import numpy as np from ..errors import UsageError from ..utilities.dicts import merge_dicts try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: pd = None from attr import attrs, attrib def create_2d_histogram_plot(np_row_wise, labels, title=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, series=None, xlabels=None, comment=None, mode='group', layout_config=None): """ Create a 2D Plotly histogram chart from a 2D numpy array :param np_row_wise: 2D numpy data array :param labels: Histogram labels :param title: Chart title :param xtitle: X-Series title :param ytitle: Y-Series title :param comment: comment underneath the title :param mode: multiple histograms mode. valid options are: stack / group / relative. Default is 'group'. :param layout_config: optional extra layout configuration :return: Plotly chart dict. """ assert mode in ('stack', 'group', 'relative') np_row_wise = np.atleast_2d(np_row_wise) assert len(np_row_wise.shape) == 2, "Expected a 2D numpy array" use_series = bool(labels) # using labels without xlabels leads to original behavior if labels is not None and xlabels is None: assert len(labels) == np_row_wise.shape[0], "Please provide a label for each data row" elif xlabels is None: fake_label = series or '' labels = [fake_label] * np_row_wise.shape[0] elif labels: if len(labels) == 1: labels = [labels] * np_row_wise.shape[0] assert len(xlabels) == np_row_wise.shape[1] elif not labels and xlabels: labels = [series] data = [_np_row_to_plotly_data_item(np_row=np_row_wise[i, :], label=labels[i] if labels else None, xlabels=xlabels) for i in range(np_row_wise.shape[0])] return _plotly_hist_dict(title=series if use_series else title, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, mode=mode, data=data, comment=comment, layout_config=layout_config) def _to_np_array(value): if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = np.array(value) return value @attrs class SeriesInfo(object): name = attrib(type=str) data = attrib(type=np.ndarray, converter=_to_np_array) labels = attrib(default=None) @data.validator def _validate_data(self, _, value): if value.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Expected series data to be 2D numpy array") if value.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Expected series data to have 2 columns") def __attrs_post_init__(self): if (self.labels is not None) and (len(self.labels) !=[0]): raise ValueError( "If 'labels' is provided, it must be a list or tuple, " "the same length as the data" ) def create_line_plot(title, series, xtitle, ytitle, mode='lines', reverse_xaxis=False, comment=None, MAX_SIZE=None, layout_config=None): plotly_obj = _plotly_scatter_layout_dict( title=title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), xaxis_title=xtitle, yaxis_title=ytitle, ) if reverse_xaxis: plotly_obj["layout"]["xaxis"]["autorange"] = "reversed" # check maximum size of data MAX_SIZE = MAX_SIZE or 800000 series_sizes = [ for s in series] total_size = sum(series_sizes) if total_size > MAX_SIZE: # we need to downscale base_size = MAX_SIZE / len(series_sizes) baseused_size = sum([min(s, base_size) for s in series_sizes]) leftover = MAX_SIZE - baseused_size for s in series: # if we need to down-sample, use low-pass average filter and sampling if >= base_size: budget = int(leftover * / (total_size - baseused_size)) step = int(np.ceil( / float(budget))) x =[:, 0][::-step][::-1] y =[:, 1] y_low_pass = np.convolve(y, np.ones(shape=(step,), dtype=y.dtype) / float(step), mode='same') y = y_low_pass[::-step][::-1] = np.array([x, y], # decide on number of points between mean and max s_max = np.max(np.abs(, axis=0) s_max = np.maximum(s_max, s_max * 0 + 0.01) digits = np.maximum(np.array([1, 1]), np.array([6, 6]) - np.floor(np.abs(np.log10(s_max))))[:, 0] = np.round([:, 0] * (10 ** digits[0])) / (10 ** digits[0])[:, 1] = np.round([:, 1] * (10 ** digits[1])) / (10 ** digits[1]) plotly_obj["data"].extend({ "name":, "x":[:, 0].tolist(), "y":[:, 1].tolist(), "mode": mode, "text": s.labels, "type": "scatter", } for s in series) if layout_config: plotly_obj["layout"] = merge_dicts(plotly_obj["layout"], layout_config) return plotly_obj def create_2d_scatter_series(np_row_wise, title="Scatter", series_name="Series", xtitle="x", ytitle="y", mode="lines", labels=None, comment=None, layout_config=None): """ Create a 2D scatter Plotly graph from a 2 column numpy array :param np_row_wise: 2 column numpy data array [(x0,y0), (x1,y1) ...] :param title: Chart title :param series_name: Series name :param xtitle: X-axis title :param ytitle: Y-axis title :param mode: scatter type mode ('lines' / 'markers' / 'lines+markers') :param labels: label (text) per point on the scatter graph :param comment: comment underneath the title :param layout_config: optional dictionary for layout configuration, passed directly to plotly :return: Plotly chart dict. """ plotly_obj = _plotly_scatter_layout_dict(title=title, xaxis_title=xtitle, yaxis_title=ytitle, comment=comment) assert np_row_wise.ndim == 2, "Expected a 2D numpy array" assert np_row_wise.shape[1] == 2, "Expected two columns X/Y e.g. [(x0,y0), (x1,y1) ...]" # this_scatter_data = { # "name": series_name, # "x": np_row_wise[:, 0].tolist(), # "y": np_row_wise[:, 1].tolist(), # "mode": mode, # "text": labels, # "type": "scatter" # } # plotly_obj["data"].append(this_scatter_data) # return plotly_obj series = SeriesInfo(name=series_name, data=np_row_wise, labels=labels) return create_line_plot(title=title, series=[series], xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, mode=mode, comment=comment, MAX_SIZE=100000, layout_config=layout_config) def create_3d_scatter_series(np_row_wise, title="Scatter", series_name="Series", xtitle="x", ytitle="y", ztitle="z", mode="lines", color=((217, 217, 217, 0.14),), marker_size=5, line_width=0.8, labels=None, fill_axis=-1, plotly_obj=None, layout_config=None): """ Create a 3D scatter Plotly graph from a 3 column numpy array :param np_row_wise: 3 column numpy data array [(x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1) ...] :param title: Chart title :param series_name: Series name :param xtitle: X-axis title :param ytitle: Y-axis title :param ztitle: Z-axis title :param labels: label (text) per point on the scatter graph :param fill_axis: fill area under the curve :param layout_config: additional layout configuration :return: Plotly chart dict. """ if not plotly_obj: plotly_obj = plotly_scatter3d_layout_dict( title=title, xaxis_title=xtitle, yaxis_title=ytitle, zaxis_title=ztitle) assert np_row_wise.ndim == 2, "Expected a 2D numpy array" assert np_row_wise.shape[1] == 3, "Expected three columns X/Y/Z e.g. [(x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1) ...]" c = color[0] c = (int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2]), float(c[3])) this_scatter_data = { "name": series_name, "x": np_row_wise[:, 0].tolist(), "y": np_row_wise[:, 1].tolist(), "z": np_row_wise[:, 2].tolist(), "text": labels, "type": "scatter3d", "mode": mode, 'marker': { 'size': marker_size, 'line': { 'color': 'rgba(%d, %d, %d, %f.2)' % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]), 'width': line_width }, 'opacity': 0.8 }, } plotly_obj["data"].append(this_scatter_data) if layout_config: plotly_obj["layout"] = merge_dicts(plotly_obj["layout"], layout_config) return plotly_obj def create_value_matrix(np_value_matrix, title="Heatmap Matrix", xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xtitle="X", ytitle="Y", custom_colors=True, series=None, comment=None, layout_config=None): conf_matrix_plot = { "data": [ { "x": xlabels, "y": ylabels, "z": np_value_matrix.tolist(), "type": "heatmap" } ], "layout": { "showlegend": True, "title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), "xaxis": { "title": xtitle, }, "yaxis": { "title": ytitle }, "name": series, } } if custom_colors: scale, bar = _get_z_colorbar_data() conf_matrix_plot["data"][0].update({"colorscale": scale}) conf_matrix_plot["data"][0].update({"colorbar": bar}) if layout_config: conf_matrix_plot["layout"] = merge_dicts(conf_matrix_plot["layout"], layout_config) return conf_matrix_plot def create_3d_surface(np_value_matrix, title="3D Surface", xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xtitle="X", ytitle="Y", ztitle="Z", custom_colors=True, series=None, camera=None, comment=None, layout_config=None): surface_plot = { "data": [ { "z": np_value_matrix.tolist(), "type": "surface", "contours": { "y": { "show": False, "highlightcolor": "#fff4ff", "project": {"y": True} } }, "showscale": False, } ], "layout": { "scene": { "xaxis": { "title": xtitle, "showgrid": False, "nticks": 10, "ticktext": xlabels, "tickvals": list(range(len(xlabels))) if xlabels else None, }, "yaxis": { "title": ytitle, "showgrid": False, "nticks": 10, "ticktext": ylabels, "tickvals": list(range(len(ylabels))) if ylabels else ylabels, }, "zaxis": { "title": ztitle, "nticks": 5, }, }, "showlegend": False, "title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), "name": series, } } if camera: surface_plot['layout']['scene']['camera'] = {"eye": {"x": camera[0], "y": camera[1], "z": camera[2]}} if custom_colors: scale, bar = _get_z_colorbar_data() surface_plot["data"][0].update({"colorscale": scale}) surface_plot["data"][0].update({"colorbar": bar}) if layout_config: surface_plot["layout"] = merge_dicts(surface_plot["layout"], layout_config) return surface_plot def create_image_plot(image_src, title, width=640, height=480, series=None, comment=None, layout_config=None): image_plot = { "data": [], "layout": { "xaxis": {"visible": False, "range": [0, width]}, "yaxis": {"visible": False, "range": [0, height], "scaleanchor": "x"}, # "width": width, # "height": height, "margin": {'l': 0, 'r': 0, 't': 64, 'b': 