import logging import warnings import numpy as np from PIL import Image from pathlib2 import Path from import tasks from .backend_interface.logger import StdStreamPatch, LogFlusher from .backend_interface.task import Task as _Task from .backend_interface.task.development.worker import DevWorker from .backend_interface.task.log import TaskHandler from .backend_interface.util import mutually_exclusive from .config import running_remotely, get_cache_dir, config from .debugging.log import LoggerRoot from .errors import UsageError from .storage import StorageHelper from .utilities.plotly_reporter import SeriesInfo # Make sure that DeprecationWarning within this package always gets printed warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=DeprecationWarning, module=__name__) class Logger(object): """ Console log and metric statistics interface. This is how we send graphs/plots/text to the system, later we can compare the performance of different tasks. **Usage:** :func:`Logger.current_logger` or :func:`Task.get_logger` """ SeriesInfo = SeriesInfo _tensorboard_logging_auto_group_scalars = False _tensorboard_single_series_per_graph = config.get('metrics.tensorboard_single_series_per_graph', False) def __init__(self, private_task): """ **Do not construct Logger manually!** please use :func:`Logger.current_logger` """ assert isinstance(private_task, _Task), \ 'Logger object cannot be instantiated externally, use Logger.current_logger()' super(Logger, self).__init__() self._task = private_task self._default_upload_destination = None self._flusher = None self._report_worker = None self._task_handler = None self._graph_titles = {} StdStreamPatch.patch_std_streams(self) @classmethod def current_logger(cls): # type: () -> Logger """ Return a logger object for the current task. Can be called from anywhere in the code :return: Singleton Logger object for the current running task """ from .task import Task task = Task.current_task() if not task: return None return task.get_logger() def report_text(self, msg, level=logging.INFO, print_console=True, *args, **_): """ print text to log and optionally also prints to console :param str msg: text to print to the console (always send to the backend and displayed in console) :param int level: logging level, default: logging.INFO :param bool print_console: If True we also print 'msg' to console """ return self._console(msg, level, not print_console, *args, **_) def report_scalar(self, title, series, value, iteration): """ Report a scalar value :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param float value: Reported value :param int iteration: Iteration number """ # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self._task.reporter.report_scalar(title=title, series=series, value=float(value), iter=iteration) def report_vector(self, title, series, values, iteration, labels=None, xlabels=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None): """ Report a histogram plot :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param list(float) values: Reported values (or numpy array) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param list(str) labels: optional, labels for each bar group. :param list(str) xlabels: optional label per entry in the vector (bucket in the histogram) :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title """ self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self.report_histogram(title, series, values, iteration, labels=labels, xlabels=xlabels, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis) def report_histogram(self, title, series, values, iteration, labels=None, xlabels=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None): """ Report a histogram plot :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param list(float) values: Reported values (or numpy array) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param list(str) labels: optional, labels for each bar group. :param list(str) xlabels: optional label per entry in the vector (bucket in the histogram) :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title """ if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): values = np.array(values) # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self._task.reporter.report_histogram( title=title, series=series, histogram=values, iter=iteration, labels=labels, xlabels=xlabels, xtitle=xaxis, ytitle=yaxis, ) def report_line_plot(self, title, series, iteration, xaxis, yaxis, mode='lines', reverse_xaxis=False, comment=None): """ Report a (possibly multiple) line plot. :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param list(LineSeriesInfo) series: All the series' data, one for each line in the plot. :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title :param str mode: scatter plot with 'lines'/'markers'/'lines+markers' :param bool reverse_xaxis: If true X axis will be displayed from high to low (reversed) :param str comment: comment underneath the title """ series = [self.SeriesInfo(**s) if isinstance(s, dict) else s for s in series] # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series[0].name if series else '') return self._task.reporter.report_line_plot( title=title, series=series, iter=iteration, xtitle=xaxis, ytitle=yaxis, mode=mode, reverse_xaxis=reverse_xaxis, comment=comment, ) def report_scatter2d(self, title, series, scatter, iteration, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, labels=None, mode='lines', comment=None): """ Report a 2d scatter graph (with lines) :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param