
1041 lines
44 KiB

import hashlib
import json
from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import product
from logging import getLogger
from threading import Thread, Event
from time import time
from .job import TrainsJob
from ..task import Task
from .parameters import Parameter
logger = getLogger('trains.automation.optimization')
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
pd = None
logger.warning('Pandas is not installed, summary table reporting will be skipped.')
class Objective(object):
Objective class to maximize/minimize over all experiments
Class will sample specific scalar from all experiments, and maximize/minimize
over single scalar (i.e. title and series combination)
Used by the SearchStrategy/HyperParameterOptimizer in the strategy search algorithm
def __init__(self, title, series, order='max', extremum=False):
Construct objective object that will return the scalar value for a specific task ID
:param str title: Scalar graph title to sample from
:param str series: Scalar series title to sample from
:param str order: Either "max" or "min" , setting for maximizing/minimizing the objective scalar value
:param bool extremum: Default False, which will bring the last value reported for a specific Task
If True, return the global minimum / maximum reported metric value
self.title = title
self.series = series
assert order in ('min', 'max',)
# normalize value so we always look for the highest objective value
self.sign = -1 if (isinstance(order, str) and order.lower().strip() == 'min') or \
(not isinstance(order, str) and order < 0) else +1
self._metric = None
self.extremum = extremum
def get_objective(self, task_id):
Return a specific task scalar value based on the objective settings (title/series)
:param str task_id: Task id to retrieve scalar from (or TrainsJob object)
:return float: scalar value
# create self._metric
if isinstance(task_id, Task):
task_id =
elif isinstance(task_id, TrainsJob):
task_id = task_id.task_id()
# noinspection PyBroadException, Py
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
task = Task._query_tasks(
task_ids=[task_id], only_fields=['last_metrics.{}.{}'.format(self._metric[0], self._metric[1])])[0]
except Exception:
return None
metrics = task.last_metrics
# noinspection PyBroadException
values = metrics[self._metric[0]][self._metric[1]]
if not self.extremum:
return values['value']
return values['min_value'] if self.sign < 0 else values['max_value']
except Exception:
return None
def get_current_raw_objective(self, task):
Return the current raw value (without sign normalization) of the objective
:param str task: Task or Job to retrieve scalar from (or TrainsJob object)
:return tuple: (iteration, value) if metric does not exist return None
if not isinstance(task, Task):
if hasattr(task, 'task'):
task = task.task
if not isinstance(task, Task):
task = Task.get_task(task_id=str(task))
if not task:
raise ValueError("Task object could not be found")
# todo: replace with more efficient code
scalars = task.get_reported_scalars()
return scalars[self.title][self.series]['x'][-1], scalars[self.title][self.series]['y'][-1]
except Exception:
return None
def get_objective_sign(self):
Return the sign of the objective (i.e. +1 if maximizing, and -1 if minimizing)
:return float: objective function sign
return self.sign
def get_objective_metric(self):
Return the metric title, series pair of the objective
:return (str, str): return (title, series)
return self.title, self.series
def get_normalized_objective(self, task_id):
Return a normalized task scalar value based on the objective settings (title/series)
I.e. objective is always to maximize the returned value
:param str task_id: Task id to retrieve scalar from
:return float: normalized scalar value
objective = self.get_objective(task_id=task_id)
if objective is None:
return None
# normalize value so we always look for the highest objective value
return self.sign * objective
def get_last_metrics_encode_field(self):
if not self._metric:
title = hashlib.md5(str(self.title).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
series = hashlib.md5(str(self.series).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
self._metric = title, series
return '{}last_metrics.{}.{}.{}'.format(
'-' if self.sign < 0 else '', self._metric[0], self._metric[1],
('min_value' if self.sign < 0 else 'max_value') if self.extremum else 'value')
class SearchStrategy(object):
Base Search strategy class, inherit to implement your custom strategy
_tag = 'optimization'
_job_class = TrainsJob
def __init__(self, base_task_id, hyper_parameters, objective_metric,
execution_queue, num_concurrent_workers, pool_period_min=2.,
max_job_execution_minutes=None, total_max_jobs=None, **_):
Initialize a search strategy optimizer
:param str base_task_id: Task ID (str)
:param list hyper_parameters: list of Parameter objects to optimize over
:param Objective objective_metric: Objective metric to maximize / minimize
:param str execution_queue: execution queue to use for launching Tasks (experiments).