0}, "images": [{ "sizex": width, "sizey": height, "xref": "x", "yref": "y", "opacity": 1.0, "x": 0, "y": height, # "xanchor": "left", # "yanchor": "bottom", "sizing": "contain", "layer": "below", "source": image_src }], "showlegend": False, "title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), "name": series, } } if layout_config: image_plot["layout"] = merge_dicts(image_plot["layout"], layout_config) return image_plot def _get_z_colorbar_data(z_data=None, values=None, colors=None): if values is None: values = [0, 1. / 10, 2. / 10, 6. / 10, 9. / 10] if colors is None: colors = [(71, 17, 100), (53, 92, 140), (37, 139, 141), (66, 189, 112), (141, 314, 68), (221, 226, 24)] if z_data is not None: data = np.array(z_data) max_z = data.max() scaler = max_z values = [float(v * scaler) for v in values[0:5]] values.append(1.0) # poltly quirk? # we do not want to show the first and last value tickvalues = [" %.3f " % v for v in values[1:]] tickvalues = [float(v) for v in tickvalues] # tickvalues.pop() colorscale = [[v, 'rgb' + str(color)] for v, color in zip(values, colors)] colorbar = {"tick0": 0, "tickmode": "array", "tickvals": tickvalues} return colorscale, colorbar def _plotly_hist_dict(title, xtitle, ytitle, mode='group', data=None, comment=None, layout_config=None): """ Create a basic Plotly chart dictionary :param title: Chart title :param xtitle: X-Series title :param ytitle: Y-Series title :param mode: multiple histograms mode. optionals stack / group / relative. Default is 'group'. :param data: Data items :type data: list :param layout_config: dict :return: Plotly chart dict. """ assert mode in ('stack', 'group', 'relative') plotly_object = { "data": data or [], "layout": { "title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), "xaxis": { "title": xtitle }, "yaxis": { "title": ytitle }, "barmode": mode, "bargap": 0.08, "bargroupgap": 0 } } if layout_config: plotly_object["layout"] = merge_dicts(plotly_object["layout"], layout_config) return plotly_object def _np_row_to_plotly_data_item(np_row, label, xlabels=None): """ Convert a numpy data row into a Plotly chart data item :param np_row: numpy 1D data row :param label: Item label :return: A plotly data item dict. """ bins = list(range(np_row.shape[0])) if xlabels is None else list(xlabels) # mylabels = ['"' + label + '"'] * len(bins) this_trace_data = { "name": label, "y": np_row.tolist(), "x": bins, # "text": mylabels, "type": "bar" } return this_trace_data def _plotly_scatter_layout_dict(title="Scatter", xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Y", series=None, comment=None): return { "data": [], "layout": { "title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), "xaxis": { "title": xaxis_title, "showspikes": True, "spikethickness": 1, "spikesnap": "cursor", "spikemode": "toaxis+across", }, "yaxis": { "title": yaxis_title, "showspikes": True, "spikethickness": 1, "spikesnap": "cursor", "spikemode": "toaxis+across", }, "name": series, } } def plotly_scatter3d_layout_dict(title="Scatter", xaxis_title="X", yaxis_title="Y", zaxis_title="Z", series=None, show_legend=True, comment=None, layout_config=None): plotly_object = { "data": [], "layout": { "showlegend": show_legend, "title": title if not comment else (title + '<br><sup>' + comment + '</sup>'), "scene": { 'xaxis': {'title': xaxis_title}, 'yaxis': {'title': yaxis_title}, 'zaxis': {'title': zaxis_title}, }, "name": series, } } if layout_config: plotly_object["layout"] = merge_dicts(plotly_object["layout"], layout_config) return plotly_object def create_plotly_table(table_plot, title, series, layout_config=None): """ Create a basic Plotly table json style to be sent :param table_plot: the output table in pandas.DataFrame structure :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param layout_config: additional configuration layout :return: dict with plotly data. """ if not pd: raise UsageError( "pandas is required in order to support reporting tables using CSV or a URL, please install the pandas python package" ) index_added = not isinstance(table_plot.index, pd.RangeIndex) headers_values = list([col] for col in table_plot.columns) cells_values = table_plot.T.values.tolist() if index_added: headers_values.insert(0, or "") cells_values.insert(0, table_plot.index.values.tolist()) ret = { "data": [{ 'type': 'table', 'header': { 'values': headers_values, 'align': "left", 'line': {'width': 0.5, 'color': '#d4d6e0'}, 'fill': {'color': "#fff"}, 'font': {'family': "Heebo, verdana, arial, sans-serif", 'size': 12, 'color': "#333"} }, 'cells': { 'height': 30, 'values': cells_values, 'align': "left", 'line': {'color': "white", 'width': 1}, 'font': {'family': "Heebo, verdana, arial, sans-serif", 'size': 14, 'color': "#384161"}, } }], "layout": { "title": title, "name": series, } } if layout_config: ret["layout"] = merge_dicts(ret["layout"], layout_config) return ret