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synced 2025-03-03 18:52:12 +00:00
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428 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import json
import os
import sys
import fnmatch
import importlib
import imp
import ast
import doctest
import collections
import functools
from pathlib2 import Path
from types import FileType # py2
except ImportError:
from io import IOBase as FileType # py3
from .log import logger
from .utils import parse_git_config
from .modules import ImportedModules
def project_import_modules(project_path, ignores):
copied form pigar req.project_import_modules patching, os.getcwd() is incorrectly used
modules = ImportedModules()
try_imports = set()
local_mods = list()
ignore_paths = set()
venv_subdirs = set(('bin', 'etc', 'include', 'lib', 'lib64', 'share'))
ignore_absolute = []
if not ignores:
for path in ignores:
if os.path.isfile(project_path):
fake_path = Path(project_path).name
with open(project_path, 'rb') as f:
fmodules, try_ipts = file_import_modules(fake_path, f.read())
modules |= fmodules
try_imports |= try_ipts
cur_dir = project_path
for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(project_path), followlinks=True):
# see if we have a parent folder in the ignore list
if ignore_paths & set(Path(dirpath).relative_to(cur_dir).parts):
# check if we are in a subfolder of ignore list
if any(True for prefix in ignore_absolute if dirpath.startswith(prefix)):
# Hack detect if this is a virtual-env folder, if so add it to the uignore list
if set(dirnames) == venv_subdirs:
py_files = list()
for fn in files:
# C extension.
if fn.endswith('.so'):
# Normal Python file.
if fn.endswith('.py'):
if '__init__.py' in files:
for file in py_files:
fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
fake_path = fpath.split(cur_dir)[1][1:]
with open(fpath, 'rb') as f:
fmodules, try_ipts = file_import_modules(fake_path, f.read())
modules |= fmodules
try_imports |= try_ipts
return modules, try_imports, local_mods
def file_import_modules(fpath, fdata):
"""Get single file all imported modules."""
modules = ImportedModules()
str_codes = collections.deque([(fdata, 1)])
try_imports = set()
while str_codes:
str_code, lineno = str_codes.popleft()
ic = ImportChecker(fpath, lineno)
parsed = ast.parse(str_code)
# Ignore SyntaxError in Python code.
except SyntaxError:
modules |= ic.modules
try_imports |= ic.try_imports
del ic
return modules, try_imports
class ImportChecker(object):
def __init__(self, fpath, lineno):
self._fpath = fpath
self._lineno = lineno - 1
self._modules = ImportedModules()
self._str_codes = collections.deque()
self._try_imports = set()
def visit_Import(self, node, try_=False):
"""As we know: `import a [as b]`."""
lineno = node.lineno + self._lineno
for alias in node.names:
self._modules.add(alias.name, self._fpath, lineno)
if try_:
def visit_ImportFrom(self, node, try_=False):
As we know: `from a import b [as c]`. If node.level is not 0,
import statement like this `from .a import b`.
mod_name = node.module
level = node.level
if mod_name is None:
level -= 1
mod_name = ''
for alias in node.names:
name = level*'.' + mod_name + '.' + alias.name
self._modules.add(name, self._fpath, node.lineno + self._lineno)
if try_:
def visit_TryExcept(self, node):
If modules which imported by `try except` and not found,
maybe them come from other Python version.
for ipt in node.body:
if ipt.__class__.__name__.startswith('Import'):
method = 'visit_' + ipt.__class__.__name__
getattr(self, method)(ipt, True)
for handler in node.handlers:
for ipt in handler.body:
if ipt.__class__.__name__.startswith('Import'):
method = 'visit_' + ipt.__class__.__name__
getattr(self, method)(ipt, True)
# For Python 3.3+
visit_Try = visit_TryExcept
def visit_Exec(self, node):
Check `expression` of `exec(expression[, globals[, locals]])`.
**Just available in python 2.**
if hasattr(node.body, 's'):
self._str_codes.append((node.body.s, node.lineno + self._lineno))
# PR#13: https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/13
# Sometimes exec statement may be called with tuple in Py2.7.6
elif hasattr(node.body, 'elts') and len(node.body.elts) >= 1:
(node.body.elts[0].s, node.lineno + self._lineno))
def visit_Expr(self, node):
Check `expression` of `eval(expression[, globals[, locals]])`.
Check `expression` of `exec(expression[, globals[, locals]])`
in python 3.
Check `name` of `__import__(name[, globals[, locals[,
fromlist[, level]]]])`.
Check `name` or `package` of `importlib.import_module(name,
# Built-in functions
value = node.value
if isinstance(value, ast.Call):
if hasattr(value.func, 'id'):
if (value.func.id == 'eval' and
hasattr(node.value.args[0], 's')):
(node.value.args[0].s, node.lineno + self._lineno))
# **`exec` function in Python 3.**
elif (value.func.id == 'exec' and
hasattr(node.value.args[0], 's')):
(node.value.args[0].s, node.lineno + self._lineno))
# `__import__` function.
elif (value.func.id == '__import__' and
len(node.value.args) > 0 and
hasattr(node.value.args[0], 's')):
self._modules.add(node.value.args[0].s, self._fpath,
node.lineno + self._lineno)
# `import_module` function.
elif getattr(value.func, 'attr', '') == 'import_module':
module = getattr(value.func, 'value', None)
if (module is not None and
getattr(module, 'id', '') == 'importlib'):
args = node.value.args
arg_len = len(args)
if arg_len > 0 and hasattr(args[0], 's'):
name = args[0].s
if not name.startswith('.'):
self._modules.add(name, self._fpath,
node.lineno + self._lineno)
elif arg_len == 2 and hasattr(args[1], 's'):
self._modules.add(args[1].s, self._fpath,
node.lineno + self._lineno)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
Check docstring of function, if docstring is used for doctest.
