import collections import json import cv2 import six from ..base import InterfaceBase from ..setupuploadmixin import SetupUploadMixin from ...utilities.async_manager import AsyncManagerMixin from ...utilities.plotly import create_2d_histogram_plot, create_value_matrix, create_3d_surface, \ create_2d_scatter_series, create_3d_scatter_series, create_line_plot, plotly_scatter3d_layout_dict from ...utilities.py3_interop import AbstractContextManager from .events import ScalarEvent, VectorEvent, ImageEvent, PlotEvent, ImageEventNoUpload class Reporter(InterfaceBase, AbstractContextManager, SetupUploadMixin, AsyncManagerMixin): """ A simple metrics reporter class. This class caches reports and supports both a explicit flushing and context-based flushing. To ensure reports are sent to the backend, please use (assuming an instance of Reporter named 'reporter'): - use the context manager feature (which will automatically flush when exiting the context): with reporter: ... - explicitly call flush: ... reporter.flush() """ def __init__(self, metrics, flush_threshold=10, async_enable=False): """ Create a reporter :param metrics: A Metrics manager instance that handles actual reporting, uploads etc. :type metrics: .backend_interface.metrics.Metrics :param flush_threshold: Events flush threshold. This determines the threshold over which cached reported events are flushed and sent to the backend. :type flush_threshold: int """ log = metrics.log.getChild('reporter') log.setLevel(log.level) super(Reporter, self).__init__(session=metrics.session, log=log) self._metrics = metrics self._flush_threshold = flush_threshold self._events = [] self._bucket_config = None self._storage_uri = None self._async_enable = async_enable def _set_storage_uri(self, value): value = '/'.join(x for x in (value.rstrip('/'), self._metrics.storage_key_prefix) if x) self._storage_uri = value storage_uri = property(None, _set_storage_uri) @property def flush_threshold(self): return self._flush_threshold @flush_threshold.setter def flush_threshold(self, value): self._flush_threshold = max(0, value) @property def async_enable(self): return self._async_enable @async_enable.setter def async_enable(self, value): self._async_enable = bool(value) def _report(self, ev): self._events.append(ev) if len(self._events) >= self._flush_threshold: self._write() def _write(self): if not self._events: return # print('reporting %d events' % len(self._events)) res = self._metrics.write_events(self._events, async_enable=self._async_enable, storage_uri=self._storage_uri) if self._async_enable: self._add_async_result(res) self._events = [] def flush(self): """ Flush cached reports to backend. """ self._write() # wait for all reports if self.get_num_results() > 0: self.wait_for_results() def report_scalar(self, title, series, value, iter): """ Report a scalar value :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param value: Reported value :type value: float :param iter: Iteration number :type value: int """ ev = ScalarEvent(metric=self._normalize_name(title), variant=self._normalize_name(series), value=value, iter=iter) self._report(ev) def report_vector(self, title, series, values, iter): """ Report a vector of values :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param values: Reported values :type value: [float] :param iter: Iteration number :type value: int """ if not isinstance(values, collections.Iterable): raise ValueError('values: expected an iterable') ev = VectorEvent(metric=self._normalize_name(title), variant=self._normalize_name(series), values=values, iter=iter) self._report(ev) def report_plot(self, title, series, plot, iter): """ Report a Plotly chart :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param plot: A JSON describing a plotly chart (see :type plot: str or dict :param iter: Iteration number :type value: int """ if isinstance(plot, dict): plot = json.dumps(plot) elif not isinstance(plot, six.string_types): raise ValueError('Plot should be a string or a dict') ev = PlotEvent(metric=self._normalize_name(title), variant=self._normalize_name(series), plot_str=plot, iter=iter) self._report(ev) def report_image(self, title, series, src, iter): """ Report an image. :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param src: Image source URI. This URI will be used by the webapp and workers when trying to obtain the image for presentation of processing. Currently only http(s), file and s3 schemes are supported. :type src: str :param iter: Iteration number :type value: int """ ev = ImageEventNoUpload(metric=self._normalize_name(title), variant=self._normalize_name(series), iter=iter, src=src) self._report(ev) def report_image_and_upload(self, title, series, iter, path=None, matrix=None, upload_uri=None, max_image_history=None): """ Report an image and upload its contents. Image is uploaded to a preconfigured bucket (see setup_upload()) with a key (filename) describing the task ID, title, series and iteration. :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param iter: Iteration number :type value: int :param path: A path to an image file. Required unless matrix is provided. :type path: str :param matrix: A 3D numpy.ndarray object containing image data (BGR). Required unless filename is provided. :type matrix: str :param max_image_history: maximum number of image to store per metric/variant combination use negative value for unlimited. default is set in global configuration (default=5) """ if not self._storage_uri and not upload_uri: raise ValueError('Upload configuration is required (use setup_upload())') if len([x for x in (path, matrix) if x is not None]) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected only one of [filename, matrix]') kwargs = dict(metric=self._normalize_name(title), variant=self._normalize_name(series), iter=iter, image_file_history_size=max_image_history) if matrix is None: matrix = cv2.imread(path) ev = ImageEvent(image_data=matrix, upload_uri=upload_uri, **kwargs) self._report(ev) def report_histogram(self, title, series, histogram, iter, labels=None, xlabels=None, comment=None): """ Report an histogram bar plot :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param histogram: The histogram data. A row for each dataset(bar in a bar group). A column for each bucket. :type histogram: numpy array :param iter: Iteration number :type value: int :param labels: The labels for each bar group. :type labels: list of strings. :param xlabels: The labels of the x axis. :type xlabels: List of strings. :param comment: comment underneath the title :type comment: str """ plotly_dict = create_2d_histogram_plot( np_row_wise=histogram, title=title, labels=labels, series=series, xlabels=xlabels, comment=comment, ) return self.report_plot( title=self._normalize_name(title), series=self._normalize_name(series), plot=plotly_dict, iter=iter, ) def report_line_plot(self, title, series, iter, xtitle, ytitle, mode='lines', reverse_xaxis=False, comment=None): """ Report a (possibly multiple) line plot. :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: All the series' data, one for each line in the plot. :type series: An iterable of LineSeriesInfo. :param iter: Iteration number :type iter: int :param xtitle: x-axis title :type xtitle: str :param ytitle: y-axis title :type ytitle: str :param mode: 'lines' / 'markers' / 'lines+markers' :type mode: str :param reverse_xaxis: If true X axis will be displayed from high to low (reversed) :type reverse_xaxis: bool :param comment: comment underneath the title :type comment: str """ plotly_dict = create_line_plot( title=title, series=series, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, mode=mode, reverse_xaxis=reverse_xaxis, comment=comment, ) return self.report_plot( title=self._normalize_name(title), series='', plot=plotly_dict, iter=iter, ) def report_2d_scatter(self, title, series, data, iter, mode='lines', xtitle=None, ytitle=None, labels=None, comment=None): """ Report a 2d scatter graph (with lines) :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param data: A scattered data: pairs of x,y as rows in a numpy array :type scatter: ndarray :param iter: Iteration number :type iter: int :param mode: (type str) 'lines'/'markers'/'lines+markers' :param xtitle: optional x-axis title :param ytitle: optional y-axis title :param labels: label (text) per point in the scatter (in the same order) :param comment: comment underneath the title :type comment: str """ plotly_dict = create_2d_scatter_series( np_row_wise=data, title=title, series_name=series, mode=mode, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, labels=labels, comment=comment, ) return self.report_plot( title=self._normalize_name(title), series=self._normalize_name(series), plot=plotly_dict, iter=iter, ) def report_3d_scatter(self, title, series, data, iter, labels=None, mode='lines', color=((217, 217, 217, 0.14),), marker_size=5, line_width=0.8, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, ztitle=None, fill=None, comment=None): """ Report a 3d scatter graph (with markers) :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param data: A scattered data: pairs of x,y,z as rows in a numpy array. or list of numpy arrays :type data: ndarray. :param iter: Iteration number :type iter: int :param labels: label (text) per point in the scatter (in the same order) :type labels: str :param mode: (type str) 'lines'/'markers'/'lines+markers' :param color: list of RGBA colors [(217, 217, 217, 0.14),] :param marker_size: marker size in px :param line_width: line width in px :param xtitle: optional x-axis title :param ytitle: optional y-axis title :param ztitle: optional z-axis title :param comment: comment underneath the title """ data_series = data if isinstance(data, list) else [data] def get_labels(i): if labels and isinstance(labels, list): try: item = labels[i] except IndexError: item = labels[-1] if isinstance(item, list): return item return labels plotly_obj = plotly_scatter3d_layout_dict( title=title, xaxis_title=xtitle, yaxis_title=ytitle, zaxis_title=ztitle, comment=comment, ) for i, values in enumerate(data_series): plotly_obj = create_3d_scatter_series( np_row_wise=values, title=title, series_name=series[i] if isinstance(series, list) else None, labels=get_labels(i), plotly_obj=plotly_obj, mode=mode, line_width=line_width, marker_size=marker_size, color=color, fill_axis=fill, ) return self.report_plot( title=self._normalize_name(title), series=self._normalize_name(series) if not isinstance(series, list) else None, plot=plotly_obj, iter=iter, ) def report_value_matrix(self, title, series, data, iter, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, comment=None): """ Report a heat-map matrix :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param data: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix) :type data: ndarray :param iter: Iteration number :type iter: int :param xlabels: optional label per column of the matrix :param ylabels: optional label per row of the matrix :param comment: comment underneath the title """ plotly_dict = create_value_matrix( np_value_matrix=data, title=title, xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels, series=series, comment=comment, ) return self.report_plot( title=self._normalize_name(title), series=self._normalize_name(series), plot=plotly_dict, iter=iter, ) def report_value_surface(self, title, series, data, iter, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, ztitle=None, camera=None, comment=None): """ Report a 3d surface (same data as heat-map matrix, only presented differently) :param title: Title (AKA metric) :type title: str :param series: Series (AKA variant) :type series: str :param data: A heat-map matrix (example: confusion matrix) :type data: ndarray :param iter: Iteration number :type iter: int :param xlabels: optional label per column of the matrix :param ylabels: optional label per row of the matrix :param xtitle: optional x-axis title :param ytitle: optional y-axis title :param ztitle: optional z-axis title :param camera: X,Y,Z camera position. def: (1,1,1) :param comment: comment underneath the title """ plotly_dict = create_3d_surface( np_value_matrix=data, title=title + '/' + series, xlabels=xlabels, ylabels=ylabels, series=series, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, ztitle=ztitle, camera=camera, comment=comment, ) return self.report_plot( title=self._normalize_name(title), series=self._normalize_name(series), plot=plotly_dict, iter=iter, ) @classmethod def _normalize_name(cls, name): if not name: return name return name.replace('$', '/').replace('.', '/') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # don't flush in case an exception was raised if not exc_type: self.flush()