import abc import time from threading import Lock import attr import numpy as np import pathlib2 import six from PIL import Image from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse from import events from ...config import config @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class MetricsEventAdapter(object): """ Adapter providing all the base attributes required by a metrics event and defining an interface used by the metrics manager when batching and writing events. """ _default_nan_value = 0. """ Default value used when a np.nan value is encountered """ @attr.attrs(cmp=False, slots=True) class FileEntry(object): """ File entry used to report on file data that needs to be uploaded prior to sending the event """ event = attr.attrib() name = attr.attrib() """ File name """ stream = attr.attrib() """ File-like object containing the file's data """ url_prop = attr.attrib() """ Property name that should be updated with the uploaded url """ key_prop = attr.attrib() upload_uri = attr.attrib() url = attr.attrib(default=None) exception = attr.attrib(default=None) delete_local_file = attr.attrib(default=True) """ Local file path, if exists, delete the file after upload completed """ def set_exception(self, exp): self.exception = exp self.event.upload_exception = exp @property def metric(self): return self._metric @metric.setter def metric(self, value): self._metric = value @property def variant(self): return self._variant def __init__(self, metric, variant, iter=None, timestamp=None, task=None, gen_timestamp_if_none=True): if not timestamp and gen_timestamp_if_none: timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) self._metric = metric self._variant = variant self._iter = iter self._timestamp = timestamp self._task = task # Try creating an event just to trigger validation _ = self.get_api_event() self.upload_exception = None @abc.abstractmethod def get_api_event(self): """ Get an API event instance """ pass def get_file_entry(self): """ Get information for a file that should be uploaded before this event is sent """ pass def update(self, task=None, **kwargs): """ Update event properties """ if task: self._task = task def _get_base_dict(self): """ Get a dict with the base attributes """ res = dict( task=self._task, timestamp=self._timestamp, metric=self._metric, variant=self._variant ) if self._iter is not None: res.update(iter=self._iter) return res @classmethod def _convert_np_nan(cls, val): if np.isnan(val) or np.isinf(val): return cls._default_nan_value return val class ScalarEvent(MetricsEventAdapter): """ Scalar event adapter """ def __init__(self, metric, variant, value, iter, **kwargs): self._value = self._convert_np_nan(value) super(ScalarEvent, self).__init__(metric=metric, variant=variant, iter=iter, **kwargs) def get_api_event(self): return events.MetricsScalarEvent( value=self._value, **self._get_base_dict()) class VectorEvent(MetricsEventAdapter): """ Vector event adapter """ def __init__(self, metric, variant, values, iter, **kwargs): self._values = [self._convert_np_nan(v) for v in values] super(VectorEvent, self).__init__(metric=metric, variant=variant, iter=iter, **kwargs) def get_api_event(self): return events.MetricsVectorEvent( values=self._values, **self._get_base_dict()) class PlotEvent(MetricsEventAdapter): """ Plot event adapter """ def __init__(self, metric, variant, plot_str, iter=None, **kwargs): self._plot_str = plot_str super(PlotEvent, self).__init__(metric=metric, variant=variant, iter=iter, **kwargs) def get_api_event(self): return events.MetricsPlotEvent( plot_str=self._plot_str, **self._get_base_dict()) class ImageEventNoUpload(MetricsEventAdapter): def __init__(self, metric, variant, src, iter=0, **kwargs): parts = urlparse(src) self._url = urlunparse((parts.scheme, parts.netloc, '', '', '', '')) self._key = urlunparse(('', '', parts.path, parts.params, parts.query, parts.fragment)) super(ImageEventNoUpload, self).