""" This service will delete archived experiments and their accompanying debug samples, artifacts and models older than 30 days. You can configure the run by changing the `args` dictionary: - delete_threshold_days (float): The earliest day for cleanup. Only tasks older to this will be deleted. Default: 30. - cleanup_period_in_days (float): The time period between cleanups. Default: 1. - run_as_service (bool): The script will be execute remotely (Default queue: "services"). Default: True. - force_delete (bool): Allows forcing the task deletion (for every task status). Default: False. Requirements: - clearml_agent installed -> pip install clearml-agent """ import logging import os from datetime import datetime from glob import glob from shutil import rmtree from time import sleep, time from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient from clearml import Task # Connecting ClearML task = Task.init( project_name="DevOps", task_name="Cleanup Service", task_type=Task.TaskTypes.service, reuse_last_task_id=False, ) # set the base docker including the mount point for the file server data data file_server_mount = "/opt/trains/data/fileserver/" task.set_base_docker( "ubuntu:18.04 -v /opt/trains/data/fileserver/:{}".format(file_server_mount) ) # args for the running task args = { "delete_threshold_days": 30.0, "cleanup_period_in_days": 1.0, "run_as_service": True, "force_delete": False, } args = task.connect(args) # if we are running as a service, just enqueue ourselves into the services queue and let it run the optimization if args["run_as_service"] and task.running_locally(): verify = input('Stop local execution and execute remotely [y]/n ?').strip().lower() args["run_as_service"] = not verify or verify.startswith('y') if args["run_as_service"]: # if this code is executed by `clearml-agent` the function call does nothing. # if executed locally, the local process will be terminated, and a remote copy will be executed instead task.execute_remotely(queue_name="services", exit_process=True) print("Cleanup service started") while True: print("Starting cleanup") client = APIClient() # anything that has not changed in the last month timestamp = time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * args["delete_threshold_days"] page = 0 page_size = 100 tasks = None while tasks is None or len(tasks) == page_size: tasks = client.tasks.get_all( system_tags=["archived"], only_fields=["id"], order_by=["-last_update"], page_size=page_size, page=page, status_changed=["<{}".format(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp))], ) page += 1 # delete and cleanup tasks for task in tasks: # noinspection PyBroadException try: # try delete task frm system client.tasks.delete(task=task.id, force=args["force_delete"]) # if we succeeded, delete the task output content task_folders = glob( os.path.join(file_server_mount, "*/*.{}/".format(task.id)) ) for folder in task_folders: print("Deleting Task id={} data folder {}".format(task.id, folder)) # noinspection PyBroadException try: rmtree(folder) except Exception: logging.warning("Failed removing folder {}".format(folder)) except Exception as ex: logging.warning( "Could not delete Task ID={}, {}".format( task.id, ex.message if hasattr(ex, "message") else ex ) ) continue # sleep until the next day print("going to sleep for {} days".format(args["cleanup_period_in_days"])) sleep(60 * 60 * 24.0 * args["cleanup_period_in_days"])