import base64 import os import sys import threading from collections import defaultdict from functools import partial from io import BytesIO from mimetypes import guess_extension from typing import Any import numpy as np import six from PIL import Image from pathlib2 import Path from ...debugging.log import LoggerRoot from ..frameworks import _patched_call, WeightsFileHandler, _Empty from ..import_bind import PostImportHookPatching from ...config import running_remotely from ...model import InputModel, OutputModel, Framework try: from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict # noqa except ImportError: MessageToDict = None class TensorflowBinding(object): @classmethod def update_current_task(cls, task): PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.update_current_task(task) PatchTensorFlowEager.update_current_task(task) PatchKerasModelIO.update_current_task(task) PatchTensorflowModelIO.update_current_task(task) PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.update_current_task(task) class IsTensorboardInit(object): _tensorboard_initialized = False @classmethod def tensorboard_used(cls): return cls._tensorboard_initialized @classmethod def set_tensorboard_used(cls): cls._tensorboard_initialized = True @staticmethod def _patched_tb__init__(original_init, self, *args, **kwargs): IsTensorboardInit._tensorboard_initialized = True return original_init(self, *args, **kwargs) # noinspection PyProtectedMember class WeightsGradientHistHelper(object): def __init__(self, logger, report_freq=100, histogram_update_freq_multiplier=10, histogram_granularity=50): self._logger = logger self.report_freq = report_freq self._histogram_granularity = histogram_granularity self._histogram_update_freq_multiplier = histogram_update_freq_multiplier self._histogram_update_call_counter = 0 self._hist_report_cache = {} self._hist_x_granularity = 50 @staticmethod def _sample_histograms(_hist_iters, _histogram_granularity): # re-sample history based on distribution of samples across time (steps) ratio = ((_hist_iters[-1] - _hist_iters[_histogram_granularity]) / (_hist_iters[_histogram_granularity - 1] - _hist_iters[0])) if \ _hist_iters.size > _histogram_granularity else 0. cur_idx_below = np.arange(0, min(_hist_iters.size, _histogram_granularity - 1)) np.random.shuffle(cur_idx_below) cur_idx_below = cur_idx_below[:int(_histogram_granularity * (1.0 - ratio / (1 + ratio)) + 0.5)] if ratio > 0.0: cur_idx_above = np.arange(_histogram_granularity - 1, _hist_iters.size) np.random.shuffle(cur_idx_above) cur_idx_above = cur_idx_above[:int(_histogram_granularity * ratio / (1 + ratio))] else: cur_idx_above = np.array([]) _cur_idx = np.unique(np.sort(np.concatenate((cur_idx_below, cur_idx_above)).astype( return _cur_idx def add_histogram(self, title, series, step, hist_data): # only collect histogram every specific interval self._histogram_update_call_counter += 1 if self._histogram_update_call_counter % self.report_freq != 0 or \ self._histogram_update_call_counter < self.report_freq - 1: return None if isinstance(hist_data, dict): pass elif isinstance(hist_data, np.ndarray) and len(hist_data.shape) == 2 and np.atleast_2d(hist_data).shape[1] == 3: # prepare the dictionary, assume numpy # hist_data['bucketLimit'] is the histogram bucket right side limit, meaning X axis # hist_data['bucket'] is the histogram height, meaning the Y axis # notice hist_data[:, 1] is the right side limit, for backwards compatibility we take the left side hist_data = {'bucketLimit': hist_data[:, 0].tolist(), 'bucket': hist_data[:, 2].tolist()} else: # assume we have to do the histogram on the data hist_data = np.histogram(hist_data, bins=32) hist_data = {'bucketLimit': hist_data[1].tolist(), 'bucket': hist_data[0].tolist()} self._add_histogram(title=title, series=series, step=step, hist_data=hist_data) def _add_histogram(self, title, series, step, hist_data): # only collect histogram every specific interval self._histogram_update_call_counter += 1 if self._histogram_update_call_counter % self.report_freq != 0 or \ self._histogram_update_call_counter < self.report_freq - 1: return None # generate forward matrix of the histograms # Y-axis (rows) is iteration (from 0 to current Step) # X-axis averaged bins (conformed sample 'bucketLimit') # Z-axis actual value (interpolated 'bucket') step = EventTrainsWriter._fix_step_counter(title, series, step) # get histograms from cache hist_list, hist_iters, minmax = self._hist_report_cache.get((title, series), ([], np.array([]), None)) # resample data so we are always constrained in number of histogram we keep if hist_iters.size >= self._histogram_granularity ** 2: idx = self._sample_histograms(hist_iters, self._histogram_granularity) hist_iters = hist_iters[idx] hist_list = [hist_list[i] for i in idx] # check if current sample is not already here (actually happens some times) if step in hist_iters: return None # add current sample, if not already here hist_iters = np.append(hist_iters, step) # hist_data['bucketLimit'] is the histogram bucket right side limit, meaning X axis # hist_data['bucket'] is the histogram height, meaning the Y axis hist = np.array(list(zip(hist_data['bucketLimit'], hist_data['bucket'])), dtype=np.float32) hist = hist[~np.isinf(hist[:, 0]), :] hist_list.append(hist) # keep track of min/max values of histograms (for later re-binning) if minmax is None: minmax = hist[:, 0].min(), hist[:, 0].max() else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences minmax = min(minmax[0], hist[:, 0].min()), max(minmax[1], hist[:, 0].max()) # update the cache self._hist_report_cache[(title, series)] = hist_list, hist_iters, minmax # only report histogram every specific interval, but do report the first few, so you know there are histograms if hist_iters.size < 1 or (hist_iters.size >= self._histogram_update_freq_multiplier and hist_iters.size % self._histogram_update_freq_multiplier != 0): return None # resample histograms on a unified bin axis +- epsilon _epsilon = abs((minmax[1] - minmax[0])/float(self._hist_x_granularity)) if _epsilon == 0: _epsilon = 0.01 _minmax = minmax[0] - _epsilon, minmax[1] + _epsilon prev_xedge = np.arange(start=_minmax[0], step=(_minmax[1] - _minmax[0]) / float(self._hist_x_granularity - 2), stop=_minmax[1]) # uniformly select histograms and the last one cur_idx = self._sample_histograms(hist_iters, self._histogram_granularity) report_hist = np.zeros(shape=(len(cur_idx), prev_xedge.size), dtype=np.float32) for i, n in enumerate(cur_idx): h = hist_list[n] report_hist[i, :] = np.interp(prev_xedge, h[:, 0], h[:, 1], right=0, left=0) yedges = hist_iters[cur_idx] xedges = prev_xedge # if only a single line make, add another zero line, for the scatter plot to draw if report_hist.shape[0] < 2: report_hist = np.vstack((np.zeros_like(report_hist), report_hist)) # create 3d line (scatter) of histograms skipx = max(1, int(xedges.size / 10)) skipy = max(1, int(yedges.size / 10)) xlabels = ['%.2f' % v if i % skipx == 0 else '' for i, v in enumerate(xedges[:-1])] ylabels = [str(int(v)) if i % skipy == 0 else '' for i, v in enumerate(yedges)] self._logger.report_surface( title=title, series=series, iteration=0, xaxis=' ', yaxis='iteration', xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels, matrix=report_hist, camera=(-0.1, +1.3, 1.4)) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyProtectedMember,SpellCheckingInspection class EventTrainsWriter(object): """ TF SummaryWriter implementation that converts the tensorboard's summary into Trains events and reports the events (metrics) for an Trains task (logger). """ _add_lock = threading.RLock() _series_name_lookup = {} # store all the created tensorboard writers in the system # this allows us to as weather a certain tile/series already exist on some EventWriter # and if it does, then we add to the series name the last token from the logdir # (so we can differentiate between the two) # key, value: key=hash(title, graph), value=EventTrainsWriter._id _title_series_writers_lookup = {} _event_writers_id_to_logdir = {} # Protect against step (iteration) reuse, for example, # steps counter inside an epoch, but wrapping around when epoch ends # i.e. step = 0..100 then epoch ends and again step = 0..100 # We store the first report per title/series combination, and if wraparound occurs # we synthetically continue to increase the step/iteration based on the previous epoch counter # example: _title_series_wraparound_counter[('title', 'series')] = # {'first_step':None, 'last_step':None, 'adjust_counter':0,} _title_series_wraparound_counter = {} @property def variants(self): return self._variants def prepare_report(self): return self.variants.copy() def tag_splitter(self, tag, num_split_parts, split_char='/', join_char='_', default_title='variant', logdir_header='series', auto_reduce_num_split=False, force_add_prefix=None): """ Split a tf.summary tag line to variant and metric. Variant is the first