docstring = self._parse_docstring(node)
if docstring:
self._str_codes.append((docstring, node.lineno + self._lineno + 2))
def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
Check docstring of class, if docstring is used for doctest.
docstring = self._parse_docstring(node)
if docstring:
self._str_codes.append((docstring, node.lineno + self._lineno + 2))
def visit(self, node):
"""Visit a node, no recursively."""
for node in ast.walk(node):
method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
getattr(self, method, lambda x: x)(node)
def _parse_docstring(node):
"""Extract code from docstring."""
docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
if docstring:
parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
dt = parser.get_doctest(docstring, {}, None, None, None)
except ValueError:
# >>> 'abc'
examples = dt.examples
return '\n'.join([example.source for example in examples])
return None
def modules(self):
return self._modules
def str_codes(self):
return self._str_codes
def try_imports(self):
return set((name.split('.')[0] if name and '.' in name else name)
for name in self._try_imports)
def _checked_cache(func):
checked = dict()
def _wrapper(name):
if name not in checked:
checked[name] = func(name)
return checked[name]
return _wrapper
def is_std_or_local_lib(name):
"""Check whether it is stdlib module.
True if std lib
False if installed package
str if local library
exist = True
module_info = ('', '', '')
module_info = imp.find_module(name)
except ImportError:
# __import__(name)
module_info = imp.find_module(name)
except ImportError:
exist = False
# Testcase: ResourceWarning
if isinstance(module_info[0], FileType):
mpath = module_info[1]
if exist and mpath is not None:
if ('site-packages' in mpath or
'dist-packages' in mpath or
'bin/' in mpath and mpath.endswith('.py')):
exist = False
elif ((sys.prefix not in mpath) and
(sys.base_exec_prefix not in mpath) and
(sys.base_prefix not in mpath)):
exist = mpath
return exist
def get_installed_pkgs_detail():
HACK: bugfix of the original pigar get_installed_pkgs_detail
Get mapping for import top level name
and install package name with version.
mapping = dict()
for path in sys.path:
if os.path.isdir(path) and path.rstrip('/').endswith(
('site-packages', 'dist-packages')):
new_mapping = _search_path(path)
# override with previous, just like python resolves imports, the first match is the one used.
# unlike the original implementation, where the last one is used.
mapping = new_mapping
# HACK: prefer tensorflow_gpu over tensorflow
if 'tensorflow_gpu' in new_mapping:
new_mapping['tensorflow'] = new_mapping['tensorflow_gpu']
return mapping
def _search_path(path):
mapping = dict()
for file in os.listdir(path):
# Install from PYPI.
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*-info'):
pkg_name, version = file.split('-')[:2]
if version.endswith('dist'):
version = version.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
# Issue for ubuntu: sudo pip install xxx
elif version.endswith('egg'):
version = version.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
# pep610 support. add support for new pip>=20.1 git reference feature
git_direct_json = os.path.join(path, file, 'direct_url.json')
if os.path.isfile(git_direct_json):
# noinspection PyBroadException
with open(git_direct_json, 'r') as f:
vcs_info = json.load(f)
git_url = '{vcs}+{url}@{commit}#egg={package}'.format(
vcs=vcs_info['vcs_info']['vcs'], url=vcs_info['url'],
commit=vcs_info['vcs_info']['commit_id'], package=pkg_name)
mapping[pkg_name] = ('-e', git_url)
except Exception:
# default
mapping[pkg_name] = (pkg_name, version)
# analyze 'top_level.txt' if it exists
top_level = os.path.join(path, file, 'top_level.txt')
if not os.path.isfile(top_level):
with open(top_level, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
mapping[line.strip()] = (pkg_name, version)
# Install from local and available in GitHub.
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*-link'):
link = os.path.join(path, file)
if not os.path.isfile(link):
# Link path.
with open(link, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line != '.':
dev_dir = line
if not dev_dir:
# Egg info path.
info_dir = [_file for _file in os.listdir(dev_dir)
if _file.endswith('egg-info')]
if not info_dir:
info_dir = info_dir[0]
top_level = os.path.join(dev_dir, info_dir, 'top_level.txt')
# Check whether it can be imported.
if not os.path.isfile(top_level):
# Check .git dir.
git_path = os.path.join(dev_dir, '.git')
if os.path.isdir(git_path):
config = parse_git_config(git_path)
url = config.get('remote "origin"', {}).get('url')
if not url:
branch = 'branch "master"'
if branch not in config:
for section in config:
if 'branch' in section:
branch = section
if not branch:
branch = branch.split()[1][1:-1]
pkg_name = info_dir.split('.egg')[0]
git_url = 'git+{0}@{1}#egg={2}'.format(url, branch, pkg_name)
with open(top_level, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
mapping[line.strip()] = ('-e', git_url)
return mapping