import os import sys from tempfile import mkstemp import attr import collections import logging import json from furl import furl from pathlib2 import Path from threading import Thread, Event from .util import get_command_output from ....backend_api import Session from ....debugging import get_logger from .detectors import GitEnvDetector, GitDetector, HgEnvDetector, HgDetector, Result as DetectionResult _logger = get_logger("Repository Detection") class ScriptInfoError(Exception): pass class ScriptRequirements(object): def __init__(self, root_folder): self._root_folder = root_folder def get_requirements(self, entry_point_filename=None): try: from ....utilities.pigar.reqs import get_installed_pkgs_detail from ....utilities.pigar.__main__ import GenerateReqs installed_pkgs = get_installed_pkgs_detail() gr = GenerateReqs(save_path='', project_path=self._root_folder, installed_pkgs=installed_pkgs, ignores=['.git', '.hg', '.idea', '__pycache__', '.ipynb_checkpoints', 'site-packages', 'dist-packages']) reqs, try_imports, guess, local_pks = gr.extract_reqs( module_callback=ScriptRequirements.add_trains_used_packages, entry_point_filename=entry_point_filename) return self.create_requirements_txt(reqs, local_pks) except Exception: return '', '' @staticmethod def add_trains_used_packages(modules): # hack: forcefully insert storage modules if we have them # noinspection PyBroadException try: import boto3 modules.add('boto3', '', 0) except Exception: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: from import storage modules.add('google_cloud_storage', '', 0) except Exception: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: from import ContentSettings modules.add('azure_storage_blob', '', 0) except Exception: pass # bugfix, replace sklearn with scikit-learn name if 'sklearn' in modules: sklearn = modules.pop('sklearn', {}) for fname, lines in sklearn.items(): modules.add('scikit_learn', fname, lines) # if we have torch and it supports tensorboard, we should add that as well # (because it will not be detected automatically) if 'torch' in modules and 'tensorboard' not in modules: # noinspection PyBroadException try: # see if this version of torch support tensorboard import torch.utils.tensorboard import tensorboard modules.add('tensorboard', 'torch', 0) except Exception: pass return modules @staticmethod def create_requirements_txt(reqs, local_pks=None): # write requirements.txt try: conda_requirements = '' conda_prefix = os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX') if conda_prefix and not conda_prefix.endswith(os.path.sep): conda_prefix += os.path.sep if conda_prefix and sys.executable.startswith(conda_prefix): conda_packages_json = get_command_output(['conda', 'list', '--json']) conda_packages_json = json.loads(conda_packages_json) reqs_lower = {k.lower(): (k, v) for k, v in reqs.items()} for r in conda_packages_json: # check if this is a pypi package, if it is, leave it outside if not r.get('channel') or r.get('channel') == 'pypi': continue # check if we have it in our required packages name = r['name'].lower().replace('-', '_') # hack support pytorch/torch different naming convention if name == 'pytorch': name = 'torch' k, v = reqs_lower.get(name, (None, None)) if k: conda_requirements += '{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(k, '==', v.version) except: conda_requirements = '' # python version header requirements_txt = '# Python ' + sys.version.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ') + '\n' if local_pks: requirements_txt += '\n# Local modules found - skipping:\n' for k, v in local_pks.sorted_items(): requirements_txt += '# {0} == {1}\n'.format(k, v.version) # requirement summary requirements_txt += '\n' for k, v in reqs.sorted_items(): # requirements_txt += ''.join(['# {0}\n'.format(c) for c in v.comments.sorted_items()]) if k == '-e': requirements_txt += '{0} {1}\n'.format(k, v.version) elif v: requirements_txt += '{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(k, '==', v.version) else: requirements_txt += '{0}\n'.format(k) # requirements details (in comments) requirements_txt += '\n' + \ '# Detailed import analysis\n' \ '# **************************\n' if local_pks: for k, v in local_pks.sorted_items(): requirements_txt += '\n' requirements_txt += '# IMPORT LOCAL PACKAGE {0}\n'.format(k) requirements_txt += ''.join(['# {0}\n'.format(c) for c in v.comments.sorted_items()]) for k, v in reqs.sorted_items(): requirements_txt += '\n' if k == '-e': requirements_txt += '# IMPORT PACKAGE {0} {1}\n'.format(k, v.version) else: requirements_txt += '# IMPORT PACKAGE {0}\n'.format(k) requirements_txt += ''.join(['# {0}\n'.format(c) for c in v.comments.sorted_items()]) return requirements_txt, conda_requirements class _JupyterObserver(object): _thread = None _exit_event = Event() _sync_event = Event() _sample_frequency = 30. _first_sample_frequency = 3. @classmethod def observer(cls, jupyter_notebook_filename): if cls._thread is not None: # order of signaling is important! cls._exit_event.set() cls._sync_event.set() cls._thread.join() cls._sync_event.clear() cls._exit_event.clear() cls._thread = Thread(target=cls._daemon, args=(jupyter_notebook_filename, )) cls._thread.daemon = True cls._thread.start() @classmethod def signal_sync(cls, *_): cls._sync_event.set() @classmethod