part of the split tag, metric is the second. :param str tag: :param int num_split_parts: :param str split_char: a character to split the tag on :param str join_char: a character to join the the splits :param str default_title: variant to use in case no variant can be inferred automatically :param str logdir_header: if 'series_last' then series=header: series, if 'series then series=series :header, if 'title_last' then title=header title, if 'title' then title=title header :param bool auto_reduce_num_split: if True and the tag is split for less parts then requested, then requested number of split parts is adjusted. :param str force_add_prefix: always add the prefix to the series name :return: (str, str) variant and metric """ splitted_tag = tag.split(split_char) if auto_reduce_num_split and num_split_parts > len(splitted_tag) - 1: num_split_parts = max(1, len(splitted_tag) - 1) series = join_char.join(splitted_tag[-num_split_parts:]) title = join_char.join(splitted_tag[:-num_split_parts]) or default_title if force_add_prefix: series = str(force_add_prefix)+series # check if we already decided that we need to change the title/series graph_id = hash((title, series)) if graph_id in self._graph_name_lookup: return self._graph_name_lookup[graph_id] # check if someone other than us used this combination with self._add_lock: event_writer_id = self._title_series_writers_lookup.get(graph_id, None) if not event_writer_id: # put us there self._title_series_writers_lookup[graph_id] = self._id elif event_writer_id != self._id: # if there is someone else, change our series name and store us org_series = series org_title = title other_logdir = self._event_writers_id_to_logdir[event_writer_id] split_logddir = self._logdir.split('/') unique_logdir = set(split_logddir) - set(other_logdir.split('/')) header = '/'.join(s for s in split_logddir if s in unique_logdir) if logdir_header == 'series_last': series = header + ': ' + series elif logdir_header == 'series': series = series + ' :' + header elif logdir_header == 'title': title = title + ' ' + header else: # logdir_header == 'title_last': title = header + ' ' + title graph_id = hash((title, series)) # check if for some reason the new series is already occupied new_event_writer_id = self._title_series_writers_lookup.get(graph_id) if new_event_writer_id is not None and new_event_writer_id != self._id: # well that's about it, nothing else we could do if logdir_header == 'series_last': series = str(self._logdir) + ': ' + org_series elif logdir_header == 'series': series = org_series + ' :' + str(self._logdir) elif logdir_header == 'title': title = org_title + ' ' + str(self._logdir) else: # logdir_header == 'title_last': title = str(self._logdir) + ' ' + org_title graph_id = hash((title, series)) self._title_series_writers_lookup[graph_id] = self._id # store for next time self._graph_name_lookup[graph_id] = (title, series) return title, series def __init__(self, logger, logdir=None, report_freq=100, image_report_freq=None, histogram_update_freq_multiplier=10, histogram_granularity=50, max_keep_images=None): """ Create a compatible Trains backend to the TensorFlow SummaryToEventTransformer Everything will be serialized directly to the Trains backend, instead of to the standard TF FileWriter :param logger: The task.logger to use for sending the metrics (def: task.get_logger()) :param report_freq: How often to update the statistics values :param image_report_freq: How often to upload images (step % image_update_freq == 0) :param histogram_update_freq_multiplier: How often to upload histogram (step//update_freq) % histogram_update_freq_multiplier == 0 :param histogram_granularity: How many histograms (lines) to display in the 3d histogram plot :param max_keep_images: Maximum number of images to save before starting to reuse files (per title/metric pair) """ # We are the events_writer, so that's what we'll pass IsTensorboardInit.set_tensorboard_used() self._logdir = logdir or ('unknown %d' % len(self._event_writers_id_to_logdir)) # conform directory structure to unix if os.path.sep == '\\': self._logdir = self._logdir.replace('\\', '/') self._id = hash(self._logdir) self._event_writers_id_to_logdir[self._id] = self._logdir self.max_keep_images = max_keep_images self.report_freq = report_freq self.image_report_freq = image_report_freq if image_report_freq else report_freq self.histogram_granularity = histogram_granularity self.histogram_update_freq_multiplier = histogram_update_freq_multiplier self._histogram_update_call_counter = 0 self._logger = logger self._visualization_mode = 'RGB' # 'BGR' self._variants = defaultdict(lambda: ()) self._scalar_report_cache = {} self._hist_report_cache = {} self._hist_x_granularity = 50 self._max_step = 0 self._graph_name_lookup = {} self._generic_tensor_type_name_lookup = {} self._grad_helper = WeightsGradientHistHelper( logger=logger, report_freq=report_freq, histogram_update_freq_multiplier=histogram_update_freq_multiplier, histogram_granularity=histogram_granularity ) def _decode_image(self, img_str, width=None, height=None, color_channels=None): # noinspection PyBroadException try: if isinstance(img_str, bytes): imdata = img_str else: imdata = base64.b64decode(img_str) output = BytesIO(imdata) im = image = np.asarray(im) output.close() if height is not None and height > 0 and width is not None and width > 0: # noinspection PyArgumentList val = image.reshape(height, width, -1).astype(np.uint8) else: val = image.astype(np.uint8) if val.ndim == 3 and val.shape[2] == 3: if self._visualization_mode == 'BGR': val = val[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] else: val = val elif (val.ndim == 2) or (val.ndim == 3 and val.shape[2] == 1): val = np.tile(np.atleast_3d(val), (1, 1, 3)) elif val.ndim == 3 and val.shape[2] == 4: if self._visualization_mode == 'BGR': val = val[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] else: val = val[:, :, [0, 1, 2]] except Exception as e: logger = LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding) logger.warning('Failed decoding debug image [%s, %s, %s]' % (width, height, color_channels)) logger.warning('Error: %s' % e) val = None return val def _add_image_numpy(self, tag, step, img_data_np, max_keep_images=None): # type: (str, int, np.ndarray, int) -> () # only report images every specific interval if step % self.image_report_freq != 0: return None if img_data_np is None: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember title, series = self.tag_splitter(tag, num_split_parts=3, default_title='Images', logdir_header='title', auto_reduce_num_split=True, force_add_prefix=self._logger._get_tensorboard_series_prefix()) step = self._fix_step_counter(title, series, step) if img_data_np.dtype != np.uint8: # assume scale 0-1 img_data_np = (img_data_np * 255).astype(np.uint8) # if 3d, pack into one big image if img_data_np.ndim == 4: dims = img_data_np.shape stack_dim = int(np.sqrt(dims[0])) # noinspection PyArgumentList res = img_data_np.reshape(stack_dim, stack_dim, *dims[1:]).transpose((0, 2, 1, 3, 4)) tile_size = res.shape[0] * res.shape[1] img_data_np = res.reshape(tile_size, tile_size, -1) self._logger.report_image( title=title, series=series, iteration=step, image=img_data_np, max_image_history=self.max_keep_images if max_keep_images is None else max_keep_images, ) def _add_image(self, tag, step, img_data): # only report images every specific interval if step % self.image_report_freq != 0: return None width = img_data.get('width') height = img_data.get('height') colorspace = img_data.get('colorspace') img_str = img_data['encodedImageString'] matrix = self._decode_image(img_str, width=width, height=height, color_channels=colorspace) if matrix is None: return return self._add_image_numpy(tag=tag, step=step, img_data_np=matrix) def _add_scalar(self, tag, step, scalar_data): default_title = tag if not self._logger._get_tensorboard_auto_group_scalars() else 'Scalars' series_per_graph = self._logger._get_tensorboard_single_series_per_graph() # noinspection PyProtectedMember title, series = self.tag_splitter( tag, num_split_parts=1, default_title=default_title, logdir_header='title' if series_per_graph else 'series_last', force_add_prefix=self._logger._get_tensorboard_series_prefix() ) step = self._fix_step_counter(title, series, step) tag = self._get_add_scalars_event_tag(default_title) possible_title = tag if series_per_graph else None possible_tag = None if series_per_graph else tag title = title + possible_title if possible_title else title series = possible_tag or series # update scalar cache num, value = self._scalar_report_cache.get((title, series), (0, 0)) # nan outputs is a string, it's probably a NaN if isinstance(scalar_data, six.string_types): # noinspection PyBroadException try: scalar_data = float(scalar_data) except Exception: scalar_data = float('nan') # nan outputs nan self._scalar_report_cache[(title, series)] = \ (num + 1, (value + scalar_data) if scalar_data == scalar_data else scalar_data) # only report images every specific interval if step % self.report_freq != 0: return None # calculate mean and zero cache num, value = self._scalar_report_cache.get((title, series), (0, 0)) scalar_data = value / num self._scalar_report_cache[(title, series)] = (0, 0) self._logger.report_scalar( title=title, series=series, iteration=step, value=scalar_data, ) def _add_histogram(self, tag, step, hist_data): # noinspection PyProtectedMember title, series = self.tag_splitter(tag, num_split_parts=1, default_title='Histograms', logdir_header='series', force_add_prefix=self._logger._get_tensorboard_series_prefix()) self._grad_helper.add_histogram( title=title, series=series, step=step, hist_data=hist_data ) def _add_plot(self, tag, step, values, vdict): # noinspection PyBroadException try: if values.get('floatVal'): plot_values = np.array(values.get('floatVal'), dtype=np.float32) else: plot_values = np.frombuffer(base64.b64decode(values['tensorContent'].encode('utf-8')), dtype=np.float32) plot_values = plot_values.reshape((int(values['tensorShape']['dim'][0]['size']), int(values['tensorShape']['dim'][1]['size']))) if 'metadata' in vdict: if tag not in self._series_name_lookup: self._series_name_lookup[tag] = [(tag, vdict['metadata'].get('displayName', ''), vdict['metadata']['pluginData']['pluginName'])] else: # this should not happen, maybe it's another run, let increase the value self._series_name_lookup[tag] += [(tag + '_%d' % (len(self._series_name_lookup[tag]) + 1), vdict['metadata'].get('displayName', ''), vdict['metadata']['pluginData']['pluginName'])] tag, series, plugin_name = self._series_name_lookup.get(tag, [(tag, tag, '')])[-1] if 'pr_curve' in plugin_name: # our thresholds are evenly distributed, in that # width = 1.0 / (num_thresholds - 1) # thresholds = [0.0, 1*width, 2*width, 3*width, ..., 1.0] num_thresholds = plot_values.shape[1] width = 1.0 / num_thresholds thresholds = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, width, dtype=plot_values.dtype) data_points = ['TP ', 'FP ', 'TN ', 'FN ', 'Precision ', ' Recall'] series = [{'name': series, 'data': np.vstack((thresholds, plot_values[-2])).T, 'labels': [''.join(data_points) + '
' + ' '.join(['%-3.2f' % v for v in plot_values[:, j]]) for j in range(plot_values.shape[1])]}] reverse_xaxis = True else: reverse_xaxis = False series = [{'name': series, 'data': plot_values}] self._logger.report_line_plot(title=tag, series=series, xaxis='', yaxis='', iteration=step, reverse_xaxis=reverse_xaxis) except Exception: pass def _add_audio(self, tag, step, values, audio_data=None): # only report images every specific interval if step % self.image_report_freq != 0: return None if values: audio_str = values['encodedAudioString'] audio_data = base64.b64decode(audio_str) if audio_data is None: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember title, series = self.tag_splitter(tag, num_split_parts=3, default_title='Audio', logdir_header='title', auto_reduce_num_split=True, force_add_prefix=self._logger._get_tensorboard_series_prefix()) step = self._fix_step_counter(title, series, step) stream = BytesIO(audio_data) if values: file_extension = guess_extension(values['contentType']) or \ '.{}'.format(values['contentType'].split('/')[-1]) else: # assume wav as default file_extension = '.wav' self._logger.report_media( title=title, series=series, iteration=step, stream=stream, file_extension=file_extension, max_history=self.max_keep_images, ) def _add_text(self, tag, step, tensor_bytes): # noinspection PyProtectedMember title, series = self.tag_splitter(tag, num_split_parts=3, default_title='Text', logdir_header='title', auto_reduce_num_split=True, force_add_prefix=self._logger._get_tensorboard_series_prefix()) step = self._fix_step_counter(title, series, step) text = tensor_bytes.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') self._logger.report_media( title=title, series=series, iteration=step, stream=six.StringIO(text), file_extension='.txt', max_history=self.max_keep_images, ) @staticmethod def _fix_step_counter(title, series, step): key = (title, series) if key not in EventTrainsWriter._title_series_wraparound_counter: EventTrainsWriter._title_series_wraparound_counter[key] = {'first_step': step, 'last_step': step, 'adjust_counter': 0} return step wraparound_counter = EventTrainsWriter._title_series_wraparound_counter[key] # we decide on wrap around if the current step is less than 10% of the previous step # notice since counter is int and we want to avoid rounding error, we have double check in the if if step < wraparound_counter['last_step'] and step < 0.9 * wraparound_counter['last_step']: # adjust step base line wraparound_counter['adjust_counter'] += wraparound_counter['last_step'] + (1 if step <= 0 else step) # return adjusted step wraparound_counter['last_step'] = step return step + wraparound_counter['adjust_counter'] def add_event(self, event, step=None, walltime=None, **_): supported_metrics = { 'simpleValue', 'image', 'histo', 'tensor', 'audio' } def get_data(value_dict, metric_search_order): data = None metric_type = 'Unsupported' for variant in metric_search_order: data = value_dict.get(variant) if data is not None: metric_type = variant break return metric_type, data # Support multiple threads accessing this instance (i.e. let TF/Keras do what they need) with self._add_lock: # TODO: add report frequency threshold (i.e. if we are sending too much data, increase the report_freq) # we should measure reports per second and throttle back the reporting details accordingly msg_dict = MessageToDict(event) summary = msg_dict.get('summary') if summary is None: msg_dict.pop('step', None) msg_dict.pop('wallTime', None) keys_list = [key for key in msg_dict.keys() if len(key) > 0] keys_list = ', '.join(keys_list) LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug( 'event summary not found, message type unsupported: %s' % keys_list) return value_dicts = summary.get('value') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal walltime = walltime or msg_dict.get('step') step = step or msg_dict.get('step') if step is None: # when we start a new epoch there is no step in the msg_dict, # we have to extract it manually if hasattr(event, 'step'): step = int(event.step) else: step = 0 LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug( 'Received event without step, assuming step = {}'.format(step)) else: step = int(step) self._max_step = max(self._max_step, step) if value_dicts is None: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug("Summary arrived without 'value'") return for vdict in value_dicts: tag = vdict.pop('tag', None) if tag is None: # we should not get here LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug( 'No tag for \'value\' existing keys %s' % ', '.join(vdict.keys())) continue metric, values = get_data(vdict, supported_metrics) if metric == 'simpleValue': self._add_scalar(tag=tag, step=step, scalar_data=values) elif metric == 'histo': self._add_histogram(tag=tag, step=step, hist_data=values) elif metric == 'image': self._add_image(tag=tag, step=step, img_data=values) elif metric == 'audio': self._add_audio(tag, step, values) elif metric == 'tensor' and values.get('dtype') == 'DT_STRING': # generic tensor tensor_bytes = base64.b64decode('\n'.join(values['stringVal'])) plugin_type = self._generic_tensor_type_name_lookup.get(tag) or \ vdict.get('metadata', {}).get('pluginData', {}).get('pluginName', '').lower() if plugin_type == 'audio': self._generic_tensor_type_name_lookup[tag] = plugin_type self._add_audio(tag, step, None, tensor_bytes) elif plugin_type == 'text': self._generic_tensor_type_name_lookup[tag] = plugin_type self._add_text(tag, step, tensor_bytes) else: # we do not support it pass elif metric == 'tensor' and values.get('dtype') == 'DT_FLOAT': self._add_plot(tag, step, values, vdict) else: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug( 'Event unsupported. tag = %s, vdict keys [%s]' % (tag, ', '.join(vdict.keys()))) continue def get_logdir(self): """ Returns a temporary directory name for compatibility with FileWriter. This directory is not actually used. :return: '.' """ return '.' def flush(self): """Flushes the event file to disk. Call this method to make sure that all pending events have been written to disk. """ self._logger.flush() def close(self): """Flushes the event file to disk and close the file. Call this method when you do not need the summary writer anymore. """ self._logger.flush() def reopen(self): """Reopens the EventFileWriter. Can be called after `close` to add more events in the same directory. The events will go into a new events file. Does nothing if the EventFileWriter was not closed. """ pass def _get_add_scalars_event_tag(self, title_prefix): """ :param str title_prefix: the table title prefix that was added to the series. :return: str same as tensorboard use """ # HACK - this is tensorboard Summary util function, original path: # ~/torch/utils/tensorboard/ def _clean_tag(name): import re as _re # noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape _INVALID_TAG_CHARACTERS = _re.compile(r'[^-/\w\.]') if name is not None: new_name = _INVALID_TAG_CHARACTERS.sub('_', name) new_name = new_name.lstrip('/') # Remove leading slashes if new_name != name: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug( 'Summary name %s is illegal; using %s instead.' % (name, new_name)) name = new_name return name main_path = self._logdir # noinspection PyBroadException try: main_path = _clean_tag(main_path) origin_tag = main_path.rpartition("/")[2].replace(title_prefix, "", 1) if title_prefix and origin_tag[0] == "_": # add_scalars tag origin_tag = origin_tag[1:] # Remove the first "_" that was added by the main_tag in tensorboard else: return "" except Exception: origin_tag = "" return origin_tag # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable class ProxyEventsWriter(object): def __init__(self, events): IsTensorboardInit.set_tensorboard_used() self._events = events def _get_sentinel_event(self): ret = None for ev in self._events: if hasattr(ev, '_get_sentinel_event'): # noinspection PyProtectedMember ret = ev._get_sentinel_event() return ret def get_logdir(self): ret = None for ev in self._events: if hasattr(ev, 'get_logdir'): ret = ev.get_logdir() return ret def reopen(self): ret = None for ev in self._events: if hasattr(ev, 'reopen'): ret = ev.reopen() return ret def add_event(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = None for ev in self._events: if hasattr(ev, 'add_event'): ret = ev.add_event(*args, **kwargs) return ret def flush(self): ret = None for ev in self._events: if hasattr(ev, 'flush'): ret = ev.flush() return ret def close(self): ret = None for ev in self._events: if hasattr(ev, 'close'): ret = ev.close() return ret # noinspection PyPep8Naming class PatchSummaryToEventTransformer(object): __main_task = None __original_getattribute = None __original_getattributeX = None _original_add_event = None _original_add_eventT = None _original_add_eventX = None defaults_dict = dict( report_freq=1, image_report_freq=1, histogram_update_freq_multiplier=5, histogram_granularity=50) @staticmethod def trains_object(self): if isinstance(self.event_writer, ProxyEventsWriter): # noinspection PyProtectedMember trains_writer = [e for e in self.event_writer._events if isinstance(e, EventTrainsWriter)] return trains_writer[0] if trains_writer else None elif isinstance(self.event_writer, EventTrainsWriter): return self.event_writer if not self.__dict__.get('_trains_defaults'): self.__dict__['_trains_defaults'] = {} return self.__dict__['_trains_defaults'] @staticmethod def update_current_task(task, **kwargs): PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.defaults_dict.update(kwargs) PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task = task # make sure we patched the SummaryToEventTransformer PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patch_summary_to_event_transformer() PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorflow', PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patch_summary_to_event_transformer) PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('torch', PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patch_summary_to_event_transformer) PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorboardX', PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patch_summary_to_event_transformer) @staticmethod def _patch_summary_to_event_transformer(): if 'tensorflow' in sys.modules: try: from tensorflow.python.summary.writer.writer import SummaryToEventTransformer # noqa # only patch once if PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattribute is None: PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattribute = SummaryToEventTransformer.__getattribute__ SummaryToEventTransformer.__getattribute__ = PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patched_getattribute setattr(SummaryToEventTransformer, 'trains', property(PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.trains_object)) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug(str(ex)) if 'torch' in sys.modules: try: # only patch once if PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventT is None: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from torch.utils.tensorboard.writer import FileWriter as FileWriterT # noqa PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventT = FileWriterT.add_event FileWriterT.add_event = PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patched_add_eventT setattr(FileWriterT, 'trains', None) except ImportError: # this is a new version of TensorflowX pass except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug(str(ex)) if 'tensorboardX' in sys.modules: try: # only patch once if PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattributeX is None: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from tensorboardX.writer import SummaryToEventTransformer as SummaryToEventTransformerX # noqa PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattributeX = \ SummaryToEventTransformerX.__getattribute__ SummaryToEventTransformerX.__getattribute__ = PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patched_getattributeX setattr(SummaryToEventTransformerX, 'trains', property(PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.trains_object)) except ImportError: # this is a new version of TensorflowX pass except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug(str(ex)) if PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattributeX is None: try: # only patch once if PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventX is None: from tensorboardX.writer import FileWriter as FileWriterX # noqa PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventX = FileWriterX.add_event FileWriterX.add_event = PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patched_add_eventX setattr(FileWriterX, 'trains', None) except ImportError: # this is a new version of TensorflowX pass except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug(str(ex)) @staticmethod def _patched_add_eventT(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'trains') or not PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task: return PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventT(self, *args, **kwargs) if not self.trains: # noinspection PyBroadException try: logdir = self.get_logdir() except Exception: logdir = None self.trains = EventTrainsWriter(PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task.get_logger(), logdir=logdir, **PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.defaults_dict) # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.trains.add_event(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: pass return PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventT(self, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _patched_add_eventX(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'trains') or not PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task: return PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventX(self, *args, **kwargs) if not self.trains: # noinspection PyBroadException try: logdir = self.get_logdir() except Exception: logdir = None self.trains = EventTrainsWriter(PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task.get_logger(), logdir=logdir, **PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.defaults_dict) # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.trains.add_event(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: pass return PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._original_add_eventX(self, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _patched_getattribute(self, attr): get_base = PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattribute return PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patched_getattribute_(self, attr, get_base) @staticmethod def _patched_getattributeX(self, attr): get_base = PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__original_getattributeX return PatchSummaryToEventTransformer._patched_getattribute_(self, attr, get_base) @staticmethod def _patched_getattribute_(self, attr, get_base): # no main task, zero chance we have an Trains event logger if PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task is None: return get_base(self, attr) # check if we already have an Trains event logger __dict__ = get_base(self, '__dict__') if 'event_writer' not in __dict__ or \ isinstance(__dict__['event_writer'], (ProxyEventsWriter, EventTrainsWriter)): return get_base(self, attr) # patch the events writer field, and add a double Event Logger (Trains and original) base_eventwriter = __dict__['event_writer'] # noinspection PyBroadException try: logdir = base_eventwriter.get_logdir() except Exception: logdir = None defaults_dict = __dict__.get('_trains_defaults') or PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.defaults_dict trains_event = EventTrainsWriter(PatchSummaryToEventTransformer.