mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:30:42 +00:00
763 lines
32 KiB
Executable File
763 lines
32 KiB
Executable File
import itertools
import re
import os
import socket
import contextlib
import codecs
from datetime import timedelta
from pyparsing import Forward, Keyword, QuotedString, Word, Literal, Suppress, Regex, Optional, SkipTo, ZeroOrMore, \
Group, lineno, col, TokenConverter, replaceWith, alphanums, alphas8bit, ParseSyntaxException, StringEnd
from pyparsing import ParserElement
from .config_tree import ConfigTree, ConfigSubstitution, ConfigList, ConfigValues, ConfigUnquotedString, \
ConfigInclude, NoneValue, ConfigQuotedString
from .exceptions import ConfigSubstitutionException, ConfigMissingException, ConfigException
import logging
import copy
use_urllib2 = False
# For Python 3.0 and later
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# Fall back to Python 2's urllib2
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
use_urllib2 = True
except NameError: # pragma: no cover
basestring = str
unicode = str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Substitution Defaults
class NO_SUBSTITUTION(object):
class STR_SUBSTITUTION(object):
def period(period_value, period_unit):
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as period_impl
except Exception:
from datetime import timedelta as period_impl
if period_unit == 'nanoseconds':
period_unit = 'microseconds'
period_value = int(period_value / 1000)
arguments = dict(zip((period_unit,), (period_value,)))
if period_unit == 'milliseconds':
return timedelta(**arguments)
return period_impl(**arguments)
class ConfigFactory(object):
def parse_file(cls, filename, encoding='utf-8', required=True, resolve=True, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
"""Parse file
:param filename: filename
:type filename: basestring
:param encoding: file encoding
:type encoding: basestring
:param required: If true, raises an exception if can't load file
:type required: boolean
:param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
:type resolve: boolean
:param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its
substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
:type unresolved_value: class
:return: Config object
:type return: Config
with codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as fd:
content = fd.read()
return cls.parse_string(content, os.path.dirname(filename), resolve, unresolved_value)
except IOError as e:
if required:
raise e
logger.warn('Cannot include file %s. File does not exist or cannot be read.', filename)
return []
def parse_URL(cls, url, timeout=None, resolve=True, required=False, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
"""Parse URL
:param url: url to parse
:type url: basestring
:param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
:type resolve: boolean
:param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by
its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
:type unresolved_value: boolean
:return: Config object or []
:type return: Config or list
socket_timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if timeout is None else timeout
with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url, timeout=socket_timeout)) as fd:
content = fd.read() if use_urllib2 else fd.read().decode('utf-8')
return cls.parse_string(content, os.path.dirname(url), resolve, unresolved_value)
except (HTTPError, URLError) as e:
logger.warn('Cannot include url %s. Resource is inaccessible.', url)
if required:
raise e
return []
def parse_string(cls, content, basedir=None, resolve=True, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
"""Parse URL
:param content: content to parse
:type content: basestring
:param resolve: If true, resolve substitutions
:param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
:type resolve: boolean
:param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by
its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
:type unresolved_value: boolean
:return: Config object
:type return: Config
return ConfigParser().parse(content, basedir, resolve, unresolved_value)
def from_dict(cls, dictionary, root=False):
"""Convert dictionary (and ordered dictionary) into a ConfigTree
:param dictionary: dictionary to convert
:type dictionary: dict
:return: Config object
:type return: Config
def create_tree(value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
res = ConfigTree(root=root)
for key, child_value in value.items():
res.put(key, create_tree(child_value))
return res
if isinstance(value, list):
return [create_tree(v) for v in value]
return value
return create_tree(dictionary)
class ConfigParser(object):
Parse HOCON files: https://github.com/typesafehub/config/blob/master/HOCON.md
'\\\\': '\\',
'\\\n': '\n',
'\\n': '\n',
'\\r': '\r',
'\\t': '\t',
'\\=': '=',
'\\#': '#',
'\\!': '!',
'\\"': '"',
period_type_map = {
'nanoseconds': ['ns', 'nano', 'nanos', 'nanosecond', 'nanoseconds'],
'microseconds': ['us', 'micro', 'micros', 'microsecond', 'microseconds'],
'milliseconds': ['ms', 'milli', 'millis', 'millisecond', 'milliseconds'],
'seconds': ['s', 'second', 'seconds'],
'minutes': ['m', 'minute', 'minutes'],
'hours': ['h', 'hour', 'hours'],
'weeks': ['w', 'week', 'weeks'],
'days': ['d', 'day', 'days'],
optional_period_type_map = {
'months': ['mo', 'month', 'months'], # 'm' from hocon spec removed. conflicts with minutes syntax.
