels: label (text) per point on the scatter graph
:param fill_axis: fill area under the curve
:return: Plotly chart dict
if not plotly_obj:
plotly_obj = plotly_scatter3d_layout_dict(title=title, xaxis_title=xtitle, yaxis_title=ytitle, zaxis_title=ztitle)
assert np_row_wise.ndim == 2, "Expected a 2D numpy array"
assert np_row_wise.shape[1] == 3, "Expected three columns X/Y/Z e.g. [(x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1) ...]"
c = color[0]
c = (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2]), float(c[3]))
this_scatter_data = {
"name": series_name,
"x": np_row_wise[:, 0].tolist(),
"y": np_row_wise[:, 1].tolist(),
"z": np_row_wise[:, 2].tolist(),
"text": labels,
"type": "scatter3d",
"mode": mode,
'marker': {
'size': marker_size,
'line': {
'color': 'rgba(%d, %d, %d, %f.2)' % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]),
'width': line_width
'opacity': 0.8
return plotly_obj
def create_value_matrix(np_value_matrix, title="Heatmap Matrix", xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xtitle="X", ytitle="Y",
custom_colors=True, series=None, comment=None):
conf_matrix_plot = {
"data": [
"x": xlabels,
"y": ylabels,
"z": np_value_matrix.tolist(),
"type": "heatmap"
"layout": {
"showlegend": True,
"title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'),
"xaxis": {
"title": xtitle,
"yaxis": {
"title": ytitle
"name": series,
if custom_colors:
scale, bar = _get_z_colorbar_data()
conf_matrix_plot["data"][0].update({"colorscale": scale})
conf_matrix_plot["data"][0].update({"colorbar": bar})
return conf_matrix_plot
def create_3d_surface(np_value_matrix, title="3D Surface", xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xtitle="X", ytitle="Y",
ztitle="Z", custom_colors=True, series=None, camera=None, comment=None):
conf_matrix_plot = {
"data": [
"z": np_value_matrix.tolist(),
"type": "surface",
"contours": {
"y": {
"show": False,
"highlightcolor": "#fff4ff",
"project": {"y": True}
"showscale": False,
"layout": {
"scene": {
"xaxis": {
"title": xtitle,
"showgrid": False,
"nticks": 10,
"ticktext": xlabels,
"tickvals": list(range(len(xlabels))) if xlabels else None,
"yaxis": {
"title": ytitle,
"showgrid": False,
"nticks": 10,
"ticktext": ylabels,
"tickvals": list(range(len(ylabels))) if ylabels else ylabels,
"zaxis": {
"title": ztitle,
"nticks": 5,
"showlegend": False,
"title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'),
"name": series,
if camera:
conf_matrix_plot['layout']['scene']['camera'] = {"eye": {"x": camera[0], "y": camera[1], "z": camera[2]}}
if custom_colors:
scale, bar = _get_z_colorbar_data()
conf_matrix_plot["data"][0].update({"colorscale": scale})
conf_matrix_plot["data"][0].update({"colorbar": bar})
return conf_matrix_plot
def _get_z_colorbar_data(z_data=None, values=None, colors=None):
if values is None:
values = [0, 1. / 10, 2. / 10, 6. / 10, 9. / 10]
if colors is None:
colors = [(71, 17, 100), (53, 92, 140), (37, 139, 141), (66, 189, 112), (141, 314, 68), (221, 226, 24)]
if z_data is not None:
data = np.array(z_data)
max_z = data.max()
scaler = max_z
values = [float(v * scaler) for v in values[0:5]]
values.append(1.0) # poltly quirk?
# we do not want to show the first and last value
tickvalues = [" %.3f " % v for v in values[1:]]
tickvalues = [float(v) for v in tickvalues]
# tickvalues.pop()
colorscale = [[v, 'rgb' + str(color)] for v, color in zip(values, colors)]
colorbar = {"tick0": 0, "tickmode": "array", "tickvals": tickvalues}
return colorscale, colorbar
def _plotly_hist_dict(title, xtitle, ytitle, data=None, comment=None):
Create a basic Plotly chart dictionary
:param title: Chart title
:param xtitle: X-Series title
:param ytitle: Y-Series title
:param data: Data items
:type data: list
:return: Plotly chart dict
return {
"data": data or [],
"layout": {
"title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'),
"xaxis": {
"title": xtitle
"yaxis": {
"title": ytitle
"barmode": "stack",
"bargap": 0.08,
"bargroupgap": 0
def _np_row_to_plotly_data_item(np_row, label, xlabels=None):
Convert a numpy data row into a Plotly chart data item
:param np_row: numpy 1D data row
:param label: Item label
:return: Plotly data item dict
bins = list(range(np_row.shape[0])) if xlabels is None else list(xlabels)
# mylabels = ['"' + label + '"'] * len(bins)
this_trace_data = {
"name": label,
"y": np_row.tolist(),
"x": bins,
# "text": mylabels,
"type": "bar"
return this_trace_data
def _plotly_scatter_layout_dict(title="Scatter", xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Y", series=None, comment=None):
return {
"data": [],
"layout": {
"title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'),
"xaxis": {
"title": xaxis_title,
"showspikes": True,
"spikethickness": 1,
"spikesnap": "cursor",
"spikemode": "toaxis+across",
"yaxis": {
"title": yaxis_title,
"showspikes": True,
"spikethickness": 1,
"spikesnap": "cursor",
"spikemode": "toaxis+across",
"name": series,
def plotly_scatter3d_layout_dict(title="Scatter", xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Y", zaxis_title="Z",
series=None, show_legend=True, comment=None):
return {
"data": [],
"layout": {
"showlegend": show_legend,
"title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'),
"scene": {
'xaxis': {'title': xaxis_title},
'yaxis': {'title': yaxis_title},
'zaxis': {'title': zaxis_title},
"name": series,