""" Matplotlib Exporter =================== This submodule contains tools for crawling a matplotlib figure and exporting relevant pieces to a renderer. """ import warnings import io from . import utils import matplotlib from matplotlib import transforms, collections # noqa: F401 from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg class Exporter(object): """Matplotlib Exporter Parameters ---------- renderer : Renderer object The renderer object called by the exporter to create a figure visualization. See mplexporter.Renderer for information on the methods which should be defined within the renderer. close_mpl : bool If True (default), close the matplotlib figure as it is rendered. This is useful for when the exporter is used within the notebook, or with an interactive matplotlib backend. """ def __init__(self, renderer, close_mpl=True): self.close_mpl = close_mpl self.renderer = renderer def run(self, fig): """ Run the exporter on the given figure Parmeters --------- fig : matplotlib.Figure instance The figure to export """ # Calling savefig executes the draw() command, putting elements # in the correct place. if fig.canvas is None: canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) # noqa: F841 fig.savefig(io.BytesIO(), format='png', dpi=fig.dpi) if self.close_mpl: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close(fig) self.crawl_fig(fig) @staticmethod def process_transform(transform, ax=None, data=None, return_trans=False, force_trans=None): """Process the transform and convert data to figure or data coordinates Parameters ---------- transform : matplotlib Transform object The transform applied to the data ax : matplotlib Axes object (optional) The axes the data is associated with data : ndarray (optional) The array of data to be transformed. return_trans : bool (optional) If true, return the final transform of the data force_trans : matplotlib.transform instance (optional) If supplied, first force the data to this transform Returns ------- code : string Code is either "data", "axes", "figure", or "display", indicating the type of coordinates output. transform : matplotlib transform the transform used to map input data to output data. Returned only if return_trans is True new_data : ndarray Data transformed to match the given coordinate code. Returned only if data is specified """ if isinstance(transform, transforms.BlendedGenericTransform): warnings.warn("Blended transforms not yet supported. " "Zoom behavior may not work as expected.") if force_trans is not None: if data is not None: data = (transform - force_trans).transform(data) transform = force_trans code = "display" if ax is not None: for (c, trans) in [("data", ax.transData), ("axes", ax.transAxes), ("figure", ax.figure.transFigure), ("display", transforms.IdentityTransform())]: if transform.contains_branch(trans): code, transform = (c, transform - trans) break if data is not None: if return_trans: return code, transform.transform(data), transform else: return code, transform.transform(data) else: if return_trans: return code, transform else: return code def crawl_fig(self, fig): """Crawl the figure and process all axes""" with self.renderer.draw_figure(fig=fig, props=utils.get_figure_properties(fig)): for ax in fig.axes: self.crawl_ax(ax) def crawl_ax(self, ax): """Crawl the axes and process all elements within""" with self.renderer.draw_axes(ax=ax, props=utils.get_axes_properties(ax)): for line in ax.lines: self.draw_line(ax, line) for text in ax.texts: self.draw_text(ax, text) for (text, ttp) in zip([ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label, ax.title], ["xlabel", "ylabel", "title"]): if(hasattr(text, 'get_text') and text.get_text()): self.draw_text(ax, text, force_trans=ax.transAxes, text_type=ttp) for artist in ax.artists: # TODO: process other artists if isinstance(artist, matplotlib.text.Text): self.draw_text(ax, artist) for patch in ax.patches: self.draw_patch(ax, patch) for collection in ax.collections: self.draw_collection(ax, collection) for image in ax.images: self.draw_image(ax, image) legend = ax.get_legend() if legend is not None: props = utils.get_legend_properties(ax, legend) with self.renderer.draw_legend(legend=legend, props=props): if props['visible']: self.crawl_legend(ax, legend) def crawl_legend(self, ax, legend): """ Recursively look through objects in legend children """ legendElements = list(utils.iter_all_children(legend._legend_box, skipContainers=True)) legendElements.append(legend.legendPatch) for