
1496 lines
62 KiB

import logging
import math
import warnings
from typing import Any, Sequence, Union, List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
import six
from PIL import Image
from pathlib2 import Path
from .debugging.log import LoggerRoot
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
pd = None
from .backend_interface.logger import StdStreamPatch
from .backend_interface.task import Task as _Task
from .backend_interface.task.log import TaskHandler
from .backend_interface.util import mutually_exclusive
from import UploadEvent, MetricsEventAdapter
from .config import running_remotely, get_cache_dir, config, DEBUG_SIMULATE_REMOTE_TASK, deferred_config
from .errors import UsageError
from .storage.helper import StorageHelper
from .utilities.plotly_reporter import SeriesInfo
# Make sure that DeprecationWarning within this package always gets printed
warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=DeprecationWarning, module=__name__)
from matplotlib.figure import Figure as MatplotlibFigure # noqa
from matplotlib import pyplot # noqa
class Logger(object):
The ``Logger`` class is the ClearML console log and metric statistics interface, and contains methods for explicit
Explicit reporting extends ClearML automagical capturing of inputs and output. Explicit reporting
methods include scalar plots, line plots, histograms, confusion matrices, 2D and 3D scatter
diagrams, text logging, tables, and image uploading and reporting.
In the **ClearML Web-App (UI)**, ``Logger`` output appears in the **RESULTS** tab, **CONSOLE**, **SCALARS**,
**PLOTS**, and **DEBUG SAMPLES** sub-tabs. When you compare experiments, ``Logger`` output appears in the
.. warning::
Do not construct Logger objects directly.
You must get a Logger object before calling any of the other ``Logger`` class methods by calling
:meth:`.Task.get_logger` or :meth:`Logger.current_logger`.
SeriesInfo = SeriesInfo
_tensorboard_logging_auto_group_scalars = False
_tensorboard_single_series_per_graph = deferred_config('metrics.tensorboard_single_series_per_graph', False)
def __init__(self, private_task, connect_stdout=True, connect_stderr=True, connect_logging=False):
.. warning::
**Do not construct Logger manually!**
Please use :meth:`Logger.get_current`
assert isinstance(private_task, _Task), \
'Logger object cannot be instantiated externally, use Logger.current_logger()'
super(Logger, self).__init__()
self._task = private_task
self._default_upload_destination = None
self._flusher = None
self._report_worker = None
self._graph_titles = {}
self._tensorboard_series_force_prefix = None
self._task_handler = TaskHandler(task=self._task, capacity=100) \
if private_task.is_main_task() or (connect_stdout or connect_stderr or connect_logging) else None
self._connect_std_streams = connect_stdout or connect_stderr
self._connect_logging = connect_logging
# Make sure urllib is never in debug/info,
disable_urllib3_info = config.get('log.disable_urllib3_info', True)
if disable_urllib3_info and logging.getLogger('urllib3').isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
StdStreamPatch.patch_std_streams(self, connect_stdout=connect_stdout, connect_stderr=connect_stderr)
if self._connect_logging:
elif not self._connect_std_streams:
# make sure that at least the main clearml logger is connect
base_logger = LoggerRoot.get_base_logger()
if base_logger and base_logger.handlers:
StdStreamPatch.patch_logging_formatter(self, base_logger.handlers[0])
self._default_max_sample_history = None
def current_logger(cls):
# type: () -> Logger
Get the Logger object for the main execution Task, the current running Task, if one exists. If no Logger object
exists, this method creates one and returns it. Therefore, you can call this method from anywhere
in the code.
.. code-block:: py
logger = Logger.current_logger()
:return: The Logger object (a singleton) for the current running Task.
from .task import Task
task = Task.current_task()
if not task:
return None
return task.get_logger()
def report_text(self, msg, level=logging.INFO, print_console=True, *args, **_):
# type: (str, int, bool, Any, Any) -> None
For explicit reporting, print text to the log. Optionally, print a log level and print to the console.
For example:
.. code-block:: py
logger.report_text('log some text', level=logging.DEBUG, print_console=False)
You can view the reported text in the **ClearML Web-App (UI)**, **RESULTS** tab, **CONSOLE** sub-tab.
:param str msg: The text to log.
:param int level: The log level from the Python ``logging`` package. The default value is ``logging.INFO``.