:param int num_concurrent_workers: Limit number of concurrent running machines
:param float pool_period_min: time in minutes between two consecutive pools
:param float max_job_execution_minutes: maximum time per single job in minutes, if exceeded job is aborted
:param int total_max_jobs: total maximum job for the optimization process. Default None, unlimited
super(SearchStrategy, self).__init__()
self._base_task_id = base_task_id
self._hyper_parameters = hyper_parameters
self._objective_metric = objective_metric
self._execution_queue = execution_queue
self._num_concurrent_workers = num_concurrent_workers
self.pool_period_minutes = pool_period_min
self.max_job_execution_minutes = max_job_execution_minutes
self.total_max_jobs = total_max_jobs
self._stop_event = Event()
self._current_jobs = []
self._num_jobs = 0
self._job_parent_id = None
self._created_jobs_ids = {}
self._naming_function = None
self._job_project = {}
def start(self):
Start the Optimizer controller function loop()
If the calling process is stopped, the controller will stop as well.
Notice: This function returns only after optimization is completed! or stop() was called.
counter = 0
while True:
logger.debug('optimization loop #{}'.format(counter))
if not self.process_step():
if self._stop_event.wait(timeout=self.pool_period_minutes * 60.):
counter += 1
def stop(self):
Stop the current running optimization loop,
Called from a different thread than the start()
def process_step(self):
Abstract helper function, not a must to implement, default use in start default implementation
Main optimization loop, called from the daemon thread created by start()
- Call monitor job on every TrainsJob in jobs:
- Check the performance or elapsed time, then decide if to kill the jobs
- Call create_job:
- Check if we have spare jpb slots
- If yes: call create a new job based on previous tested experiments
:return bool: True to continue the optimization and False to immediately stop
updated_jobs = []
for job in self._current_jobs:
if self.monitor_job(job):
self._current_jobs = updated_jobs
free_workers = self._num_concurrent_workers - len(self._current_jobs)
# do not create more jobs if we hit the limit
if self.total_max_jobs and self._num_jobs >= self.total_max_jobs:
return bool(self._current_jobs)
# see how many free slots we have and create job
for i in range(max(0, free_workers)):
new_job = self.create_job()
if not new_job:
self._num_jobs += 1
return bool(self._current_jobs)
def create_job(self):
Abstract helper function, not a must to implement, default use in process_step default implementation
Create a new job if needed. return the newly created job.
If no job needs to be created, return None
:return TrainsJob: newly created TrainsJob object or None if no TrainsJob created
return None
def monitor_job(self, job):
Abstract helper function, not a must to implement, default use in process_step default implementation
Check if the job needs to be aborted or already completed
if return False, the job was aborted / completed, and should be taken off the current job list
:param TrainsJob job: a TrainsJob object to monitor
:return: boolean, If False, job is no longer relevant
return not job.is_stopped()
def get_running_jobs(self):
Return the current running TrainsJobs
:return list: list of TrainsJob objects
return self._current_jobs
def get_created_jobs_ids(self):
Return a task ids dict created ny this optimizer until now, including completed and running jobs.
The values of the returned dict are the parameters used in the specific job
:return dict(str): dict of task ids (str) as keys, and their parameters dict as value
return self._created_jobs_ids
def get_top_experiments(self, top_k):
Return a list of Tasks of the top performing experiments, based on the controller Objective object
:param int top_k: Number of Tasks (experiments) to return
:return list: List of Task objects, ordered by performance, where index 0 is the best performing Task.