child in legendElements: # force a large zorder so it appears on top child.set_zorder(1E6 + child.get_zorder()) # reorder border box to make sure marks are visible if isinstance(child, matplotlib.patches.FancyBboxPatch): child.set_zorder(child.get_zorder()-1) try: # What kind of object... if isinstance(child, matplotlib.patches.Patch): self.draw_patch(ax, child, force_trans=ax.transAxes) elif isinstance(child, matplotlib.text.Text): if child.get_text() != 'None': self.draw_text(ax, child, force_trans=ax.transAxes) elif isinstance(child, matplotlib.lines.Line2D): self.draw_line(ax, child, force_trans=ax.transAxes) elif isinstance(child, matplotlib.collections.Collection): self.draw_collection(ax, child, force_pathtrans=ax.transAxes) else: warnings.warn("Legend element %s not impemented" % child) except NotImplementedError: warnings.warn("Legend element %s not impemented" % child) def draw_line(self, ax, line, force_trans=None): """Process a matplotlib line and call renderer.draw_line""" coordinates, data = self.process_transform(line.get_transform(), ax, line.get_xydata(), force_trans=force_trans) linestyle = utils.get_line_style(line) if (linestyle['dasharray'] is None and linestyle['drawstyle'] == 'default'): linestyle = None markerstyle = utils.get_marker_style(line) if (markerstyle['marker'] in ['None', 'none', None] or markerstyle['markerpath'][0].size == 0): markerstyle = None label = line.get_label() if markerstyle or linestyle: self.renderer.draw_marked_line(data=data, coordinates=coordinates, linestyle=linestyle, markerstyle=markerstyle, label=label, mplobj=line) def draw_text(self, ax, text, force_trans=None, text_type=None): """Process a matplotlib text object and call renderer.draw_text""" content = text.get_text() if content: transform = text.get_transform() position = text.get_position() coords, position = self.process_transform(transform, ax, position, force_trans=force_trans) style = utils.get_text_style(text) self.renderer.draw_text(text=content, position=position, coordinates=coords, text_type=text_type, style=style, mplobj=text) def draw_patch(self, ax, patch, force_trans=None): """Process a matplotlib patch object and call renderer.draw_path""" vertices, pathcodes = utils.SVG_path(patch.get_path()) transform = patch.get_transform() coordinates, vertices = self.process_transform(transform, ax, vertices, force_trans=force_trans) linestyle = utils.get_path_style(patch, fill=patch.get_fill()) self.renderer.draw_path(data=vertices, coordinates=coordinates, pathcodes=pathcodes, style=linestyle, mplobj=patch) def draw_collection(self, ax, collection, force_pathtrans=None, force_offsettrans=None): """Process a matplotlib collection and call renderer.draw_collection""" (transform, transOffset, offsets, paths) = collection._prepare_points() offset_coords, offsets = self.process_transform( transOffset, ax, offsets, force_trans=force_offsettrans) path_coords = self.process_transform( transform, ax, force_trans=force_pathtrans) processed_paths = [utils.SVG_path(path) for path in paths] processed_paths = [(self.process_transform( transform, ax, path[0], force_trans=force_pathtrans)[1], path[1]) for path in processed_paths] path_transforms = collection.get_transforms() try: # matplotlib 1.3: path_transforms are transform objects. # Convert them to numpy arrays. path_transforms = [t.get_matrix() for t in path_transforms] except AttributeError: # matplotlib 1.4: path transforms are already numpy arrays. pass styles = {'linewidth': collection.get_linewidths(), 'facecolor': collection.get_facecolors(), 'edgecolor': collection.get_edgecolors(), 'alpha': collection._alpha, 'zorder': collection.get_zorder()} offset_dict = {"data": "before", "screen": "after"} # protected for removing _offset_position() and default to "screen" offset_order = offset_dict[getattr(collection, '_offset_position', 'screen')] self.renderer.draw_path_collection(paths=processed_paths, path_coordinates=path_coords, path_transforms=path_transforms, offsets=offsets, offset_coordinates=offset_coords, offset_order=offset_order, styles=styles, mplobj=collection) def draw_image(self, ax, image): """Process a matplotlib image object and call renderer.draw_image""" self.renderer.draw_image(imdata=utils.image_to_base64(image), extent=image.get_extent(), coordinates="data", style={"alpha": image.get_alpha(), "zorder": image.get_zorder()}, mplobj=image)