:param bool print_console: In addition to the log, print to the console
The values are:
- ``True`` - Print to the console. (default)
- ``False`` - Do not print to the console.
force_send = not print_console and self._parse_level(level) >= logging.WARNING
return self._console(msg, level, not print_console, force_send=force_send, *args, **_)
def report_scalar(self, title, series, value, iteration):
# type: (str, str, float, int) -> None
For explicit reporting, plot a scalar series.
For example, plot a scalar series:
.. code-block:: py
logger = Logger.current_logger()
scalar_series = [random.randint(0,10) for i in range(10)]
for iteration in range(10):
title='scalar metrics', series='series', value=scalar_series[iteration], iteration=iteration
You can view the scalar plots in the **ClearML Web-App (UI)**, **RESULTS** tab, **SCALARS** sub-tab.
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot. Plot more than one scalar series on the same plot by using
the same ``title`` for each call to this method.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported scalar.
:param float value: The value to plot per iteration.
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step (x-axis of the reported time series)
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_scalar(title=title, series=series, value=float(value), iter=iteration)
def report_vector(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
values, # type: Sequence[Union[int, float]]
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
labels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
xlabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
mode=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, plot a vector as (default stacked) histogram.
For example:
.. code-block:: py
vector_series = np.random.randint(10, size=10).reshape(2,5)
logger.report_vector(title='vector example', series='vector series', values=vector_series, iteration=0,
labels=['A','B'], xaxis='X axis label', yaxis='Y axis label')
You can view the vectors plots in the **ClearML Web-App (UI)**, **RESULTS** tab, **PLOTS** sub-tab.
:param title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param series: The series name (variant) of the reported histogram.
:param values: The series values. A list of floats, or an N-dimensional Numpy array containing
data for each histogram bar.
:param iteration: The reported iteration / step. Each ``iteration`` creates another plot.
:param labels: Labels for each bar group, creating a plot legend labeling each series. (Optional)
:param xlabels: Labels per entry in each bucket in the histogram (vector), creating a set of labels
for each histogram bar on the x-axis. (Optional)
:param xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param mode: Multiple histograms mode, stack / group / relative. Default is 'group'.
:param extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
return self.report_histogram(title, series, values, iteration or 0, labels=labels, xlabels=xlabels,
xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, mode=mode, extra_layout=extra_layout)
def report_histogram(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
values, # type: Sequence[Union[int, float]]
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
labels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
xlabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
mode=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, plot a (default grouped) histogram.
Notice this function will not calculate the histogram,
it assumes the histogram was already calculated in `values`
For example:
.. code-block:: py
vector_series = np.random.randint(10, size=10).reshape(2,5)
logger.report_histogram(title='histogram example', series='histogram series',
values=vector_series, iteration=0, labels=['A','B'], xaxis='X axis label', yaxis='Y axis label')
You can view the reported histograms in the **ClearML Web-App (UI)**, **RESULTS** tab, **PLOTS** sub-tab.
:param title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param series: The series name (variant) of the reported histogram.
:param values: The series values. A list of floats, or an N-dimensional Numpy array containing
data for each histogram bar.
:param iteration: The reported iteration / step. Each ``iteration`` creates another plot.
:param labels: Labels for each bar group, creating a plot legend labeling each series. (Optional)
:param xlabels: Labels per entry in each bucket in the histogram (vector), creating a set of labels
for each histogram bar on the x-axis. (Optional)
:param xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param mode: Multiple histograms mode, stack / group / relative. Default is 'group'.
:param extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
values = np.array(values)
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_histogram(
iter=iteration or 0,
mode=mode or 'group',
def report_table(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
table_plot=None, # type: Optional[pd.DataFrame, Sequence[Sequence]]
csv=None, # type: Optional[str]
url=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit report, report a table plot.
One and only one of the following parameters must be provided.
- ``table_plot`` - Pandas DataFrame or Table as list of rows (list)
- ``csv`` - CSV file
- ``url`` - URL to CSV file
For example:
.. code-block:: py
df = pd.DataFrame({'num_legs': [2, 4, 8, 0],
'num_wings': [2, 0, 0, 0],
'num_specimen_seen': [10, 2, 1, 8]},
index=['falcon', 'dog', 'spider', 'fish'])
logger.report_table(title='table example',series='pandas DataFrame',iteration=0,table_plot=df)
You can view the reported tables in the **ClearML Web-App (UI)**, **RESULTS** tab, **PLOTS** sub-tab.