# metric_filter =
top_tasks = self._get_child_tasks(parent_task_id=self._job_parent_id or self._base_task_id,
additional_filters={'page_size': int(top_k), 'page': 0})
return top_tasks
def get_objective_metric(self):
Return the metric title, series pair of the objective
:return (str, str): return (title, series)
return self._objective_metric.get_objective_metric()
def helper_create_job(self, base_task_id, parameter_override=None,
task_overrides=None, tags=None, parent=None, **kwargs):
Create a Job using the specified arguments, TrainsJob for details
:return TrainsJob: Returns a newly created Job instance
if parameter_override:
param_str = ['{}={}'.format(k, parameter_override[k]) for k in sorted(parameter_override.keys())]
if self._naming_function:
name = self._naming_function(self._base_task_name, parameter_override)
elif self._naming_function is False:
name = None
name = '{}: {}'.format(self._base_task_name, ' '.join(param_str))
comment = '\n'.join(param_str)
name = None
comment = None
tags = (tags or []) + [self._tag, 'opt' + (': {}'.format(self._job_parent_id) if self._job_parent_id else '')]
new_job = self._job_class(
base_task_id=base_task_id, parameter_override=parameter_override,
task_overrides=task_overrides, tags=tags, parent=parent or self._job_parent_id,
name=name, comment=comment, project=self._get_task_project(parent or self._job_parent_id), **kwargs)
self._created_jobs_ids[new_job.task_id()] = parameter_override'Creating new Task: {}'.format(parameter_override))
return new_job
def set_job_class(self, job_class):
Set the class to use for the helper_create_job function
:param TrainsJob job_class: Job Class type
self._job_class = job_class
def set_job_default_parent(self, job_parent_task_id):
Set the default parent for all Jobs created by the helper_create_job method
:param str job_parent_task_id: Parent task id
self._job_parent_id = job_parent_task_id
def set_job_naming_scheme(self, naming_function):
Set the function used to name a newly created job
:param callable naming_function: naming_functor(base_task_name, argument_dict) -> str
self._naming_function = naming_function
def _validate_base_task(self):
Check the base task exists and contains the requested objective metric and hyper parameters
# check if the task exists
task = Task.get_task(task_id=self._base_task_id)
self._base_task_name =
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Could not find base task id {}".format(self._base_task_id))
# check if the hyper-parameters exist:
task_parameters = task.get_parameters_as_dict()
missing_params = [ for h in self._hyper_parameters if not in task_parameters]
if missing_params:
logger.warning('Could not find requested hyper-parameters {} on base task {}'.format(
missing_params, self._base_task_id))
# check if the objective metric exists (i.e. no typos etc)
if self._objective_metric.get_objective(self._base_task_id) is None:
logger.warning('Could not find requested metric {} report on base task {}'.format(
self._objective_metric.get_objective_metric(), self._base_task_id))
def _get_task_project(self, parent_task_id):
if not parent_task_id:
if parent_task_id not in self._job_project:
task = Task.get_task(task_id=parent_task_id)
self._job_project[parent_task_id] = task.project
return self._job_project.get(parent_task_id)
def _get_child_tasks(cls, parent_task_id, status=None, order_by=None, additional_filters=None):
Helper function, return a list of tasks tagged automl with specific status ordered by sort_field
:param str parent_task_id: Base Task ID (parent)
:param status: Current status of requested tasks (in_progress, completed etc)
:param str order_by: Field name to sort results.
:param dict additional_filters: Additional task filters
:return List(Task): List of Task objects
task_filter = {'parent': parent_task_id,
# 'tags': [cls._tag],
'system_tags': ['-archived']}
task_filter.update(additional_filters or {})
if status:
task_filter['status'] = status
if order_by and (order_by.startswith('last_metrics') or order_by.startswith('-last_metrics')):
parts = order_by.split('.')
if parts[-1] in ('min', 'max', 'last'):
title = hashlib.md5(str(parts[1]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
series = hashlib.md5(str(parts[2]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
minmax = 'min_value' if 'min' in parts[3] else ('max_value' if 'max' in parts[3] else 'value')
order_by = '{}last_metrics.'.join(
('-' if order_by and order_by[0] == '-' else '', title, series, minmax))
if order_by:
task_filter['order_by'] = [order_by]
return Task.get_tasks(task_filter=task_filter)
class GridSearch(SearchStrategy):
Grid search strategy controller.
Full grid sampling of every hyper-parameter combination
def __init__(self, base_task_id, hyper_parameters, objective_metric,
execution_queue, num_concurrent_workers, pool_period_min=2.0, max_job_execution_minutes=None, **_):
Initialize a grid search optimizer
:param str base_task_id: Task ID (str)
:param list hyper_parameters: list of Parameter objects to optimize over
:param Objective objective_metric: Objective metric to maximize / minimize
:param str execution_queue: execution queue to use for launching Tasks (experiments).