'years': ['y', 'year', 'years']
supported_period_map = None
def get_supported_period_type_map(cls):
if cls.supported_period_map is None:
cls.supported_period_map = {}
from dateutil import relativedelta
if relativedelta is not None:
except Exception:
return cls.supported_period_map
def parse(cls, content, basedir=None, resolve=True, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
"""parse a HOCON content
:param content: HOCON content to parse
:type content: basestring
:param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
:type resolve: boolean
:param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by
its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
:type unresolved_value: boolean
:return: a ConfigTree or a list
unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')
def replace_escape_sequence(match):
value = match.group(0)
return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)
def norm_string(value):
return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)
def unescape_string(tokens):
return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))
def parse_multi_string(tokens):
# remove the first and last 3 "
return tokens[0][3: -3]
def convert_number(tokens):
n = tokens[0]
return int(n, 10)
except ValueError:
return float(n)
def safe_convert_number(tokens):
n = tokens[0]
return int(n, 10)
except ValueError:
return float(n)
except ValueError:
return n
def convert_period(tokens):
period_value = int(tokens.value)
period_identifier = tokens.unit
period_unit = next((single_unit for single_unit, values
in cls.get_supported_period_type_map().items()
if period_identifier in values))
return period(period_value, period_unit)
# ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"
def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
# remove the ${ and }
match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
variable = match.group('variable')
ws = match.group('ws')
optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring, loc)
return substitution
# ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'
def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
# remove the ${ and }
match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
ws = match.group('ws')
return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)
def include_config(instring, loc, token):
url = None
file = None
required = False
if token[0] == 'required':
required = True
final_tokens = token[1:]
final_tokens = token
if len(final_tokens) == 1: # include "test"
value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith("https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
url = value
file = value
elif len(final_tokens) == 2: # include url("test") or file("test")
value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
url = value
file = value
if url is not None:
logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(
elif file is not None:
path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
raise ConfigException('No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}', loc=loc, instring=instring)
return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())
def set_default_white_spaces():
default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
with set_default_white_spaces():
assign_expr = Forward()
true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(NoneValue()))
# key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')
regexp_numbers = r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))'
key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | \
Regex(regexp_numbers, re.DOTALL).setParseAction(safe_convert_number) | \
Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')
eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
number_expr = Regex(regexp_numbers, re.DOTALL).setParseAction(convert_number)
period_types = itertools.chain.from_iterable(cls.get_supported_period_type_map().values())
period_expr = Regex(r'(?P<value>\d+)\s*(?P<unit>' + '|'.join(period_types) + ')$'
# multi line string using """
# Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
multiline_string = Regex('""".*?"*"""', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
# single quoted line string
quoted_string = Regex(r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(create_quoted_string)
# unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
# we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
# line1 \
# line2 \
# so a backslash precedes the \n
unquoted_string = Regex(r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*',
substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(create_substitution)
string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string
value_expr = period_expr | number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr
include_content = (quoted_string | ((Keyword('url') | Keyword(
'file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))
include_expr = (
Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
include_content | (
Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() - include_content - Literal(')').suppress()
root_dict_expr = Forward()
dict_expr = Forward()
list_expr = Forward()
multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | substitution_expr |