:param title: The title (metric) of the table.
:param series: The series name (variant) of the reported table.
:param iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param table_plot: The output table plot object
:param csv: path to local csv file
:param url: A URL to the location of csv file.
:param extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
UsageError, _check_none=True,
table_plot=table_plot, csv=csv, url=url
table = table_plot
if url or csv:
if not pd:
raise UsageError(
"pandas is required in order to support reporting tables using CSV or a URL, "
"please install the pandas python package"
if url:
table = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=[0])
elif csv:
table = pd.read_csv(csv, index_col=[0])
def replace(dst, *srcs):
for src in srcs:
reporter_table.replace(src, dst, inplace=True)
if isinstance(table, (list, tuple)):
reporter_table = table
reporter_table = table.fillna(str(np.nan))
replace("NaN", np.nan, math.nan if six.PY3 else float("nan"))
replace("Inf", np.inf, math.inf if six.PY3 else float("inf"))
replace("-Inf", -np.inf, np.NINF, -math.inf if six.PY3 else -float("inf"))
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_table(
iteration=iteration or 0,
def report_line_plot(
title, # type: str
series, # type: Sequence[SeriesInfo]
xaxis, # type: str
yaxis, # type: str
mode='lines', # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
reverse_xaxis=False, # type: bool
comment=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, plot one or more series as lines.
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param list series: All the series data, one list element for each line in the plot.
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param str yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param str mode: The type of line plot.
The values are:
- ``lines`` (default)
- ``markers``
- ``lines+markers``
:param bool reverse_xaxis: Reverse the x-axis
The values are:
- ``True`` - The x-axis is high to low (reversed).
- ``False`` - The x-axis is low to high (not reversed). (default)
:param str comment: A comment displayed with the plot, underneath the title.
:param dict extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
# noinspection PyArgumentList
series = [self.SeriesInfo(**s) if isinstance(s, dict) else s for s in series]
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series[0].name if series else '')
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_line_plot(
iter=iteration or 0,
def report_scatter2d(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
scatter, # type: Union[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], np.ndarray]
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
labels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
mode='lines', # type: str
comment=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, report a 2d scatter plot.
For example:
.. code-block:: py
scatter2d = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0, 10)).T, np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 1))))
logger.report_scatter2d(title="example_scatter", series="series", iteration=0, scatter=scatter2d,
xaxis="title x", yaxis="title y")
Plot multiple 2D scatter series on the same plot by passing the same ``title`` and ``iteration`` values
to this method:
.. code-block:: py
scatter2d_1 = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0, 10)).T, np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 1))))
logger.report_scatter2d(title="example_scatter", series="series_1", iteration=1, scatter=scatter2d_1,
xaxis="title x", yaxis="title y")
scatter2d_2 = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0, 10)).T, np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 1))))
logger.report_scatter2d("example_scatter", "series_2", iteration=1, scatter=scatter2d_2,
xaxis="title x", yaxis="title y")
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported scatter plot.
:param list scatter: The scatter data. numpy.ndarray or list of (pairs of x,y) scatter:
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param str yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param list(str) labels: Labels per point in the data assigned to the ``scatter`` parameter. The labels must be
in the same order as the data.
:param str mode: The type of scatter plot.
The values are:
- ``lines``
- ``markers``
- ``lines+markers``
:param str comment: A comment displayed with the plot, underneath the title.
:param dict extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
if not isinstance(scatter, np.ndarray):
if not isinstance(scatter, list):
scatter = list(scatter)
scatter = np.array(scatter)
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_2d_scatter(
iter=iteration or 0,
def report_scatter3d(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
scatter, # type: Union[Sequence[Tuple[float, float, float]], np.ndarray]
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
zaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
labels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
mode='markers', # type: str
fill=False, # type: bool
comment=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, plot a 3d scatter graph (with markers).
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported scatter plot.
:param Union[numpy.ndarray, list] scatter: The scatter data.
list of (pairs of x,y,z), list of series [[(x1,y1,z1)...]], or numpy.ndarray
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param str yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param str zaxis: The z-axis title. (Optional)
:param list(str) labels: Labels per point in the data assigned to the ``scatter`` parameter. The labels must be
in the same order as the data.