:param int num_concurrent_workers: Limit number of concurrent running machines
:param float pool_period_min: time in minutes between two consecutive pools
:param float max_job_execution_minutes: maximum time per single job in minutes, if exceeded job is aborted
super(GridSearch, self).__init__(
base_task_id=base_task_id, hyper_parameters=hyper_parameters, objective_metric=objective_metric,
execution_queue=execution_queue, num_concurrent_workers=num_concurrent_workers,
pool_period_min=pool_period_min, max_job_execution_minutes=max_job_execution_minutes)
self._param_iterator = None
def create_job(self):
Create a new job if needed. return the newly created job.
If no job needs to be created, return None
:return TrainsJob: newly created TrainsJob object or None if no TrainsJob created
parameters = self._next_configuration()
except StopIteration:
return None
return self.helper_create_job(base_task_id=self._base_task_id, parameter_override=parameters)
def monitor_job(self, job):
Check if the job needs to be aborted or already completed
if return False, the job was aborted / completed, and should be taken off the current job list
:param TrainsJob job: a TrainsJob object to monitor
:return: boolean, If False, job is no longer relevant
if self.max_job_execution_minutes and job.elapsed() / 60. > self.max_job_execution_minutes:
return False
return not job.is_stopped()
def _next_configuration(self):
def param_iterator_fn():
hyper_params_values = [p.to_list() for p in self._hyper_parameters]
for state in product(*hyper_params_values):
yield dict(kv for d in state for kv in d.items())
if not self._param_iterator:
self._param_iterator = param_iterator_fn()
return next(self._param_iterator)
class RandomSearch(SearchStrategy):
Random search strategy controller.
Random uniform sampling of hyper-parameters
# Number of already chosen random samples before assuming we covered the entire hyper-parameter space
_hp_space_cover_samples = 42
def __init__(self, base_task_id, hyper_parameters, objective_metric,
execution_queue, num_concurrent_workers, pool_period_min=2.0,
max_job_execution_minutes=None, total_max_jobs=None, **_):
Initialize a random search optimizer
:param str base_task_id: Task ID (str)
:param list hyper_parameters: list of Parameter objects to optimize over
:param Objective objective_metric: Objective metric to maximize / minimize
:param str execution_queue: execution queue to use for launching Tasks (experiments).
:param int num_concurrent_workers: Limit number of concurrent running machines
:param float pool_period_min: time in minutes between two consecutive pools
:param float max_job_execution_minutes: maximum time per single job in minutes, if exceeded job is aborted
:param int total_max_jobs: total maximum job for the optimization process. Default None, unlimited
super(RandomSearch, self).__init__(
base_task_id=base_task_id, hyper_parameters=hyper_parameters, objective_metric=objective_metric,
execution_queue=execution_queue, num_concurrent_workers=num_concurrent_workers,
max_job_execution_minutes=max_job_execution_minutes, total_max_jobs=total_max_jobs)
self._hyper_parameters_collection = set()
def create_job(self):
Create a new job if needed. return the newly created job.
If no job needs to be created, return None
:return TrainsJob: newly created TrainsJob object or None if no TrainsJob created
parameters = None
# maximum tries to ge a random set that is not already in the collection
for i in range(self._hp_space_cover_samples):
parameters = {}
for p in self._hyper_parameters:
# hash the parameters dictionary
param_hash = hash(json.dumps(parameters, sort_keys=True))
# if this is a new set of parameters, use it.
if param_hash not in self._hyper_parameters_collection:
# try again
parameters = None
# if we failed to find a random set of parameters, assume we selected all of them
if not parameters:
return None
return self.helper_create_job(base_task_id=self._base_task_id, parameter_override=parameters)
def monitor_job(self, job):
Check if the job needs to be aborted or already completed
if return False, the job was aborted / completed, and should be taken off the current job list
:param TrainsJob job: a TrainsJob object to monitor
:return: boolean, If False, job is no longer relevant
if self.max_job_execution_minutes and job.elapsed() / 60. > self.max_job_execution_minutes:
return False
return not job.is_stopped()
class HyperParameterOptimizer(object):
Hyper-parameter search controller. Cloning base experiment,
changing arguments and trying to maximize/minimize the defined objective
_tag = 'optimization'
def __init__(self, base_task_id,
Create a new hyper-parameter controller. The newly created object will launch and monitor the new experiments.
:param str base_task_id: Task ID to be used as template experiment to optimize.