np.ndarray scatter: A scattered data: list of (pairs of x,y) (or numpy array) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title :param list(str) labels: label (text) per point in the scatter (in the same order) :param str mode: scatter plot with 'lines'/'markers'/'lines+markers' :param str comment: comment underneath the title """ if not isinstance(scatter, np.ndarray): if not isinstance(scatter, list): scatter = list(scatter) scatter = np.array(scatter) # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self._task.reporter.report_2d_scatter( title=title, series=series, data=scatter.astype(np.float32), iter=iteration, mode=mode, xtitle=xaxis, ytitle=yaxis, labels=labels, comment=comment, ) def report_scatter3d(self, title, series, scatter, iteration, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, labels=None, mode='markers', fill=False, comment=None): """ Report a 3d scatter graph (with markers) :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param Union[np.ndarray, list] scatter: A scattered data: list of (pairs of x,y,z) (or numpy array) or list of series [[(x1,y1,z1)...]] :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title :param str zaxis: optional z-axis title :param list(str) labels: label (text) per point in the scatter (in the same order) :param str mode: scatter plot with 'lines'/'markers'/'lines+markers' :param bool fill: fill area under the curve :param str comment: comment underneath the title """ # check if multiple series multi_series = ( isinstance(scatter, list) and ( isinstance(scatter[0], np.ndarray) or ( scatter[0] and isinstance(scatter[0], list) and isinstance(scatter[0][0], list) ) ) ) if not multi_series: if not isinstance(scatter, np.ndarray): if not isinstance(scatter, list): scatter = list(scatter) scatter = np.array(scatter) try: scatter = scatter.astype(np.float32) except ValueError: pass # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self._task.reporter.report_3d_scatter( title=title, series=series, data=scatter, iter=iteration, labels=labels, mode=mode, fill=fill, comment=comment, xtitle=xaxis, ytitle=yaxis, ztitle=zaxis, ) def report_confusion_matrix(self, title, series, matrix, iteration, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, comment=None): """ Report a heat-map matrix :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param np.ndarray matrix: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title :param list(str) xlabels: optional label per column of the matrix :param list(str) ylabels: optional label per row of the matrix :param str comment: comment underneath the title """ if not isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): matrix = np.array(matrix) # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self._task.reporter.report_value_matrix( title=title, series=series, data=matrix.astype(np.float32), iter=iteration, xtitle=xaxis, ytitle=yaxis, xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels, comment=comment, ) def report_matrix(self, title, series, matrix, iteration, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None): """ Same as report_confusion_matrix Report a heat-map matrix :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param np.ndarray matrix: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title :param list(str) xlabels: optional label per column of the matrix :param list(str) ylabels: optional label per row of the matrix """ self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self.report_confusion_matrix(title, series, matrix, iteration, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels) def report_surface(self, title, series, matrix, iteration, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, camera=None, comment=None): """ Report a 3d surface (same data as heat-map matrix, only presented differently) :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param np.ndarray matrix: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str xaxis: optional x-axis title :param str yaxis: optional y-axis title :param str zaxis: optional z-axis title :param list(str) xlabels: optional label per column of the matrix :param list(str) ylabels: optional label per row of the matrix :param list(float) camera: X,Y,Z camera position. def: (1,1,1) :param str comment: comment underneath the title """ if not isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): matrix = np.array(matrix) # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) return self._task.reporter.report_value_surface( title=title, series=series, data=matrix.astype(np.float32), iter=iteration, xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels, xtitle=xaxis, ytitle=yaxis, ztitle=zaxis, camera=camera, comment=comment, ) def report_image(self, title, series, iteration, local_path=None, image=None, matrix=None, max_image_history=None, delete_after_upload=False, url=None): """ Report an image and upload its contents. Image is uploaded to a preconfigured bucket (see setup_upload()) with a key (filename) describing the task ID, title, series and iteration. .. note:: :paramref:`~.Logger.report_image.local_path`, :paramref:`~.Logger.report_image.url`, :paramref:`~.Logger.report_image.image` and :paramref:`~.Logger.report_image.matrix` are mutually exclusive, and at least one must be provided. :param str title: Title (AKA metric) :param str series: Series (AKA variant) :param int iteration: Iteration number :param str local_path: A path to an image file. :param str url: A URL to the location of a pre-uploaded image. :param np.ndarray or PIL.Image.Image image: Could be a PIL.Image.Image object or a 3D numpy.ndarray object containing image data (RGB). :param np.ndarray matrix: A 3D numpy.ndarray object containing image data (RGB). This is deprecated, use image variable instead. :param int max_image_history: maximum number of image to store per metric/variant combination use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5) :param bool delete_after_upload: if True, one the file was uploaded the local copy will be deleted """ mutually_exclusive( UsageError, _check_none=True, local_path=local_path or None, url=url or None, image=image, matrix=matrix ) if matrix is not None: warnings.warn("'matrix' variable is deprecated; use 'image' instead.", DeprecationWarning) if image is None: image = matrix if image is not None and not isinstance(image, (np.ndarray, Image.Image)): raise ValueError("Supported 'image' types are: numpy.ndarray or PIL.Image") # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() self._touch_title_series(title, series) if url: self._task.reporter.report_image( title=title, series=series, src=url, iter=iteration, ) else: upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination() if not upload_uri: upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images' upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Verify that we can upload to this destination upload_uri = str(upload_uri) storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri) upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri) if isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = np.array(image) self._task.reporter.report_image_and_upload( title=title, series=series, path=local_path, image=image, iter=iteration, upload_uri=upload_uri, max_image_history=max_image_history, delete_after_upload=delete_after_upload, ) def set_default_upload_destination(self, uri): """ Set the uri to upload all the debug images to. Images are uploaded separately to the destination storage (e.g. s3,gc,file) and then a link to the uploaded image is sent in the report Notice: credentials for the upload destination will be pooled from the global configuration file (i.e. ~/trains.conf) :param str uri: example: 's3://bucket/directory/' or 'file:///tmp/debug/' :return: True if destination scheme is supported (i.e. s3:// file:// gc:// etc...) """ # Create the storage helper storage = StorageHelper.get(uri) # Verify that we can upload to this destination uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=uri) self._default_upload_destination = uri def get_default_upload_destination(self): """ Get the uri to upload all the debug images to. Images are uploaded separately to the destination storage (e.g. s3,gc,file) and then a link to the uploaded image is sent in the report Notice: credentials for the upload destination will be pooled from the global configuration file (i.e. ~/trains.conf) :return: Uri (str) example: 's3://bucket/directory/' or 'file:///tmp/debug/' etc... """ return self._default_upload_destination or self._task._get_default_report_storage_uri() def flush(self): """ Flush cached reports and console outputs to backend. :return: True if successful """ self._flush_stdout_handler() if self._task: return self._task.flush() return False def get_flush_period(self): """ :return: logger flush period in seconds """ if self._flusher: return self._flusher.period return None def set_flush_period(self, period): """ Set the period of the logger flush. :param float period: The period to flush the logger in seconds. If None or 0, There will be no periodic flush. """ if self._task.is_main_task() and DevWorker.report_stdout and DevWorker.report_period and \ not running_remotely() and period is not None: period = min(period or DevWorker.report_period, DevWorker.report_period) if not period: if self._flusher: self._flusher.exit() self._flusher = None elif self._flusher: self._flusher.set_period(period) else: self._flusher = LogFlusher(self, period) self._flusher.start() def report_image_and_upload(self, title, series, iteration, path=None, matrix=None, max_image_history=None, delete_after_upload=False): """ Deprecated: Backwards compatibility, please use report_image instead """ self.report_image(title=title, series=series, iteration=iteration, local_path=path, image=matrix, max_image_history=max_image_history, delete_after_upload=delete_after_upload) @classmethod def tensorboard_auto_group_scalars(cls, group_scalars=False): """ If `group_scalars` set to True, we preserve backward compatible Tensorboard auto-magic behaviour, i.e. Scalars without specific title will be grouped under the "Scalars" graph. Default is False: Tensorboard scalars without title will have title/series with the same tag """ cls._tensorboard_logging_auto_group_scalars = group_scalars @classmethod def tensorboard_single_series_per_graph(cls, single_series=False): """ If `single_series` set to True, we generate a separate graph (plot) for each Tensorboard scalar series Default is False: Tensorboard scalar series will be grouped according to their title """ cls._tensorboard_logging_single_series_per_graphs = single_series @classmethod def _remove_std_logger(cls): StdStreamPatch.remove_std_logger() def _console(self, msg, level=logging.INFO, omit_console=False, *args, **kwargs): """ print text to log (same as print to console, and also prints to console) :param msg: text to print to the console (always send to the backend and displayed in console) :param level: logging level, default: logging.INFO :param omit_console: If True we only send 'msg' to log (no console print) """ try: level = int(level) except (TypeError, ValueError): self._task.log.log(level=logging.ERROR, msg='Logger failed casting log level "%s" to integer' % str(level)) level = logging.INFO if not running_remotely(): # noinspection PyBroadException try: record = self._task.log.makeRecord( "console", level=level, fn='', lno=0, func='', msg=msg, args=args, exc_info=None ) # find the task handler that matches our task if not self._task_handler: self._task_handler = [h for h in LoggerRoot.get_base_logger().handlers if isinstance(h, TaskHandler) and h.task_id ==][0] self._task_handler.emit(record) except Exception: LoggerRoot.get_base_logger().warning(msg='Logger failed sending log: [level %s]: "%s"' % (str(level), str(msg))) if not omit_console: # if we are here and we grabbed the stdout, we need to print the real thing if DevWorker.report_stdout and not running_remotely(): # noinspection PyBroadException try: # make sure we are writing to the original stdout StdStreamPatch.stdout_original_write(str(msg)+'\n') except Exception: pass else: print(str(msg)) # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() def _report_image_plot_and_upload(self, title, series, iteration, path=None, matrix=None, max_image_history=None, delete_after_upload=False): """ Report an image, upload its contents, and present in plots section using plotly Image is uploaded to a preconfigured bucket (see setup_upload()) with a key (filename) describing the task ID, title, series and iteration. :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param iteration: Iteration number :type iteration: int :param path: A path to an image file. Required unless matrix is provided. :type path: str :param matrix: A 3D numpy.ndarray object containing image data (RGB). Required unless filename is provided. :type matrix: str :param max_image_history: maximum number of image to store per metric/variant combination \ use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5) :type max_image_history: int :param delete_after_upload: if True, one the file was uploaded the local copy will be deleted :type delete_after_upload: boolean """ # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination() if not upload_uri: upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images' upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Verify that we can upload to this destination upload_uri = str(upload_uri) storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri) upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri) self._task.reporter.report_image_plot_and_upload( title=title, series=series, path=path, matrix=matrix, iter=iteration, upload_uri=upload_uri, max_image_history=max_image_history, delete_after_upload=delete_after_upload, ) def _report_file_and_upload(self, title, series, iteration, path=None, max_file_history=None, delete_after_upload=False): """ Upload a file and report it as link in the debug images section. File is uploaded to a preconfigured storage (see setup_upload()) with a key (filename) describing the task ID, title, series and iteration. :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param iteration: Iteration number :type iteration: int :param path: A path to file to be uploaded :type path: str :param max_file_history: maximum number of files to store per metric/variant combination \ use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5) :type max_file_history: int :param delete_after_upload: if True, one the file was uploaded the local copy will be deleted :type delete_after_upload: boolean """ # if task was not started, we have to start it self._start_task_if_needed() upload_uri = self.get_default_upload_destination() if not upload_uri: upload_uri = Path(get_cache_dir()) / 'debug_images' upload_uri.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Verify that we can upload to this destination upload_uri = str(upload_uri) storage = StorageHelper.get(upload_uri) upload_uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=upload_uri) self._task.reporter.report_image_and_upload( title=title, series=series, path=path, image=None, iter=iteration, upload_uri=upload_uri, max_image_history=max_file_history, delete_after_upload=delete_after_upload, ) def _start_task_if_needed(self): # do not refresh the task status read from cached variable _status if str(self._task._status) == str(tasks.TaskStatusEnum.created): self._task.mark_started() self._task._dev_mode_task_start() def _flush_stdout_handler(self): if self._task_handler and DevWorker.report_stdout: self._task_handler.flush() def _flush_wait_stdout_handler(self): if self._task_handler and DevWorker.report_stdout: self._task_handler.flush() self._task_handler.wait_for_flush() def _touch_title_series(self, title, series): if title not in self._graph_titles: self._graph_titles[title] = set() self._graph_titles[title].add(series) def _get_used_title_series(self): return self._graph_titles @classmethod def _get_tensorboard_auto_group_scalars(cls): """ :return: return True if we preserve Tensorboard backward compatibility behaviour, i.e. Scalars without specific title will be under the "Scalars" graph default is False: Tensorboard scalars without title will have title/series with the same tag """ return cls._tensorboard_logging_auto_group_scalars @classmethod def _get_tensorboard_single_series_per_graph(cls): """ :return: return True if we generate a separate graph (plot) for each Tensorboard scalar series default is False: Tensorboard scalar series will be grouped according to their title """ return cls._tensorboard_single_series_per_graph