:param str mode: The type of scatter plot.
The values are:
- ``lines``
- ``markers``
- ``lines+markers``
For example:
.. code-block:: py
scatter3d = np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 3))
logger.report_scatter3d(title="example_scatter_3d", series="series_xyz", iteration=1, scatter=scatter3d,
xaxis="title x", yaxis="title y", zaxis="title z")
:param bool fill: Fill the area under the curve
The values are:
- ``True`` - Fill
- ``False`` - Do not fill (default)
:param str comment: A comment displayed with the plot, underneath the title.
:param dict extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
# check if multiple series
multi_series = (
isinstance(scatter, list)
and (
isinstance(scatter[0], np.ndarray)
or (
and isinstance(scatter[0], list)
and isinstance(scatter[0][0], list)
if not multi_series:
if not isinstance(scatter, np.ndarray):
if not isinstance(scatter, list):
scatter = list(scatter)
scatter = np.array(scatter)
scatter = scatter.astype(np.float32)
except ValueError:
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_3d_scatter(
iter=iteration or 0,
def report_confusion_matrix(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
matrix, # type: np.ndarray
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
xlabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
ylabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
yaxis_reversed=False, # type: bool
comment=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, plot a heat-map matrix.
For example:
.. code-block:: py
confusion = np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 10))
logger.report_confusion_matrix("example confusion matrix", "ignored", iteration=1, matrix=confusion,
xaxis="title X", yaxis="title Y")
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported confusion matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray matrix: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix)
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param str yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param list(str) xlabels: Labels for each column of the matrix. (Optional)
:param list(str) ylabels: Labels for each row of the matrix. (Optional)
:param bool yaxis_reversed: If False 0,0 is at the bottom left corner. If True 0,0 is at the Top left corner
:param str comment: A comment displayed with the plot, underneath the title.
:param dict extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
if not isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray):
matrix = np.array(matrix)
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_value_matrix(
iter=iteration or 0,
def report_matrix(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
matrix, # type: np.ndarray
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
xlabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
ylabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
yaxis_reversed=False, # type: bool
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, plot a confusion matrix.
.. note::
This method is the same as :meth:`Logger.report_confusion_matrix`.
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported confusion matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray matrix: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix)
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param str yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param list(str) xlabels: Labels for each column of the matrix. (Optional)
:param list(str) ylabels: Labels for each row of the matrix. (Optional)
:param bool yaxis_reversed: If False 0,0 is at the bottom left corner. If True 0,0 is at the Top left corner
:param dict extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
return self.report_confusion_matrix(title, series, matrix, iteration or 0,
xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels,
def report_surface(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
matrix, # type: np.ndarray
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
xaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
yaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
zaxis=None, # type: Optional[str]
xlabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
ylabels=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
camera=None, # type: Optional[Sequence[float]]
comment=None, # type: Optional[str]
extra_layout=None, # type: Optional[dict]
For explicit reporting, report a 3d surface plot.
.. note::
This method plots the same data as :meth:`Logger.report_confusion_matrix`, but presents the
data as a surface diagram not a confusion matrix.
.. code-block:: py
surface_matrix = np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 10))
logger.report_surface("example surface", "series", iteration=0, matrix=surface_matrix,
xaxis="title X", yaxis="title Y", zaxis="title Z")
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported surface.
:param numpy.ndarray matrix: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix)
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str xaxis: The x-axis title. (Optional)
:param str yaxis: The y-axis title. (Optional)
:param str zaxis: The z-axis title. (Optional)
:param list(str) xlabels: Labels for each column of the matrix. (Optional)
:param list(str) ylabels: Labels for each row of the matrix. (Optional)
:param list(float) camera: X,Y,Z coordinates indicating the camera position. The default value is ``(1,1,1)``.
:param str comment: A comment displayed with the plot, underneath the title.
:param dict extra_layout: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly
See full details on the supported configuration:
example: extra_layout={'xaxis': {'type': 'date', 'range': ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-31']}}
if not isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray):
matrix = np.array(matrix)
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._task._reporter.report_value_surface(
iter=iteration or 0,
def report_image(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
local_path=None, # type: Optional[str]
image=None, # type: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Image.Image]]
matrix=None, # type: Optional[np.ndarray]
max_image_history=None, # type: Optional[int]
delete_after_upload=False, # type: bool
url=None # type: Optional[str]
For explicit reporting, report an image and upload its contents.