:param list hyper_parameters: list of Parameter objects to optimize over
:param str objective_metric_title: Objective metric title to maximize / minimize (example: 'validation')
:param str objective_metric_series: Objective metric series to maximize / minimize (example: 'loss')
:param str objective_metric_sign: Objective to maximize / minimize. Valid options:
'min'/'max': Minimize/Maximize the last reported value for the specified title/series scalar
'min_global'/'max_global': Minimize/Maximize the min/max value
of *all* reported values for the specific title/series scalar
:param class.SearchStrategy optimizer_class: SearchStrategy optimizer to use for the hyper-parameter search
:param int max_number_of_concurrent_tasks: Maximum number of
concurrent Tasks (experiment) running at the same time.
:param str execution_queue: execution queue to use for launching Tasks (experiments).
:param float optimization_time_limit: Maximum time (minutes) for the entire optimization process.
Default is None, no time limit,
:param bool auto_connect_task: If True optimization argument and configuration will be stored on the Task
All arguments will be under the hyper-parameter section as 'opt/<arg>'
and the hyper_parameters will stored in the task connect_configuration (see artifacts/hyper-parameter)
:param bool always_create_task: If True there ts no current Task initialized,
we create a new task names 'optimization' in the base_task_id project.
otherwise we use the Task.current_task (if exists) to report statistics
:param ** optimizer_kwargs: arguments passed directly to the optimizer constructor
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Example
from trains import Task
from trains.automation import UniformParameterRange, DiscreteParameterRange
from trains.automation import GridSearch, RandomSearch, HyperParameterOptimizer
task = Task.init('examples', 'HyperParameterOptimizer example')
an_optimizer = HyperParameterOptimizer(
UniformParameterRange('lr', min_value=0.01, max_value=0.3, step_size=0.05),
DiscreteParameterRange('network', values=['ResNet18', 'ResNet50', 'ResNet101']),
execution_queue='workers', max_job_execution_minutes=0.1, pool_period_min=0.1)
# This will automatically create and print the optimizer new task id
# for later use. if a Task was already created, it will use it.
# we can create a pooling loop if we like
while not an_optimizer.reached_time_limit():
top_exp = an_optimizer.get_top_experiments(top_k=3)
# wait until optimization completed or timed-out
# make sure we stop all jobs
# create a new Task, if we do not have one already
self._task = Task.current_task()
if not self._task and always_create_task:
base_task = Task.get_task(task_id=self.base_task_id)
self._task = Task.init(
task_name='Optimizing: {}'.format(,
) # TODO: add task_type=controller
opts = dict(
# make sure all the created tasks are our children, as we are creating them
if self._task:
if auto_connect_task:
optimizer_class, hyper_parameters, opts = self._connect_args(
optimizer_class=optimizer_class, hyper_param_configuration=hyper_parameters, **opts)
self.base_task_id = opts['base_task_id']
self.hyper_parameters = hyper_parameters
self.max_number_of_concurrent_tasks = opts['max_number_of_concurrent_tasks']
self.execution_queue = opts['execution_queue']
self.objective_metric = Objective(
title=opts['objective_metric_title'], series=opts['objective_metric_series'],
order='min' if opts['objective_metric_sign'] in ('min', 'min_global') else 'max',
# if optimizer_class is an instance, use it as is.
if type(optimizer_class) != type:
self.optimizer = optimizer_class
self.optimizer = optimizer_class(
base_task_id=opts['base_task_id'], hyper_parameters=hyper_parameters,
objective_metric=self.objective_metric, execution_queue=opts['execution_queue'],
num_concurrent_workers=opts['max_number_of_concurrent_tasks'], **opts.get('optimizer_kwargs', {}))
self.optimization_timeout = None
self.optimization_start_time = None
self._thread = None
self._stop_event = None
self._report_period_min = 5.
self._thread_reporter = None
self._experiment_completed_cb = None
if self._task:
def get_num_active_experiments(self):
Return the number of current active experiments
:return int: number of active experiments
if not self.optimizer:
return 0
return len(self.optimizer.get_running_jobs())
def get_active_experiments(self):
Return a list of Tasks of the current active experiments
:return list: List of Task objects, representing the current active experiments
if not self.optimizer:
return []
return [j.task for j in self.optimizer.get_running_jobs()]
def start(self, job_complete_callback=None):
Start the HyperParameterOptimizer controller.
If the calling process is stopped, the controller will stop as well.
