""" Utility Routines for Working with Matplotlib Objects ==================================================== """ import itertools import io import base64 import numpy as np import warnings import matplotlib from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D from matplotlib import ticker def export_color(color): """Convert matplotlib color code to hex color or RGBA color""" if color is None or colorConverter.to_rgba(color)[3] == 0: return 'none' elif colorConverter.to_rgba(color)[3] == 1: rgb = colorConverter.to_rgb(color) return '#{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}'.format(*(int(255 * c) for c in rgb)) else: c = colorConverter.to_rgba(color) return "rgba(" + ", ".join(str(int(np.round(val * 255))) for val in c[:3]) + ', ' + str(c[3]) + ")" def _many_to_one(input_dict): """Convert a many-to-one mapping to a one-to-one mapping""" return dict((key, val) for keys, val in input_dict.items() for key in keys) LINESTYLES = _many_to_one({('solid', '-', (None, None)): 'none', ('dashed', '--'): "6,6", ('dotted', ':'): "2,2", ('dashdot', '-.'): "4,4,2,4", ('', ' ', 'None', 'none'): None}) def get_dasharray(obj): """Get an SVG dash array for the given matplotlib linestyle Parameters ---------- obj : matplotlib object The matplotlib line or path object, which must have a get_linestyle() method which returns a valid matplotlib line code Returns ------- dasharray : string The HTML/SVG dasharray code associated with the object. """ if obj.__dict__.get('_dashSeq', None) is not None: return ','.join(map(str, obj._dashSeq)) else: ls = obj.get_linestyle() dasharray = LINESTYLES.get(ls, 'not found') if dasharray == 'not found': warnings.warn("line style '{0}' not understood: " "defaulting to solid line.".format(ls)) dasharray = LINESTYLES['solid'] return dasharray PATH_DICT = {Path.LINETO: 'L', Path.MOVETO: 'M', Path.CURVE3: 'S', Path.CURVE4: 'C', Path.CLOSEPOLY: 'Z'} def SVG_path(path, transform=None, simplify=False): """Construct the vertices and SVG codes for the path Parameters ---------- path : matplotlib.Path object transform : matplotlib transform (optional) if specified, the path will be transformed before computing the output. Returns ------- vertices : array The shape (M, 2) array of vertices of the Path. Note that some Path codes require multiple vertices, so the length of these vertices may be longer than the list of path codes. path_codes : list A length N list of single-character path codes, N <= M. Each code is a single character, in ['L','M','S','C','Z']. See the standard SVG path specification for a description of these. """ if transform is not None: path = path.transformed(transform) vc_tuples = [(vertices if path_code != Path.CLOSEPOLY else [], PATH_DICT[path_code]) for (vertices, path_code) in path.iter_segments(simplify=simplify)] if not vc_tuples: # empty path is a special case return np.zeros((0, 2)), [] else: vertices, codes = zip(*vc_tuples) vertices = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*vertices))).reshape(-1, 2) return vertices, list(codes) def get_path_style(path, fill=True): """Get the style dictionary for matplotlib path objects""" style = {} style['alpha'] = path.get_alpha() if style['alpha'] is None: style['alpha'] = 1 style['edgecolor'] = export_color(path.get_edgecolor()) if fill: style['facecolor'] = export_color(path.get_facecolor()) else: style['facecolor'] = 'none' style['edgewidth'] = path.get_linewidth() style['dasharray'] = get_dasharray(path) style['zorder'] = path.get_zorder() return style def get_line_style(line): """Get the style dictionary for matplotlib line objects""" style = {} style['alpha'] = line.get_alpha() if style['alpha'] is None: style['alpha'] = 1 style['color'] = export_color(line.get_color()) style['linewidth'] = line.get_linewidth() style['dasharray'] = get_dasharray(line) style['zorder'] = line.get_zorder() style['drawstyle'] = line.get_drawstyle() return style def get_marker_style(line): """Get the style dictionary for matplotlib marker objects""" style = {} style['alpha'] = line.get_alpha() if style['alpha'] is None: style['alpha'] = 1 style['facecolor'] = export_color(line.get_markerfacecolor()) style['edgecolor'] = export_color(line.get_markeredgecolor()) style['edgewidth'] = line.get_markeredgewidth() style['marker'] = line.get_marker() markerstyle = MarkerStyle(line.get_marker()) markersize = line.get_markersize() markertransform = (markerstyle.get_transform() + Affine2D().scale(markersize, -markersize)) style['markerpath'] = SVG_path(markerstyle.get_path(), markertransform) style['markersize'] = markersize style['zorder'] = line.get_zorder() return style def get_text_style(text): """Return the text style dict for a text instance""" style = {} style['alpha'] = text.get_alpha() if style['alpha'] is None: style['alpha'] = 1 