This method uploads the image to a preconfigured bucket (see :meth:`Logger.set_default_upload_destination`)
describing the task ID, title, series and iteration.
For example:
.. code-block:: py
matrix = np.eye(256, 256, dtype=np.uint8)*255
matrix = np.concatenate((np.atleast_3d(matrix), np.zeros((256, 256, 2), dtype=np.uint8)), axis=2)
logger.report_image("test case", "image color red", iteration=1, image=m)
image_open ="<image_path>", "<image_filename>"))
logger.report_image("test case", "image PIL", iteration=1, image=image_open)
One and only one of the following parameters must be provided.
- ``local_path``
- ``url``
- ``image``
- ``matrix``
:param title: The title (metric) of the image.
:param series: The series name (variant) of the reported image.
:param iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param local_path: A path to an image file.
:param url: A URL for the location of a pre-uploaded image.
:param image: Image data (RGB).
:param matrix: Deperacted, Image data (RGB).
.. note::
The ``matrix`` parameter is deprecated. Use the ``image`` parameters.
:param max_image_history: The maximum number of images to store per metric/variant combination.
For an unlimited number, use a negative value. The default value is set in global configuration
:param delete_after_upload: After the upload, delete the local copy of the image
The values are:
- ``True`` - Delete after upload.
- ``False`` - Do not delete after upload. (default)
UsageError, _check_none=True,
local_path=local_path or None, url=url or None, image=image, matrix=matrix
if matrix is not None:
warnings.warn("'matrix' variable is deprecated; use 'image' instead.", DeprecationWarning)
if image is None:
image = matrix
if image is not None and not isinstance(image, (np.ndarray, Image.Image)):
raise ValueError("Supported 'image' types are: numpy.ndarray or PIL.Image")
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
if url:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination()
if not upload_uri:
upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images'
upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Verify that we can upload to this destination
upload_uri = str(upload_uri)
storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri)
upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri)
if isinstance(image, Image.Image):
image = np.array(image) # noqa
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
max_image_history=max_image_history if max_image_history is not None
else self._default_max_sample_history,
def report_media(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
local_path=None, # type: Optional[str]
stream=None, # type: Optional[Union[six.BytesIO, six.StringIO]]
file_extension=None, # type: Optional[str]
max_history=None, # type: Optional[int]
delete_after_upload=False, # type: bool
url=None # type: Optional[str]
Report media upload its contents, including images, audio, and video.
Media is uploaded to a preconfigured bucket (see setup_upload()) with a key (filename)
describing the task ID, title, series and iteration.
One and only one of the following parameters must be provided
- ``local_path``
- ``stream``
- ``url``
If you use ``stream`` for a BytesIO stream to upload, ``file_extension`` must be provided.
:param str title: The title (metric) of the media.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported media.
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param str local_path: A path to an media file.
:param stream: BytesIO stream to upload. If provided, ``file_extension`` must also be provided.
:param str url: A URL to the location of a pre-uploaded media.
:param file_extension: A file extension to use when ``stream`` is passed.
:param int max_history: The maximum number of media files to store per metric/variant combination
use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5)
:param bool delete_after_upload: After the file is uploaded, delete the local copy
- ``True`` - Delete
- ``False`` - Do not delete
UsageError, _check_none=True,
local_path=local_path or None, url=url or None, stream=stream,
if stream is not None and not file_extension:
raise ValueError("No file extension provided for stream media upload")
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
if url:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination()
if not upload_uri:
upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images'
upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Verify that we can upload to this destination
upload_uri = str(upload_uri)
storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri)
upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
max_history=max_history if max_history is not None else self._default_max_sample_history,
def report_plotly(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
figure, # type: Union[Dict, "Figure"] # noqa: F821
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
Report a ``Plotly`` figure (plot) directly
``Plotly`` figure can be a ``plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure`` or a dictionary as defined by ``plotly.js``
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported plot.
