""" Enum utilities """

class EnumOptions(object):
    """ Base class for enum-like classes using class-attributes with string values to represent enum key/value pairs """
    __cache = None

    def values(cls):
        """ Extract list of enum-like options based on the derived classes' attributes.
            Any class attribute who's key doesn't start with an underscore and who's value is not a class method
             or callable is considered an option.
            Returns a list of attribute names representing the options.
        if cls.__cache is None:
            cls.__cache = [v for k, v in vars(cls).items() if
                           not k.startswith('_') and not callable(v) and not isinstance(v, classmethod)]
        return cls.__cache

class Options(object):
    def _all(cls):
        return {k: v for k, v in vars(cls) if not k.startswith('_')}