__main_task.get_logger(), logdir=logdir, **defaults_dict) # order is important, the return value of ProxyEventsWriter is the last object in the list __dict__['event_writer'] = ProxyEventsWriter([trains_event, base_eventwriter]) return get_base(self, attr) class _ModelAdapter(object): """ Model adapter which extends the save and save_weights methods of a Keras Model instance """ _model = None # type: Any _output_model = None # type: OutputModel def __init__(self, model, output_model): super(_ModelAdapter, self).__init__() super(_ModelAdapter, self).__setattr__('_model', model) super(_ModelAdapter, self).__setattr__('_output_model', output_model) super(_ModelAdapter, self).__setattr__('_logger', LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding)) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._model, attr) def __setattr__(self, key, value): return setattr(self._model, key, value) def save(self, filepath, overwrite=True, include_optimizer=True):, overwrite=overwrite, include_optimizer=include_optimizer) # TODO: auto generate new objects of filename changes try: self._output_model.update_weights(weights_filename=filepath, auto_delete_file=True) except Exception as ex: self._logger.error(str(ex)) def save_weights(self, filepath, overwrite=True): self._model.save_weights(filepath=filepath, overwrite=overwrite) # TODO: auto generate new objects of filename changes try: self._output_model.update_weights(weights_filename=filepath, auto_delete_file=True) except Exception as ex: self._logger.error(str(ex)) class PatchModelCheckPointCallback(object): __main_task = None __original_getattribute = None defaults_dict = dict( config_text=None, config_dict=None, label_enumeration=None, name=None, comment=None) @staticmethod def trains_object(self): if isinstance(self.model, _ModelAdapter): # noinspection PyProtectedMember return self.model._output_model if not self.__dict__.get('_trains_defaults'): self.__dict__['_trains_defaults'] = {} return self.__dict__['_trains_defaults'] @staticmethod def update_current_task(task, **kwargs): PatchModelCheckPointCallback.defaults_dict.update(kwargs) PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__main_task = task # make sure we patched the SummaryToEventTransformer PatchModelCheckPointCallback._patch_model_checkpoint() PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('keras', PatchModelCheckPointCallback._patch_model_checkpoint) PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorflow', PatchModelCheckPointCallback._patch_model_checkpoint) @staticmethod def _patch_model_checkpoint(): is_keras = 'keras' in sys.modules is_tf_keras = 'tensorflow' in sys.modules callbacks = None if is_keras: try: import keras.callbacks as callbacks # noqa except ImportError: is_keras = False if not is_keras and is_tf_keras: try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa import tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks as callbacks # noqa except ImportError: is_tf_keras = False callbacks = None # we have nothing, quit if not is_keras and not is_tf_keras: return try: # only patch once if PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__original_getattribute is None and callbacks is not None: PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__original_getattribute = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint.__getattribute__ callbacks.ModelCheckpoint.__getattribute__ = PatchModelCheckPointCallback._patched_getattribute setattr(callbacks.ModelCheckpoint, 'trains', property(PatchModelCheckPointCallback.trains_object)) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) @staticmethod def _patched_getattribute(self, attr): get_base = PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__original_getattribute # no main task, zero chance we have an Trains event logger if PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__main_task is None: return get_base(self, attr) # check if we already have an Trains event logger __dict__ = get_base(self, '__dict__') if 'model' not in __dict__ or \ isinstance(__dict__['model'], _ModelAdapter): return get_base(self, attr) # patch the events writer field, and add a double Event Logger (Trains and original) base_model = __dict__['model'] defaults_dict = __dict__.get('_trains_defaults') or PatchModelCheckPointCallback.defaults_dict output_model = OutputModel( PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__main_task, config_text=defaults_dict.get('config_text'), config_dict=defaults_dict.get('config_dict'), name=defaults_dict.get('name'), comment=defaults_dict.get('comment'), label_enumeration=defaults_dict.get('label_enumeration') or PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__main_task.get_labels_enumeration(), framework=Framework.keras, ) output_model.set_upload_destination( PatchModelCheckPointCallback.__main_task.get_output_destination(raise_on_error=False)) trains_model = _ModelAdapter(base_model, output_model) # order is important, the return value of ProxyEventsWriter is the last object in the list __dict__['model'] = trains_model return get_base(self, attr) # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences class PatchTensorFlowEager(object): __main_task = None __original_fn_scalar = None __original_fn_hist = None __original_fn_image = None __trains_event_writer = {} defaults_dict = dict( report_freq=1, image_report_freq=1, histogram_update_freq_multiplier=5, histogram_granularity=50) @staticmethod def update_current_task(task, **kwargs): PatchTensorFlowEager.defaults_dict.update(kwargs) PatchTensorFlowEager.__main_task = task # make sure we patched the SummaryToEventTransformer PatchTensorFlowEager._patch_model_checkpoint() PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorflow', PatchTensorFlowEager._patch_model_checkpoint) @staticmethod def _patch_model_checkpoint(): if PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_scalar is not None: return if 'tensorflow' in sys.modules: try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_summary_ops # noqa PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_scalar = gen_summary_ops.write_scalar_summary gen_summary_ops.write_scalar_summary = PatchTensorFlowEager._write_scalar_summary PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_image = gen_summary_ops.write_image_summary gen_summary_ops.write_image_summary = PatchTensorFlowEager._write_image_summary PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_hist = gen_summary_ops.write_histogram_summary gen_summary_ops.write_histogram_summary = PatchTensorFlowEager._write_hist_summary PatchTensorFlowEager.__write_summary = gen_summary_ops.write_summary gen_summary_ops.write_summary = PatchTensorFlowEager._write_summary gen_summary_ops.create_summary_file_writer = partial(IsTensorboardInit._patched_tb__init__, gen_summary_ops.create_summary_file_writer) gen_summary_ops.create_summary_db_writer = partial(IsTensorboardInit._patched_tb__init__, gen_summary_ops.create_summary_db_writer) except ImportError: pass except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug(str(ex)) @staticmethod def _get_event_writer(writer): if not PatchTensorFlowEager.__main_task: return None if not PatchTensorFlowEager.__trains_event_writer.get(id(writer)): # noinspection PyBroadException try: logdir = writer.get_logdir() except Exception: # check if we are in eager mode, let's get the global context lopdir # noinspection PyBroadException try: from tensorflow.python.eager import context # noqa logdir = context.context().summary_writer._init_op_fn.keywords.get('logdir') except Exception: # noinspection PyBroadException try: from tensorflow.python.ops.summary_ops_v2 import _summary_state # noqa logdir = _summary_state.writer._init_op_fn.keywords.get('logdir') except Exception: logdir = None # noinspection PyBroadException try: if logdir is not None: logdir = logdir.numpy().decode() except Exception: logdir = None PatchTensorFlowEager.__trains_event_writer[id(writer)] = EventTrainsWriter( logger=PatchTensorFlowEager.__main_task.get_logger(), logdir=logdir, **PatchTensorFlowEager.defaults_dict) return PatchTensorFlowEager.__trains_event_writer[id(writer)] @staticmethod def trains_object(self): if not PatchTensorFlowEager.__trains_event_writer: return None return PatchTensorFlowEager.__trains_event_writer.get( id(self), list(PatchTensorFlowEager.