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param dict figure: A ``plotly`` Figure object or a ``poltly`` dictionary
# if task was not started, we have to start it
self._touch_title_series(title, series)
plot = figure if isinstance(figure, dict) else figure.to_plotly_json()
# noinspection PyBroadException
plot['layout']['title'] = series
except Exception:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
def report_matplotlib_figure(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
figure, # type: Union[MatplotlibFigure, pyplot]
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
report_image=False, # type: bool
report_interactive=True, # type: bool
Report a ``matplotlib`` figure / plot directly
``matplotlib.figure.Figure`` / ``matplotlib.pyplot``
:param str title: The title (metric) of the plot.
:param str series: The series name (variant) of the reported plot.
:param int iteration: The reported iteration / step.
:param MatplotlibFigure figure: A ``matplotlib`` Figure object
:param report_image: Default False. If True the plot will be uploaded as a debug sample (png image),
and will appear under the debug samples tab (instead of the Plots tab).
:param report_interactive: If True (default) it will try to convert the matplotlib into interactive
plot in the UI. If False the matplotlib is saved as is and will
be non-interactive (with the exception of zooming in/out)
# if task was not started, we have to start it
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
force_save_as_image=False if report_interactive and not report_image
else ('png' if report_image else True),
def set_default_upload_destination(self, uri):
# type: (str) -> None
Set the destination storage URI (for example, S3, Google Cloud Storage, a file path) for uploading debug images.
The images are uploaded separately. A link to each image is reported.
.. note::
Credentials for the destination storage are specified in the ClearML configuration file,
:param str uri: example: 's3://bucket/directory/' or 'file:///tmp/debug/'
:return: True, if the destination scheme is supported (for example, ``s3://``, ``file://``, or ``gc://``).
False, if not supported.
# Create the storage helper
storage = StorageHelper.get(uri)
# Verify that we can upload to this destination
uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=uri)
self._default_upload_destination = uri
def get_default_upload_destination(self):
# type: () -> str
Get the destination storage URI (for example, S3, Google Cloud Storage, a file path) for uploading debug images
(see :meth:`Logger.set_default_upload_destination`).
:return: The default upload destination URI.
For example: ``s3://bucket/directory/``, or ``file:///tmp/debug/``.
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return self._default_upload_destination or self._task._get_default_report_storage_uri()
def flush(self, wait=False):
# type: (bool) -> bool
Flush cached reports and console outputs to backend.
:param wait: Wait for all outstanding uploads and events to be sent (default False)
:return: True, if successfully flushed the cache. False, if failed.
if self._task:
return self._task.flush(wait_for_uploads=wait)
return False
def get_flush_period(self):
# type: () -> Optional[float]
Get the Logger flush period.
:return: The logger flush period in seconds.
if self._flusher:
return self._flusher.period
return None
def set_flush_period(self, period):
# type: (float) -> None
Set the logger flush period.
Deprecated - Use ``sdk.development.worker.report_period_sec`` to externally control the flush period.
:param float period: The period to flush the logger in seconds. To set no periodic flush,
specify ``None`` or ``0``.
def set_default_debug_sample_history(self, max_history):
# type: (int) -> None
Set the default maximum debug sample history when reporting media/debug samples.
Overrides the configuration file defaults.
When reporting debug samples with the same title/series combination and running iterations,
only the last X samples are stored (in other words samples are overwritten).
The default history size set with `max_history` is used when calling
`report_image`, `report_media` etc. without specifying `max_history`
:param max_history: Number of samples (files) to store on a unique set of title/series being reported
with different iteration counter. This is used to make sure users do not end up exploding storage
on server storage side.
For example the following code sample will store the last 5 images even though
we are reporting 100 samples.
.. code-block:: py
for i in range(100):
logger.report_image(title='image', series='sample', iteration=i, ...)
self._default_max_sample_history = int(max_history)
def get_default_debug_sample_history(self):
# type: () -> int
Return the the default max debug sample history when reporting media/debug samples.
If value was not set specifically, the functions returns the configuration file default value.