dict_expr | list_expr | value_expr | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
# for a dictionary : or = is optional
# last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(
comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma), root=True)
dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')
# special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -
(dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)))
# the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (list_expr | root_dict_expr |
inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]
if resolve:
allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and \
unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(config, allow_unresolved)
if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
'resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION')
if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
return config
def _resolve_variable(cls, config, substitution):
:param config:
:param substitution:
:return: (is_resolved, resolved_variable)
variable = substitution.variable
return True, config.get(variable)
except ConfigMissingException:
# default to environment variable
value = os.environ.get(variable)
if value is None:
if substitution.optional:
return False, None
raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
"Cannot resolve variable ${{{variable}}} (line: {line}, col: {col})".format(
line=lineno(substitution.loc, substitution.instring),
col=col(substitution.loc, substitution.instring)))
elif isinstance(value, ConfigList) or isinstance(value, ConfigTree):
raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
"Cannot substitute variable ${{{variable}}} because it does not point to a "
"string, int, float, boolean or null {type} (line:{line}, col: {col})".format(
line=lineno(substitution.loc, substitution.instring),
col=col(substitution.loc, substitution.instring)))
return True, value
def _fixup_self_references(cls, config, accept_unresolved=False):
if isinstance(config, ConfigTree) and config.root:
for key in config: # Traverse history of element
history = config.history[key]
previous_item = history[0]
for current_item in history[1:]:
for substitution in cls._find_substitutions(current_item):
prop_path = ConfigTree.parse_key(substitution.variable)
if len(prop_path) > 1 and config.get(substitution.variable, None) is not None:
continue # If value is present in latest version, don't do anything
if prop_path[0] == key:
if isinstance(previous_item, ConfigValues) and not accept_unresolved:
# We hit a dead end, we cannot evaluate
raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
"Property {variable} cannot be substituted. Check for cycles.".format(
value = previous_item if len(
prop_path) == 1 else previous_item.get(".".join(prop_path[1:]))
_, _, current_item = cls._do_substitute(substitution, value)
previous_item = current_item
if len(history) == 1:
for substitution in cls._find_substitutions(previous_item):
prop_path = ConfigTree.parse_key(substitution.variable)
if len(prop_path) > 1 and config.get(substitution.variable, None) is not None:
continue # If value is present in latest version, don't do anything
if prop_path[0] == key and substitution.optional:
cls._do_substitute(substitution, None)
if prop_path[0] == key:
value = os.environ.get(key)
if value is not None:
cls._do_substitute(substitution, value)
if substitution.optional: # special case, when self optional referencing without existing
cls._do_substitute(substitution, None)
# traverse config to find all the substitutions
def _find_substitutions(cls, item):
"""Convert HOCON input into a JSON output
:return: JSON string representation
:type return: basestring
if isinstance(item, ConfigValues):
return item.get_substitutions()
substitutions = []
elements = []
if isinstance(item, ConfigTree):
elements = item.values()
elif isinstance(item, list):
elements = item
for child in elements:
substitutions += cls._find_substitutions(child)
return substitutions
def _do_substitute(cls, substitution, resolved_value, is_optional_resolved=True):
unresolved = False
new_substitutions = []
if isinstance(resolved_value, ConfigValues):
resolved_value = resolved_value.transform()
if isinstance(resolved_value, ConfigValues):
unresolved = True
result = resolved_value
# replace token by substitution
config_values = substitution.parent
# if it is a string, then add the extra ws that was present in the original string after the substitution
formatted_resolved_value = resolved_value \
if resolved_value is None \
or isinstance(resolved_value, (dict, list)) \
or substitution.index == len(config_values.tokens) - 1 \
else (str(resolved_value) + substitution.ws)
# use a deepcopy of resolved_value to avoid mutation
config_values.put(substitution.index, copy.deepcopy(formatted_resolved_value))
transformation = config_values.transform()
result = config_values.overriden_value \
if transformation is None and not is_optional_resolved \
else transformation
if result is None and config_values.key in config_values.parent:
del config_values.parent[config_values.key]
config_values.parent[config_values.key] = result
s = cls._find_substitutions(result)
if s:
new_substitutions = s
unresolved = True
return (unresolved, new_substitutions, result)
def _final_fixup(cls, item):
if isinstance(item, ConfigValues):
return item.transform()
elif isinstance(item, list):
return list([cls._final_fixup(child) for child in item])
elif isinstance(item, ConfigTree):
items = list(item.items())
for key, child in items:
item[key] = cls._final_fixup(child)
return item
def unresolve_substitutions_to_value(cls, config, unresolved_value=STR_SUBSTITUTION):
for substitution in cls._find_substitutions(config):
if unresolved_value is STR_SUBSTITUTION:
value = substitution.raw_str()
elif unresolved_value is None:
value = NoneValue()
value = unresolved_value
cls._do_substitute(substitution, value, False)
def resolve_substitutions(cls, config, accept_unresolved=False):
has_unresolved = False
cls._fixup_self_references(config, accept_unresolved)
substitutions = cls._find_substitutions(config)
if len(substitutions) > 0:
unresolved = True
any_unresolved = True
_substitutions = []
cache = {}
while any_unresolved and len(substitutions) > 0 and set(substitutions) != set(_substitutions):
unresolved = False
any_unresolved = True
_substitutions = substitutions[:]
for substitution in _substitutions:
is_optional_resolved, resolved_value = cls._resolve_variable(config, substitution)
# if the substitution is optional
if not is_optional_resolved and substitution.optional:
resolved_value = None
if isinstance(resolved_value, ConfigValues):
parents = cache.get(resolved_value)
if parents is None:
parents = []
link = resolved_value
while isinstance(link, ConfigValues):
link = link.overriden_value
cache[resolved_value] = parents
if isinstance(resolved_value, ConfigValues) \
and substitution.parent in parents \
and hasattr(substitution.parent, 'overriden_value') \
and substitution.parent.overriden_value:
# self resolution, backtrack
resolved_value = substitution.parent.overriden_value
unresolved, new_substitutions, result = cls._do_substitute(
substitution, resolved_value, is_optional_resolved)
any_unresolved = unresolved or any_unresolved
if not isinstance(result, ConfigValues):
if unresolved:
has_unresolved = True
if not accept_unresolved:
raise ConfigSubstitutionException("Cannot resolve {variables}. Check for cycles.".format(
variables=', '.join('${{{variable}}}: (line: {line}, col: {col})'.format(
line=lineno(substitution.loc, substitution.instring),
col=col(substitution.loc, substitution.instring)) for substitution in substitutions)))
return has_unresolved
class ListParser(TokenConverter):
"""Parse a list [elt1, etl2, ...]
def __init__(self, expr=None):
super(ListParser, self).__init__(expr)
self.saveAsList = True
def postParse(self, instring, loc, token_list):
"""Create a list from the tokens
:param instring:
:param loc:
:param token_list:
cleaned_token_list = [token for tokens in (token.tokens if isinstance(token, ConfigInclude) else [token]
for token in token_list if token != '')
for token in tokens]
config_list = ConfigList(cleaned_token_list)
return [config_list]
class ConcatenatedValueParser(TokenConverter):
def __init__(self, expr=None):
super(ConcatenatedValueParser, self).__init__(expr)
self.parent = None
self.key = None
def postParse(self, instring, loc, token_list):
config_values = ConfigValues(token_list, instring, loc)
return [config_values.transform()]
class ConfigTreeParser(TokenConverter):
Parse a config tree from tokens
def __init__(self, expr=None, root=False):
super(ConfigTreeParser, self).__init__(expr)
self.root = root
self.saveAsList = True
def postParse(self, instring, loc, token_list):
"""Create ConfigTree from tokens
:param instring:
:param loc:
:param token_list:
config_tree = ConfigTree(root=self.root)
for element in token_list:
expanded_tokens = element.tokens if isinstance(element, ConfigInclude) else [element]
for tokens in expanded_tokens:
# key, value1 (optional), ...
key = tokens[0].strip() if isinstance(tokens[0], (unicode, basestring)) else tokens[0]
operator = '='
if len(tokens) == 3 and tokens[1].strip() in [':', '=', '+=']:
operator = tokens[1].strip()
values = tokens[2:]
elif len(tokens) == 2:
values = tokens[1:]
raise ParseSyntaxException("Unknown tokens {tokens} received".format(tokens=tokens))
# empty string
if len(values) == 0:
config_tree.put(key, '')
value = values[0]
if isinstance(value, list) and operator == "+=":
value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', False, loc), value], False, loc)
config_tree.put(key, value, False)
elif isinstance(value, unicode) and operator == "+=":
value = ConfigValues([ConfigSubstitution(key, True, '', True, loc), ' ' + value], True, loc)
config_tree.put(key, value, False)
elif isinstance(value, list):
config_tree.put(key, value, False)
existing_value = config_tree.get(key, None)
if isinstance(value, ConfigTree) and not isinstance(existing_value, list):
# Only Tree has to be merged with tree
config_tree.put(key, value, True)
elif isinstance(value, ConfigValues):
conf_value = value
value.parent = config_tree
value.key = key
if isinstance(existing_value, list) or isinstance(existing_value, ConfigTree):
config_tree.put(key, conf_value, True)
config_tree.put(key, conf_value, False)
config_tree.put(key, value, False)
return config_tree