def close(cls): if not cls._thread: return cls._exit_event.set() cls._sync_event.set() cls._thread.join() cls._thread = None @classmethod def _daemon(cls, jupyter_notebook_filename): from trains import Task # load jupyter notebook package # noinspection PyBroadException try: from nbconvert.exporters.script import ScriptExporter _script_exporter = ScriptExporter() except Exception: return # load pigar # noinspection PyBroadException try: from ....utilities.pigar.reqs import get_installed_pkgs_detail, file_import_modules from ....utilities.pigar.modules import ReqsModules from ....utilities.pigar.log import logger logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) except Exception: file_import_modules = None # load IPython # noinspection PyBroadException try: from IPython import get_ipython except Exception: # should not happen get_ipython = None # setup local notebook files if jupyter_notebook_filename: notebook = Path(jupyter_notebook_filename) local_jupyter_filename = jupyter_notebook_filename else: notebook = None fd, local_jupyter_filename = mkstemp(suffix='.ipynb') os.close(fd) last_update_ts = None counter = 0 prev_script_hash = None # main observer loop, check if we need to exit while not cls._exit_event.wait(timeout=0.): # wait for timeout or sync event cls._sync_event.wait(cls._sample_frequency if counter else cls._first_sample_frequency) cls._sync_event.clear() counter += 1 # noinspection PyBroadException try: # if there is no task connected, do nothing task = Task.current_task() if not task: continue # if we have a local file: if notebook: if not notebook.exists(): continue # check if notebook changed if last_update_ts is not None and notebook.stat().st_mtime - last_update_ts <= 0: continue last_update_ts = notebook.stat().st_mtime else: # serialize notebook to a temp file # noinspection PyBroadException try: get_ipython().run_line_magic('notebook', local_jupyter_filename) except Exception as ex: continue # get notebook python script script_code, resources = _script_exporter.from_filename(local_jupyter_filename) current_script_hash = hash(script_code) if prev_script_hash and prev_script_hash == current_script_hash: continue requirements_txt = '' conda_requirements = '' # parse jupyter python script and prepare pip requirements (pigar) # if backend supports requirements if file_import_modules and Session.check_min_api_version('2.2'): fmodules, _ = file_import_modules([-1], script_code) fmodules = ScriptRequirements.add_trains_used_packages(fmodules) installed_pkgs = get_installed_pkgs_detail() reqs = ReqsModules() for name in fmodules: if name in installed_pkgs: pkg_name, version = installed_pkgs[name] reqs.add(pkg_name, version, fmodules[name]) requirements_txt, conda_requirements = ScriptRequirements.create_requirements_txt(reqs) # update script prev_script_hash = current_script_hash data_script = data_script.diff = script_code data_script.requirements = {'pip': requirements_txt, 'conda': conda_requirements} task._update_script(script=data_script) # update requirements task._update_requirements(requirements=requirements_txt) except Exception: pass class ScriptInfo(object): plugins = [GitEnvDetector(), HgEnvDetector(), HgDetector(), GitDetector()] """ Script info detection plugins, in order of priority """ @classmethod def _jupyter_install_post_store_hook(cls, jupyter_notebook_filename): # noinspection PyBroadException try: if 'IPython' in sys.modules: from IPython import get_ipython if get_ipython(): get_ipython().events.register('pre_run_cell', _JupyterObserver.signal_sync) except Exception: pass @classmethod def _get_jupyter_notebook_filename(cls): if not (sys.argv[0].endswith(os.path.sep+'') or sys.argv[0].endswith(os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'ipykernel', ''))) \ or len(sys.argv) < 3 or not sys.argv[2].endswith('.json'): return None # we can safely assume that we can import the notebook package here # noinspection PyBroadException try: from notebook.notebookapp import list_running_servers import requests current_kernel = sys.argv[2].split(os.path.sep)[-1].replace('kernel-', '').replace('.json', '') try: server_info = next(list_running_servers()) except Exception: # on some jupyter notebook versions this function can crash on parsing the json file, # we will parse it manually here import ipykernel from glob import glob import json for f in glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ipykernel.get_connection_file()), 'nbserver-*.json')): try: with open(f, 'r') as json_data: server_info = json.load(json_data) except: server_info = None if server_info: break try: r = requests.get( url=server_info['url'] + 'api/sessions', headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(server_info.get('token', '')), }) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: # disable SSL check warning from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) # fire request r = requests.get( url=server_info['url'] + 'api/sessions', headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(server_info.get('token', '')), }, verify=False) # enable SSL check warning import warnings warnings.simplefilter('default', InsecureRequestWarning) r.raise_for_status() notebooks = r.json() cur_notebook = None for n in notebooks: if n['kernel']['id'] == current_kernel: cur_notebook = n break notebook_path = cur_notebook['notebook'].get('path', '') notebook_name = cur_notebook['notebook'].get('name', '') is_google_colab = False # check if this is google.colab, then there is no local file # noinspection PyBroadException try: from IPython import get_ipython if get_ipython() and 'google.colab' in get_ipython().extension_manager.loaded: is_google_colab = True except Exception: pass if is_google_colab: script_entry_point = notebook_name local_ipynb_file = None else: # always slash, because this is from uri (so never backslash not even oon windows) entry_point_filename = notebook_path.split('/')[-1] # now we should try to find the actual file entry_point = (Path.cwd() / entry_point_filename).absolute() if not entry_point.is_file(): entry_point = (Path.cwd() / notebook_path).absolute() # get local ipynb for observer local_ipynb_file = entry_point.as_posix() # now replace the .ipynb with .py # we assume we will have that file available with the Jupyter notebook plugin entry_point = entry_point.with_suffix('.py') script_entry_point = entry_point.as_posix() # install the post store hook, # notice that if we do not have a local file we serialize/write every time the entire notebook cls._jupyter_install_post_store_hook(local_ipynb_file) return script_entry_point except Exception: return None @classmethod def _get_entry_point(cls, repo_root, script_path): repo_root = Path(repo_root).absolute() try: # Use os.path.relpath as it calculates up dir movements (../) entry_point = os.path.relpath(str(script_path), str(Path.cwd())) except ValueError: # Working directory not under repository root entry_point = script_path.relative_to(repo_root) return Path(entry_point).as_posix() @classmethod def _get_working_dir(cls, repo_root): repo_root = Path(repo_root).absolute() try: return Path.cwd().relative_to(repo_root).as_posix() except ValueError: # Working directory not under repository root return os.path.curdir @classmethod def _get_script_code(cls, script_path): # noinspection PyBroadException try: with open(script_path, 'r') as f: script_code = return script_code except Exception: pass return '' @classmethod def _get_script_info(cls, filepath, check_uncommitted=True, create_requirements=True, log=None): jupyter_filepath = cls._get_jupyter_notebook_filename() if jupyter_filepath: script_path = Path(os.path.normpath(jupyter_filepath)).absolute() else: script_path = Path(os.path.normpath(filepath)).absolute() if not script_path.is_file(): raise ScriptInfoError( "Script file [{}] could not be found".format(filepath) ) script_dir = script_path.parent def _log(msg, *args, **kwargs): if not log: return log.warning( "Failed auto-detecting task repository: {}".format( msg.format(*args, **kwargs) ) ) plugin = next((p for p in cls.plugins if p.exists(script_dir)), None) repo_info = DetectionResult() if not plugin:"No repository found, storing script code instead") else: try: repo_info = plugin.get_info(str(script_dir), include_diff=check_uncommitted) except Exception as ex: _log("no info for {} ({})", script_dir, ex) else: if repo_info.is_empty(): _log("no info for {}", script_dir) repo_root = repo_info.root or script_dir if not plugin: working_dir = '.' entry_point = str( else: working_dir = cls._get_working_dir(repo_root) entry_point = cls._get_entry_point(repo_root, script_path) if check_uncommitted: diff = cls._get_script_code(script_path.as_posix()) \ if not plugin or not repo_info.commit else repo_info.diff else: diff = '' # if this is not jupyter, get the requirements.txt requirements = '' conda_requirements = '' # create requirements if backend supports requirements # if jupyter is present, requirements will be created in the background, when saving a snapshot if not jupyter_filepath and Session.check_min_api_version('2.2'): script_requirements = ScriptRequirements( Path(repo_root).as_posix() if repo_info.url else script_path.as_posix()) if create_requirements: requirements, conda_requirements = script_requirements.get_requirements() else: script_requirements = None script_info = dict( repository=furl(repo_info.url).remove(username=True, password=True).tostr(), branch=repo_info.branch, version_num=repo_info.commit, entry_point=entry_point, working_dir=working_dir, diff=diff, requirements={'pip': requirements, 'conda': conda_requirements} if requirements else None, binary='python{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor), ) messages = [] if repo_info.modified: messages.append( "======> WARNING! UNCOMMITTED CHANGES IN REPOSITORY {} <======".format( script_info.get("repository", "") ) ) if not any(script_info.values()): script_info = None return (ScriptInfoResult(script=script_info, warning_messages=messages), script_requirements) @classmethod def get(cls, filepath=sys.argv[0], check_uncommitted=True, create_requirements=True, log=None): try: return cls._get_script_info( filepath=filepath, check_uncommitted=check_uncommitted, create_requirements=create_requirements, log=log) except Exception as ex: if log: log.warning("Failed auto-detecting task repository: {}".format(ex)) return ScriptInfoResult(), None @classmethod def close(cls): _JupyterObserver.close() @attr.s class ScriptInfoResult(object): script = attr.ib(default=None) warning_messages = attr.ib(factory=list)