:param Callable job_complete_callback: callback function, called when a job is completed.
def job_complete_callback(
job_id, # type: str
objective_value, # type: float
objective_iteration, # type: int
job_parameters, # type: dict
top_performance_job_id # type: str
:return bool: If True the controller started
if not self.optimizer:
return False
if self._thread:
return True
self.optimization_start_time = time()
self._experiment_completed_cb = job_complete_callback
self._stop_event = Event()
self._thread = Thread(target=self._daemon)
self._thread.daemon = True
self._thread_reporter = Thread(target=self._report_daemon)
self._thread_reporter.daemon = True
return True
def stop(self, timeout=None):
Stop the HyperParameterOptimizer controller and optimization thread,
:param float timeout: Wait timeout in minutes for the optimization thread to exit.
Default None, do not wait terminate immediately.
if not self._thread or not self._stop_event or not self.optimizer:
_thread = self._thread
# wait for optimizer thread
if timeout is not None:
# stop all running tasks:
for j in self.optimizer.get_running_jobs():
# clear thread
self._thread = None
# wait for reporter to flush
def is_active(self):
Return True if the optimization procedure is still running
Note, if the daemon thread has not yet started, it will still return True
:return bool: If False the optimization procedure stopped
return self._stop_event is None or self._thread is not None
def is_running(self):
Return True if the optimization controller is running
:return bool: If True if optimization procedure is active
return self._thread is not None
def wait(self, timeout=None):
Wait for the optimizer to finish.
It will not stop the optimizer in any case. Call stop() to terminate the optimizer.
:param float timeout: Timeout in minutes to wait for the optimization to complete
If None, wait until we reached the timeout, or optimization completed.
:return bool: True if optimization finished, False if timeout.
if not self.is_running():
return True
if timeout is not None:
timeout *= 60.
timeout = max(0, self.optimization_timeout - self.optimization_start_time) \
if self.optimization_timeout else None
_thread = self._thread
if _thread.is_alive():
return False
return True
def set_time_limit(self, in_minutes=None, specific_time=None):
Set a time limit for the HyperParameterOptimizer controller,
i.e. if we reached the time limit, stop the optimization process
:param float in_minutes: Set maximum processing time in minutes from current time
:param datetime specific_time: Set specific date/time limit
if specific_time:
self.optimization_timeout = specific_time.timestamp()
self.optimization_timeout = (in_minutes*60.) + time() if in_minutes else None
def get_time_limit(self):
Return the controller optimization time limit.
:return datetime: Absolute datetime limit of the controller optimization process
return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.optimization_timeout)
def elapsed(self):
Return minutes elapsed from controller stating time stamp
:return float: minutes from controller start time, negative value means the process has not started yet.
if self.optimization_start_time is None:
return -1.0
return (time() - self.optimization_start_time)/60.
def reached_time_limit(self):
Return True if we passed the time limit. Function returns immediately, it does not wait for the optimizer.
:return bool: Return True, if optimizer is running and we passed the time limit, otherwise returns False.
if self.optimization_start_time is None:
return False
if not self.is_running():
return False
return time() > self.optimization_timeout
def get_top_experiments(self, top_k):
Return a list of Tasks of the top performing experiments, based on the controller Objective object
:param int top_k: Number of Tasks (experiments) to return
:return list: List of Task objects, ordered by performance, where index 0 is the best performing Task.
if not self.optimizer:
return []
return self.optimizer.get_top_experiments(top_k=top_k)
def get_optimizer(self):
return self.optimizer
def set_default_job_class(self, job_class):
Set the Job class to use when the optimizer spawns new Jobs
:param TrainsJob job_class: Job Class type
def set_report_period(self, report_period_minutes):
Set reporting period in minutes, for the accumulated objective report
This report is sent on the Optimizer Task, and collects objective metric from all running jobs.