__trains_event_writer.values())[0]) @staticmethod def _write_summary(writer, step, tensor, tag, summary_metadata, name=None, **kwargs): event_writer = PatchTensorFlowEager._get_event_writer(writer) if event_writer: # noinspection PyBroadException try: plugin_type = summary_metadata.decode() if plugin_type.endswith('scalars'): event_writer._add_scalar(tag=str(tag), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, scalar_data=tensor.numpy()) elif plugin_type.endswith('images'): img_data_np = tensor.numpy() PatchTensorFlowEager._add_image_event_helper(event_writer, img_data_np=img_data_np, tag=tag, step=step, **kwargs) elif plugin_type.endswith('histograms'): event_writer._add_histogram( tag=str(tag), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, hist_data=tensor.numpy() ) elif plugin_type.endswith('text'): event_writer._add_text( tag=str(tag), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, tensor_bytes=tensor.numpy() ) elif 'audio' in plugin_type: audio_bytes_list = [a for a in tensor.numpy().flatten() if a] for i, audio_bytes in enumerate(audio_bytes_list): event_writer._add_audio(tag=str(tag) + ('/{}'.format(i) if len(audio_bytes_list) > 1 else ''), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, values=None, audio_data=audio_bytes) else: pass # print('unsupported plugin_type', plugin_type) except Exception: pass return PatchTensorFlowEager.__write_summary(writer, step, tensor, tag, summary_metadata, name, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _write_scalar_summary(writer, step, tag, value, name=None, **kwargs): event_writer = PatchTensorFlowEager._get_event_writer(writer) if event_writer: try: event_writer._add_scalar(tag=str(tag), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, scalar_data=value.numpy()) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) return PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_scalar(writer, step, tag, value, name, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _write_hist_summary(writer, step, tag, values, name, **kwargs): event_writer = PatchTensorFlowEager._get_event_writer(writer) if event_writer: try: event_writer._add_histogram( tag=str(tag), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, hist_data=values.numpy() ) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) return PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_hist(writer, step, tag, values, name, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _write_image_summary(writer, step, tag, tensor, bad_color, max_images, name, **kwargs): event_writer = PatchTensorFlowEager._get_event_writer(writer) if event_writer: try: PatchTensorFlowEager._add_image_event_helper(event_writer, img_data_np=tensor.numpy(), tag=tag, step=step, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) return PatchTensorFlowEager.__original_fn_image(writer, step, tag, tensor, bad_color, max_images, name, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _add_image_event_helper(event_writer, img_data_np, tag, step, **kwargs): if img_data_np.ndim == 1 and img_data_np.size >= 3 and \ (len(img_data_np[0]) < 10 and len(img_data_np[1]) < 10): # this is just for making sure these are actually valid numbers width = int(img_data_np[0].decode()) # noqa: F841 height = int(img_data_np[1].decode()) # noqa: F841 for i in range(2, img_data_np.size): img_data = {'width': None, 'height': None, 'colorspace': 'RGB', 'encodedImageString': img_data_np[i]} image_tag = str(tag) + '/sample_{}'.format(i - 2) if img_data_np.size > 3 else str(tag) event_writer._add_image(tag=image_tag, step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, img_data=img_data) else: event_writer._add_image_numpy(tag=str(tag), step=int(step.numpy()) if not isinstance(step, int) else step, img_data_np=img_data_np, max_keep_images=kwargs.get('max_images')) # noinspection PyPep8Naming,SpellCheckingInspection class PatchKerasModelIO(object): __main_task = None __patched_keras = None __patched_tensorflow = None @staticmethod def update_current_task(task, **_): PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task = task PatchKerasModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint() PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorflow', PatchKerasModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint) PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('keras', PatchKerasModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint) @staticmethod def _patch_model_checkpoint(): if 'keras' in sys.modules and not PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras: try: from import Network # noqa except ImportError: Network = None try: from keras.engine.functional import Functional # noqa except ImportError: Functional = None try: from keras.engine.sequential import Sequential # noqa except ImportError: Sequential = None try: from keras import models as keras_saving # noqa except ImportError: keras_saving = None # check that we are not patching anything twice if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow: PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras = [ Network if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow[0] != Network else None, Sequential if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow[1] != Sequential else None, keras_saving if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow[2] != keras_saving else None, Functional if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow[3] != Functional else None, ] else: PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras = [Network, Sequential, keras_saving, Functional] PatchKerasModelIO._patch_io_calls(*PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras) if 'tensorflow' in sys.modules and not PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow: try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa from import Network # noqa except ImportError: Network = None try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.functional import Functional # noqa except ImportError: Functional = None try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.sequential import Sequential # noqa except ImportError: Sequential = None try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.python.keras import models as keras_saving # noqa except ImportError: keras_saving = None if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras: PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow = [ Network if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras[0] != Network else None, Sequential if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras[1] != Sequential else None, keras_saving if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras[2] != keras_saving else None, Functional if PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_keras[3] != Functional else None, ] else: PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow = [Network, Sequential, keras_saving, Functional] PatchKerasModelIO._patch_io_calls(*PatchKerasModelIO.__patched_tensorflow) @staticmethod def _patch_io_calls(Network, Sequential, keras_saving, Functional): try: if Sequential is not None: Sequential._updated_config = _patched_call(Sequential._updated_config, PatchKerasModelIO._updated_config) if hasattr(Sequential.from_config, '__func__'): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences Sequential.from_config = classmethod(_patched_call(Sequential.from_config.__func__, PatchKerasModelIO._from_config)) else: Sequential.from_config = _patched_call(Sequential.from_config, PatchKerasModelIO._from_config) if Network is not None: Network._updated_config = _patched_call(Network._updated_config, PatchKerasModelIO._updated_config) if hasattr(Sequential.from_config, '__func__'): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences Network.from_config = classmethod(_patched_call(Network.from_config.__func__, PatchKerasModelIO._from_config)) else: Network.from_config = _patched_call(Network.from_config, PatchKerasModelIO._from_config) = _patched_call(, PatchKerasModelIO._save) Network.save_weights = _patched_call(Network.save_weights, PatchKerasModelIO._save_weights) Network.load_weights = _patched_call(Network.load_weights, PatchKerasModelIO._load_weights) elif Functional is not None: Functional._updated_config = _patched_call( Functional._updated_config, PatchKerasModelIO._updated_config) if hasattr(Sequential.from_config, '__func__'): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences Functional.from_config = classmethod(_patched_call(Functional.from_config.