import base64 from typing import Union import attr from .auto_scaler import AutoScaler from .. import Task try: # noinspection PyPackageRequirements import boto3 Task.add_requirements('boto3') except ImportError: raise ValueError("AwsAutoScaler requires 'boto3' package, it was not found\n" "install with: pip install boto3") class AwsAutoScaler(AutoScaler): @attr.s class Settings(AutoScaler.Settings): workers_prefix = attr.ib(default="dynamic_aws") cloud_provider = attr.ib(default="AWS") def __init__(self, settings, configuration): # type: (Union[dict, AwsAutoScaler.Settings], Union[dict, AwsAutoScaler.Configuration]) -> None super(AwsAutoScaler, self).__init__(settings, configuration) def spin_up_worker(self, resource, worker_id_prefix, queue_name): """ Creates a new worker for trains. First, create an instance in the cloud and install some required packages. Then, define trains-agent environment variables and run trains-agent for the specified queue. NOTE: - Will wait until instance is running - This implementation assumes the instance image already has docker installed :param str resource: resource name, as defined in BUDGET and QUEUES. :param str worker_id_prefix: worker name prefix :param str queue_name: trains queue to listen to """ resource_conf = self.resource_configurations[resource] # Add worker type and AWS instance type to the worker name. worker_id = "{worker_id_prefix}:{worker_type}:{instance_type}".format( worker_id_prefix=worker_id_prefix, worker_type=resource, instance_type=resource_conf["instance_type"], ) # user_data script will automatically run when the instance is started. it will install the required packages # for trains-agent configure it using environment variables and run trains-agent on the required queue user_data = """#!/bin/bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip sudo apt-get install -y gcc sudo apt-get install -y git sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python3 -m pip install -U pip python3 -m pip install virtualenv python3 -m virtualenv trains_agent_venv source trains_agent_venv/bin/activate python -m pip install trains-agent echo 'agent.git_user=\"{git_user}\"' >> /root/trains.conf echo 'agent.git_pass=\"{git_pass}\"' >> /root/trains.conf echo "{trains_conf}" >> /root/trains.conf export TRAINS_API_HOST={api_server} export TRAINS_WEB_HOST={web_server} export TRAINS_FILES_HOST={files_server} export DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_ID=`curl` export TRAINS_WORKER_ID={worker_id}:$DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_ID export TRAINS_API_ACCESS_KEY='{access_key}' export TRAINS_API_SECRET_KEY='{secret_key}' {bash_script} source ~/.bashrc python -m trains_agent --config-file '/root/trains.conf' daemon --queue '{queue}' {docker} shutdown """.format( api_server=self.api_server, web_server=self.web_server, files_server=self.files_server, worker_id=worker_id, access_key=self.access_key, secret_key=self.secret_key, queue=queue_name, git_user=self.git_user or "", git_pass=self.git_pass or "", trains_conf=self.extra_trains_conf, bash_script=self.extra_vm_bash_script, docker="--docker '{}'".format(self.default_docker_image) if self.default_docker_image else "", ) ec2 = boto3.client( "ec2", aws_access_key_id=self.cloud_credentials_key or None, aws_secret_access_key=self.cloud_credentials_secret or None, region_name=self.cloud_credentials_region, ) if resource_conf["is_spot"]: # Create a request for a spot instance in AWS encoded_user_data = base64.b64encode(user_data.encode("ascii")).decode( "ascii" ) instances = ec2.request_spot_instances( LaunchSpecification={ "ImageId": resource_conf["ami_id"], "InstanceType": resource_conf["instance_type"], "Placement": { "AvailabilityZone": resource_conf["availability_zone"] }, "UserData": encoded_user_data, "BlockDeviceMappings": [ { "DeviceName": resource_conf["ebs_device_name"], "Ebs": { "VolumeSize": resource_conf["ebs_volume_size"], "VolumeType": resource_conf["ebs_volume_type"], }, } ], } ) # Wait until spot request is fulfilled request_id = instances["SpotInstanceRequests"][0]["SpotInstanceRequestId"] waiter = ec2.get_waiter("spot_instance_request_fulfilled") waiter.wait(SpotInstanceRequestIds=[request_id]) # Get the instance object for later use response = ec2.describe_spot_instance_requests( SpotInstanceRequestIds=[request_id] ) instance_id = response["SpotInstanceRequests"][0]["InstanceId"] else: # Create a new EC2 instance instances = ec2.run_instances( ImageId=resource_conf["ami_id"], MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, InstanceType=resource_conf["instance_type"], UserData=user_data, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior="terminate", BlockDeviceMappings=[ { "DeviceName": resource_conf["ebs_device_name"], "Ebs": { "VolumeSize": resource_conf["ebs_volume_size"], "VolumeType": resource_conf["ebs_volume_type"], }, } ], ) # Get the instance object for later use instance_id = instances["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"] instance = boto3.resource( "ec2", aws_access_key_id=self.cloud_credentials_key or None, aws_secret_access_key=self.cloud_credentials_secret or None, region_name=self.cloud_credentials_region, ).Instance(instance_id) # Wait until instance is in running state instance.wait_until_running() # Cloud-specific implementation (currently, only AWS EC2 is supported) def spin_down_worker(self, instance_id): """ Destroys the cloud instance. :param instance_id: Cloud instance ID to be destroyed (currently, only AWS EC2 is supported) :type instance_id: str """ try: boto3.resource( "ec2", aws_access_key_id=self.cloud_credentials_key or None, aws_secret_access_key=self.cloud_credentials_secret or None, region_name=self.cloud_credentials_region, ).instances.filter(InstanceIds=[instance_id]).terminate() except Exception as ex: raise ex