__init__(metric, variant, iter=iter, **kwargs) def get_api_event(self): return events.MetricsImageEvent( url=self._url, key=self._key, **self._get_base_dict()) class UploadEvent(MetricsEventAdapter): """ Image event adapter """ _format = '.' + str(config.get('metrics.images.format', 'JPEG')).upper().lstrip('.') _quality = int(config.get('metrics.images.quality', 87)) _subsampling = int(config.get('metrics.images.subsampling', 0)) _metric_counters = {} _metric_counters_lock = Lock() _image_file_history_size = int(config.get('metrics.file_history_size', 5)) def __init__(self, metric, variant, image_data, local_image_path=None, iter=0, upload_uri=None, image_file_history_size=None, delete_after_upload=False, **kwargs): if image_data is not None and not hasattr(image_data, 'shape'): raise ValueError('Image must have a shape attribute') self._image_data = image_data self._local_image_path = local_image_path self._url = None self._key = None self._count = self._get_metric_count(metric, variant) if not image_file_history_size: image_file_history_size = self._image_file_history_size self._filename = kwargs.pop('override_filename', None) if not self._filename: if image_file_history_size < 1: self._filename = '%s_%s_%08d' % (metric, variant, self._count) else: self._filename = '%s_%s_%08d' % (metric, variant, self._count % image_file_history_size) self._upload_uri = upload_uri self._delete_after_upload = delete_after_upload # get upload uri upfront, either predefined image format or local file extension # e.g.: image.png -> .png or image.raw.gz -> .raw.gz image_format = self._format.lower() if self._image_data is not None else \ '.' + '.'.join(pathlib2.Path(self._local_image_path).parts[-1].split('.')[1:]) self._upload_filename = str(pathlib2.Path(self._filename).with_suffix(image_format)) self._override_storage_key_prefix = kwargs.pop('override_storage_key_prefix', None) super(UploadEvent, self).__init__(metric, variant, iter=iter, **kwargs) @classmethod def _get_metric_count(cls, metric, variant, next=True): """ Returns the next count number for the given metric/variant (rotates every few calls) """ counters = cls._metric_counters key = '%s_%s' % (metric, variant) try: cls._metric_counters_lock.acquire() value = counters.get(key, -1) if next: value = counters[key] = value + 1 return value finally: cls._metric_counters_lock.release() # return No event (just the upload) def get_api_event(self): return None def update(self, url=None, key=None, **kwargs): super(UploadEvent, self).update(**kwargs) if url is not None: self._url = url if key is not None: self._key = key def get_file_entry(self): local_file = None # don't provide file in case this event is out of the history window last_count = self._get_metric_count(self.metric, self.variant, next=False) if abs(self._count - last_count) > self._image_file_history_size: output = None elif self._image_data is not None: image_data = self._image_data if not isinstance(image_data, np.ndarray): # try conversion, if it fails we'll leave it to the user. image_data = np.ndarray(image_data, dtype=np.uint8) image_data = np.atleast_3d(image_data) if image_data.dtype != np.uint8: if np.issubdtype(image_data.dtype, np.floating) and image_data.max() <= 1.0: image_data = (image_data*255).astype(np.uint8) else: image_data = image_data.astype(np.uint8) shape = image_data.shape height, width, channel = shape[:3] if channel == 1: image_data = np.reshape(image_data, (height, width)) # serialize image image = Image.fromarray(image_data) output = six.BytesIO() image_format = Image.registered_extensions().get(self._format.lower(), 'JPEG'), format=image_format, quality=self._quality) else: local_file = self._local_image_path try: output = open(local_file, 'rb') except Exception as e: # something happened to the file, we should skip it from ...debugging.log import LoggerRoot LoggerRoot.get_base_logger().warning(str(e)) return None return self.FileEntry( event=self, name=self._upload_filename, stream=output, url_prop='url', key_prop='key', upload_uri=self._upload_uri, delete_local_file=local_file if self._delete_after_upload else None, ) def get_target_full_upload_uri(self, storage_uri, storage_key_prefix=None): e_storage_uri = self._upload_uri or storage_uri # if we have an entry (with or without a stream), we'll generate the URL and store it in the event filename = self._upload_filename if self._override_storage_key_prefix or not storage_key_prefix: storage_key_prefix = self._override_storage_key_prefix key = '/'.join(x for x in (storage_key_prefix, self.metric, self.variant, filename.strip('/')) if x) url = '/'.join(x.strip('/') for x in (e_storage_uri, key)) # make sure we preserve local path root if e_storage_uri.startswith('/'): url = '/'+url return key, url class ImageEvent(UploadEvent): def __init__(self, metric, variant, image_data, local_image_path=None, iter=0, upload_uri=None, image_file_history_size=None, delete_after_upload=False, **kwargs): super(ImageEvent, self).__init__(metric, variant, image_data=image_data, local_image_path=local_image_path, iter=iter, upload_uri=upload_uri, image_file_history_size=image_file_history_size, delete_after_upload=delete_after_upload, **kwargs) def get_api_event(self): return events.MetricsImageEvent( url=self._url, key=self._key, **self._get_base_dict())