style['fontsize'] = text.get_size() style['color'] = export_color(text.get_color()) style['halign'] = text.get_horizontalalignment() # left, center, right style['valign'] = text.get_verticalalignment() # baseline, center, top style['malign'] = text._multialignment # text alignment when '\n' in text style['rotation'] = text.get_rotation() style['zorder'] = text.get_zorder() return style def get_axis_properties(axis): """Return the property dictionary for a matplotlib.Axis instance""" props = {} label1On = axis._major_tick_kw.get('label1On', True) if isinstance(axis, matplotlib.axis.XAxis): if label1On: props['position'] = "bottom" else: props['position'] = "top" elif isinstance(axis, matplotlib.axis.YAxis): if label1On: props['position'] = "left" else: props['position'] = "right" else: raise ValueError("{0} should be an Axis instance".format(axis)) # Use tick values if appropriate locator = axis.get_major_locator() props['nticks'] = len(locator()) if isinstance(locator, ticker.FixedLocator): props['tickvalues'] = list(locator()) else: props['tickvalues'] = None # Find tick formats formatter = axis.get_major_formatter() if isinstance(formatter, ticker.NullFormatter): props['tickformat'] = "" elif isinstance(formatter, ticker.FixedFormatter): props['tickformat'] = list(formatter.seq) elif not any(label.get_visible() for label in axis.get_ticklabels()): props['tickformat'] = "" else: props['tickformat'] = None # Get axis scale props['scale'] = axis.get_scale() # Get major tick label size (assumes that's all we really care about!) labels = axis.get_ticklabels() if labels: props['fontsize'] = labels[0].get_fontsize() else: props['fontsize'] = None # Get associated grid props['grid'] = get_grid_style(axis) # get axis visibility props['visible'] = axis.get_visible() return props def get_grid_style(axis): gridlines = axis.get_gridlines() _gridOnMajor = axis._gridOnMajor if hasattr(axis, '_gridOnMajor') else axis._major_tick_kw['gridOn'] if _gridOnMajor and len(gridlines) > 0: color = export_color(gridlines[0].get_color()) alpha = gridlines[0].get_alpha() dasharray = get_dasharray(gridlines[0]) return dict(gridOn=True, color=color, dasharray=dasharray, alpha=alpha) else: return {"gridOn": False} def get_figure_properties(fig): return {'figwidth': fig.get_figwidth(), 'figheight': fig.get_figheight(), 'dpi': fig.dpi} def get_axes_properties(ax): props = {'axesbg': export_color(ax.patch.get_facecolor()), 'axesbgalpha': ax.patch.get_alpha(), 'bounds': ax.get_position().bounds, 'dynamic': ax.get_navigate(), 'axison': ax.axison, 'frame_on': ax.get_frame_on(), 'patch_visible': ax.patch.get_visible(), 'axes': [get_axis_properties(ax.xaxis), get_axis_properties(ax.yaxis)]} for axname in ['x', 'y']: axis = getattr(ax, axname + 'axis') domain = getattr(ax, 'get_{0}lim'.format(axname))() lim = domain if isinstance(axis.converter, matplotlib.dates.DateConverter): scale = 'date' try: import pandas as pd from pandas.tseries.converter import PeriodConverter except ImportError: pd = None if (pd is not None and isinstance(axis.converter, PeriodConverter)): _dates = [pd.Period(ordinal=int(d), freq=axis.freq) for d in domain] domain = [(d.year, d.month - 1, d.day, d.hour, d.minute, d.second, 0) for d in _dates] else: domain = [(d.year, d.month - 1, d.day, d.hour, d.minute, d.second, d.microsecond * 1E-3) for d in matplotlib.dates.num2date(domain)] else: scale = axis.get_scale() if scale not in ['date', 'linear', 'log']: raise ValueError("Unknown axis scale: " "{0}".format(axis.get_scale())) props[axname + 'scale'] = scale props[axname + 'lim'] = lim props[axname + 'domain'] = domain return props def iter_all_children(obj, skipContainers=False): """ Returns an iterator over all childen and nested children using obj's get_children() method if skipContainers is true, only childless objects are returned. """ if hasattr(obj, 'get_children') and len(obj.get_children()) > 0: for child in obj.get_children(): if not skipContainers: yield child # could use `yield from` in python 3... for grandchild in iter_all_children(child, skipContainers): yield grandchild else: yield obj def get_legend_properties(ax, legend): handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() visible = legend.get_visible() return {'handles': handles, 'labels': labels, 'visible': visible} def image_to_base64(image): """ Convert a matplotlib image to a base64 png representation Parameters ---------- image : matplotlib image object The image to be converted. Returns ------- image_base64 : string The UTF8-encoded base64 string representation of the png image. """ ax = image.axes binary_buffer = io.BytesIO() # image is saved in axes coordinates: we need to temporarily # set the correct limits to get the correct image lim = ax.axis() ax.axis(image.get_extent()) image.write_png(binary_buffer) ax.axis(lim) binary_buffer.seek(0) return base64.b64encode(binary_buffer.read()).decode('utf-8')