:return: default number of samples (files) to store on a unique set of title/series being reported
with different iteration counter. This is used to make sure users do not end up exploding storage
on server storage side.
if self._default_max_sample_history is not None:
return self._default_max_sample_history
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return int(UploadEvent._file_history_size)
def report_image_and_upload(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
path=None, # type: Optional[str]
matrix=None, # type: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Image.Image]]
max_image_history=None, # type: Optional[int]
delete_after_upload=False # type: bool
.. deprecated:: 0.13.0
Use :meth:`Logger.report_image` instead
self.report_image(title=title, series=series, iteration=iteration or 0, local_path=path, image=matrix,
max_image_history=max_image_history, delete_after_upload=delete_after_upload)
def capture_logging(self):
# type: () -> "_LoggingContext"
Return context capturing all the logs (via logging) reported under the context
:return: a ContextManager
class _LoggingContext(object):
def __init__(self, a_logger):
self.logger = a_logger
def __enter__(self, *_, **__):
if not self.logger:
def __exit__(self, *_, **__):
if not self.logger:
# Do nothing if we already have full logging support
return _LoggingContext(None if self._connect_logging else self)
def tensorboard_auto_group_scalars(cls, group_scalars=False):
# type: (bool) -> None
Group together TensorBoard scalars that do not have a title, or assign a title/series with the same tag.
:param group_scalars: Group TensorBoard scalars without a title
The values are:
- ``True`` - Scalars without specific titles are grouped together in the "Scalars" plot, preserving
backward compatibility with ClearML automagical behavior.
- ``False`` - TensorBoard scalars without titles get a title/series with the same tag. (default)
cls._tensorboard_logging_auto_group_scalars = group_scalars
def tensorboard_single_series_per_graph(cls, single_series=False):
# type: (bool) -> None
Deprecated, this is now controlled from the UI!
Group TensorBoard scalar series together or in separate plots.
:param single_series: Group TensorBoard scalar series together
The values are:
- ``True`` - Generate a separate plot for each TensorBoard scalar series.
- ``False`` - Group the TensorBoard scalar series together in the same plot. (default)
cls._tensorboard_single_series_per_graph = single_series
def matplotlib_force_report_non_interactive(cls, force):
# type: (bool) -> None
If True all matplotlib are always converted to non interactive static plots (images), appearing in under
the Plots section. If False (default), matplotlib figures are converted into interactive web UI plotly
figures, in case figure conversion fails, it defaults to non-interactive plots.
:param force: If True all matplotlib figures are converted automatically to non-interactive plots.
from clearml.backend_interface.metrics import Reporter
def set_reporting_nan_value(cls, value, warn_period=1000):
# type: (float, int) -> None
When a NaN value is encountered, it is reported as a floating value (by default 0) and the user is warned.
This function is used to change the value NaN is converted to and the warning period.
:param value: The value NaN is converted to
:param warn_period: Number of times NaN is encountered and converted until the next warning
MetricsEventAdapter.default_nan_value = value
MetricsEventAdapter.report_nan_warning_period = warn_period
def set_reporting_inf_value(cls, value, warn_period=1000):
# type: (float, int) -> None
When an inf value is encountered, it is reported as a floating value (by default 0) and the user is warned.
This function is used to change the value inf is converted to and the warning period.
:param value: The value inf is converted to
:param warn_period: Number of times inf is encountered and converted until the next warning
MetricsEventAdapter.default_inf_value = value
MetricsEventAdapter.report_inf_warning_period = warn_period
def _remove_std_logger(cls):
# noinspection PyBroadException
except Exception:
return False
return True
def _parse_level(self, level):
# type: (Any) -> int
return int(level)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
msg='Logger failed casting log level "%s" to integer' % str(level))
return logging.INFO
def _console(self, msg, level=logging.INFO, omit_console=False, force_send=False, *args, **_):
# type: (str, int, bool, bool, Any, Any) -> None
print text to log (same as print to console, and also prints to console)
:param msg: text to print to the console (always send to the backend and displayed in console)
:param level: logging level, default: logging.INFO
:param omit_console: Omit the console output, and only send the ``msg`` value to the log
:param force_send: Report with an explicit log level. Only supported if ``omit_console`` is True
- ``True`` - Omit the console output.