:param float report_period_minutes: Reporting period in minutes. Default once every 10 minutes.
self._report_period_min = float(report_period_minutes)
def _connect_args(self, optimizer_class=None, hyper_param_configuration=None, **kwargs):
if not self._task:
logger.warning('Auto Connect turned on but no Task was found, '
'hyper-parameter optimization argument logging disabled')
return optimizer_class, hyper_param_configuration, kwargs
configuration_dict = {'parameter_optimization_space': [c.to_dict() for c in hyper_param_configuration]}
# this is the conversion back magic:
configuration_dict = {'parameter_optimization_space': [
Parameter.from_dict(c) for c in configuration_dict['parameter_optimization_space']]}
arguments = {'opt': kwargs}
if type(optimizer_class) != type:
logger.warning('Auto Connect optimizer_class disabled, {} is already instantiated'.format(optimizer_class))
arguments['opt']['optimizer_class'] = str(optimizer_class).split('.')[-1][:-2] \
if not isinstance(optimizer_class, str) else optimizer_class
# this is the conversion back magic:
original_class = optimizer_class
optimizer_class = arguments['opt'].pop('optimizer_class', None)
if optimizer_class == 'RandomSearch':
optimizer_class = RandomSearch
elif optimizer_class == 'GridSearch':
optimizer_class = GridSearch
elif optimizer_class == 'OptimizerBOHB':
from .hpbandster import OptimizerBOHB
optimizer_class = OptimizerBOHB
logger.warning("Could not resolve optimizer_class {} reverting to original class {}".format(
optimizer_class, original_class))
optimizer_class = original_class
return optimizer_class, configuration_dict['parameter_optimization_space'], arguments['opt']
def _daemon(self):
implement the main pooling thread, calling loop every self.pool_period_minutes minutes
self._thread = None
def _report_daemon(self):
worker_to_series = {}
title, series = self.objective_metric.get_objective_metric()
title = '{}/{}'.format(title, series)
series = 'machine:'
counter = 0
completed_jobs = dict()
best_experiment = float('-inf'), None
while self._thread is not None:
timeout = self.optimization_timeout - time() if self.optimization_timeout else 0.
if timeout >= 0:
timeout = min(self._report_period_min*60., timeout if timeout else self._report_period_min*60.)
print('Progress report #{} completed, sleeping for {} minutes'.format(counter, timeout/60.))
if self._stop_event.wait(timeout=timeout):
# wait for one last report
timeout = -1
counter += 1
# get task to report on.
if self._task or Task.current_task():
task_logger = (self._task or Task.current_task()).get_logger()
# do some reporting
# running objective, per machine
running_job_ids = set()
for j in self.optimizer.get_running_jobs():
worker = j.worker()
if worker not in worker_to_series:
worker_to_series[worker] = len(worker_to_series) + 1
machine_id = worker_to_series[worker]
value = self.objective_metric.get_objective(j)
if value is not None:
title=title, series='{}{}'.format(series, machine_id),
iteration=counter, value=value)
# collect a summary of all the jobs and their final objective values
cur_completed_jobs = set(self.optimizer.get_created_jobs_ids().keys()) - running_job_ids
if cur_completed_jobs != set(completed_jobs.keys()):
pairs = []
labels = []
created_jobs = copy(self.optimizer.get_created_jobs_ids())
for i, (job_id, params) in enumerate(created_jobs.items()):
if job_id in completed_jobs:
pairs.append((i, completed_jobs[job_id][0]))
value = self.objective_metric.get_objective(job_id)
if value is not None:
pairs.append((i, value))
iteration_value = self.objective_metric.get_current_raw_objective(job_id)
completed_jobs[job_id] = (
value, iteration_value[0] if iteration_value else -1, copy(params))
# callback new experiment completed
if self._experiment_completed_cb:
normalized_value = self.objective_metric.get_normalized_objective(job_id)
if normalized_value is not None and normalized_value > best_experiment[0]:
best_experiment = normalized_value, job_id
c = completed_jobs[job_id]
self._experiment_completed_cb(job_id, c[0], c[1], c[2], best_experiment[1])
if pairs:
print('Updating job performance summary plot/table')
# update scatter plot
title='optimization', series=title,
scatter=pairs, iteration=0, labels=labels,
mode='markers', xaxis='job #', yaxis='objective')
# update summary table
if pd:
index = list(completed_jobs.keys())
table = {'objective': [completed_jobs[i][0] for i in index],
'iteration': [completed_jobs[i][1] for i in index]}
columns = set([c for k, v in completed_jobs.items() for c in v[2].keys()])
for c in sorted(columns):
table.update({c: [completed_jobs[i][2].get(c, '') for i in index]})
df = pd.DataFrame(table, index=index)
df.sort_values(by='objective', ascending=bool(self.objective_metric.sign < 0), inplace=True) = 'task id'
task_logger.report_table("summary", "job", 0, table_plot=df)
# if we should leave, stop everything now.
if timeout < 0:
# we should leave