__func__, PatchKerasModelIO._from_config)) else: Functional.from_config = _patched_call(Functional.from_config, PatchKerasModelIO._from_config) = _patched_call(, PatchKerasModelIO._save) Functional.save_weights = _patched_call(Functional.save_weights, PatchKerasModelIO._save_weights) Functional.load_weights = _patched_call(Functional.load_weights, PatchKerasModelIO._load_weights) if keras_saving is not None: keras_saving.save_model = _patched_call(keras_saving.save_model, PatchKerasModelIO._save_model) keras_saving.load_model = _patched_call(keras_saving.load_model, PatchKerasModelIO._load_model) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) @staticmethod def _updated_config(original_fn, self): config = original_fn(self) # check if we have main task if PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task is None: return config try: # check if object already has InputModel if not hasattr(self, 'trains_out_model'): self.trains_out_model = [] # check if object already has InputModel model_name_id = config.get('name', getattr(self, 'name', 'unknown')) if self.trains_out_model: self.trains_out_model[-1].config_dict = config else: # todo: support multiple models for the same task self.trains_out_model.append(OutputModel( task=PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task, config_dict=config, + ' ' + model_name_id, label_enumeration=PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task.get_labels_enumeration(), framework=Framework.keras, )) except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) return config @staticmethod def _from_config(original_fn, *args, **kwargs): try: self = original_fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: if not running_remotely(): raise ex self = _Empty() # check if we have main task if PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task is None: return self try: # check if object already has InputModel if not hasattr(self, 'trains_in_model'): self.trains_in_model = None # get config config_dict = kwargs['config'] if 'config' in kwargs else args[0] # check if object already has InputModel self.trains_in_model = InputModel.empty( config_dict=config_dict, label_enumeration=PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task.get_labels_enumeration(), ) # todo: support multiple models for the same task PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task.connect(self.trains_in_model) # if we are running remotely we should deserialize the object # because someone might have changed the configuration # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): # reload the model model_config = self.trains_in_model.config_dict # verify that this is the same model so we are not deserializing a diff model if (config_dict and config_dict.get('config') and model_config and model_config.get('config') and config_dict.get('config').get('name') == model_config.get('config').get('name')) or \ (not config_dict and not model_config): if 'config' in kwargs: kwargs['config'] = model_config else: args = (model_config,) + args[1:] model = original_fn(*args, **kwargs) model.trains_in_model = self.trains_in_model return model except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) return self @staticmethod def _load_weights(original_fn, self, *args, **kwargs): # check if we have main task if PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task is None: return original_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) # get filepath filepath = kwargs['filepath'] if 'filepath' in kwargs else args[0] # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): # register/load model weights filepath = WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(self, filepath, Framework.keras, PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task) if 'filepath' in kwargs: kwargs['filepath'] = filepath else: args = (filepath,) + args[1:] # load model return original_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) # try to load the files, if something happened exception will be raised before we register the file model = original_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) # register/load model weights WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(self, filepath, Framework.keras, PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task) return model @staticmethod def _save(original_fn, self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'trains_out_model') and self.trains_out_model: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.trains_out_model[-1]._processed = False original_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) # no need to specially call, because the original save uses "save_model" which we overload # noinspection PyProtectedMember if not hasattr(self, 'trains_out_model') or not self.trains_out_model or \ not hasattr(self.trains_out_model[-1], '_processed') or not self.trains_out_model[-1]._processed: PatchKerasModelIO._update_outputmodel(self, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _save_weights(original_fn, self, *args, **kwargs): original_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) PatchKerasModelIO._update_outputmodel(self, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _update_outputmodel(self, *args, **kwargs): # check if we have main task if PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task is None: return try: # get filepath filepath = kwargs['filepath'] if 'filepath' in kwargs else args[0] # this will already generate an output model # noinspection PyBroadException try: config = self._updated_config() except Exception: # we failed to convert the network to json, for some reason (most likely internal keras error) config = {} # check if object already has InputModel if not hasattr(self, 'trains_out_model'): self.trains_out_model = [] # check if object already has InputModel, and we this has the same filename # (notice we Use Ptah on url for conforming) matched = None if self.trains_out_model: # find the right model # noinspection PyProtectedMember matched = [m for m in self.trains_out_model if m._get_last_uploaded_filename() == Path(filepath).name] if matched: self.trains_out_model.remove(matched[0]) self.trains_out_model.append(matched[0]) self.trains_out_model[-1].config_dict = config if not matched: model_name_id = getattr(self, 'name', 'unknown') # todo: support multiple models for the same task self.trains_out_model.append(OutputModel( task=PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task, config_dict=config, + ' ' + model_name_id, label_enumeration=PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task.get_labels_enumeration(), framework=Framework.keras, )) # check if we have output storage if self.trains_out_model[-1].upload_storage_uri: self.trains_out_model[-1].update_weights(weights_filename=filepath, auto_delete_file=False) else: self.trains_out_model[-1].update_weights(weights_filename=None, register_uri=filepath) # if anyone asks, we were here # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.trains_out_model[-1]._processed = True except Exception as ex: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).warning(str(ex)) @staticmethod def _save_model(original_fn, model, filepath, *args, **kwargs): original_fn(model, filepath, *args, **kwargs) if PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task: PatchKerasModelIO._update_outputmodel(model, filepath) @staticmethod def _load_model(original_fn, filepath, *args, **kwargs): if not PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task: return original_fn(filepath, *args, **kwargs) empty = _Empty() # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): # register/load model weights filepath = WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(empty, filepath, Framework.keras, PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task) model = original_fn(filepath, *args, **kwargs) else: model = original_fn(filepath, *args, **kwargs) # register/load model weights WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(empty, filepath, Framework.keras, PatchKerasModelIO.__main_task) # update the input model object if empty.trains_in_model: # noinspection PyBroadException try: model.trains_in_model = empty.trains_in_model except Exception: pass return model class PatchTensorflowModelIO(object): __main_task = None __patched = None @staticmethod def update_current_task(task, **_): PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task = task PatchTensorflowModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint() PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorflow', PatchTensorflowModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint) @staticmethod def _patch_model_checkpoint(): if PatchTensorflowModelIO.__patched: return if 'tensorflow' not in sys.modules: return PatchTensorflowModelIO.