- ``False`` - Print the console output. (default)
level = self._parse_level(level)
force_send = force_send and omit_console
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if not self._skip_console_log() or not self._task._is_remote_main_task() or force_send:
# check if we have a TaskHandler and that it is valid (shutdown will clear the .task_id)
if self._task_handler and self._task_handler.task_id:
# noinspection PyBroadException
record = self._task.log.makeRecord(
"console", level=level, fn='', lno=0, func='', msg=msg, args=args, exc_info=None
# find the task handler that matches our task
except Exception:
# avoid infinite loop, output directly to stderr
# noinspection PyBroadException
# make sure we are writing to the original stdout
'clearml.Logger failed sending log [level {}]: "{}"\n'.format(level, msg))
except Exception:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
self._task._reporter.report_console(message=msg, level=level)
if not omit_console:
# if we are here and we grabbed the stdout, we need to print the real thing
if self._connect_std_streams and not self._skip_console_log():
# noinspection PyBroadException
# make sure we are writing to the original stdout
StdStreamPatch.stdout_original_write(str(msg) + '\n')
except Exception:
# if task was not started, we have to start it
def _report_image_plot_and_upload(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
path=None, # type: Optional[str]
matrix=None, # type: Optional[np.ndarray]
max_image_history=None, # type: Optional[int]
delete_after_upload=False # type: bool
Report an image, upload its contents, and present in plots section using plotly
Image is uploaded to a preconfigured bucket (see :meth:`Logger.set_default_upload_destination`)
describing the task ID, title, series and iteration.
:param title: Title (AKA metric)
:param series: Series (AKA variant)
:param iteration: Iteration number
:param path: A path to an image file. Required unless matrix is provided.
:param matrix: A 3D numpy.ndarray object containing image data (RGB). Required unless filename is provided.
:param max_image_history: maximum number of image to store per metric/variant combination \
use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5)
:param delete_after_upload: if True, one the file was uploaded the local copy will be deleted
# if task was not started, we have to start it
upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination()
if not upload_uri:
upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images'
upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Verify that we can upload to this destination
upload_uri = str(upload_uri)
storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri)
upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
max_image_history=max_image_history if max_image_history is not None else self._default_max_sample_history,
def _report_file_and_upload(
title, # type: str
series, # type: str
iteration=None, # type: Optional[int]
path=None, # type: Optional[str]
max_file_history=None, # type: Optional[int]
delete_after_upload=False # type: bool
Upload a file and report it as link in the debug images section.
File is uploaded to a preconfigured storage (see :meth:`Loggerset_default_upload_destination`)
describing the task ID, title, series and iteration.
:param title: Title (AKA metric)
:param series: Series (AKA variant)
:param iteration: Iteration number
:param path: A path to file to be uploaded
:param max_file_history: maximum number of files to store per metric/variant combination \
use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5)
:param delete_after_upload: if True, one the file was uploaded the local copy will be deleted
# if task was not started, we have to start it
upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination()
if not upload_uri:
upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images'
upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Verify that we can upload to this destination
upload_uri = str(upload_uri)
storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri)
upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
iter=iteration or 0,
max_image_history=max_file_history if max_file_history is not None else self._default_max_sample_history,
def _start_task_if_needed(self):
# deprecated
def _flush_stdout_handler(self):
if self._task_handler:
def _close_stdout_handler(self, wait=True):
# detach the sys stdout/stderr
if self._connect_std_streams:
if self._task_handler:
t = self._task_handler
self._task_handler = None
def _touch_title_series(self, title, series):
# type: (str, str) -> None
if title not in self._graph_titles:
self._graph_titles[title] = set()
def _get_used_title_series(self):
# type: () -> dict
return self._graph_titles
def _get_tensorboard_series_prefix(self):
# type: () -> Optional[str]
:return str: return a string prefix to put in front of every report combing from tensorboard
return self._tensorboard_series_force_prefix
def _set_tensorboard_series_prefix(self, prefix):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> ()
:param str prefix: Set a string prefix to put in front of every report combing from tensorboard
self._tensorboard_series_force_prefix = str(prefix) if prefix else None
def _get_tensorboard_auto_group_scalars(cls):
# type: () -> bool
:return: True, if we preserve Tensorboard backward compatibility behaviour,
i.e., scalars without specific title will be under the "Scalars" graph
default is False: Tensorboard scalars without title will have title/series with the same tag
return cls._tensorboard_logging_auto_group_scalars
def _get_tensorboard_single_series_per_graph(cls):
# type: () -> bool
:return: True, if we generate a separate graph (plot) for each Tensorboard scalar series
default is False: Tensorboard scalar series will be grouped according to their title
return cls._tensorboard_single_series_per_graph
def _skip_console_log(cls):
return bool(running_remotely() and not DEBUG_SIMULATE_REMOTE_TASK.get())