# ClearML - Example of manual graphs and statistics reporting # import math import numpy as np from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, GraphRenderer, Oval, StaticLayoutProvider from bokeh.palettes import Spectral5, Spectral8 from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, save from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg_clean as bokeh_df from bokeh.sampledata.periodic_table import elements from bokeh.transform import dodge, factor_cmap from clearml import Task, Logger def report_html_url(logger, iteration=0): # type: (Logger, int) -> () """ reporting html from url to debug samples section :param logger: The task.logger to use for sending the plots :param iteration: The iteration number of the current reports """ logger.report_media("html", "url_html", iteration=iteration, url="https://allegro.ai/docs/index.html") def report_html_periodic_table(logger, iteration=0): # type: (Logger, int) -> () """ reporting interactive (html) of periodic table to debug samples section :param logger: The task.logger to use for sending the plots :param iteration: The iteration number of the current reports """ output_file("periodic.html") periods = ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII"] groups = [str(x) for x in range(1, 19)] autompg_clean = elements.copy() autompg_clean["atomic mass"] = autompg_clean["atomic mass"].astype(str) autompg_clean["group"] = autompg_clean["group"].astype(str) autompg_clean["period"] = [periods[x - 1] for x in autompg_clean.period] autompg_clean = autompg_clean[autompg_clean.group != "-"] autompg_clean = autompg_clean[autompg_clean.symbol != "Lr"] autompg_clean = autompg_clean[autompg_clean.symbol != "Lu"] cmap = { "alkali metal": "#a6cee3", "alkaline earth metal": "#1f78b4", "metal": "#d93b43", "halogen": "#999d9a", "metalloid": "#e08d49", "noble gas": "#eaeaea", "nonmetal": "#f1d4Af", "transition metal": "#599d7A", } source = ColumnDataSource(autompg_clean) p = figure( plot_width=900, plot_height=500, title="Periodic Table (omitting LA and AC Series)", x_range=groups, y_range=list(reversed(periods)), toolbar_location=None, tools="hover", ) p.rect( "group", "period", 0.95, 0.95, source=source, fill_alpha=0.6, legend_label="metal", color=factor_cmap( "metal", palette=list(cmap.values()), factors=list(cmap.keys()) ), ) text_props = {"source": source, "text_align": "left", "text_baseline": "middle"} x = dodge("group", -0.4, range=p.x_range) r = p.text(x=x, y="period", text="symbol", **text_props) r.glyph.text_font_style = "bold" r = p.text( x=x, y=dodge("period", 0.3, range=p.y_range), text="atomic number", **text_props ) r.glyph.text_font_size = "8pt" r = p.text( x=x, y=dodge("period", -0.35, range=p.y_range), text="name", **text_props ) r.glyph.text_font_size = "5pt" r = p.text( x=x, y=dodge("period", -0.2, range=p.y_range), text="atomic mass", **text_props ) r.glyph.text_font_size = "5pt" p.text( x=["3", "3"], y=["VI", "VII"], text=["LA", "AC"], text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", ) p.hover.tooltips = [ ("Name", "@name"), ("Atomic number", "@{atomic number}"), ("Atomic mass", "@{atomic mass}"), ("Type", "@metal"), ("CPK color", "$color[hex, swatch]:CPK"), ("Electronic configuration", "@{electronic configuration}"), ] p.outline_line_color = None p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 p.legend.orientation = "horizontal" p.legend.location = "top_center" save(p) logger.report_media("html", "periodic_html", iteration=iteration, local_path="periodic.html") def report_html_groupby(logger, iteration=0): # type: (Logger, int) -> () """ reporting bokeh groupby (html) to debug samples section :param logger: The task.logger to use for sending the plots :param iteration: The iteration number of the current reports """ output_file("bar_pandas_groupby_nested.html") bokeh_df.cyl = bokeh_df.cyl.astype(str) bokeh_df.yr = bokeh_df.yr.astype(str) group = bokeh_df.groupby(by=["cyl", "mfr"]) index_cmap = factor_cmap( "cyl_mfr", palette=Spectral5, factors=sorted(bokeh_df.cyl.unique()), end=1 ) p = figure( plot_width=800, plot_height=300, title="Mean MPG by # Cylinders and Manufacturer", x_range=group, toolbar_location=None, tooltips=[("MPG", "@mpg_mean"), ("Cyl, Mfr", "@cyl_mfr")], ) p.vbar( x="cyl_mfr", top="mpg_mean", width=1, source=group, line_color="white", fill_color=index_cmap, ) p.y_range.start = 0 p.x_range.range_padding = 0.05 p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.xaxis.axis_label = "Manufacturer grouped by # Cylinders" p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 1.2 p.outline_line_color = None save(p) logger.report_media( "html", "pandas_groupby_nested_html", iteration=iteration, local_path="bar_pandas_groupby_nested.html", ) def report_html_graph(logger, iteration=0): # type: (Logger, int) -> () """ reporting bokeh graph (html) to debug samples section :param logger: The task.logger to use for sending the plots :param iteration: The iteration number of the current reports """ nodes = 8 node_indices = list(range(nodes)) plot = figure( title="Graph Layout Demonstration", x_range=(-1.1, 1.1), y_range=(-1.1, 1.1), tools="", toolbar_location=None, ) graph = GraphRenderer() graph.node_renderer.data_source.add(node_indices, "index") graph.node_renderer.data_source.add(Spectral8, "color") graph.node_renderer.glyph = Oval(height=0.1, width=0.2, fill_color="color") graph.edge_renderer.data_source.data = dict(start=[0] * nodes, end=node_indices) # start of layout code circ = [i * 2 * math.pi / 8 for i in node_indices] x = [math.cos(i) for i in circ] y = [math.sin(i) for i in circ] graph_layout = dict(zip(node_indices, zip(x, y))) graph.layout_provider = StaticLayoutProvider(graph_layout=graph_layout) plot.renderers.append(graph) output_file("graph.html") save(plot) logger.report_media("html", "Graph_html", iteration=iteration, local_path="graph.html") def report_html_image(logger, iteration=0): # type: (Logger, int) -> () """ reporting bokeh image (html) to debug samples section :param logger: The task.logger to use for sending the plots :param iteration: The iteration number of the current reports """ # First html samples = 500 x = np.linspace(0, 10, samples) y = np.linspace(0, 10, samples) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) d = np.sin(xx) * np.cos(yy) p = figure(tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")]) p.x_range.range_padding = p.y_range.range_padding = 0 # must give a vector of image data for image parameter p.image(image=[d], x=0, y=0, dw=10, dh=10, palette="Spectral11", level="image") p.grid.grid_line_width = 0.5 output_file("image.html", title="image.py example") save(p) logger.report_media("html", "Spectral_html", iteration=iteration, local_path="image.html") def main(): # Create the experiment Task task = Task.init(project_name="examples", task_name="html samples reporting") print('reporting html files into debug samples section') # Get the task logger, # You can also call Task.current_task().get_logger() from anywhere in your code. logger = task.get_logger() # report html as debug samples report_html_image(logger) report_html_graph(logger) report_html_groupby(logger) report_html_periodic_table(logger) report_html_url(logger) # force flush reports # If flush is not called, reports are flushed in the background every couple of seconds, # and at the end of the process execution logger.flush() print('We are done reporting, have a great day :)') if __name__ == "__main__": main()