__patched = True # noinspection PyBroadException try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from import Saver # noqa # noinspection PyBroadException try: = _patched_call(, PatchTensorflowModelIO._save) except Exception: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: Saver.restore = _patched_call(Saver.restore, PatchTensorflowModelIO._restore) except Exception: pass except ImportError: pass except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug('Failed patching tensorflow') # noinspection PyBroadException try: # make sure we import the correct version of save import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.saved_model import save # noqa # actual import from tensorflow.python.saved_model import save as saved_model # noqa except ImportError: # noinspection PyBroadException try: # make sure we import the correct version of save import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.saved_model.experimental import save # noqa # actual import import tensorflow.saved_model.experimental as saved_model # noqa except ImportError: saved_model = None except Exception: saved_model = None except Exception: saved_model = None if saved_model is not None: = _patched_call(, PatchTensorflowModelIO._save_model) # noinspection PyBroadException try: # make sure we import the correct version of save import tensorflow # noqa # actual import from tensorflow.saved_model import load # noqa # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import tensorflow.saved_model as saved_model_load # noqa saved_model_load.load = _patched_call(saved_model_load.load, PatchTensorflowModelIO._load) except ImportError: pass except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug('Failed patching tensorflow') # noinspection PyBroadException try: # make sure we import the correct version of save import tensorflow # noqa # actual import # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from tensorflow.saved_model import loader as loader1 # noqa loader1.load = _patched_call(loader1.load, PatchTensorflowModelIO._load) except ImportError: pass except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug('Failed patching tensorflow') # noinspection PyBroadException try: # make sure we import the correct version of save import tensorflow # noqa # actual import # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from tensorflow.compat.v1.saved_model import loader as loader2 # noqa loader2.load = _patched_call(loader2.load, PatchTensorflowModelIO._load) except ImportError: pass except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug('Failed patching tensorflow') # noinspection PyBroadException try: import tensorflow # noqa from tensorflow.train import Checkpoint # noqa # noinspection PyBroadException try: = _patched_call(, PatchTensorflowModelIO._ckpt_save) except Exception: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: Checkpoint.restore = _patched_call(Checkpoint.restore, PatchTensorflowModelIO._ckpt_restore) except Exception: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: Checkpoint.write = _patched_call(Checkpoint.write, PatchTensorflowModelIO._ckpt_write) except Exception: pass except ImportError: pass except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug('Failed patching tensorflow') @staticmethod def _save(original_fn, self, sess, save_path, *args, **kwargs): saved_path = original_fn(self, sess, save_path, *args, **kwargs) if not saved_path: return saved_path # store output Model return WeightsFileHandler.create_output_model(self, saved_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) @staticmethod def _save_model(original_fn, obj, export_dir, *args, **kwargs): original_fn(obj, export_dir, *args, **kwargs) # store output Model WeightsFileHandler.create_output_model(obj, export_dir, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) @staticmethod def _restore(original_fn, self, sess, save_path, *args, **kwargs): if PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task is None: return original_fn(self, sess, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): # register/load model weights save_path = WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(self, save_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) # load model return original_fn(self, sess, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # load model, if something is wrong, exception will be raised before we register the input model model = original_fn(self, sess, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # register/load model weights WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(self, save_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) return model @staticmethod def _load(original_fn, sess, tags, export_dir, *args, **saver_kwargs): if PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task is None: return original_fn(sess, tags, export_dir, *args, **saver_kwargs) # register input model empty = _Empty() # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): export_dir = WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(empty, export_dir, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) model = original_fn(sess, tags, export_dir, *args, **saver_kwargs) else: # try to load model before registering, it might fail model = original_fn(sess, tags, export_dir, *args, **saver_kwargs) WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(empty, export_dir, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) if empty.trains_in_model: # noinspection PyBroadException try: model.trains_in_model = empty.trains_in_model except Exception: pass return model @staticmethod def _ckpt_save(original_fn, self, file_prefix, *args, **kwargs): checkpoint_path = original_fn(self, file_prefix, *args, **kwargs) if PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task is None: return checkpoint_path WeightsFileHandler.create_output_model(self, checkpoint_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) return checkpoint_path @staticmethod def _ckpt_write(original_fn, self, file_prefix, *args, **kwargs): checkpoint_path = original_fn(self, file_prefix, *args, **kwargs) if PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task is None: return checkpoint_path WeightsFileHandler.create_output_model(self, checkpoint_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) return checkpoint_path @staticmethod def _ckpt_restore(original_fn, self, save_path, *args, **kwargs): if PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task is None: return original_fn(self, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # register input model empty = _Empty() # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): save_path = WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(empty, save_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) model = original_fn(self, save_path, *args, **kwargs) else: # try to load model before registering it, in case it fails. model = original_fn(self, save_path, *args, **kwargs) WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(empty, save_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflowModelIO.__main_task) if empty.trains_in_model: # noinspection PyBroadException try: model.trains_in_model = empty.trains_in_model except Exception: pass return model class PatchTensorflow2ModelIO(object): __main_task = None __patched = None @staticmethod def update_current_task(task, **_): PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__main_task = task PatchTensorflow2ModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint() PostImportHookPatching.add_on_import('tensorflow', PatchTensorflow2ModelIO._patch_model_checkpoint) @staticmethod def _patch_model_checkpoint(): if PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__patched: return if 'tensorflow' not in sys.modules: return PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__patched = True # noinspection PyBroadException try: # hack: make sure tensorflow.__init__ is called import tensorflow # noqa from import util # noqa # noinspection PyBroadException try: = _patched_call(, PatchTensorflow2ModelIO._save) except Exception: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: util.TrackableSaver.restore = _patched_call(util.TrackableSaver.restore, PatchTensorflow2ModelIO._restore) except Exception: pass except ImportError: pass except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger(TensorflowBinding).debug('Failed patching tensorflow v2') @staticmethod def _save(original_fn, self, file_prefix, *args, **kwargs): model = original_fn(self, file_prefix, *args, **kwargs) # store output Model # noinspection PyBroadException try: WeightsFileHandler.create_output_model(self, file_prefix, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__main_task) except Exception: pass return model @staticmethod def _restore(original_fn, self, save_path, *args, **kwargs): if PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__main_task is None: return original_fn(self, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # Hack: disabled if False and running_remotely(): # register/load model weights # noinspection PyBroadException try: save_path = WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(self, save_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__main_task) except Exception: pass # load model return original_fn(self, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # load model, if something is wrong, exception will be raised before we register the input model model = original_fn(self, save_path, *args, **kwargs) # register/load model weights # noinspection PyBroadException try: WeightsFileHandler.restore_weights_file(self, save_path, Framework.tensorflow, PatchTensorflow2ModelIO.__main_task) except Exception: pass return model